Although it is strange to mention this now, in general - heroic spirits are a kind of arrogant 'creatures'.

After all, without exception, they are all legends who have left their names in human history, and have achieved achievements that are beyond the reach of human beings. Even the most ordinary heroic spirits have "invented something that will affect future generations" and "subtle changes" It has achieved this level of historical process speed.

And this is enough to create a huge gap between them and ordinary people.

If they are heroic spirits from the age of gods, they are at a higher level of life, and their thinking patterns are different from those of normal people.

Therefore, in a regular Holy Grail War, it is necessary to design [Command Seals] as a law to bind heroic spirits.

But so be it.

There is a saying that Chaldea's command spell has never had such an effect.

In addition to the fact that Chaldea's command spells are different from normal command spells in principle, it also has something to do with the master style of their master, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

For her, command spells are basically used to assist and enhance heroic spirits in battle.

In the relationship between herself and the heroic spirits, she even puts her own position lower, so the use of command spells can be said to be even more bizarre.

In addition, Chaldea's journey is generally a 'battle of salvation', at least on the surface, so the servants will be more or less easy to talk to. Finally, with the magical charm of the girl, it seems to be vaguely produced. Got——

[The heroic spirits of Chaldea have some comic attributes and are all good people].

But now, this boring illusion has been torn apart.

They are all heroes and heroes.

The indulgence towards Fujimaru Ritsuka is based on the premise that the girl maintains her pure and innocent posture.

But if she also falls -

【Save her】

【it's me! 】*N

At that moment, the war started.

The seemingly lazy empress.

The seemingly gentle and mellow-next-door brother Feng Wangzhe.

A heroic conqueror.

The proud Pharaoh.

Almost all beings had a sharp light flashing from the depths of their eyes at that moment.

As Gilgamesh said.

[Who can defeat such Fujimaru Ritsuka with his own hands] - [Get Fujimaru Ritsuka's gratitude and touching] - [Get the honor of being the first person to meet the regular Fujimaru Ritsuka again'] - [Get the opponent's shameful blush Take a photo]——[Get a handle on Fujimaru Ritsuka]

Damn it! So cool!

The already shattered glass in the conference room cracked into even narrower cracks, and this time, it was because of the undisguised excitement and ecstasy among the kings.

Of course, as aboriginals of the 'Dragon World', neither Angers nor Leonardo Da Vinci can honestly understand it.

It's not that I don't understand why they are so excited.


[Do they really think this is a hunting war? 】

Angers looked around dumbfounded, trying to find a normal person with a calm expression, but in the end he had to look back at Leonardo da Vinci. His expression was tangled, and he finally approached and asked.

"Are these heroic spirits so powerful?"

The Almighty squinted and was silent for a moment.

"Um, let's compare your strength with Angers. You who just appeared in Fuzhou will be defeated by anyone here. Although you can take a detour for a while, you will undoubtedly lose in the end."

"Oh!" Ange was delighted.

"As Angers in Operation Tokyo Sea, you can fight fiercely here and win a place."

"Huh?" Angers found something inconsistent.

"As you are now, I think you should be no worse than most kings. If you include the dragon-slaying spirit with your new contract, in this world, in terms of threats to dragons, you are also at the top among these people. .”


Angers opened his mouth but said nothing.

He retracted his neck and kept a low and weak voice as he wondered to himself.


If the strength of this group of people is no better than my current self,

[Where do they get the confidence to defeat Fujimaru? 】

Are you serious?

"Although it doesn't feel like it, these guys don't care about the improvement of Fujimaru Ritsuka's personal strength at all, right?" Ange murmured in disbelief.

"It's not like I don't take it to heart at all." Da Vinci scratched his face, "But the first impression cannot be easily changed. Even in that world, Fujimaru Ritsuka once showed strength that surpassed them, but like Even a proud king like Gilgamesh will still maintain the subconscious mind that "Fujimaru Ritsuka, as the Master, is the weak one who should be protected by us."


"No, don't worry about them."

Da Vinci interrupted Angers worries and changed the subject.

"Heroic spirits are the ones who create miracles. In fact, I don't know what Fujimaru's current situation is and what the ability values ​​obtained by the heroic spirits during this summons are. Maybe we are all just worrying in vain."

The implementer of this heroic spirit summoning was Leonardo da Vinci, but most of the operational elements were handed over to Norton, the king of alchemy.

It is equivalent to a summons from the god who is most familiar with the summoning array in the world.

The status of the spiritual base is countless times higher than that of the regular Holy Grail War.

She was not sure how strong the heroic spirit was now.

Just relax.

"Well - now that we have decided on the policy of 'it doesn't matter even if Fujimaru Ritsuka is on the other side', let's start talking about the details."

Da Vinci gave Joan of Arc a look beside him, and the blond village girl understood, stood up and spoke loudly, once again suppressing the hearts of the heroic spirits that were ready to move.

"The mission objectives, including the strategy/rescue for Fujimaru Ritsuka, are divided into three points in total."

Along with Joan of Arc's narration, the electronic screen in the conference room also switched screens.

[Mission 1: Rescue the trapped Kassel students]

【Fujimaru Ritsuka】

【Caesar Gattuso】

【Chen Motong】

The heroic spirits looked at the photos that appeared on the screen. In addition to the familiar girl, there were also two unfamiliar faces.

But the information was placed aside.

"The heir to the Gattuso family, the world's largest magic family, and the flask villain who holds the truth?"

"Ignoring the latter, the disappearance of the former is too strange, and is not qualified as a hostage."

The heroic spirits raised doubts, and Da Vinci nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, so I think that the reason why the other party took Caesar away was not as a hostage, but related to other elements." Da Vinci pointed at the blond boy in the photo, "Considering the existence of Chen Motong, Caesar may be a similar being, a being who was assigned a certain 'mission' at birth."

"The Gattuso family calls him a once-in-a-thousand-year emperor. But now, with the development of events, Pompeii Gattuso has been suspected to be the representative of the King of Sky and Wind - or himself."

Angers nodded silently, although he had never told Frost, the actual agent of the Gattuso family, about this matter.

One is because he is afraid that the other party, as a huge family that controls the lifeblood of the world's economy, will suddenly turn against him, and the other is because Frost was also a dragon slayer when he was young, an honest top student, and Angers' impression of him is really hard to find. Doubtful.

Ahem, even though he and Pompeii have been friends for hundreds of years, they still haven't discovered each other's true nature.

All in all, Frost looks like he doesn't know anything, which makes people suspicious.

[With Odin's cautious to morbid character, it is impossible to inform such a person of his identity as the Dragon King. 】

He will only stand for absolute safety.

"It's boring. I'll leave those guys to you. I will only attack Fujimaru Ritsuka."

Before Angers could sort out the chaos in his thoughts, Gilgamesh expressed his attitude first.

The golden king seemed to have lost interest after confirming the task of [Hunting Fujimaru Ritsuka], and his remarks just now directly showed his presumptuous behavior.

Immediately, he turned into golden dust particles and disappeared.


This man didn't even pretend and just ran away!

This way of going his own way really makes other heroic spirits angry.

after all--

"Golden guy, I really can't sit still~ But I'm not interested in goals other than Fujimaru Ritsuka. You can go work hard to complete these trivial tasks~"

La Er let out his classic laugh - and then slipped away.

Then, after a few seconds of silence.

The spirit-like particles wandered and withered, and the entire conference room suddenly became empty.

The heroic spirit's departure was even faster than the first impression of the female guest on If You Are the One's dating show.


You guys, can you give me, the representative of the aboriginal people in this world, some face?

However, although the man's behavior was rude and unkind, in any case, the heroic spirits gathered here because of their relationship with Fujimaru Ritsuka, and they were not originally here to save the world.

That is to say, after a noble being like King Arthur thought about it for a while, he still chose to stay - oh, I mean the few who have not darkened.

Not many left.

"Okay, let's treat everything that disappeared over there and put it into the 'Battle against Fujimaru Ritsuka', and the rest will be distributed among us."

Da Vinci suggested with an awkward yet polite smile.

Immediately, the page switched.


【Group A】


【Hall of Valor】

"The opponent's fighting strength is even more powerful than imagined." Jeanne put her hands on her knees and sighed.

"Especially the Hall of Heroes. Although it only has the physical body of the heroic spirit, if Odin is really willing to delegate power and let each heroic spirit be assigned a master to control, it will really be equivalent to hundreds of real heroic spirits. It’s coming.”

"God knows if that guy will do this~ Figure Controller doesn't like others touching his things." Leonardo da Vinci complained.

"But it is true that even if the summoning of heroic spirits is completed here, we should be conservative." Ange's assistant analyzed, "A hundred heroic spirits, 90% of them, are all thrown into the battlefield with Fujimaru Ritsuka. We still don't seem to have enough to deal with the remaining ones. The people below."

"Ah, so actually the best choice is to put only 10% of the high-end combat power of the summoned heroic spirits into the battlefield with Fujimaru Ritsuka, and use the rest to deal with the Hall of Valkyries. The Valkyrie will be given full power to Kasai You, the Executive Directorate, and the other troops from the Dragon Slaying Family will handle it."

"And to defeat Odin, or in other words, to back up all combat power, at least three more trump cards are needed."

Angers pointed his finger at the table, thinking about the answer.

"I can bring over Uesugoshi and the Japanese hybrid forces, and Uesugoshi's mission when he deviated from the route on his return trip was to go to the Arctic border to bring Norton back."

"Although it was not my original intention, if I activate the King of Bronze and Fire, the gap in combat power will basically be smoothed out."

The words are astonishing.

Da Vinci cast a vague glance at Angers and found that the old man who hated dragons so much that he punished himself in such a way to temper himself actually said 'borrow the Dragon King's ability'.

It doesn't mean giving up hatred.

But I finally intend to let go of those chains of self-torture.

if it is like this.

"Well, I also have contact information for Dragon King level combat power here."

Da Vinci suddenly raised his hand and said.

Facing everyone's surprised gazes, Da Vinci said with a smile.

"Super strong."

Xia Mi Highlights.

I've been waiting for this for a long time!

It’s time to prove my worth as a fan of Xia Mi for ten years!

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