Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 19 019 Free Day

Chapter 19 019. One day of freedom

The passionate bell was rung at the top of the bell tower where the night watchman was, and the first ray of sunlight appeared from the eastern sky, like a fire coming from the face, pouring heavily on the highest point of the entire mountaintop academy, which was a huge, A flag unfolded in the wind, with a lush World Tree decorated with golden lines drawn on the flag.

There are a total of twelve bells, which means that within the next twelve hours, the entire school will not be governed and controlled by any school rules. This is the beginning of a free day. In previous years, it was also the largest two bells in the school. The war hymn of the community was played.

But this year, things have changed dramatically.

During the war between two male lions, a young dragon suddenly broke in. The lions immediately reached a consensus and wanted to tear the young dragon into pieces!

Well-trained young people wearing red and black combat uniforms poured out of different buildings. They called each other by code names, silent and efficient, and their guns were always open.

Teams from the Lionheart Club and the Student Union walked out from every corner of the school. They met in the alleys and high-fived each other from the corners. Everyone had a fierce expression on their face, as if they were walking on a real road. On the battlefield, your companions or you will immediately fall into a pool of blood.

The two most powerful societies in Kassel temporarily joined forces today to jointly resist the S-class freshman Lu Mingfei who broke into this territory. This made everyone feel proud, and they felt that their dignity as seniors or seniors had been ruthlessly trampled on.

Although the bloodline was designated as S before the 3E exam, it is enough to show the potential that Lu Mingfei possesses, but potential is just potential after all. He still needs time to settle. This time can be very long or very short, but it is definitely not He started talking nonsense and wanted to win the final victory in the most important day of freedom for students in the college system.

Red and black combat uniforms moved forward in the shadows, like a flowing river. At the end of the river were four young men with faces as deep as water.

They are Chu Zihang and his assistant Susie and Caesar and his assistant Isabella.

As the leaders of the two major societies, both Chu Zihang and Caesar are proud and powerful. The former is as deep and steady as a mountain, while the latter is as dazzling as the sun. Although he still has his palms on the handle of the weapon at this moment, they are already trying their best to suppress them. There is mutual hostility, because some things that have to fight together choose to join forces.

"Area E, where Lu Mingfei's dormitory is located, has been cleared in advance, and no irrelevant personnel are staying. We have temporarily prepared resettlement places in Norton Hall, Amber Hall, and the villa area of ​​Valley College for students who originally lived here to avoid unnecessary disputes and misunderstandings." Isabella was wearing a red tight-fitting combat uniform, and the huge rectangular box stood up against her straight long legs that were restrained by the combat uniform. It contains the RSG-12 No. 12 sniper rifle. This weapon jointly designed by Tower Hunter Custom Rifle Company and Macmillan Machinery Company is a non-automatic rifle with very high accuracy. It has extremely high shooting accuracy within a hundred meters and has a large stopping effect on the target.

The rifle was a bit too childish for loading live ammunition into a war effort, but it worked wonders for a Free Day using Frigga bullets. It has been modified by the equipment department to increase the ammunition capacity and further improve the shooting accuracy. In the hands of a sharpshooter like Isabella, it can accurately hit any enemy within a hundred meters. Although the power is relatively low, it is quite useful when combined with the divergent paralysis effect of the Frigga bullet.

Caesar nodded. He held his right hand on the handle of a short hunting knife, and narrowed his eyes slightly, with bright gold bursting out of his sky-blue eyes.

"The student union is responsible for clearing the area, and we must do our best. It is 7:04 in the morning, and we still have six minutes to carry out the final encirclement of the entire E area." Caesar said, he patted Isabella on the shoulder , "Go, you are the best sniper among us, go find your place, this war has already begun."

Isabella showed a smile that captivated all living beings, sweet and a bit shy. She nodded gently: "Chairman, please pay attention to your safety."

"I believe that our president of the Lion Heart Society is a proud and strong man, and he will not stab me in the back." Caesar said.

He looked at Chu Zihang, who had already taken off his sunglasses, exposing his inextinguishable golden pupils to the air.

The two men who were fighting in Kassel looked at each other at this moment, both sides igniting their golden eyes.

Susie left silently, holding a huge weapon box in her hand, which contained her best and favorite sniper rifle.

"We should be more cautious." Chu Zihang said, he turned his eyes away. This kind of gaze and pressure on each other were meaningless. Very few people in the mixed race could look directly at him. The unquenchable Even among pure-blooded dragons, golden eyes are a privilege reserved only for princes.

Caesar also turned his gaze and turned his gaze to the dormitory building, where an entire wall was gradually lit up with golden light in the morning light. "You seem to be very optimistic about him?" he said.

"I have never defeated him." Chu Zihang said coldly. He was just stating a fact, but he seemed to be gritting his teeth when he spat out these words.

This was because he saw two Pecheneg PKPs set up by someone on the roof of the dormitory building, and several young faces peering out from behind the parapet.

Caesar also saw this thing. He was stunned for a moment, and then had a toothache.

"The Freshmen Association has decided to stand on Lu Mingfei's side. He is not alone now. We may need to start a tough battle." Caesar said.

Light machine guns like PKP are allowed to be used during the free day on the premise of using Frigga bullets. Even A-level students like Caesar and Chu Zihang can apply for many. Lu Mingfei, who is an S-level, probably Can get more.

"Except for Lu Mingfei, among them, the student card has been issued. The permissions of the others will not be opened until after the 3E exam. This means that no matter how many heavy weapons are hidden in that building, their ammunition will always be Lu Mingfei's. It’s not provided by one person.” Chu Zihang said, “They are bluffing.”

This was indeed the case. The ammunition Lu Mingfei could obtain was actually only enough to equip a dozen people. If he gave it all to PKP to squander, he probably wouldn't be able to last even half an hour. But he didn't originally plan to fight a tough battle with Chu Zihang and Caesar.

This is destined to be a bloody war, and leopard-like hunters have already entered the scene, hiding in the shadows of high places, waiting for opportunities.

"When the siege is closed, we will attack by force." Caesar's eyes were firm, "There will be no place for Lu Mingfei in this term of freedom, and the winner will only be decided among us."

After he finished speaking, two Desert Eagles were already in his hands.

Caesar's back disappeared from Chu Zihang's sight. "Will it only be decided among us..." Chu Zihang murmured in a low voice.

Behind him, the girl who was standing far away suddenly raised her eyes, and the terrifying gold flashed away. It was a pair of eyes that were more majestic than Chu Zihang's everlasting golden pupils.

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