The game begins.

Without warning, the entire world was caught up in this wave.

News of the fall of New York spread across the planet in a completely unhidden way, and by the time Cassell received the news - it was already three hours after the fall of New York City.

It's not that the intelligence network is too slow, it's simply because the spirit of speech was released after three hours.

To this, their first reaction was——

【As expected, it is Fujimaru Ritsuka】

[I like to place the big battles in New York City, just to create these big scenes]

"So, have you confirmed that Fujimaru Ritsuka is standing opposite us?"

In Kassel, final mobilization efforts were imminent.

Walking quickly in the corridor of Kassel, Angers rarely, no, for the first time changed out of his mourning-like black suit and put on a more capable executive bureau black coat.

Beside him was Flamel, who was jogging to keep up with Angers' long legs.

At this time, he still looked nervous. He was once at the top of human combat power, but in recent battles, he could only be used as an auxiliary to coordinate the war.

The alchemist was really pulled too far away by Odin.

But even so, this time he has to go to New York for equipment debugging and battlefield support.

The construction of the [Phantom Great Wall] has come to an end, and the remaining part is to send this weapon to the world and surround and arm the entire planet.

The only difficulty with this plan is that it is almost equivalent to Cassel announcing to the world in one breath——

[We will have absolute military power on this planet]

This is neither possible nor recognized.

Da Vinci claimed that he had a way, but the plan for global arming was temporarily shelved. Instead, those alchemy drones will be sent to the New York battlefield.

Odin must still have an army, and the Valkyrie is just a dragon in human form. If Odin really has never fallen for thousands of years, then he must still be alive——

Those who retain the body of a dragon are members of the dragon clan!

Although he doesn't know where he has hidden those beings so far, he will definitely use everything he has to defeat the enemy in this war.


secret party.


A family of dragon slayers.

On the periphery are the human armies that maintain order.

All-out battle!

At this last moment, Flamel and Angers were still discussing about 'that girl'.

"God knows, Da Vinci also said that it is impossible to predict Fujimaru Ritsuka's thinking mode and behavior in that state, but it is certain that she cannot be regarded as Odin's partner. What about a third party force?"

Ange's eyes were dull, and the hem of his windbreaker rippled with his steps.

"The best situation is actually for me to find Fujimaru first, communicate with him, understand the other party's purpose, and ensure that Odin is dealt with first without conflict."

"Then, consider how to remove Fujimaru Ritsuka's [evil]."

Unfortunately, the heroic spirits, especially Gilgamesh and Ramesses II, would never agree to such a plan.

A war is inevitable, but the combat power is dispersed first——

Forget it, we shouldn't have counted on them in the first place.

"In other words, it will not prevent us from killing Odin, but it will not prevent Odin's plan? It is even possible to acquiesce in the existence of those who call themselves invisible and continue Odin's plan?" Flamel asked He touched his somewhat bald head and let out a scream, "Isn't that the worst case scenario?"

"Framel, do you think it's not good for all human beings to become dragons, no, to control the [power] of the planet?"

Angers glanced at Flamel and suddenly asked.

This is a very interesting philosophical question.

Should humans ascend to 'Superman' status?

It seems harmless, but from a dialectical point of view, there are questions that must be discussed.

Angers was originally a firm opponent, for no other reason than that he hated creatures like dragons.


It's disgusting to look at!


After getting closer and closer to the history of this planet, and the truth about dragons and humans, looking back, you will simply discover this fact.

The vision is different.

Height, the perspective of looking at the problem is different.

Is there really such a huge difference between dragons and humans?

The difference in genetics may be so, but in terms of soul and spirit, is there really such a huge gap?

And the so-called genetic gap is not only derived from [the power of the planet], not [the blood of the dragon].

Human beings become ‘dragons’, more accurately speaking, ‘human beings usurp the power of the world’

That is not reincarnation;


It's like completing the transition from humans to mutants in one go. No, mutants will still have huge differences between individual levels. If it were Odin's plan to collectively ascend to the dragon clan, there would be almost no disparity between people. .

Humans are fragile, shallow creatures.

Let this society continue to develop - people will never be equal.

Unless at a certain moment, suddenly, they are given excessive wealth

This wealth itself must be made so great that it exceeds the wealth owned by the richest people in human society and is not worth mentioning.

It's like adding an infinite amount to both 100 and 1. In a mathematical sense, there is no difference between the two.

【eternal life】


Seemingly, perfect.

The more you look at it, the more complete Odin's plan itself becomes.


"Becoming a dragon, no, to be precise, it is plundering the power of the planet. There is no problem in itself." Flamel gave his own answer, "But I feel that [whether humans can bear the gift of eternal life] Confuse."

"Human beings are too stupid, and therefore, we need to be careful even when giving rewards."

"Test their bottom line, let them work as contrary to their nature as possible, squeeze their potential, and keep moving forward in this world of thin ice, human beings have reached today's civilization."

"But if equality were suddenly given to everyone, I can't imagine where the world would go in the future."

Flamel said softly.

"They're not ready yet."

"But it's not something we can decide, is it?" At the same time, Angers replied with a smile, "We are just warriors."

"Indeed, then a warrior should speak in a warrior's way."

The already fat vice-principal nodded, grinning in a rare way.

The high-spirited western cowboy seemed to have once again traced his soul back to this decayed body.

"Whoever wins will listen to whoever wins."

The two pushed open the door at the end of the corridor.

In an instant, light penetrated into their eyes.

The light that tears apart all the darkness comes from people's fiery souls.

Angers and Flamel stood on the second floor of the principal's office building, and below that was Angers' favorite, the large triangular lawn in the center of Kassel College.

Although the number of students at Kassel College is not large, it occupies a fairly open area.

At this time, there were people standing there.

There are a total of 781 students and teachers in Kassel, including the freshmen who recently heard about Fujimaru Ritsuka's reputation and chose to join.

All the available combat forces that the Executive Directorate could find totaled 303 people.

Everyone has changed into the clothes of the Executive Directorate, and the alchemy weapons are fully equipped.

This is the largest hybrid force that can be gathered in the entire world at this moment.

"Where's that old guy Henkel, are you planning to leave?" Flamel looked at the crowd below and took the time to ask Angers in a low voice.

Henkel is Ange's old friend, and he was once evaluated by Ange as a super hybrid who is good enough to be friends with him.

In this world, apart from the European Secret Party, the hybrids led by Henkel in North America are probably the most powerful force.

"No, he wanted to come, but I told him to stay where he was."

"I don't know how Odin will take action. If the opponent really breaks the pot and attacks the hostages around the world, the only way to avoid harm as much as possible is to rely on the local hybrids and Leonardo da Vinci's drone swarm."

"All-out war"

"Ah, all-out war."

Angers affirmed, and immediately stood at the edge of the second floor so that the students below could see his presence clearly.

[Test - It’s not necessary. I think everyone can hear my voice. 】

There was a loudspeaker equipment on the edge of the second floor, and even without it, Angers himself could reasonably use his physical functions to make his voice heard by the thousands of combatants.

Angers, on the other hand, continued his narrative.

[To be honest, I don’t particularly like standing mobilization. This part should have been left to Fujimaru or Caesar. 】

[But unfortunately, the whereabouts of our two extremely outstanding commissioners are unknown at the moment - naturally, the key points of this operation include the recapture of Caesar Gattuso and Fujimaru Ritsuka. 】

[And what you need to face and defeat is Odin's army. 】

[I don’t need to say more about the detailed strategic plan. You have stayed in Kassel for so many years. Whether you are graduates or current students, you should know that I have a good face. So, you guys, don’t embarrass me. 】

[I repeat, I am not good at mobilizing before war, so I will only answer one question. 】

Angers looked around at the faces of the students, some young or mature, some determined or confused.

[I asked Norma to fully disclose Odin's plan to the hybrid world, even though I knew it would cause internal divisions, I still did it. Even though I know that some of my students who are here now are hesitant - whether they really want to kill Odin. 】

[Wondering - why not accept the more convenient and seemingly brighter evolution. 】

[Then I will only say it once. 】

[No matter what great deeds Odin is about to complete, no matter whether you have longing for the future that Odin is about to achieve, you must remember the simple truth I said next. 】

With dark golden eyes shining brightly, the old man pronounced his verdict in a tone that left no room for doubt.

[The fate of mankind is determined by ourselves. 】

[If you want to fight internally and seize the supreme decision-making power, I will tolerate it - until after this war is over. 】

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