Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 24 024 The King Meets the King

Chapter 24 024. The king meets the king

The structure of the Kassel dormitory is very peculiar. The top floors are equipped with study rooms with thickened exterior wall partitions. These exterior walls are divided into three layers. The outermost is reinforced concrete, the middle is graphene and activated carbon, and the innermost is high-strength polyethylene. Propylene can not only effectively withstand frontal attacks by individual missiles, but also prevent low-concentration chemical gases and nuclear radiation.

As long as an opening is made in the wall, it can immediately become a hedgehog-like fortress. Each dormitory can become a stronghold for students to gather to resist when the college is invaded.

This is also the reason why Lu Mingfei chose this place.

There is only one gate, and a signal shielding device has been installed inside. After Lu Mingfei and Norma are used to cut off Caesar and Chu Zihang's connection with the outside world, this place will become a brand new place without heaven and earth.

Of course, even if Lu Mingfei performed the decapitation operation and succeeded, he could not avoid being flooded with Frigga bullets by hundreds of angry Lion Heart Club elites and student union elites, so his original goal was not to snipe Chu Zihang here. and Caesar.

His purpose was just to hold them back.

The door of 303 was pushed open from the inside, and the dust on the ground was blown up by the wind caused by Lu Mingfei's movement.

The walls on both sides of the dormitory corridor are hung with portraits of dragon-slaying heroes who have appeared in human myths or epics, such as Sigmund, Beowulf, St. George, Cadmus, Siegfried... these legends Each of the dragon-slaying heroes is lifelike, with faces covered with scars left by sword strikes, and golden pupils sunken into eye sockets, as if they were LED light bulbs imprinted on the drawing paper.

At the end of the corridor, there are Lion Heart Club elites wearing black combat uniforms and student union elites wearing red combat uniforms holding swords. They are well-trained and have already turned this place into a battlefield without alerting anyone. A dead place.

The muzzles of more than twenty submachine guns or automatic rifles were aimed at Lu Mingfei's body, and a huge number of Frigga bullets were ready to be fired, ready to pour a crimson rain on Lu Mingfei's body at any time.

Lu Mingfei didn't look at the team on either side. The stairs to go upstairs or downstairs were right in front of him.

The person in charge of the Lion Heart Club is Lancelot, an equally powerful A-level hybrid. If Caesar and Chu Zihang weren't so dazzling, he would probably be the student leader of Cassel College in this generation.

Lancelot's eyes flickered, remembering the evaluation Chu Zihang had given them about Lu Mingfei.

Dangerous and efficient, when angry, he resembles some violent dragon beast.

At this time, someone cut off the power supply to the entire third floor, and the lights in the corridor and dormitory went out.

Lu Mingfei heard Fingel wailing as if he had seen a ghost, but it was early in the morning, and although the corridor was still dark, the room was already quite bright.

The whole world was filled with Fingel's wailing.

Lancelot's eyes sparkled in the darkness. He slowly raised the gun. Every time he raised the muzzle, his eyes became brighter. Until the muzzle of the MP5 was completely pointed at Lu Mingfei, his eyes There is already a hot and majestic flame flickering inside.

As Lancelot ignited the golden eyes, others also released dragon blood one after another, and soon, Lu Mingfei was completely surrounded by a group of angry dragons.

That was not the look of a hunter.

That's the look of wolves!

At the same time, several dark red lights lit up. They were the laser sights installed by the madmen from Kassel College on their submachine guns. The dense light spots gathered on the side of Lu Mingfei's body.

Those who can join the Lionheart Club and the Student Union are all the elites among students. Most of these people can get high scores in shooting classes, and their gun-holding hands are so stable that the light spot only shakes slightly.

Both the people from the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union made the same choice at this moment. They aimed at Lu Mingfei, and there was no blind spot for their shooting.

Lancelot perfectly followed the fine tradition of the Lion Heart Society. During the battle, he was as calm as a dead man. His golden eyes were fixed on Lu Mingfei's every move, without any preamble to him. To get the chance, he just slowly raised his right hand and raised a finger.

He has been here a long time ago.

Before the start of the Freedom Day, Lancelot had already memorized all the information about Lu Mingfei, including the location of his dormitory.

But no one knew how powerful an S-class body could be, so even now, when Lu Mingfei seemed to be desperate, Lancelot remained cautious.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. He took a huge amount of oxygen into his lungs, and at the same time, his bones bit together even more tightly. He actually entered a place similar to the one he saw last time and space, the director of the Japanese Branch Executive Bureau Yuan Zhisheng. Unique keel state.

With his hands already touching the handle of the Desert Eagle, Lu Mingfei calculated the initial velocity of his bullet and the speed of his avoidance in his mind, once again confirming that he could avoid being hit in the coverage of Frigga's bullets in a short period of time.

Ten B-class hybrids who were among the best in the shooting class were distributed among the crowds of the Student Union and the Lion Heart Club. Their palms were sweaty, especially those members who had witnessed Lu Mingfei's terrifying golden eyes in the Norton Hall. Under great pressure.

A tenured professor on the Night Watch forum compared the golden eyes of Lu Mingfei and Principal Angers, confirming that the former's blood purity was even higher than that of Angers.

This means that Lu Mingfei will definitely become a hero on the dragon-slaying battlefield in the future, and he will be the leader of the secret party.

Even the elites of the Lionheart Society were a little frightened by being enemies with such people.

Before carrying out this mission, Lancelot and his friends drank strong wine and broke their glasses.

At this moment, Lancelot felt for a moment that victory was in the palm of his hand. As long as he moved his fingers slightly, Lu Mingfei would be shot by dense bullets. The high concentration of anesthetic would keep him awake for several days. Don't come.

But Lu Mingfei slowly turned around and looked at Lancelot.

Lancelot was suddenly covered in huge fear and panic, and he even felt that the blood all over his body ran cold.

The muzzle of the MP5 held in his left hand seemed to be hung with a thousand pounds of weight, making it impossible for him to aim the muzzle at Lu Mingfei.

Those were the golden eyes that Caesar Gattuso once faced in the Norton Pavilion!

The light ignited in these eyes was like the authority cast by a god sitting high in the clouds, forcing Lancelot to almost kneel down and salute.

But Lu Mingfei didn't say anything. He just glanced at Lancelot and then turned back.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Gunshots as dull as thunder came from the barrel of the Desert Eagle, fourteen times in a row, accompanied by slowly rising smoke from the muzzle of the gun held tightly in Lu Mingfei's arms.

He didn't even pay extra attention to the elites of these societies, and he had already stepped onto the ladder to a higher level.

At this moment, Lancelot was horrified to find that the submachine guns in his hands and the hands of everyone else had been shot away by Frigga bullets.


Qilan had already emptied the study room. There was no bunker, and there would be vibrating echoes when he spoke.

Lu Mingfei lined up all the Frigga bullets on his body on the ground in front of him. The Desert Eagle was completely disassembled. Even a firearms expert would need at least five minutes to assemble it before it could be used again.

Although Cassel's students are all elites among mixed-race species, they have not yet set foot on a real battlefield. It is difficult for them to mentally resist the golden eyes of higher-level bloodline owners. Just like many people dare not look directly at Chuzi. Just like Hang’s eyes that never burn out.

Lu Mingfei ignited his golden eyes and shocked the elites of the Lion Heart Society and the Student Union in a short period of time. This is why he was able to shoot down the weapons in their hands.

The reason why he shot down the weapon instead of knocking them down directly was because there were only fourteen bullets in his gun, but there were at least twenty B-class hybrids staring at him in that position just now.

Even if only the remaining few people opened fire with all their strength, Lu Mingfei might be killed on the spot.

"Junior brother, I'm aiming at the door of the study room. Do you want me to help you kill one?" Nono's voice sounded from the Bluetooth headset. At this time, Norma had not turned on the signal jammer.

"Senior sister is mighty, but it doesn't matter if you kill one of them. No matter whether you kill Chu Zihang or Caesar, I can't turn the tide of the battle. You have more important things to do." Lu Mingfei smiled, and he held two small dachi swords in his hands at the same time. Play with your hands.

At this moment, the door of the study room was opened from the outside, and the heavy combat boots took the first step almost at the same time, landing in this place with no sky and no place.

At the same time, Norma opened the signal jammer in time, and the communication between Lu Mingfei and Nono was cut off.

The man in crimson combat uniform was holding a military hunting knife about half a meter long, with golden patterns imprinted on the black blade.

The man in black combat uniform carried a slender Japanese sword, the blade of which reflected sunlight and was bright enough to dazzle the eyes.

The two men were clearly on guard against each other, with the tips of their knives pointed at each other, but they had no choice but to join forces briefly and cast their wary gaze on the young man sitting on the floor in the center of the study room.

Lu Mingfei raised his head with a bright smile on his face.

Caesar saw the disassembled Desert Eagle and the bullets spread out, and his pupils shrank slightly. He reached out and took off the mask on his head, and his dazzling golden hair fell down, framing a face like a Greek sculpture, with ice-cold eyes in his ice-blue eyes.

At the same time, Chu Zihang also took off his mask, revealing a head of untamed black hair, pointing in different directions, as sharp as a sword. Just like him, he is a sharp blade that cannot be withdrawn. It will either bleed or be broken.

The Desert Eagle and Grote had their magazines removed at the same time in the hands of Caesar and Chu Zihang respectively. The gun body and the magazine were separated and thrown in two directions. The metal parts slid against the marble floor for four to five meters. distance.

"What do you want to do by letting your people die?" Chu Zihang said. After entering this space, he and Caesar separated and stayed away from each other. They also vaguely showed a formation to surround Lu Mingfei and attack him from the front and back. .

"How can you say that you are going to die? Senior brother, our relationship is so strong, you should know that I am very loyal!" Lu Mingfei protested, his eyes drooped, but his attention was actually all on those two men.

Both Caesar and Chu Zihang are dangerous opponents, and they can be regarded as leaders leading a generation among hybrids. Even Lu Mingfei today must take them seriously to avoid being suppressed or even defeated.

"You did not appear in the team of the Freshman Association that blocked our advance. Lu Mingfei, you have shown strong shooting ability. If you join the battlefield, you will pose a huge threat to us. The student union and the Lion Heart Club will suffer heavy losses. ." Caesar tossed the hunting knife in the air, his ice blue eyes showing no emotion at all.

Lu Mingfei patted his butt and stood up. He half-crouched in a weird posture and crossed his swords in front of his chest to guard against the sudden attack of the two men.

This posture comes from the ancient Persian Empire. Immortals often need to use scimitars to penetrate deep into enemy camps. When facing more than two opponents, the strong biceps and forearm muscles as well as the muscles of both elbows It allows them to quickly inject maximum power into the blade, and use the method of swinging the knife to repel or even cut enemies attacking from both sides.

"You have indeed seen the problem." Lu Mingfei said.

He was fully focused, and in his keel state, he could even resist the bloody alliance between Chu Zihang and Caesar just by relying on his current strength.

But he never dared to underestimate these two men. They are all madmen, and they will not hesitate to cut off the carotid artery in order to drive the blade into the enemy's heart.

At this time, gunfire suddenly pierced the air and echoed over the school.

The faces of Caesar and Chu Zihang became quite ugly at the same time.

"Isabella, what's going on?"

"Lancelot, report the situation to me! We haven't solved Lu Mingfei yet, so don't start a war with the student union!"

Both of them quickly contacted their most trusted companions through Bluetooth headsets. They didn't even realize that Lu Mingfei had arrived directly in front of the gate while silently alerting each other. He turned his back to the only way out, and his swords reflected the sun's rays, revealing a dazzling cold light.

"There is no signal here, two senior brothers." Lu Mingfei smiled, showing his white teeth.

Caesar and Chu Zihang released their hands holding the Bluetooth headsets.

"It's your secret hand. Do you want to provoke the student union and the Lionheart Society to fight each other?" Chu Zihang and Caesar are both outstanding students in the tactics class and have studied Sun Tzu's art of war.

Lu Mingfei said nothing.

The facts are before our eyes. Nono, Zero, and the remaining elite freshmen are now pretending to be members of the Student Union and the Lion Heart Club and are sneaking around. Lancelot will be the first to be knocked down.

Soon, the teams wearing red combat uniforms and black combat uniforms will be in disarray because they cannot get effective command. They will attack each other until they are exhausted and the whole army is annihilated.

"This battle has not been fair from the beginning." Lu Mingfei said, "You have too much power in your hands. The members of the Student Union and Lionheart Club can completely crush me in numbers."

Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other.

Although they were able to come here because they were quite confident in themselves, they also knew that even if Lu Mingfei killed them here, they would not be able to get out of the study room. Multiple sniper rifles will pour bullets on Lu Mingfei the moment he walks out of the classroom.

The final winner will still be between the Student Council and the Lionheart Club.

But at this moment, it seemed that Lu Mingfei had already seen this.

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