Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 523 Three Kings Meeting? N king meeting!

"Then, let's start the combat meeting."

In Kassel the fighting was over.

With the simultaneous summons of hundreds of heroic spirits, this battlefield can basically be said to have completely settled.

Not to mention bringing a few Heroic Spirit puppets here to cause trouble, even if they fly over with Odin's Hall of Heroes, they will only end up in a stalemate with each other, and it is impossible to defeat this army.

The simultaneous summoning of hundreds of heroic spirits was so exaggerated.

Yes, there are hundreds of heroic spirits arriving in Kassel this time!

This is simply a fantasy.

After all, Chaldea used to use nuclear power plants as units for energy supply and circulation, and this was only to 'maintain the mobility of heroic spirits'. In fact, it was impossible to send all heroic spirits to fight in each mission, and the maximum support was less than five. people.

And this exaggerated summons of a hundred people is entirely because——

"It is Norton's handiwork. Whether it is creating an alchemical structure with an almost self-circulating efficiency close to a perpetual motion machine, or the final energy load, he is responsible for it."

The conference table in Kassel, the room usually used for meetings with the school board, is more spacious than before. The school board was squeezed out of this room, leaving Angers and the Kassel College. new guests.

Leonardo da Vinci was in charge of presiding over the meeting, and Angers, as Cassel and the docking manager of Earth-2, had a dialogue with the heroic spirits at this big table.

Most of the heroic spirits did not attend the meeting. Although their spiritual bodies allowed them to squeeze into this small room, unfortunately, most heroic spirits did not like meetings.

Those who stay here are all beings who can 'communicate'.

Anger thought to himself, these are all great people.

"I see~ Such a spell structure is really incredible!"

For example, in front of him at this moment, a man suspected to be Qin Shihuang was using a high-end electronic screen to tinker with the aerial view of the college. Since entering the conference room, the man had borrowed Da Vinci's tablet and had been carefully checking Norton's participation. The designed Heroic Spirit Summoning Matrix.

Although it is said that there is an element of spontaneous summoning of heroic spirits, the summoning of a hundred people is an extremely outrageous miracle.

The meteor showers that were once extremely common were only possible with the help of human restraint.

Now it relies entirely on technology and Fujimaru Ritsuka's relationship with the heroic spirits.

It was too strong. Qin Shihuang's eyes were shining, and he was doing quantum reading as if he were appreciating art works in the Louvre.

"This is Rome too!"

Regarding Qin Shihuang's emotion, a dark-skinned handsome man with quite good looks made this comment.

Although he looked like an unknown handsome man, Angers knew that the man's true identity was Romulus, the son of the military god Mars and the beautiful princess Silvia, who eventually laid the foundation of the great Rome.

"Hmph, but then again," Ozymandias, or Ramses II, held his face and also crossed his legs while flipping through the tablet in his hand.

Unlike Qin Shihuang, who seemed to be very interested in modern technology, the pharaoh was simply looking at the text on the tablet.

That was a girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka, everything from the birth of this world to the present.

"Regaining life as a human being, and then working hard to this day in a world with no leftovers. Haha! Extremely arrogant! As a magician who can stand side by side with the Pharaoh, what she does is quite worthy of her status!"

Ozymandias raised his head and laughed, covering half of his face with his hands. His sun-like eyes were the most noble red gold in this mixed-race world. The moment he raised his head and laughed, that wave of The pressure was so heavy that it was impossible to breathe.

Next to him, a blond woman wearing a knight's uniform and with what could almost be called an "explosive figure" sighed with her face raised. She shook her head slightly, as if she did not approve of the Pharaoh's words.

Different from the pharaoh's sun-like temperament, that woman is more like the embodiment of the word "knight", and the rose green color in her heroic eyes is calm and calm.

In addition, there are various existences on this round table.

A wild emperor who looks as strong as a mountain and wears a red robe.

The demonic empress closed her eyes and remained silent, covering her cheeks with a dark veil.

Wearing a purple dress, embellished with rose red, she looks like a burgundy woman with a warrior vibe.

Angers looked at the round table that was originally used to host the school board meeting, and suddenly felt that this room and this table had endured an unbearable weight for its life.


【Emperor Qin Shihuang】


【Artoria Pandoragon】


in this room.

Undoubtedly, all of them are kings who once existed in this world!

Only those who are in charge of everything are qualified to come to this room. What gives them the threshold is not the school board meeting room, nor Angers, but each other.

Only each other is qualified for them to come down and talk.


If you must give this meeting a name.

Simply the largest United Nations meeting in the history of the planet!

After entering the conference room, the person who reached the center of the conference room without saying a word was undoubtedly the most arrogant man in the group——

"Hey, Taiyang, who said Fujimaru is yours?"

Gilgamesh, who was just wearing the golden armor as always, hugging his chest and closing his eyes to relax, suddenly opened his eyes.

When he said these words, several other kings were instantly revealed.

[Ah, it’s begun. 】

Such an expression.

As expected, the Pharaoh immediately raised his eyebrows and said.

"Ha! For gold, ministers also have priorities. Haven't you heard this sentence?"

"Huhahahahahahahahaha!!!" King Gilgamesh, holding his chest, looked up to the sky and laughed, letting out what could be called a harsh laugh, "It's such a pleasant topic, so if you say it like this, there is no doubt that it has Being clairvoyant, I recognized the existence of Fujimaru Ritsuka first."

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Pharaoh also laughed with a hearty smile.

"Wrong! As the Pharaoh, I am omnipotent! Everything in the world must belong to my hands! Fujimaru Ritsuka has been in control from the moment this concept was born!"

"It's ridiculous! Then I have already appointed this useless minister before she was born! The whole world is royal land! Even a man like you can't steal my property!"

"Ha! Huhahahahahahaha!!!"


The two looked at each other and started laughing.

You laugh at me.

I laugh at you.

It seems that most of them feel that they have won.

No, what exactly did you win?

Angers watched this scene in silence, placing his hands on the table, slightly restrained.

To be honest, he is not afraid of these so-called human kings. Although he respects them in his heart, it is only limited to respect. After living for more than a hundred years, he will not be speechless when meeting people.

It's just because the other party is Fujimaru Ritsuka's friend, and as an elder, I'm probably like...

My granddaughter brought back a friend of the same age who looked very stinky, and she felt like she couldn't even scold her.


I originally thought that this feeling would never happen to me again.

Ange, who had untied the knot in his heart and became more active for some reason, looked at this scene with a myriad of thoughts in his mind.


Suddenly, the noise in this conference room was interrupted.

Angers immediately turned his head and looked at the queen who was holding her head with her slender white fingers and looking around with a look of disdain.

He knew the other person's real name.

Morgan le Fey is said to be an empress who founded a country called the Fairy Kingdom of Britain in a world different from the normal world line, with its capital in Camelot, and ruled as queen for 2000 years. .

Two thousand years.

There is no doubt that the other party must be a thoughtful person with a calm heart.

"With all due respect, there are more important things to discuss now, right?" the Queen said helplessly.

As soon as he saw Morgan speaking, the blond knight king with an explosive figure immediately raised his head, and his eyes changed from casual to sharp.


After all, she is Sister Wang.

There will definitely be some great discussion!

And sure enough, Morgan Le Fey kept his expression of "I really can't do anything to you" and frowned slightly. I shook my head slightly in pity and said this.

"Just now, my wife's clothing summons was taken away, right? Although I don't know who it was, it is my wife's personal belongings. I hope you won't get entangled in it."

The Queen pointed and said seriously.

Spread your hands, revealing your tender white palms, and straighten your back.

"How about don't make me bother."

"Hmph, just a witch."

There was a snort that was three parts cold and arrogant, one part rebellious and one part fierce. Gilgamesh squinted his eyes, his eyes became increasingly dangerous, and his voice was hoarse.

"——That's quite right."

He affirmed, knocking on the table.

"Although it is just an insignificant treasure, it belongs to me and needs to be recovered." Gilgamesh raised his head and waved to everyone.

"Return the clothes immediately and do not continue to challenge the king's tolerance."


The kings suddenly fell into silence, and no one spoke.

"Hey, even if you say that-"

Seeing that no one was willing to speak, Iskandar, who had a rough and arrogant personality, took the lead in scratching his head and speaking.

"I have no interest in the Master's clothes, and I don't have any inherent skills in stealing or space replacement. Skip me."

"Similarly, there is no information, so skip it." The female King Arthur said calmly.

"It doesn't feel good to take someone's clothes or something. I'll skip it too." The male King Arthur scratched his face and said with a wry smile.

"What have you been talking about since just now?" King Arthur, a girl who didn't keep up with the rhythm at all, asked with a frown.

Huh, so talking about knights is pedantic!

The other kings couldn't help but snort, thinking to themselves.

Moral standards are too high.


"No information? To be honest, I have the clairvoyance to understand all things. I need to point out that among the people present, there is a huge suspicion of someone." Gilgamesh leaned back in his chair slightly and said calmly.

"Haha, what a coincidence, I also have the wisdom to know the truth of the world." La Er nodded and looked at each other.

There was unspoken joy in the eyes of both parties.

Angers shook his head slightly and thought to himself.

A jumping prophet, right? ()

And just when the war is about to escalate further——


"Okay, okay, everyone, let's stop the farce."

Putting an end to the discordant tit-for-tat confrontation among the servants, the rare saint, Miss Jeanne d'Arc, took the initiative to stand up.

At this time, on this round table, the only girl is not a king or a monarch.

As the spokesperson, ambassador, and mediator of Chaldea, Joan of Arc maintains a relatively mild relationship with almost all heroic spirits.

Therefore, in such an occasion, she is also responsible for managing these heroic spirits like problem children to prevent them from fighting among themselves and blowing up the house before they turn into vanguard soldiers who destroy everything.

"Please stop looking for criminals! Stop worrying about the minutiae and let us discuss the main points of this meeting."

Joan of Arc said with a clear face.

"That is, the crusade against the enemy of this world - [Norse God King Odin], and"

The saint's voice paused slightly, her expression flashed with confusion, but she finally spoke.

"In this battle, there is a possibility that we will fight against our master, Fujimaru Ritsuka."

At that moment, the whole place was silent.

Everyone was immediately serious, even Leonardo da Vinci.


Even if you suddenly talk about such a serious topic.

She moved her eyes sideways and looked at Jeanne beside her.

And she stuffed it near her belly button, in the gap in her armor——

Half of the white coat is exposed.

da Vinci:

The Fujimaru Ritsuka in this book is a genuine succubus. You can tell from the character design I changed. He is different from Rika who passively defends and counterattacks in the original work. He resists counterattacks in the early stage and is a critical striker with the Six Gods in the later stage.

Full of bonds with all heroic spirits is just the starting point!

The image of the heroic spirit is closer to the second-generation style (that is, a bit exaggerated in favor of Fujimaru Ritsuka, ml)

Then, it’s time to give Cassel a little heroic shock (cross out)

It’s time to give the heroic spirit a little Ritsuka shock! (angry)

I used to be delicate and frail, but now I am violent and powerful! ! !

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