Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 18 018 Freshman Sorority (3)

Chapter 18 018. Freshman Sorority (3)

In the darkness, the young people standing like swords in the intersecting lampposts let out low-pitched cheers, their golden eyes were extinguished, and pairs of palms were raised to slap each other in the drizzle curtain.

Everyone shook hands and hugged Lu Mingfei excitedly. One after another, young and childish faces came closer and further away in Lu Mingfei's eyes. The young people shook off their wet long hair and gathered around. The people around Lu Mingfei looked like Mexicans surrounding a bonfire, with longing for a new era on their faces.

The cheers, which were as low as whispers, gradually dimmed and dispersed. Young boys and girls raised their heads around the platform that was half a meter higher. Rain dripped down their outlines, and everyone's eyes were filled with inexplicable excitement. Light.

Their fighting spirit was high, and they were so enthusiastic that they seemed to light up the entire rainy night.

Everyone looked at Lu Mingfei, not to see the new king they supported, but to look forward to the hero destined to destroy the gods.

Lu Mingfei tapped his chest gently with his right hand, where his heart was. He walked out of the big black umbrella held by Nono and walked into the rain curtain. The cold raindrops fell on his head and slid along his collar to his chest.

"Let's get to know each other again." Lu Mingfei said softly, "My name is Lu Mingfei. I don't know if I am the destined leader, but I know that we will definitely support each other on the same road. Even if the sword penetrates the body, It will penetrate all of our bodies at the same time, our blood will join, and we will share our honor and future."

"We come from different families, different races, and different countries, but the blood of abandoned clans flows in our veins. We are not recognized by dragons, nor are we recognized by people. People like us are born It means carrying something heavy. For the things I carry, if there is a mountain in front of me, I will climb that mountain and trample it under my feet; if there is a sea in front of me, I will cross that sea and conquer all the waves along the way. . From the beginning to the end, the things I have are pitiful. If someone takes them away, I will kill him."

Lu Mingfei's voice was calm and gentle, as if he had actually experienced a lot and walked a longer journey in life, rather than the big boy who appeared in front of young people.

"Freedom Day has never been my goal, and the victory of Freedom Day is definitely not the great victory predicted by Chilan. We deserve the word great, but an activity like Freedom Day, which is just a game, does not deserve it. ." Lu Mingfei's eyes moved from one person's face to another, trying hard to see everyone's faces.

The rain is getting heavier, and the light emitted by the lighthouse intersects here, witnessing a meeting that can be recorded in history.

Lu Mingfei said: "We will share the victory. The so-called bloody road is not the road to the throne, but the long step to win us honor." Every line of his words is telling the young people gathered here about a beautiful future. When one day a new leader takes over the power of the secret party, if this person is Lu Mingfei, then he will share this power with everyone.

The relationship between them will not be a sad subordination, let alone a cruel and cold master-servant relationship.

Lu Mingfei was not a Caesar. He had never thought of letting his light occupy every corner like the midday sun on the plain. He was willing to let others share this vast land.

There is only one requirement, and this requirement is not to offend the few things that truly belong to him.

"Hey, Lu Mingfei!" The person who spoke was a boy with a typical Middle Eastern appearance. He had dark skin, but was tall and straight. He stood inconspicuously among the crowd, and the corners of his mouth raised a very quiet arc. This was a shy boy. When he called Lu Mingfei's name, his originally dark face actually turned a little red. The boy from the Middle East said loudly, "I am Pierre, from Israel. I am friends with Qilan. I trust him, so I trust you! I believe you can stand out in the Freedom Day, even really in Caesar .Gattuso and Chu Zihang take the winner’s crown from their hands!”

"Pierre, I am honored to gain your trust. I have absolute confidence in myself. Caesar and Chu Zihang are just temporarily blocking the mountains and seas on my way forward," Lu Mingfei said.

"The Student Union and Lionheart Club did not hide what they were going to do. They openly clamored on the forum that they would surround your dormitory building as soon as Free Day begins and eliminate you!" Pierre Pumping his fist, "But I will follow you. Even if all the elite sophomores and juniors gather together, I will always be on your side!"

It's raining heavily. Lu Mingfei let out a long breath. He looked up at the sky, and rain fell in his eyes, making small splashes on the surface of his eyeballs.

Herzog, this time, I came prepared.

You have the Snakesaki family and the fierce ghosts, but if there is a secret party behind me, how can you carry out your disgusting conspiracy?

Every student in Kassel School is bleeding with burning dragon blood. The families behind them are large and ancient, and they are twisted into one in the hands of the iron-blooded leader. Those who can be called party members are all shady elements, and secret parties will only make things worse.

Herzog's conspiracy was sent to the table of the school board of directors in the form of a document. What would greet him would be war, endless war to the death! His inheritance from the dragon's corpse will be exhumed by the Camarilla, his puppets will all be hanged from the church vault, and his conspiracy will be completely subverted.

He may still live like a mouse, but this mouse who has planned his whole life and even turned himself into a devil will be destroyed in Tokyo Bay by divine punishment.

Herzog's ending will be more miserable than death. This kind of person's desire for power and strength even exceeds the cherishment of life.

"I will also support you, Lu Mingfei. Qilan said that you will be our leader and lead us into a great era, then you will definitely be our leader!" Another young man said loudly, He blushed, had a very handsome Superman-style butt chin, and his voice was impassioned, "I am Sanel! When you set foot on the battlefield, I will always walk in front of you, and I will use my body to fight for you. If you step on the cracked mountain road, my name will be on your honor, and our destiny will be tied together!"

One by one, the boys and girls said their names in front of Lu Mingfei, as if this was some kind of huge ceremony. They promised never to abandon them, and they promised to use their own blood to whitewash the honor of their companions.

Lu Mingfei's back was straight, like a king accepting the allegiance of the knights.

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