Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 187 186 Fallen Leaves and Gongqing (1)

Chapter 187 186. Fallen Leaves and Gongqing (1)

The smell of noise, chaos and blood is spreading upward from the bottom of this titanium black building, like the process of entropy increase according to the physical definition, from order to disorder, everything in the world is rushing towards a certain death. .

The girl in costume was kneeling on the tatami. She was beautiful and gentle, her eyes were as black as ink, and her lips were reflected as red as cinnabar.

Miyamoto Luoye, who was still lying on the hospital bed an hour ago and unable to move independently, put on light makeup and long eyeliner, which made her gentle facial features look sharper.

She was wearing a bright red backless evening dress and high-heeled shoes with thin straps. The fair and jade-like skin of her back was exposed in the dim light, which was so bright that it was dazzling.

This ward was originally very quiet, but compared with the noise outside, it was as far away as the gap between hell and the world. Luo Ye had a faint smile on her face, and sheathed two swords lying on her knees. Those are the weapons of Luo Ye and her sister Miyamoto Xiaoyu. The twin swords of Xueyu. The priests of the family forged them imitating the ancient alchemy swords that had killed demons. They are very useful. They can't cut through flesh and bones. Making Luo Ye feel like she is harvesting life will only make her feel like she is cutting water.

The floor-to-ceiling windows that occupied the entire wall became the background for the girl. From here, you can see the night view of Shinjuku. The lights spread to the ends of the sky and mountains like a tide, and the traffic flow is like a swarm of bees that never stops.

Those hazy lights, the world still tenderly shared them with fallen leaves, even though she was determined to die.

Who in the world could disobey that adult? Everyone who had done so was dead, and Luo Ye knew that he was going to die too. But so what, she was actually dead long ago, and all that was alive was a fire of revenge.

The footsteps were approaching. A group of people were heading higher, probably to get the weapon that was crucial to the family. The footsteps of those people were numerous and heavy. Another group of people came here, but only a few people could be heard.

The invasion started 20 minutes ago. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department received the news in advance. There are no police officers from the Shinjuku Metropolitan Police Department, and the Self-Defense Forces will not pay attention to such trivial matters as gang wars, so Genji today The Heavy Industry Union is very clean, and no one will disturb this shadowy war between emperors and emperors.

Yes, a long time ago, Japanese gangsters have recognized that there are actually two shadow rulers in this country. Of course, the old Sheqi Eight Families are the ones who must pay tribute year by year, but the emerging fierce ghosts The public is also in charge of the life and death of the gangsters.

The Fierce Ghosts mobilized dozens of elites to enter the bottom of the Snake Qiba Family through the drainage system of the Iron Dome Temple. The Rock Flow Research Institute was not closed in time, and some laboratories and research institutions suffered devastating damage. The men wearing long trench coats and wearing the emblems of the Demons on their chests seemed to be very familiar with this building and the Iron Dome Temple. Perhaps they found their designs from the long-dusted materials of the Maruyama Construction Co., Ltd. owned by the family. drawing.

They used long knives and submachine guns with silencers to clean the building from bottom to top. Everyone from family cadres to hired employees were running away, and the guards were brutally knocked down on the way to the charge, bleeding. Stained all over the ground.

Today, when the family heads are away, Genji Heavy Industries' proud defense is as fragile as a piece of paper in the sudden attack of the fierce ghosts.

The man who led the fierce ghosts to attack Genji Heavy Industries was a charming man wearing a wide-sleeved kimono. His eyebrows were gentle and his facial features were delicate, but he used long and narrow strokes to make them sharp and proud. This person will be remembered by the Sheqiba family. This will be a shameful memory. Only blood can wash away this shame.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and gunshots are heard upstairs. The old people in the Strategy Department seem to have no strength to resist, but in fact they were ruthless characters when they were young. Nowadays, there are many enemies, and they all carry weapons with them. At that time, he probably discovered someone was invading, so he stood up and fought with his old body.

The man stopped at the door of this ward, and the place became quiet for a while, as cold as an empty valley. Luo Ye pushed back her long black hair and tied it into a unique and elegant ponytail. A smile appeared on her face, her slender wrists slowly lowered, and the fingers of both hands were clasped together to lock the hilts of Xue You's double swords.

In the days after entering the Guandong branch, Luo Ye and Xiao You often sat opposite each other in the same posture as now. They held the handle of the knife but did not draw the knife. They just smiled at each other and comforted each other. This world is dirty, decadent, and dark. They are moths who have gone through all kinds of hardships to squeeze into the light. They are incompatible with everything around them, covered with bruises, and look around in fear like abandoned cats and dogs. Find your own little bit of redemption.

The heads of the Snakekihachi family often think that the Kanto branch is a problem department. From the head Akechi Asuya to an ordinary team member, they are all very restless and dangerous elements, like dirty people who live in muddy water. Wallowing mice, but who cares about what these mice have experienced?

The two swords were slowly unsheathed, and the smooth mirror-like blades reflected Luo Ye's face. A golden tide surged up in the eyes, gradually submerging the original darkness.

"This is good. This is the ending I want." She looked at the sword in the mirror and smiled at herself.

The sound of the blade rubbing against the scabbard when the sharp blade was unsheathed was so clear that it sounded directly in her ears. Luo Ye knew that the person outside the door was here to kill her.

The leaders of the Kanto branch knew a long time ago that Akechi Asaya had actually betrayed the family and turned to the Fierce Demons. They still work for the Sheqi Hachi Family to this day because everyone in this organization accepted it. Thanks to Tachibana Masamune's favor. The attack on Minamoto and the headquarters commissioners that night was not Akechi Asuya's impromptu idea, but an order from a certain big shot.

The existence of Masamune Nagatachibana, the head of the Eight Snakes and Eights, has seriously hindered the implementation of a great plan of this big man. In gratitude to the old man and longing for a promised great future, Akechi Asaya chose the future. By.

Miyamoto Luoye stood up slowly. She was ready to meet her fate. She was unwilling to betray the old man who had saved her and Xiaoyou in such a miserable past, and she could not tolerate the deception that ripped apart her soul, so she Choose to believe in the most powerful of those who live in the light.

All lies will be exposed at some point. When the truth is revealed to the world, Mom, will you still look at my sister and me?

The brilliance of Tokyo's night view makes people forget time and the heavy topic of fate, but the door is still slowly pushed open.

The person who came was shrouded in the oncoming light, and his facial features could not be seen clearly. He was just tall and deep, and he was holding a simple ancient sword in his hand.

He walked in, closed the door and stood there quietly, like a sculpture. Luo Ye was stunned for a moment, and she realized that the person who appeared in front of her was neither the Akechi Asuya she originally thought, nor the big shot who had found her, but a man with a pale white mask on his face.

With Luo Ye's bloodline being almost aroused to the limit at this moment, it was almost impossible to hear this person's heartbeat or feel his breathing. This guy was like a dead person, without life or warmth.

The pale white mask showed the appearance of an ancient Japanese official. The lips were a torn contrasting vermilion with the pale white as a whole, as if painted with blood, and the teeth were pitch black, which was beautiful in ancient Japan. As a symbol of status, women and dignitaries would smear fermented iron slurry on their teeth to show their dignity, but it looked weird to Luo Ye.

The man suddenly laughed, and Luo Ye couldn't help but tremble, because she finally realized what she saw. The mask seemed to be his skin. When he smiled, the corners of Gongqing's lips actually curved in an exaggerated way.

Luo Ye's heart seemed to suddenly have a huge gaping hole, and fear blew out of those gaps like a biting wind.

How could such a weird thing appear in the real world? Even from the Dragon Clan's world view, it is difficult to explain why a mask smiles like skin.

"Miyamoto Luoye, my good boy, how long has it been since we last met?" What came from under the mask was an old man's voice. It was gentle, but as far away as if it were on the other side of the mountain. Luoye's pupils shrank in horror. , she realized where she had heard this voice, but where, where?

She couldn't remember it. The harder she thought about it, the more her head hurt, like a tearing pain.

"You have already met my other two children, right? The Kanto branch of my family calls them Dragon King and Ryoma, and Akechi Asaya will call them Kazama Ruri and Sakurai Kogure." The old man did not move, he looked like It exudes a decaying aura like a dead person, but the sound is very deceptive.

Luo Ye remembered that there was indeed a boy and a girl present when Akechi Asiya reached an agreement with the Fierce Demons. They were very young, even much younger than Luo Ye himself. Sakurai Kogure in full makeup is more beautiful and more dignified than Xiao Yu and Luo Ye. It is said that they are the leaders of the fierce ghosts, but I don't know how such a young girl climbed to a high position among the fierce ghosts.

Maybe by selling his body. Akechi Asaya and Kotetsu said so.

"Who are you?" Luo Ye's hand holding the knife was trembling, and she was sweating drop by drop. She had actually guessed the identity of this person, but it was so unbelievable, so weird, it was almost like The resurrection of a dead monarch is unacceptable.

"Didn't you guess it already?" The man opened his arms. He was actually wearing a decent stiff suit. Under the suit was a very clean white shirt. The cuffs were rolled up, revealing a quartz watch from a brand that even Luo Ye didn't recognize.

The smile on the Gongqing's mask was even weirder. It was such a hearty smile, it was so frightening.

"I am the king general, the king general who is dead in the mouths of the Dragon King and Ryoma, the king general who has been wiped out in the confrontation with the Snake Qiba family." He said.

"Why did you find me? There should be something more important to the Fierce Demons in this building, right? Kaguya's mainframe, the floor where the Uesugi family lives and cannot be approached, and even the strategy department..." Luo Ye's figure was slim and graceful. Slender, stunningly beautiful against the light and fire outside the window.

The king chuckled lightly: "You are a descendant of the Miyamoto family, so you should inherit the Miyamoto family's wisdom. My good boy, you have betrayed our great cause. Of course you have to pay the price for doing something wrong."

"Who is your good boy!" Luo Ye yelled and cursed, "You...bastard born of a prostitute!"

The king didn't seem to be angry. He just tilted his head and stared at the girl who was retreating step by step with his empty eyes. The girl had slender legs and a Glock tied with a belt close to her thighs. But at this time, she There is absolutely no thought of taking it out and using it.

In the face of the devil, what role can human weapons play?

Luo Ye suddenly had a strange thought. She was thinking that perhaps the core purpose of today's attack on Genji Heavy Industries by the fierce ghosts was for herself, to kill herself, the person who betrayed their trust, and for someone. The great plans of a great man will not be affected by some uncontrollable factors.

"How is your sister? Speaking of which, I miss her very much. I have played with many women over the years, but few can bring me such happiness again." Wang Jiang reorganized himself He held the knife with his right hand and stroked the blade with his left hand over and over again. The cold light splashed and flowed like water seeping through the crack of the door.

He originally lowered his head, but now he suddenly raised his face, as if lava was seeping out of his eyes!

Luo Ye was shocked. The king's eyes were a red gold color that she had never seen before. They were so majestic and terrifying. In the classroom at Kassel College, the professors taught that the princes who were second only to the monarchs in the dragon civilization would know how to do it. With such eye color, it means that the leader of the fierce ghosts is actually a next-generation monster!

Monsters like that have been swimming in the shadows of Japanese society, but no one has noticed it. It's like people standing on the frozen sea and seeing a vast white field at a glance, but a huge sperm whale is slowly swimming by their feet. Whale songs can be heard in the sea for tens of kilometers.

Wang Jiang walked towards Luo Ye step by step. The skin under his elegant suit was as hot as fire. The high temperature immediately triggered the closed sprinkler on the ceiling. It was like it was raining indoors, and the water curtain was drenched. Thick white smoke rose from the king's body, and the devil-like shadow loomed in Luo Ye's eyes, looking like reality and illusion at the same time.

That human figure slowly overlapped with the most unbearable part of the woman's deepest memory. That was when she was sixteen years old... Her head began to hurt like tearing apart again, those things that were sealed by her own protection mechanism, The pain buried deep in her soul reappeared on her body, and every part of her skin felt like burning pain.

But suddenly the sword light swept across, Xue You's two swords tore through the mist, and slashed towards the king's throat!

A little less busy today

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