Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 526 Jormungandr: Received

Hello, my name is Jormungandr, and I am a loser.

If possible, Jormungandr really didn't want to start introducing himself with this opening statement.


But ah.

"There's nothing wrong with giving me a stage to perform, right?"

On the roof of a residential building in Fuzhou, Ms. Long Wang was looking at the distant horizon. The smooth water lines connected to the street lights of the viaduct lined up in a line, like a wall dividing the world.

There is no sea of ​​stars in the city. Human sparks have buried the ancient romance, leaving behind cold lights.

However, matter does not have warmth or coldness in an emotional sense. How to view human cities will have completely different ideas depending on the emotional color at the time.

When Jormungandr first saw this era, he had a feeling of "examination".

After walking for thousands of years, she thought she had become accustomed to the speed of human progress.

But until she completely missed the industrial revolution, she woke up after arriving in modern times, walking on the street and saw a beautiful girl on the electronic screen playing an underwear advertisement with a sweet smile.

Holy shit.

Watching lingerie live? Play so big!

This was not what you did hundreds of years ago!

Here’s the gift!

Rituals and music are broken!

For Jörmungandr, the extremely short time seemed extremely eye-catching at that moment. She thought that she had not slept for hundreds of years, but had a few more dreams while sleeping and stayed in bed for a few days. millennium.

Dragons are extremely lonely creatures.

They cannot rely on their own kind. This is something engraved in their genes.

And they will eventually fight each other, just like objects with large mass attract others. There is a strict hierarchy in the dragon clan, but the four dragon kings who are similar to [power] will subconsciously want to devour each other and become emperors.

Jormungandr is no exception.

She is greedy for money.

She's horny.

She aspires to become the empress of the ages.

These were unabashed desires that Jormungandr never denied.

It’s just that it hasn’t reached the level of ‘obsession’.

Compared with those things, she gradually found that she cared more about Fenrir and wanted to obtain simple and accessible 'pleasure'.

She wants warmth.

The dragons are unwilling to admit their loneliness until they are tortured to the limit, both physically and mentally.

The comrades of the past gradually passed away, and the world became stranger and stranger. In the end, except for Fenrir, he had no evidence to prove that he was still himself.

What a terrifying reality that must be.

No life can be alone forever.

That is a pain that cannot be tolerated by an 'intellectual' being.

That's why she couldn't help but reach out and get closer to the existence named Fujimaru Ritsuka, allowing humble humans to trample on her dignity again and again.

Until now.

"Although it is because of my stance that I have been kept on standby, isn't it too outrageous?"

"In the final analysis, it's all because that guy Fujimaru Ritsuka became too strong for humans, right? If it were the Hilbert Jean Ange from before, I could handle it with one hand. No, wait, I can do it now."

"In short, if you don't care about the so-called common development, I must be the only one who can stand beside Fujimaru Ritsuka, right?"

Say something.

One more sentence.

Talk on and on.

For some reason, the female Dragon King, who looked a little different from the previous one, looked at the sky and the distance with sluggish eyes, constantly talking to the 'air'.

How should I put it, that scene was not so much aloof.

Rather, it's scary.

Fortunately, Jörmungandr quickly proved that he had no mental problems.

"Fenrir, you think so?"

Miss Dragon King chanted her brother's name mechanically.

Fenrir also responded accordingly.

"I think Sister You is a bit extreme."

A certain dragon king responded in a weak manner. Because he was talking to his sister through a spiritual link, Fenrir spoke with a little more confidence than usual. As the years passed, this dragon king became more and more dare to complain about his twin. .

What? Is it weird that Fenrir can become smart? If you can become smart, why have you made no achievements at all in history?

Oh, it’s not because you can’t become smart, it’s because you died before you became smart ()

There are many reasons, but I won’t go into details for now.

The scene returned to Jörmungandr, and the woman suddenly showed a sinister expression after realizing that she had been complained about by her brother, and made a harsh voice in displeasure.

"Ah——? (Vicious)"

"I was wrong, sister." Fenrir said hurriedly.

However, what was unexpected was that Jörmungandr, who was usually domineering in front of his 'brother', did not pursue the victory or nod with satisfaction. Instead, he sat up and spoke casually.

"No. I didn't talk to you. Someone called. Let me see it's——."

【da Vinci】


The moment Jörmungandr clearly saw the name of the person who dialed the phone, he couldn't help but smack his lips.

It's not that I have any objections to Leonardo da Vinci himself, it's because the last time I saw this name and added it to my address book, it was because the other party called me and said, "Fujimaru Ritsuka is dead."

To be honest, Jörmungandr's heart has never been so strange in his life.

The closest thing to that feeling was when I was attacked and assassinated by Odin in ancient times, or when I was killed by my own relatives when I was working as Attila?

Okay, okay, let’s put aside our personal emotions first——


After answering the phone, Jormungandr changed his tone and deliberately spoke in a low and hoarse voice.

[Moses Moses~ This is Leonardo da Vinci. The one who answered the phone is Miss Jormungandr, right? 】

"Who else but me?"

[No, aren’t you afraid that your phone will fall off? 】



If there really was a Dragon King who was so easy to lose track of, he would have been pictured as early as the second volume of the physical book series.

[Let’s get down to business. Unlike last time, I don’t just want to tell you bad news this time. 】

"Hey, there's still bad news!"

[Ahem, then please listen to the question~]

Listen to what people are saying.

[To face hundreds of weak enemies, or to defeat a truly strong man - which one would you choose if it were Lord Jormungandr? 】


The true meaning of the problem is unknown.

Over the city of Fuzhou, Jörmungandr twitched his lips.

But if you insist on saying it.

There are many, but very weak enemies.

After all, Jörmungandr does not have the so-called "competitiveness to fight against the strong". Although she has a violent desire to fight, in general, although she does not hate reciprocal fighting, she does not object to ravaging weak enemies.

There is no strange reason.

Mainly safety.

Safety first!

Who said I'm a coward? (refer to)


"Fight the stronger one." Jormungandr answered this question seriously.

【Oh? It really surprises me. Fujimaru Ritsuka said when chatting with me before, if it were you, you would definitely prefer the former. 】

That woman! ! !

Jormungandr gritted her silver teeth, and it could be said that she was extremely angry, but as an elegant emperor, she still held back her anger.

". Regardless of my preferences, what you are asking is not which choice I prefer, but [which one I will choose], right?" Jörmungandr took a deep breath, "Although it is not my intention, but I am also The Emperor of the Earth and the Mountains.”

As an emperor who rules over everything, there are times when you have to fight and show off your strength.


【good! 】

[I knew Lord Jörmungandr would not disappoint everyone! Then——I will send you the mission target now! 】

"Hey, what are you talking about!" Jormungandr said coldly, "Even if I join your so-called Chaldea, it doesn't mean you can drive me around at will! We are an equal cooperative relationship. If you ask me to go out, I will bring out the corresponding benefits."

【ah? But when you asked me to help Fujimaru Ritsuka last time, didn't you do it immediately? 】


The anger attacks the heart, the anger attacks the heart! A sharp-tongued little Italian vixen!

Jormungandr was spinning vicious words in her mind, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted by what she saw on her phone next.

【Fujimaru Ritsuka alter】

At the same time, it was Leonardo da Vinci's gloating voice.

[Okay, to be honest, I have to talk about reward——]

[This mission, itself? 】

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