Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 528 Your plan is good, but I want to modify it slightly (two-in-one)

In the past three days outside.

In the Nibelungen, time is passing "sluggishly".

The effect of Time Zero can be described as 'terrifying'.

There is a time difference of two hundred to one. As long as the captain can really hold on for enough time, Fujimaru Ritsuka will basically be completely separated from the outside world. Under such circumstances, if Odin launches an attack, Cassel will definitely lose - —————

She originally thought this was the other party's plan.


"No, to be honest, I haven't thought about defeating the human forces at all, because there is no point."

"If everything in the end has to be concluded as [the arrangement of powers], then the battle will be meaningless. As long as the final result is what I expect, then I don't want to be rough with your friends."

"The original plan is that once Odin's Hall of Heroes is fully opened, it will inevitably break the balance of the world. At that time, I will take the initiative to inform Kassel Flamel that the summoning of Heroes has become possible, so that He is responsible for bringing here the heroic spirits from other worlds that you know so well, so that the combat power of the two sides can be balanced."

"However, there are many unknown variables that arise with this plan."

"The one you summoned is Leonardo da Vinci, whose alchemy is far superior to Flamel's."

"He was defeated by you and became the King of Bronze and Fire who fought on Kassel's side."

"And, what embarrasses me the most——"

Under the sticky shell that withered like a snake shedding its skin on the broken field, the man's blond hair hung down, covering half of his face and blocking the blood drops that followed.

Kirshtalia clutched her right arm, her chest heaving violently, and she gasped.

"I was unable to delay you for enough time as agreed."


The sky once again collapsed into huge fragments, revealing the dark and vast stars. Fujimaru Ritsuka sat on the ruins, surrounded by meteorite fragments that still glowed with a strange orange-red color.

【Realm Broken】

Time zero is lifted.


Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Kirshtalia also stood opposite her, looking exhausted and completely unable to continue fighting.

The captain is a human genius who can single-handedly defeat heroic spirits and servants.

Even the King of the Lostbelt can cross it if necessary.

It's a pity that the environment provided by Odin is not as good as the Greek Lostbelt period. At the same time, Fujimaru Ritsuka——

Even better than the Kings of the Lostbelt

Be stronger.

"No, you can win. After all, I originally said that you would kneel down in five minutes, but it took longer than I thought. It's really confusing."

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who looked inexplicably calmer, jumped down from the debris of the meteorite and waved his hands.

There was a stab wound next to her temple, with scarlet blood oozing from it.

The wound was not caused by Kirshtalia, but was inflicted by the girl herself.

In order to use the [Devil Eye of Direct Death] to kill the [cannot harm companions] contract.

If you don't do this - you won't be able to defeat the captain.

The other party is so difficult.

And because [Contract and Oath] itself is an iron rule set by Fujimaru Ritsuka himself, killing this rule will also have an impact on Fujimaru Ritsuka himself, so the wound on the temple has not been able to heal.

It can be said that "you should not do this unless you have to".

Well, there is nothing we can do.

"However, I think I won this time. It took about twenty minutes including the Hall of Valor, and about two or three days passed in the outside world."

According to common sense, this time is not enough for Odin to capture Kassel.

It’s Fujimaru Ritsuka’s victory.

Normally, that's the case.


"Tsk." Heixiang couldn't help but smacked her lips and said, "So I know I shouldn't believe what you say. You didn't come to fight me with the intention of 'delaying' from the beginning, right? "

In other words, it should not be interpreted purely as ‘procrastination’.

That's the means.

Not the purpose.

Kirshtalia gave a tired forced smile, loosened her arm, revealed her arm that looked a little dry, and said with a smile.

"Ah, the focus of the plan has never been on defeating you."

In fact, there is a visual blind spot here.

That is [Kirshtalia was not on Odin’s side from the beginning]

Although it is cooperation and the purpose is roughly the same, it is not subordinate, nor is it even a close cooperation.

Therefore, both sides have their shameful parts.

The exchange of players just now was not because 'Odin and Kirshtalia had discussed it in advance, but if Odin was defeated there, Kirshtalia's purpose would inevitably fail.'

It was only because of a conflict of interest that Team A briefly stood opposite Fujimaru Ritsuka.

in other words--

Kirshtalia's purpose from the beginning was——

[Create a time when Odin cannot intervene and I can communicate with Fujimaru Ritsuka at will]

So he allowed Fujimaru Ritsuka to fight Odin, defeating the opponent to the point of death, and did not dare to step into the battlefield, while he struck later.

Everything is for now.


After spending so much thought and planning, Kirshtalia's purpose was hinted at from the beginning.

"Same as Odin."

"The reason why I have to delay is because I simply want to communicate with you and get you to join me."

"The purpose of fighting you is to remove the [evil attribute] from Fujimaru Ritsuka's desire to fight, vent his anger, calm you down, and create a 'reality in which the outside world has passed for a long time.'"

Bring the balance of victory and defeat back into balance.

What Kirshtalia did was always the act of a mediator.

He never lied, but

".Your calculation is quite accurate."

After venting his anger, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes became clear and calm.

——The essence of Fujimaru Ritsuka's alter is the erosion of Fujimaru Ritsuka's personal spirit by [Evil Attribute] and [Abandoned Hole].

Originally, if Odin wasn't watching eagerly from the side, she could handle such a mental attack by herself. Even if she accepted the [evil] attribute, as time went by, her spirit was gradually integrating.

Fujimaru Ritsuka has fallen into evil several times, but she will inevitably climb back out on her own.

【Pure Goodness】——【Ultimate Evil】

What is at the center of these two extremes of emotion?

Kirshtalia was targeting Fujimaru at this moment.

[Chaos. Neutral]?

If it were the current Fujimaru Ritsuka, he would not have the pure desire to kill like [Kuroka], nor would he have the 100% obsession with killing Odin like [Normal Fujimaru].

Now, I can talk.

"Haha, I originally planned to wipe out all your [evil] and murderous intent in one go, but it seems I still haven't been able to do it." The captain said with dissatisfaction, showing a regretful expression as if a player hadn't been able to complete the full achievement illustration. "However, this is enough. Then, let's talk. You can listen now."

"Well, for now." Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded.


"Is it still necessary? You and I don't, no, the world hasn't told you yet, has it?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to lack interest, but still had the patience to talk to Kirshtalia.

"I have already rejected your point of view in my side of the world."

In Fujimaru Ritsuka's world, she once had such an exchange with the captain.

[It is not for the future of mankind, but for the future of mankind. 】

[I have never intended to protect the history of pan-humanity, and I do not think that the history of mankind so far is the most appropriate. 】

[Human beings are creatures that cannot make correct choices. No matter how many troubles, battles, and repetitions we experience, our history will never show [correct results]. Why? The answer is self-evident, because human life has no future development. 】

What Wodem pursues and protects is not "human beings", because in his view, humans in the history of pan-humanity are a life with natural defects and can never achieve the "correct result", so the only choice is:

[Abandon the human form] and let them move towards life with excellent containers and high-dimensional consciousness. In order to one day breed intelligent life that can find the [correct answer].

is it wrong?

If wrong.

Right, Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't know where to refute this almost logically self-consistent and perfectly closed-loop view, but wrong because the captain at the time was also unable to solve the problem.

Even if people become gods, it does not mean that they can get rid of the threat of alien gods at that time.

And in the front full of unknown crises, the man gave the answer.

[In the future, someone other than me will give the answer]

This line is very handsome.

But to put it bluntly.

You simply haven't thought about this problem, right? Or maybe you haven’t figured out the answer yet?

Kirshtalia is an out-and-out pseudo-optimist. He says that people are full of flaws, but when faced with various situations, he can't help but have the mentality that "everything will go well anyway."

Kirshtalia's ideal once directly nailed the conclusion that "people with eternal time will reach a more distant destination."

But from Fujimaru Ritsuka's point of view, that may not be the case.

A long time does not necessarily bring about absolute development. According to the views of many scholars, an excessively abundant life structure will actually lead to the cessation of production - for example, the species of gods.

Kirshtalia knew this, but decided to fool around with it anyway, because

He has seen too many disasters and mistakes made by humans themselves.

He believes that compared with the risks brought by human immortality, the countless tragedies that are actually happening now should be revised and saved.

[At least, correct the mistakes that have already occurred]

This is his philosophy.

no problem.


There is a better way.

Specifically, cases like Odin.

On the basis of immortality, forcibly creating a world that ensures equality for everyone can further reduce the possibility of war. And his strange expectations for human beings will also find ways to force humans to continue to develop technological levels.

A unique god who is beyond the gods, and the operating rules of this god can even be controlled to a certain extent using [Oaths and Restrictions].

If there really was such a rational institution guiding the world, it would probably be.

The plus version of Qin Empire.

Fujimaru Ritsuka has no better idea than this for the time being, but she needs to make two points to refute this plan.

One -

"It's not about humans sublimating into gods. Don't get the order wrong."

Ritsuka said expressionlessly, "There is no evidence that dragons are better than humans. No matter which world you are in, Captain, you are wrong about this matter."

Fujimaru Ritsuka told the man in front of him what he had never been able to say.

Suddenly, the girl pointed at herself and said——

"That's right, humans are the worst!" The girl said indifferently.

"Although we fight each other, although we are ugly, although we have made the same mistakes over the long years, we are the best and most powerful individuals on this planet - do you need me to prove it to you?"

The corners of his mouth opened in a bad arc, and he responded to the man's straight gaze.

"That is, even if we fight among ourselves, no matter which world, we will defeat the enemy."

"Humans will defeat the gods, fantasy species, dragon species, and even everything above them. The fate of the planet will also be controlled by humans. No matter which world, it is the gods and dragons that perish, not humans!"

“Then why————I want to evolve into a ‘loser’?”

"The first thing that needs to be revised is your thinking. This is not evolution!"

"Come down from your lofty position as the savior of mankind and stop being so pitiful! Let people see clearly who is the winner!"

"The dirty reality continues, but even so, human beings are the winners, if it must be explained."

"Admit that only by loving the ugliness itself that cannot be abandoned can you be qualified to carry humanity forward."

"The result born from this is by no means sublimation. But -"

The girl nodded her head.


"It is an act of plundering the only wealth worthy of recognition from the tragic defeated, full of humanistic care and human characteristics. Only after confirming this, can I discuss with you the so-called plan for human beings to become gods."

Rather than becoming a god, I would say yes.

The God-Eating Plan.

"As for the second point, the reason why I absolutely cannot cooperate with you is that the ending you expect is the same as Odin, and I will never let that dog live to see the sun next year."

"So, it's absolutely impossible for us to cooperate, understand?"

The girl pulled her butt and used standard Japanese pronunciation.

Facing his statement, Kirshtalia was stunned for a moment.

He just stood still like that, and a longer time passed than he imagined, and then he let out intermittent hums as if he was suddenly relieved.

"Really? You are right. Although the consequentialism seems to be vulnerable, and although there are many factors involved in the fall and departure of gods, there is no doubt that human beings have survived until now."

At this point, my attitude may indeed be ambiguous.


"The winner may not always be victorious, right?"

"As for the second contradiction you said, I don't agree with it."


Despite the girl's confused gaze, Kirshtalia gave the answer.

"I never said that the end of my plan with Odin required him to become king."

".What are you talking about? That guy Odin said that he wants to let the King of Sky and Wind——"


At that moment, thunder flashed through Fujimaru Ritsuka alter's mind.

Her memory suddenly went back to all the moments when she communicated with Odin and Pompeii.

[So, you want to be the ultimate king? 】

When you make assumptions in various ways and ask this question.

How did that man answer?

The image in his mind was fixed on Pompeii's cynical smile.


Never said that.

Make yourself a king.

If we say, his purpose is not to make himself, but to let the King of Sky and Wind become the ultimate king.

Could it be that----

"Well, in this case, the premise of cooperation is established, right? You actually want to see it, don't you? See what choices humans will make at this point of evolution or change." Kirshta Leah offered her final cajoling.

"I promise you."

"Odin will die on the eve of that new world."

"So - based on this premise, do you agree with my plan?"

The man looked at the girl expectantly.

"I understand everything you said, but you also avoided my problems by avoiding the most important ones, didn't you?"

"Fujimaru, have you ever seen a battlefield? Not under the protection of heroic spirits, not with phantom beast species, but a modern war between humans only."

"Have you ever seen a wounded person with scarlet wounds stained with gravel and crawling and trembling?"

"Have you ever seen a father crying and shouting, begging doctors to help his child who has stopped breathing?"

"You should have seen it, then when did you see it?"

"The age of mythology? Ancient times? Modern times?"

Kirshtalia asked calmly.

"I saw it in modern times, my time."


"People are dying and children are crying."


"I saw it in the future. Ten years from now, twenty years from now, a hundred years from now, people will continue to have such wars."

"Killing directly, ravaging indirectly, and exploiting mechanically."

"People are depriving themselves of everything except themselves."

"Your hometown has also helped this planet a lot. Can you see Gaia's cry with your future vision?"


This time, it was Fujimaru's turn to be silent.

Kirshtalia spoke the final lines she had prepared.

"I don't just want to correct the mistakes that have happened, but I want to dedicate myself to the mistakes that are happening now."

"Can it be worse? Fujimaru, my ideal - after doing so much and thinking so much, can it really be worse than it is now? This world where children continue to die is worthy of you continuing to stand by and wait for him Natural evolution?”

"I won't stop."

The blond man has scorching eyes.

"If the future I create destroys the world, then I take it upon myself to bring it back, no matter the cost."

"But at least"

"I want to see that new world without strife and fear."

Da Vinci's worries were not in vain.

Her doubts are right, even if there are no elements such as the abandoned hole, in the presence of existences like Kirshtalia.

It is entirely possible for Fujimaru Ritsuka to rebel.

Look at Leonardo da Vinci.

Kirshtalia and Fujimaru, these two people are naturally compatible with each other.


After a while, the man got the answer.

"Your plan is good."

First, it was the girl’s soft affirmation.



Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled with inexplicable meaning.

"I'm going to change it a little bit."

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