Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 531 New York, withering! (triple)

As the ancients said, there is no bad plowed land, only tired cows.

And as the saying goes - everything the ancients said is damn right.

These are the wisdom left by the ancients and famous aphorisms passed on to future generations.

Potato chip girl, no, Su Enxi is the understanding sister, she always understands.

Although she has been single since birth, she has never seen any big storms. She has long since left behind low-level physical interests and no longer pursues the ignorant dream called love. Instead, she smiles evilly and plunges into the wind and rain of Wall Street.

When business elites raised their arms and shouted slogans, the gold coins accidentally spilled from their trouser pockets were like the gold ingot chocolates sold in Wal-Mart supermarkets, which piled up like mountains.

I am not interested in falling in love - Su Enxi.

However, even such an urban female elite cannot help but fall into a strange physiological cycle in the dead of night.

The feeling of loneliness is unavoidable. The cold stock market curve can only make people's heart beat faster, faster, faster, or suddenly stop.

It does not bring inner peace.

Therefore, Su Enxi's eyes as wise as Athena have already seen through everything.

After helping the boss complete the new world, I will probably find a partner and live an ordinary life.

The ideal type is a young man who is gentle at heart, but good at talking, and is not afraid of trouble or embarrassment.

As long as he has a handsome face, he doesn't need to be too demanding - this is already very tolerant. After all, based on Su Enxi's vision and experience, the top little plum can only be regarded as "barely able to fight" for her.

Leonardo DiCaprio?

The seventh stage of fighting spirit.

not bad.

After figuring out her character and face, Su Enxi didn't have any other requirements. After all, she was not the kind of girl who fantasized about Prince Charming. She was a financial tycoon herself, and her other half was ordinary and could be considered a contrast. In the second half of his life, he will write a novel like "My Wife is the Wolf of Wall Street".

Damn, why do I feel like this name is so popular (annoyed)

Countless times, Su Enxi watched indifferently as Jiude Mai showed off her power in front of her, boasting about those "more than a hundred boyfriends" she said.

As a result, I haven't seen any of them.

Not to mention meeting her before, this girl is on missions every day, God knows where she finds the time to be friends.

Pfft, you can’t think that your boyfriend who disguised his identity during the mission is yours, right?

Crazy, he is a man and he is your husband ()

Lower head female.

However, she wouldn't dare to ask Su Enxi to say that, because although Mai Jiudoku has not let Su Enxi meet her boyfriend yet, once he really pushes her to the edge, she might break out with him. .

Then, there would be no reason for him to deceive himself with the conjecture that "Mai Shutoku is deceiving herself and others."

——Deceive oneself and others in order to deceive oneself and others.

This sentence is so philosophical that you must appreciate it.

The so-called dark forest, no, the Prisoner's Dilemma is nothing more than this.

As long as she doesn't say it, she can enjoy the eternal crown of 'Outstanding Woman of the Noble New Era'. As long as she doesn't say it, she can live in a beautiful world like "Mai Shutoku is a clown".

Until now.


"I have thought about it a lot, and I even really thought about whether one day I would suddenly be involved in a strange urban cool novel or fan novel, and because you are so good-looking and interesting, you would be included in the protagonist's harem together with you. "

New York Hotel.

White queen room.

Su Enxi was covered with a thick air-conditioned quilt, revealing a small face. She timidly stretched out her slender fingers from the warm quilt, grabbed the edge of the quilt, and looked at the sky blankly as if she was shivering.

"What did you suddenly say? Potato chips."

Next to her was Mai Shukutori, who was looking at the ceiling and sprinkler in almost the same posture. After hearing the movement of the person next to her pillow, she couldn't help but turn her head and show a strange expression.

And Su Enxi is still singing.

"I was thinking about it, and I thought it would be good, so I don't have to worry about breaking up with you one day - after all, even if you really climbed the ladder of adulthood earlier than me, we still have an honest relationship on the same bed. Yes, it doesn’t matter which order comes first.”

"What on earth are you going to say?!" Mai Shutoku's eyes widened, she was anxious.

"What I mean is that actually the homophony of the ideal type is the standing fragrance type. What do you think of this joke?" Su Enxi smiled miserably and said something unclear, then turned her head and continued to look at the ceiling, her eyes empty and her mouth squirming.


Mai Shutoku: "????"

"I thought the normal process was 123 then 7, but I didn't expect it."

What didn't you expect?

What do these numbers mean?

Jiu De and Mai didn't know how to feel serious, no, they didn't know how to be frightened! With fear, she watched the person beside her pillow open her mouth like a broken clockwork demon, her eyes empty.

"1, then, then 123, then 3 again."

Su Enxi seemed to have seen an indescribable strange book written in it. The creature full of tentacles and compound eyes was about to wake up from the deep sea, bringing pure darkness and humidity and swallowing her sanity.

"4, 32, 2, 246, another combo of 4, 2, 247, 57! 6! 7!."

Su Enxi swallowed, her facial muscles trembling.

"7 (seven), 7, 77777777 [beep——]."

She is broken.

Mai Shutoku looked at the twitching girl beside her and said tremblingly.

"No, as for you, Fujimaru didn't do anything!"

In fact, time goes back an hour.


The betrayer Mai Shutoku.

Victim Su Enxi.

The intersection between the two existed at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York. After the tight protection here was forcibly penetrated by the tyrant Fujimaru Ritsuka, she first tied up her two friends and threw them on the bed, and she started to act out in a big white bathrobe. Italian Godfather.

In a dark room, with neon lights at night, Pasigattuso was forcibly locked at the door of the hotel room, stunned and at a loss.

The elements are complete.

In this weird atmosphere, Fujimaru Ritsuka questioned Shutoku Mai about the boss.

She asked a lot of questions. Under such circumstances, especially when the boss himself was rescued by the other party, Mai naturally could only explain everything.

In fact, Mai Shutoku is really not a Riddler.

The reason why she often appeared with all kinds of information was because Lu Mingze told her.

And herself?

Apart from knowing the boss's true purpose, it can be said that he knows nothing about the boss himself.

But the difference is.

【That's it~】

Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded slightly to express understanding.

In the memory, the eyes of Fujimaru Ritsuka whose appearance had changed drastically seemed to contain profound meaning.

She already knew Lu Mingze's identity.

Based on the current situation, it is not difficult to deduce that the people with the most information in the world are Odin and Kirshtalia, and now, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who is cooperating with those two people, has naturally obtained a brand new intelligence network.

And she also had her own plans.

Afterwards, Fujimaru Ritsuka made an invitation to Mai Shutori and Su Enxi, the content of which was——

[Betray the boss and come to my side]

Naturally, the two refused.

Although Su Enxi and Jiude Mai skillfully "betrayed" each other, they would not consider actually betraying Lu Mingze.

Both are attracted to each other's desires and are like-minded people.

Not because that world is beautiful.

It's because their souls are attracted to each other.

It's like lonely beasts licking each other's wounds, which is pitiful.

Therefore, there will be no betrayal.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fujimaru Ritsuka laughed wildly. It was hard to say whether he was happy or disappointed.

What happened next.

Su Enxi didn't want to say it.


"So what exactly happened!?" Mai Shutoku said with a confused expression.

"You still said what happened? You..." Su Enxi stopped obsessing about the number 7. Facing the question from her friend, her tired and resentful face was about to say something angrily, but instead she was chatting with Mai Jiude. The moment their eyes collided, they stopped.

Looking at those pure eyes, Su Enxi didn't know what to say for a moment.

".do not you remember?"

"???What should I remember???"

Mai Shutoku's feelings at that moment were probably similar to those of Gintoki Sakata who woke up from drunkenness, only to find that everyone around him looked at him with strange eyes, and people of the opposite sex and even the same sex who had a good relationship with him suddenly became gentle towards him.

what did I do?

Compared to enjoyment, the fear of the unknown is more direct.


Su Enxi opened her little mouth, and thousands of fireworks flashed in her eyes.


Pretending to be calm?

Or is it that the brain was stimulated too much and simply suffered selective amnesia?



Su Enxi suddenly sat up, and the white air conditioner on her body fell off, and the hemp rope on her hands had long been untied.

But she didn't care at all. Instead, she looked horrified as if she had discovered some shocking secret.

"It's not amnesia, it's the reality we experience that is different?!"

Memory gap.

"Yan Ling!!"

Su Enxi suddenly exclaimed, her face turning pale.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka plotted against us!"

The cause of everything must start with the reason why Mai Shutoku and Su Enxi came to New York, no—it must start earlier.

Lu Mingze started talking about his awakening.

After Operation Ice Sea, Lu Mingze was detained alone in Angers. Because his identity was unknown and no one knew the specific situation of Night City, as long as the combatants colluded with each other, they could hide it.

After Lu Mingze was placed under Anger's care, it took less than a day to regain consciousness.

Then, without anyone noticing, he left Kassel.

Immediately, it was a round with his own subordinates, Mai Shutoku and Su Enxi - no, it was just a one-sided exchange.

While the intelligence was intertwined, the other party also issued orders.

[I need to recover a little bit. The last time I came out was because someone took the opportunity. This time I have to complete the 'acceptance' process properly. 】

[The two of you help me hold down Fujimaru Ritsuka. Of course, I won’t let you confront her head-on. You just need to restrain her and always pay attention to each other’s actions. 】

[Environment, all you need is environment. 】

[Fujimaru Ritsuka's ability at this time is already powerful enough to destroy the world single-handedly. If she lets her hands and feet loose a little, even this planet will be in danger. However, she must have made a contract with herself before transforming into an alter, and she will try not to Fighting without harming innocent people]

[Then, the environment is the only factor that can restrain her. 】

[Odin’s Nibelungs have been destroyed, and Norton and Jormungandr are barely on our side. 】

[Then - as long as no one provides her with Nibelung roots, she cannot completely let go of the fight. 】

[Fujimaru Ritsuka needs a battle environment that can be used to protect the enemy and not be easily destroyed. 】

【No matter what, we must protect this. 】

Lu Mingze's judgment was not incorrect.

Therefore, Su Enxi and Mai Jiudoku always pay attention to each other's movements. In addition, they also always pay attention to the wide areas on the planet where they can fight freely.

Not to mention the destroyed Arctic, deserts, and primeval forests

These places may become the battlefield chosen by Fujimaru Ritsuka, and Odin will cooperate with her to complete his "plan for all mankind to become gods" there.

However, no one expected it.

The moment they reached the finish line——

Fujimaru Ritsuka came to New York.

This is the largest city in the United States, a super-dense city with a population of eight million!

He even barely hid his figure!

Su Enxi originally thought that the other party was not ready to fight yet, and secretly rejoiced, waiting for the boss to speak, and for Kassel's movements - but at this moment, she came to the completely opposite conclusion.

Yan Ling!

There is only one Yanling in this world who can do this!

[Yan Ling. Whirling World]

The most advanced illusion type spirit on this planet.

The releaser can let the target enter the illusion created by himself in a large area centered on himself. If he dies in the illusion, reality will also die.

The level of this word spirit is very high, and it is one of the supreme powers of the White King.

In the dragon genealogy chart, it has such evaluation.

[Its existence is not under the "oracle" that claims to be able to compete with the Black King. 】

It can create illusions out of thin air that sweep everyone away without visual contact, causing them to endure endless torture or endless joy. It can even allow a person to experience life and death in the illusion.

Reality and illusion are blurred within its realm, and those immersed in it cannot extricate themselves.

To put it simply, this is the superior replacement of [Yan Ling. Sen Luo].

To explain it more straightforwardly

This is Infinite Tsukuyomi.

And on the entire planet, in this era, there is the only existence that can drive this ability and make its effect reach its peak——

Only one person.

"Everything I did since entering New York City was a fantasy? No, that's not right! Where did the time and place begin!"

[Send a text message to your boss by yourself] - Most likely it is your own fantasy in the spirit of words!

[Fujimaru Ritsuka running around on the street like a Disney princess] - It must be fake, otherwise her identity would have been exposed long ago!


Wait, something is wrong!

Su Enxi suddenly went crazy and searched for the laptop he kept in the presidential suite, trying to confirm something with the records.

Mai Jutoku realized that she really couldn't keep up with Su Enxi's train of thought, so she had no choice but to scratch her head, simply gave up thinking, and stretched out her long legs to see the night view.

At this time, Su Enxi's brain was running at full speed.

If this is really the legendary speaking spirit, it can explain at least three things!

First, after Fujimaru Ritsuka accepted his own [evil], his already exaggerated ability value increased again! She has evolved once again and is still growing infinitely stronger!

Secondly, Fujimaru Ritsuka knew the plans of Shutoku Mai and others - and he did not intend to abide by their wishes and wait for Lu Mingze to return to his prime.


If, assuming that Fujimaru Ritsuka activates the word spirit after entering New York City, the memories of Shutoku Mai and Su Enxi so far are all fabricated existences.

[Now, is the spirit of words over? 】

The answer is already out.

"Hey potato chips, I don't know what you're looking for, but look at this."

Suddenly, her thinking was interrupted, Su Enxi looked up in a daze, and what she saw was the pale face of Mai Jiude.

At the edge of the window sill of the presidential suite, Mai Shutoku was wearing a scanty bathrobe, looking back at herself with a pale face, pointing to the bottom of the building.


Su Enxi looked at it in a daze.

Thus, the field of vision is filled.

That is

Just now, in Su Enxi's thinking, there was a sense of violation that made her feel most horrified.

【From the very beginning.】

[The target of that word spirit]

[Are there only Su Enxi and Jiude Mai? 】

[Fujimaru Ritsuka’s behavior on the streets of New York was not considered ostentatious, and would expose herself to countless spies, but——]

[What if, from the beginning, no one could pass on this news? 】


".I apologize for my suspicion of your rudeness, Lord Fujimaru Ritsuka."

【I have always completed my duties】

"You never lied"

In the middle of New York City, Pasigattuso slightly bent his knees and let the strong wind blow up his blond bangs.

He didn't pay any attention to the strong wind whizzing by high up, but stared at the scenery under the building as if looking at some handed down picture scroll.

At this time, he was in a building called the Empire State Building.

Completed on April 11, 1931, it is located at 350 Fifth Avenue, between West 33rd Street and West 34th Street in Manhattan.

The building is 381 meters high and has a total of 102 floors. After a 62-meter-high antenna was added in 1951, the total height is 443.7 meters!

The American Society of Civil Engineers ranks the Empire State Building as one of the seven engineering wonders of the modern world.

In 1986, the building was designated a National Historic Landmark.

At this time, Pasigattuso was on the tallest building in New York, overlooking the entire New York City.

At this time, the night became brighter.

Artificial lights burn the darkness of the sky.

That doesn't just come from architecture.

Also comes from——

【Didi didi! ! ! ————】


Different whistles sounded continuously, rising from the ground, spreading to four hundred meters in the sky, and pouring into Passigattuso's ears.

That's the car.

Gathering together into an ant-like dense, airtight car.

That's people.

The whole New York City is gathered together, wandering and stalking like a lost ghost.

To put it bluntly—all of New York City, all of them.

Population of eight million.

At this time, they are all outside.

And, as if attracted by something, his eyes were empty.

At the same time, he walked forward with a clear purpose.

At that moment, Pasigattuso subconsciously thought of the German stories he had heard.

【Pied Piper】

Its most famous version is included in the Brothers Grimm's Deutschlandschrift, titled

"Children of Hamel"

Eight hundred years ago, a small German town was infested with rats.

The whole city was helpless and planned to abandon the city and escape.

The spotted piper suddenly appeared in front of the mayor

His clothes were of weird colors and he had a flute on his waist.

He said he could get rid of the rats but for a fee

The mayor replied that as long as he could drive away the mice, he would be given fifty times the reward.

The spotted-clothed flute player took out his flute and played a soft tune

All the rats ran out from everywhere and followed him

The flute player walked to the river and continued to play the flute

The rats were so intoxicated that batch after batch they jumped into the river and were washed away by the water.

The residents were overjoyed, but when the piper asked for payment, the mayor said there was no money to pay.

The flute player left the town silently. That night, the moon hung high in the sky, and every family slept peacefully.

In the middle of the night, the clear sound of the flute rang in the air of the small town

Children from every family ran from home to the road and followed the flute player.

He walked up the mountain while playing the flute

All the children walked behind him and finally disappeared deep into the mountains.

There is only one Zhuguai child left in the city

Because I walked too slowly, I couldn't catch up with my friends. I ended up crying and returned to the city.

The kid cried and told all the adults that he couldn't catch up with the others

Everyone left, leaving him alone

It was just a nursery rhyme with a slightly weird atmosphere.

But at this moment.

But it turned into reality.

"Passy~ Did you know that even if all human beings were forcibly crammed together, they would actually be half the size of Taihu Lake~ We, surprisingly, are quite small~ in every sense of the word."

But the inverter named Fujimaru Ritsuka, the instigator of all that, was at the top of the Empire State Building, stretching his hands and stretching his body with a relaxed look on his face.

"Honestly, unlike 'me', in my opinion, if that damn observer really wants human evolution so much, then-"

"As long as I use [Word Spirit. Whirlpool World] to forcibly inject all human beings with the ideological stamp of [dedicate all time, talent, physical strength, and intelligence in life] to the development of civilization, everything will be fine, right?"

The girl was serious and even said words casually that made Patsy's hair stand on end behind her.

"Work~work, work~just turn humans into something like factory cows. Anyway, whether it is an emotional gap or a sense of satisfaction, you can use the oracle to satisfy it." The girl shook her finger.

"Then all human beings will undergo genetic screening, and all inferior individuals will be burned naturally to save resources. Excellent individuals will be preserved and continue to be forcibly squeezed. How long will it take for humans to evolve enough to occupy the solar system?"

If this is what the screener of human civilization needs to determine the 'existence' of the world, then I can definitely do it for her.

That is completely different from any other world.

Any Lost Belt.

Absolute [rape rule]

Even in the most cruel Lostbelt, the King of the Lostbelt basically has a protective desire and bottom-line compassion for his own people.

And most kings even love their own people.


[From the purest and the most good, fallen into evil]

The opposite of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

For the reverse body Fujimaru Ritsuka, those are too cumbersome.

In order to become an [Awakened One] in the true sense, to fulfill the original ‘dream’.

Even if it's evil, she doesn't care at all.

【As long as you achieve your goals】

[No matter what the method is, it doesn’t matter]

【Black King is also good】

【Foreign Star Gods】

[Observer effect, world line clipping is also good. 】

[As long as I get serious, I will kill them all for you to see. 】

It has been emphasized countless times.

The blackened Fujimaru Ritsuka doesn't care whether the answer is full marks.

All she cared about was handing in the answer sheet as quickly as possible.

And about this——

Odin's plan is good too.

Kirshtalia's plan is good too.

It's all too much trouble.


"That's enough for the oral pleasure~ It's quite troublesome for me to do it myself, so let's give them a chance."

Even if you really have to take action.

Let’s wait until they all fail.

Fujimaru Ritsuka laughed playfully and looked at the increasingly empty New York.

"The effect of the spirit has spread to half of the United States, including New York, and New York City will be empty within five hours."

That is indeed a word spirit that can rival the oracle.

Just for a moment.

The strongest empire of mankind was dominated.

The girl looked into the distance, looking forward to it from the bottom of her heart.

"After that, it's completely safe."

"Let's see who can have the last laugh~"

Beside, after a long silence, Patsy also showed a mysterious smile and asked softly.

"But then again, Fujimaru-sama, why are we saying these things in the Empire State Building?"

"It's like this in anime and movies."


Patsy looked at the indifferent girl and suddenly felt...

Although Fujimaru-sama said that he was expelling New York residents to avoid breaking the contract, in fact——

With her demonic eyes of death, she could just kill the [Contract and Oath] itself.

Although there is a certain risk because the target of killing is 'oneself', it is easier and more convenient than the girl covering half of the United States with her word spirit.

this lord

He said so many mean and terrifying words, but what he actually did was still protect people.

I am super

Paxi Gattuso said with emotion.

"Fujimaru-sama, you are so gentle."

"Hey, hey, hey, be careful, I'll kill you." The girl twisted her fingers.

If we follow the current development view given by Xingyue, I really feel that we are heading towards the infinite Tsukuyomi (high configuration) mentioned in this chapter.

Don’t you want infinite evolution? Don’t you have to use evolution at the objective world level as a measure? This is the best way.

Forcing all human beings to work at 100% efficiency, and calculating the maximum environmental adaptation loop efficiency, all members are immersed in the "happy concept" forcibly given by Infinite Tsukuyomi.

If you have full evolution points and full pleasure index, you can't avoid the Earth of Steel, which means you absolutely can't avoid it - you, Xingyue, can't tell me that you actually have to rely on the power of love to overcome the trial (half annoyed)

Of course, I wouldn't write that, I'm not a devil.

I really don’t write.

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