【Enemies with Fujimaru Ritsuka】?

When Joan mentioned this possibility, all the heroic spirits, including herself, changed their expressions almost at the same time.


The glass window suddenly shattered, and the broken particles fell to the edge of the window sill. A low buzzing roar sounded in the building, as if there was geological subsidence, and some terrifying existence was about to wake up from the endless dust.

There is no doubt that all these changes are only due to the psychological fluctuations of these dozen heroic spirits in an instant.

"You said Fujimaru would be our enemy?"

A woman - King Arthur with a relatively good figure was the first to ask the question. As a symbol of victory and glory, King Arthur has also continuously cultivated his character and character in the long process of national governance, and gradually transformed into a mature king as steady as wood and stone.

Because the summoned heroic spirit is the silhouette of a certain fragment, this spear-wielding King Arthur is unexpectedly the most intellectual, calm and composed among this group of kings.

"I don't think this is possible." She slowly expressed her opinion.

"The reason why we are able to come to this world is because everyone here has a fate with Fujimaru. As the heroic spirits who have always been by her side, there is no one who understands her character better than us."

"Heroic spirits are the way to save the world, and Fujimaru Ritsuka will never stand on our side under any circumstances."

The heroic spirit King Arthur said so definitely.

"What's the reason?"

The speaker was a peerless beauty who exuded a certain decadent atmosphere. As the world's oldest poisoner, Semiramis was also a legendary queen in Assyrian history.

Unlike those perverts who were greedy for Fujimaru Ritsuka, Semiramis considered herself a normal person, and all she had for her Master was praise and pampering for outstanding beings.

Not a pervert.

So she was quite pleased to see someone finally speaking out a legitimate opinion. She held her long black hair like a waterfall with her fingertips and asked with interest.

So King Arthur, the hairy spear-headed man, nodded heavily and gave the reason.

"Her name is Fujimaru Ritsuka."

Tsk, you are such a brainless brat. Semiramis stopped rubbing her long hair with her fingers, and the corners of her mouth twitched.


That's quite right.

"Indeed, no matter how you think about it, you can't imagine Fujimaru Ritsuka being against us. In the final analysis, even if we don't discuss the content of salvation, I can't even imagine Fujimaru Ritsuka being violent to us." Tsunami. King Arthur also nodded in agreement. "Although it's a bit strange to me, that person's attitude towards us is a little too good."


The remaining kings did not refute the arguments of the two King Arthurs, and it seemed that they acquiesced to this statement.

As Fujimaru Ritsuka said, she is a straightforward person who faces emotions.

If you like it, you like it; if you dislike it, you dislike it.

If you say "I like you" to someone you cherish, she won't blush. She has a real big heart and a thick skin. With her high bond, her daily conversations with heroic spirits are basically a series of blows. With cleave, knife critical strike.

Everyone can see that Fujimaru Ritsuka basically loves the heroic spirits more and more.


She is usually only responsible for breaking up fights, and when the fight fails, she is taken back to warm the bed by the angry heroic spirits.


"Unfortunately, this time it might be true."

Da Vinci interrupted everyone's silence.

After noticing that everyone was focusing on her, Da Vinci showed a satisfied smile, slowly stood up from his seat, and raised his hand.


【Accepted. 】

The artificial intelligence lady who would respond to a gentle call responded gently. Immediately, under Qin Shihuang's very interested gaze, the entire conference room was enveloped in darkness for a moment, and then flashed with blue fluorescent light surrounding the room the next moment.

The moment the loading was completed, the electronic screens in the entire room began to show the same information.

[The influence of spiritual oracles on mental strength and soul quality]

[Experimental report on inverters]

【Object Study of Fujimaru Ritsuka's Abandoned Hole】

[Analysis record of semi-awakened persons]

The information here is so dense that it can trigger trypophobia in an instant. The people here are all kings who handle tons of government affairs. Even King Arthur, who has a relatively low level of education, can keep up and probably understand what's inside. content.

Oh, Joan of Arc does not count ()

"What is recorded here is everything about Fujimaru Ritsuka himself."

"I've noticed the abandoned hole in Fujimaru Ritsuka's body a long time ago - ah, I don't need to show that horrified expression, this concept can already be mentioned."

As mentioned before, the abandoned hole is essentially "an existence that cannot be mentioned" because it is too terrifying and absurd. Its mere existence may destroy the world and Fujimaru Ritsuka, and mentioning it will make Such an existence is 'certain', so most of the time it is handled secretly by heroic spirits like the earl.

It's probably similar to the observer effect. As long as you see it and recognize it, that thing will not change. The fact that Fujimaru Ritsuka has a waste hole will instantly backfire on the girl.

Therefore, beings like Gilgamesh who have the ability to detect the truth of all things will basically not take the initiative to tell Fujimaru Ritsuka to abandon the hole, but will observe in secret, and even deliberately avoid the topic.


"While you were away, I noticed the Word Spirit Oracle. The super power awakened by Fujimaru Ritsuka in this world. Its existence will make Ritsuka's spirit become more and more settled, and eventually reach the inhuman realm, reaching the The realm of [self-observation].”

"Unfortunately, even though I repeatedly warned Fujimaru Ritsuka not to overuse his powers, as you all know, it was Fujimaru Ritsuka, so he naturally did it without hesitation."

"Eventually, after this and that—"

The videos in the conference room passed quickly, as if they didn't want people to see anything in them.

Da Vinci deliberately skipped the photo of Fujimaru Ritsuka who was once deep in death, fearing that these heroic spirits would blow up the conference room out of anger. Although the heroic spirits present frowned and seemed to realize something, they did not speak.

In the end, the scene was fixed on Fujimaru Ritsuka, half-body covered in blood, with a hideous face and a flushed face as if he was extremely high, tearing Norton's imaginary number space into pieces with a knife and returning to the planet.

Her posture was relaxed and she was covered in blood, but her radiating smile was something no Heroic Spirit had ever seen before.


Oh no, I wanted to say, ‘What’s wrong with Ritsuka?’.

"This was during a relatively dangerous battle. Fujimaru was stimulated by various things, and finally reached the limit of self-observation. He recognized the existence of the abandoned hole, and at the same time completed the transformation of a semi-awakened person, and at the same time achieved [ Fixing the abandoned hole] [Facing the abandoned hole], two almost terrifying feats." Da Vinci then explained.

And the heroic spirits tried to understand.

After a while, a conclusion was drawn.

Anyway, is everything okay?

"No, that's not the case."

As if he guessed what the people present were thinking, Da Vinci shook his head and denied.

"Abandoned holes are just allowed to be recognized, but it does not mean that the problem is solved."

"As a semi-awakened person, Fujimaru Ritsuka still needs to process and suppress this thing by herself every moment. In a sense, she is even more tired than before when she had no awareness."

"Of course, because she is so powerful, this time bomb should have turned into a dud. Until——"

The screen changes again.

But this time, what appeared was not a photo of Fujimaru Ritsuka, but a mission summary about Operation Ice Sea.

Because during this operation, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not leave any audio and video materials.

But the heroic spirits still captured the key words from the text.

[Additional evil attributes]



King Arthur was the first to react to this word. After all, practice makes perfect. She almost immediately subconsciously looked at herself, who was also sitting at the round table, with pure white hair and a cold face.

No, it's different.

The reason why Leonardo da Vinci emphasized the [abandoned hole] so much was naturally to prove it.

Fujimaru's situation is far more special than his own.

"Even the most normal alter transformation may lead to a originally docile servant to kill his master and do anything to achieve his goal. After all, the literal meaning of alter is [reversal]."

"Then, if we say that people who are transformed are the furthest thing from normal existence."

"Then what you have to face is Fujimaru Ritsuka - the opposite of this pure and good existence."

Don't do anything good - don't do any evil?

"And such a being also has the [reason] of a semi-awakened person. Referring to the example of King Arthur - alter Fujimaru Ritsuka, more than 90% will have the character of a tyrant who 'does whatever it takes to achieve the goal.' If that is the case, She might agree to Odin's plan and become our enemy."

"To be more precise, she will kill Odin first, and then inherit Odin's efficient plan. She will not care about humanistic ethics at all, and complete the sublimation of all mankind."

There is no doubt that this long series of speeches made all the servants fall silent.

There is no other reason.

It's just impossible to imagine.

Simply because I have never thought about this possibility.

When they were summoned, what they expected was to be able to tear through the darkness at the moment of despair, appear as a being to protect the girl, and block all disasters for her.

But now.

Going to war with Fujimaru Ritsuka?

That kind of thing——


Suddenly, familiar laughter rang out in the conference room.

As expected, Wang Zheng, who only saw gold, burst out laughing in an inelegant manner.

And the reason for laughing is——

"Isn't this a very interesting sideshow!" Gilgamesh covered his face with one hand and his abdominal muscles with the other and praised loudly, as if he saw a capable minister offering him a satisfying treasure.

"The princess who was supposed to be protected by my king has become the enemy's general?"

"Huhuhahahahaha!!!! This is also a kind of fun! I think when that guy Fujimaru leaves the so-called reverse state, he will definitely be made red-faced by his own gaffe! This is something that has to be appreciated Excellent!"


Gilgamesh put down the hand covering his face, and a trace of genuine hostility suddenly flashed across his handsome and arrogant face, sweeping across everyone present.

"You are not allowed to take action."

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, let me hunt with my own hands."

Angers turned around sharply.

I am super

Is this so confident? (surprised)

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