Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 527 A man like an alarm clock

Mornings start early in Pasigattuso.

The indifferent alarm clock performed its task ruthlessly, and the beeping sound echoed in Passigattuso's room like a reminder.

The blond man opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his brightly colored eyes, sharp lines like an eagle flashed across his eyes.

【Didi Didi】

He glanced at the alarm clock that was still working, but didn't reach out for a moment.

The room that Pasiggattuso lives in is the old mansion of the Gattuso family. Those who can live here, even the servant's room, have the highest configuration. They are comparable to those placed in five-star hotels in first-tier cities in developed countries. force.

Therefore, this room is completely soundproofed, and Patsy does not have to be like a college student, living in a small room, using central air conditioning, and worrying about accidentally waking up his roommates because he gets up early.


In fact, he didn't mind living in such an ordinary university.

In fact, men have difficulty falling asleep.

Every night when he returned to this room, he would feel depressed. It was clearly a time for relaxation given to him by the owner of the house, but it made him feel extremely depressed.

To be honest, he would rather be woken up by his cell phone telling him that he had an urgent task that must be completed.

A man is like a tool performing his mission, and he seems to 'crave' that kind of identity.

So, he doesn't hate alarm clocks.

Because it is annoying and harsh, but it just coldly and mechanically completes the tasks given to it.

——Same as myself.


After a few seconds, Patsy, who had adjusted her mood, finally put her hand on the alarm clock and used it as a switch. The man's eyes completely changed.

The perfect butler who was inhumane and smiling like a tiger was restored.

After washing up, she put her clothes in order, styled her hair meticulously, and made sure that the perfume she wore today would not be too ostentatious to create a sense of hierarchy, and she immediately opened the door.

Simultaneously with this action, Patsy lowered his eyes and scanned the frozen text on the raised mobile phone.

[Patsy, the family has returned with some important guests today. The situation is special and only you can entertain them. 】

[Although I think there is no need to remind you of your words, please remember not to offend those guests. 】

Is it a service mission today?

After receiving his mission from the head of the family, Patsy sorted out the information emotionlessly.

Then send a text message.

【I see. 】

[Dear head of the Pompeii family. 】

Yes, talking to Pasigattuso.

It was Pompeii Gattuso.

As I said before, Odin is an extremely cautious person. If possible, he will never let himself be exposed to the slightest risk. If he is dispatched, it can only be done out of necessity or with certainty of victory.

In this way, he can perfectly bypass the existence of all the Gattuso family even the secret of being the Dragon King.

No one knows the hidden truth of Pompeii.

Apart from

[Tools will not leak secrets. 】

As introduced before, Passi Gattuso is known as the ‘war machine of the Gattuso family’ and is also the last descendant of the modern Assassin.

None of his actions were responsible for Caesar or Frost.

He has only one master.

The real head of the Gattuso family - Gattuso of Pompeii.

And Pompeii Gattuso was extremely rare, and could even be said to be 'abnormal', in giving all his trust to this existence.

Whatever it is about Odin.

Something about the King of Sky and Wind.


Things about [Night City] and [New World].

Passi has been bound by such excessive information since he was a child, but he does not feel restrained, but feels honored. He attributes all this trust to his loyalty to the Gattuso family.

The head of the Pompeii family knew that as a 'blade' he would never betray, so he gave himself the right to know this.

Even Caesar Gattuso didn't know the truth about this family.


Pasigattuso closed his phone and began to think about it in his mind.


Are the guests that even the head of the Pompeii family needs to treat with caution, Kirshtalia and the others?

Passy has seen those existences before. After all, he is the only one in the entire Gattuso family who knows about [Night City]. Rather, most of the time, Passy's missions are two major modules.

[No matter what, protect the safety of Caesar Gattuso]

[Complete the true identity of Pompeii, the task that Odin needs to complete]

Whether it's modifying Cassell's database or killing some important mixed-race dignitaries, he can do it.

As for Kirshtalia, in the past decades, no, from the words of the head of the Pompeii family, in hundreds, thousands of years, there are only a handful of humans who can 'cooperate' with Odin. When he came out of the city and entered the real world, he was naturally responsible for taking care of him.

Sometimes Kirshtalia would suddenly have a whim and want to travel somewhere in the world, or want to attend a secret gathering of alchemists, or visit a museum.

In order to satisfy the needs of these big shots, Patsy naturally tried his best to eat, drink and have fun while wiping all traces of his actions behind his back to prevent the existence of Night City from being exposed.


(It seems that almost a year has passed since the last ‘entertainment’.)

(It’s really strange that Lord Kirshtalia could hold back her curiosity and stay in Night City for so long.)

Patsy was deeply impressed by Kirshthalia.

There is no way, or rather no one can leave a frivolous impression on a great person like Kirshtalia.

He is sunny and enthusiastic, and he seems to be strategizing but also has a natural stupidity. He is obviously arrogant and confident, but he is also democratic and close to the weak. He is obviously powerful and terrifying, but he thinks from the perspective of the weak.

Focus on first-hand contrast.


Oh no! What a terrible man!

This is true whether it is in terms of strength or personality charm.

Patsy originally thought that he would never see such an existence in his life. Although, this illusion was broken just recently.

Fujimaru Ritsuka.

At that 'Parents' Meeting', with the mission goal of 'protecting Caesar', I entered Kassel with the Pompeii family and saw the girl from a distance.

It was almost frighteningly consistent with what he saw in the information.


It's almost as perfect as a human textbook.

Pure goodness, the best.

Even if it's as inorganic as Patsy, he can't help but yearn for it.

only because.


Pasigattuso could not understand the source of his longing.

But he remembered something related to it.

(Speaking of which, last time.)

Because he thought about Kirshtalia, Patsy suddenly remembered something.

That's what the blond man once said to himself during the last 'entertainment'.

[Ah, speaking of which, Percy-kun must also support the plan for humans to be upgraded to dragons, right? 】

——.Why do you say that? Mr. Kirshtalia.

[Well, although it’s not my place to say this, your health is not very good. Don’t you have the idea of ​​​​living longer? 】

——.I’m not sure, but I think it should be.

[Oh, the attitude is very ambiguous. Let me guess, what you were thinking just now is that because you are Odin's retainer, if you live longer, you will be able to complete your mission, right? 】

——Mr. Kirshtalia, if possible, don’t mention that title outside.

[Avoiding topics, you are also a person who is good at evading. However, after all, you are the tour guide who has helped me lead the way so many times, and I have also caused you a lot of trouble, so I will treat this sentence as my own. Talk to yourself. If it makes you angry, you can make my plush doll and stick it with needles in the middle of the night to vent your anger. 】


[You support this plan because you want to survive. 】

[Not because you want to live, but because you want to live better, because your eyes are saying——]

I'm not satisfied yet.


Arriving at the room where Kirshtalia was located as indicated by the cell phone.

As Patsy pushed open the solid mahogany door with both hands, he was thinking about why he could replay Kirshtalia's words that day so clearly in his mind. It was obvious that he had not understood the meaning of the other party's words until now.

Kirshtalia is indeed a mysterious person.

Moreover, since he appears here, it means that the plan to defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka has worked.

That's really——

However, the moment Patsy opened the door.

He stagnated.

Not angry, not particularly happy.

Just with the same feeling of horror as if you just watched a horror movie.

If anything, it's probably...

"Ah! Long time no see, Patsy! It's been about nine months and three days. Are you still energetic?"

The familiar blond man turned to look at him. Patsy felt an inexplicable peace of mind at first, but then he felt an ominous premonition.


He wasn't the only one in the room.

Apart from the people in Group A that he is familiar with, there is also a strange and eye-catching existence.

Just sitting on that sofa showed an extremely terrifying presence.

Tell me why.

"Hey, hey~ What are you doing so stupidly?" The woman put her feet on the coffee table, and her thin silver hair was scattered randomly on the dark leather sofa, conspicuous and coquettish.

The woman's body is buried in the sofa, looking leisurely and decadent.

Raising his hand, the TV opposite kept switching pages, finally settling on the paid model show channel.

The woman didn't turn her head, just greeted casually.

"Excuse me~~Ah, I'm very casual. Just ordinary tea, such as Lincang Dianhong from Yunnan."


Looking at the white-haired woman, Paxi Gattuso subconsciously widened his eyes.


Fujimaru Ritsuka, will you be here?

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