Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 186 185 Snake (2)

Chapter 186 185. Snake (2)

Lu Mingfei was completely exposed to the strong wind on this street at this moment. His long windbreaker was raised like a rustling black flag.

With lust tucked under his arm, the man lit a cigarette for himself in the wind, raised his head and blew a puff of smoke out the window. The ferocious car lights enveloped Lu Mingfei's face like a beam of light rising from the ground. , Caesar and Chu Zihang couldn't clearly see this guy's expression at this time.

But when they understood what he said, their faces suddenly became angry.

Chu Zihang's golden eyes burst into flames, like wildfire burning across the desert. As the well-deserved killer in this group, he silently drew his sword out of its sheath, swung an arc of the sword, and shook away the oncoming smoke swept by the wind. .

The dark sword light was bright, reflecting the golden light flashing in Sha Fei's eyes.

"The lies mixed with the truth are the most difficult to detect, but years of experience have made us not unprepared." Caesar whispered, "But I have a hunch that Kazama Liuli did not lie to us, maybe even He is a pawn himself.”

A certain area in the darkness spreads with the shock wave of the violent wind, and the sleeping demon reveals its sharp fangs, the word spirit, the sickle weasel... no, the vampire sickle!

After accepting the Nibelung Plan, Caesar and Chu Zihang recreated the peak above the peak, completely approaching the critical blood limit, becoming the first and second cases of acquired artificial S-class in the Camarilla's recorded history. Also changing at the same time were their word spirits. Caesar's Weasel evolved into a vampire scythe. Chu Zihang's word spirit Junyan was originally a high-risk word spirit so it did not evolve successfully, but its power also underwent earth-shaking changes.

Dictator was still in his hand, but Caesar was hunched over like a liger, and his muscles were undulating like a tide. He was originally a strong player, able to suppress a fierce man like Chu Zihang in a head-on fight. At this moment, he was furious, with veins pulsing in his arms, and his aura was like an ancient dragon.

The bright car lights completely lit up the building at night. The surrounding area was originally a chaotic area. People were dispersed very early. No wonder there were few pedestrians when they arrived.

Caesar and Chu Zi arrived at Lu Mingfei's side. Their eyebrows were illuminated silver by the flood of lights, and the roaring sound of dozens of engines filled this street with a sense of time. Rows of vans surrounded the place from all sides, with the rear of each van pointing in this direction. White mist seeped out from the gaps in their carriages. The mist rose in the light, like a demon coming. precursor.

After smoking out a cigarette, Lu Mingfei exhaled the last puff of smoke that was slightly green. He lowered his head, his eyelids and eyelids were hidden into the darkness. He reached out to pat the ash falling on his shoulders. When he raised his head, his pupils Already flowing with the color of molten iron.

Both Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at the young man standing in front of him with some green features. He seemed to have woken up at this moment. This was something he had never done before when facing the two of them and the Guandong branch. The state of passing is the state when you are about to fully embark on the battlefield.

A roar like a war drum came from Lu Mingfei's chest. His heartbeat climbed up within ten seconds, reaching a terrifying 240 beats per minute. His blood pressure peak also broke through 200 mm of mercury within a few seconds, and his body was extremely hot. What made Chu Zihang and Caesar feel like they were approaching was not a human being but a ball of fire.

The piercing scream of broken metal came from the direction of the vans, and the white fog became thicker and thicker. Lu Mingfei kicked the outer wall, actually tearing apart the masonry structure of the old building. He raised the color Desire, standing in the fierce light, eyes as bright as torches burning the sky.

At this moment, the wind sound at the end of the long street was like a faint cry. When the wind howled, it seemed like ghosts and gods were wandering in the city, but it could not blow away the thick fog no matter what. Those fogs are obviously rising cold air, but why is there such a thick cold fog in this season?

Everyone in this team is an elite who has experienced hundreds of battles, but their expressions are not good-looking, because no one expected that they would deal with this kind of thing.

The smell of blood, the cold and clammy breath unique to reptiles, mixed with the fog and penetrated hard into their nostrils.

Suddenly, thunderous gunshots rang in Lu Mingfei's ears, and Caesar shot out the few car lights that were shining directly on the window three times, allowing them to better see what was happening at the moment.

Several nearby blocks were probably completely empty, and the power outage affected half of Shinjuku City and Urayasu City in Chiba Prefecture. Except for the vicinity of this building, everything else was dark and dead. Chu Zihang took out his phone, took a look at it, and shook his head towards Caesar.

There is indeed no signal here.

The sound of gunfire seemed to awaken something. Originally, there was only a faint sound of tearing metal. At this moment, every van began to tremble violently. The sound of metal scraping against metal was as sharp as a knife blade piercing the eardrum. Sharp protrusions suddenly appeared on the ten iron-wrapped carriages, as if there were huge sharp cones trying to tear them apart completely from the inside. Then more bulges appeared without warning. The steel plate a few centimeters thick had almost no ability to stop these things. The terrifying claws tore through the steel and reached out of the car, and then pressed hard against the car. On the outer wall, the sharp metal fracture edges cut through these thick and densely scaled wrists like knives. Black blood flowed out and fell to the ground with a sizzling sound.

Bronze-colored claws with muscles and dense scales pressed against the steel plate of the cargo box to dent it, making a harsh crunching sound. Dozens of demonic shadows were pulled out of the van. They raised their heads and looked up in the white sky. There are shadows in the fog.

The car lights went out one by one with a clicking sound, and the darkness and death-like silence rose like a sea tide.

When the last light went out, the torn van was already filled with dense black shadows. They lowered their heads and could not see their shapes clearly in the white mist, but they seemed to be praying to God.

"It's Deadpool. The snake-like Deadpool is many times more dangerous than the heroic spirits you've seen on the edge between Odin's Nibelung and reality." Lu Mingfei flicked away the cigarette butt held between his two fingers. We have seen far more dangerous moments than now, so there is really no need to be afraid or nervous. The so-called snake-like deadman who can tear apart ligers is nothing more than an ant-like thing in front of God, and he is the one who dares to swing a knife at God.

Those strange-looking heroic spirits under Odin are actually deadpools, but to Lu Mingfei they feel more like some summoned illusory beings. When they have not yet gained a foothold in the real world, their swords will tear apart their bodies and even There won't be any feeling of obstruction, just like cutting a burst of smoke.

To be honest, these snake-like deadpools created by Herzog should be far stronger than ordinary heroic spirits, and far weaker than the elite-level white wolf-riding giant that Lu Mingfei killed when the CC1000 train was attacked. Heroic spirit.

"Lend me your gun, senior brother." Lu Mingfei looked at Caesar, and Caesar handed both Desert Eagles into Lu Mingfei's hands without hesitation.

He knew that Lu Mingfei was also good at using large-caliber thermal weapons like the Desert Eagle. At the same time, Caesar also wanted to see if this S-class, which everyone had high hopes for, was really nearly omnipotent on the battlefield.

Lu Mingfei's melee combat ability is definitely the strongest among all the people Caesar has ever seen. This does not mean that his combat skills are very good, but that he has high mobility and also has other abilities that others cannot imagine. of high toughness. If this guy's marksmanship can perform even slightly better under this premise, then he will really be the king of the battlefield.

Lu Mingfei picked up a heavy weapon and fired three rounds from the Desert Eagle with both hands without even the slightest aiming movement. The trajectory of the six bullets was completely parallel, hitting the head and chest of a Deadpool at the same time.

Any one of these deadpools is classified as high-risk in the academy's classification, and wandering around the city can cause huge panic. At this moment, he showed his strength and proof to Chu Zihang's team. The snake's body was so strong that it was almost as strong as steel. The bullets splashed with sparks on the scales. Only one or two bullets entered the body of the Deadpool, but they were stuck in the hard bones and could not penetrate.

In the strange white mist, deep in the darkness, as if attracted by the thunderous gunshot, the hanging heads suddenly looked at the same kind that was attacked by bullets, and then at the same moment, their neck bones Twisted in a strange way, dozens of pairs of golden pupils lit up like torches, and the golden cracks radiating from the depths of those eyes formed some kind of ancient, evil totem, like an ancient king reorganizing his invincible army. Army.

The whistling wind was filled with the sound of heavy breathing, and a chilling feeling of horror suddenly arose in the hearts of Caesar and Chu Zihang. In fact, they had carried out no less than ten tasks issued by the academy alone, and these tasks required There were also real Deadpools among the enemies they dealt with, but the scene in front of them still made their scalps tingle, and the violent and barbaric aura hit their faces.

Chu Zihang held a piece of steel structure exposed from the edge of the wall that Lu Mingfei had just kicked. The connection between the steel bar and the wall heated up and turned red in a few seconds, and then quickly melted into molten iron. Now Chu Zihang Hang's ability to control Jun Yan has been strengthened to an incredible level, and he can even compete with his past self when he used a burst of blood without using any forbidden techniques.

In this weird silence, blue-black scales appeared on the back of Chu Zihang's hands. He held the middle part of the steel bar with both hands, exerted force on his palms, and moved both hands slowly towards the end of the steel bar. The steel burned brightly wherever his hand touched it.

After his bloodline was strengthened, Chu Zihang had not used the word spirit Jun Yan in front of Lu Mingfei and Caesar. He could only summon a shock wave with explosion and high temperature effects around or in front of him, but now he can This high temperature and explosive character can be attached to the interior of a still life.

In other words, Chu Zihang is now really a humanoid self-propelled mountain cannon. He doesn't even need to bring grenades when he goes on a mission, because as long as he is willing, anything he touches can be a grenade.

Brilliant sparks flew everywhere like electric arcs, and the light lit up the faces of the three people. Lu Mingfei and Caesar turned sideways, and the high-temperature and explosive steel bar was like a spear thrown by an ancient Greek slinger. Cast against the wind.

The bursting fire swayed in the deep white mist, like a sky-defying meteor. The sound of the thing tearing the air was deafening like thunder. After reaching the commanding heights, it plummeted hard.

It would take several seconds for the fog cut by this section of steel to be filled up again. The glowing and hot metal fell hard towards the Deadpool that Lu Mingfei had just shot. All the Deadpools were staring at the meteor that was passing through the sky. They fall.

The light and fire illuminated the layers of scales, and sure enough, every van was crawling with Deadpools.

These severely deformed monsters wrapped their long tails around the completely torn cargo box. They looked up to the sky and opened their mouths. They were enlarged seven or eight times and could fit into the mouth of a hound, letting out a suppressed roar.

The locked Deadpool was strong and fierce, with his back rising and falling like a liger. The steel bars falling from the sky like tempered iron spears came to him in the blink of an eye, and the violent and hot breath of death had completely enveloped him. , he did not dodge, but stared at the falling light and fire with ferocious golden eyes, and the flames illuminated the deathly pale face.

She is actually not ferocious. If you ignore the parts below her neck, she can even be said to be quite delicate.

Before that thing was transformed into Deadpool, she was a very young girl. Her long black hair was blown by the wind, revealing her pretty face that was still a little confused, with a deep and panicked look on it.

She finally felt the real death approaching at this moment. The corners of her mouth split open, revealing sharp teeth full of thorns, and then she let out a baby-like cry.

But even so, she still didn't escape or dodge, she just watched death fall from the sky,

The black shadow slowly rose from below the observation tower, and the heavy rain hit its blue-gray scales, breaking into white water foam. It unfolded its wings, which were several meters wide, and waved gently, with a graceful rhythm, and its long snake-like fish-like tail slowly unrolled.

Thousands of wisps of flames converged from the tips of the red-hot steel bars from all directions. With the dynamic vision of Chu Zihang's team members, they could see that it hit the female deadpool's undulating chest, bursting out countless dark flames.

She wailed, and the snake's tail twisted weirdly. The huge force of the steel bars brought the thing down from the top of the van, and then nailed to the ground. She twisted and struggled like an eel nailed to a chopping board. But the carbonization caused by the high temperature spread from the chest where the steel bars were immersed to Deadpool's whole body, until she was completely reduced to a fragile sculpture.

The next second, dense cracks opened all over the sculpture's body, and lava-like light seeped out of the cracks. The surging energy was locked in the corpse, and then the lava-like light burst out, and the explosion sound was suppressed. The shock wave almost overturned a nearby van, and the sound was like a clarion call to charge, and the snake-like Deadpools were finally no longer indifferent.

It only took a second to go from extreme silence to extreme movement. They seemed to be suddenly boiled by the frozen lake, and the white mist was cut. The group of Deadpools swam between the trucks, strange howling in their throats, and the snake tail. Leaving frightening traces on the ground.

Caesar's face was as gloomy as water.

"These things are rigged," he said.

His current word spirit is a vampire scythe. Although it is far less sensitive to sound than the former scythe itachi, it can still pick up slight vibrations in the air that others cannot detect. It was some kind of strange banging sound, with no rules. It was struck one after another, vibrating the air from all directions and spreading the sound to the Deadpools' ear canals, which were already far more sensitive than humans.

The banging sound started when Chu Zihang threw the steel bar.

Theoretically speaking, it is indeed possible for humans to control Deadpool, and it is not that the secret party has not studied this project. After all, the Camarilla were still iron-blooded dragon slayers before the beginning of the last century. They would do anything to destroy the dragons. Even the proposal of using the corpses of their companions to create immortals would be passed. It is not difficult to imagine the consequences for the fallen hybrids. Research has actually been going on for many years.

The ancient Persian royal family once raised a legion called the Immortals. The technology used by the academy to control and create the Immortals came from the ancient Persian Empire. The characteristics of immortals are very close to those of Deadpool. If they can be controlled, maybe someone can control Deadpool as a human.

"Japan is a very dangerous place to begin with, and Kazama Ruri is not the true leader of the fierce ghosts." Lu Mingfei said,

"The conspiracy between you may have been noticed by the guy named Wang Jiang."

"It doesn't matter, it's just Deadpool, just kill him." Chu Zihang said, killing the embryo's brain circuit is still so straight.

Lu Mingfei chuckled: "Senior brother, have you ever seen those anti-Japanese dramas in our country?"

"What?" Even Chu Zihang couldn't keep up with Lu Mingfei's dramatic turn.

But the junior brother next to him suddenly swung his sword fiercely, the arc of the sword was cold and had the sound of a dragon's roar unique to the Seven Deadly Sins.

"There is a guy who can make bun mines and cucumber mines, etc. He just makes grenades from all kinds of things around him and throws them out to blow up the Japanese." Lu Mingfei said, "Senior brother, if you were born during the Anti-Japanese War, you would With his skills just now, he should be the leader of an independent regiment."

Chu Zihang thought for a while and nodded: "Maybe."

Caesar didn't understand what the two guys were talking about, so he laughed wildly to relieve the embarrassment. He took back his Desert Eagle, and at this time, both guns fired in a volley, the sound of the gunfire was like thunder.

In this way, he told Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang that the bloody battle had begun!

The effective force on their side is the ace student of Kassel Academy who is holding an ancient alchemical knife, while the enemy is the snake-shaped deadpool who is rushing towards the building from all directions. The sound of crying babies can be heard endlessly, and the deadpools are like blue and black. of craze.

It's like a group of demons coming out of hell.

Accompanied by the roar of the desert eagle, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang jumped up high, one on the left and the other on the right. They were fighting with their swords, like wild dragons spreading their wings, roaring and attacking the monsters that wanted to tear them apart. charge.

Caesar was still laughing wildly. He finished a magazine and refilled the weapon in his hand with new steel-core bullets. The sick and weasels dancing wildly in the wind conveyed the current situation of this old building to Master Gattuso's brain.

Countless long snake-like things covered the surface of the building. Their scales scratched and roared, and their ferocious faces were inlaid with golden pupils like will-o'-the-wisps.

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