Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 25 025 Deadlock

Chapter 25 025. Deadlock

Lu Mingfei's sword skills came from Principal Angers. The old guy is a living swordsman. He uses cruel training to hone Lu Mingfei, as if he is polishing a peerless sword. When he takes it out of its sheath, all the swords in the world will break.

Two swords in one day!

The school that Lu Mingfei studied.

He always remembered the principal’s words:

"Mingfei, you have to remember that the operation of the double sword is to swing the sword with one hand, and the strength must be inferior to the two-handed swing of the Yitou style. People who are not good at swordsmanship can easily focus on one thing and miss the other. The so-called lack of concentration. .In a life-and-death struggle, this slightest negligence can lead to fatal defeat."

When he said this, Angers was wearing a Gucci coat and holding a huge black umbrella, as if he was preparing to attend the funeral of an old friend.

He held a Cohiba made in Cuba between the index and middle fingers of his right hand, and waved the closed umbrella with his left hand to fly away the double knives that Lu Mingfei had chopped with almost all his strength.

The silhouette of time turned into vague fragments, gradually overlapping with the scene in front of me.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, and suddenly he drew his knife. The knife in his left hand was in an arc, and he slashed thickly and slowly from right to left. The force was so great that it made the sound of tearing the air.

At the same time, the knife in his right hand was pressed against his back with the back of the knife, and his body was slightly bowed. The whole knife almost fit his spine. sword!

Sure enough, the sound of whistling swords sounded the next moment.

Caesar was in front of Lu Mingfei. He was like a flying eagle at the moment, and his red figure was a little blurred due to the extremely high speed.

Caesar is a genius in the combat system. He can even accelerate himself to this level in an instant without any help.

The hunting knife named Dictado was held tightly by hands as strong as steel, with the pleasure of cutting off everything. It was so tough, so chilling, and seemed to be unstoppable!

But Lu Mingfei swung his left sword in an arc in advance, and it happened to touch the tip of Dictado's knife when Caesar fell. This murderous weapon seemed to have lost some balance at this moment, and the weak force generated from the tip of the knife The shaking was transmitted to the handle of the knife and then to Caesar's wrist. The huge force and terrifying shock made this proud Italian man almost unable to hold the weapon in his hand.

The moment Caesar was repelled, Chu Zihang also attacked from behind!

It was a long, sharp Japanese sword that could tear everything apart. Its angle was tricky and its power was majestic. It was like an avalanche from above.

Chu Zihang's long sword and Lu Mingfei's right sword carried behind him in Su Qin's sword-carrying style instantly matched each other. The blades collided and rubbed, causing shocking sparks, like fireworks flowing backwards. The fireworks completely fell on Chu Zihang's face, competing with those burning golden eyes.

Chu Zihang ignored it and had no intention of sheathing the knife. He actually chose to stand on both feet at this moment to enhance his balance and relieve the coming impact and pressure.

He slashed out the second and third sword with exactly the same posture and trajectory, hitting the same position on the Kodachi sword made of ordinary alloy. Lu Mingfei's bones screamed ear-piercingly at this moment.

But before Chu Zihang could swing his fourth sword, the dense sparks caused by the collision of the blades were scattered by the left sword that slashed fiercely from the side. Lu Mingfei's return slash broke the balance of power that Chu Zihang tried hard to maintain, and the famous sword named Murasame made an overwhelmed buzzing sound. Chu Zihang had to forcefully terminate his self-created sword technique.

The three of them were separated at the first touch, and everything happened between lightning and flint.

Under Lu Mingfei's almost prejudicial actions, both Caesar and Chu Zihang felt uncomfortable.

The two people seemed to have hit the same wall, staggering suddenly and leaning back. Caesar took a few steps back so quickly that Dictado was almost thrown out. Chu Zihang was slashed two meters away by Lu Mingfei's powerful sword. He had to kneel down to stabilize his body. His wrist was shaking violently, and the sword was also shaking.

"Your Murasame is made of jade steel. It can only relieve the force through vibration." Lu Mingfei put away his sword and stopped. He looked at Chu Zihang with a faint look, "Someone told me that two swordsmen can't be good at barbarism in one day." strength, but my bloodline is enough to support me to combine strength and skill."

"As expected of S-class." Caesar looked at his sword, then looked at Lu Mingfei, "You are very strong."

"But that's it." Lu Mingfei said in his heart, thinking that Caesar would still be the same in second class after a few more visits.

"But that's it." Caesar said. He gathered up his long golden hair and tied it behind his head. He held the ferocious short hunting knife across his chest with his right hand and his body slowly squatted down. At this moment, all the strength of his body was concentrated on the muscles connecting the leg muscles and elbows.

Dictado is a hard and fierce weapon. This kind of weapon should be used head-on to smash the rocks blocking the road and split the falling waterfalls!

Lu Mingfei hung the knife on his waist, holding the handle with his hands crossed, as if they were hidden in an invisible scabbard.

Double sword Iai!

With the speed at which Lu Mingfei drew his sword, even Principal Ange, who had not activated Time Zero, had to deal with it seriously.

There seemed to be even more chaos outside, with intermittent gunshots ringing out constantly, and the muffled sound of a human body falling to the ground also coming from outside the study room door.

There are gunmen targeting this place at all times. Any hybrids who try to break in will be shot in the head. Frigga bullets will make them sleep from morning to afternoon. Unless they are injected with an antidote, even an elephant must be honest. Really lying down waiting for the end of the free day.

Chu Zihang stood up silently. He finally suppressed the vibration of Murasame in his hand. The tiger's mouth cracked open and blood oozed faintly. "Junior brother, you are really a monster..." Chu Zihang pushed away a strand of hair covering his eyes, and his scorching golden pupils were completely exposed to the air. He looked towards Lu Mingfei with the majesty of a dragon. Shrouded over.

Similar to Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang also used Iai's starting stance. The duel between Japanese swords and Japanese swords, at their level, is extremely fast. Only Iai can exert the maximum power in the first time.

"Brother, we are all monsters, and the blood of dragons flows in our blood." Lu Mingfei said to Chu Zihang, and then responded to Caesar, "I don't think it ends here, the space here is too big." Narrow, none of us can do anything to anyone. But I'm at the door, you can't get past, and your people are killing each other, they can't contact their leaders, and eventually they will all fall and only us will be left. The winner's crown It should be decided only between the strong, with the weak intervening like hyenas in the battle between lions.”

At the same time, the golden pupils in Caesar's eyes, which were slightly inferior to those of Chu Zihang, lit up.

Two pairs of wild dragon eyes stared at Lu Mingfei without any warmth, and none of the three people spoke.

What Lu Mingfei said was true. He was able to repel Chu Zihang and Caesar in one blow. In fact, he did not rely entirely on his own brute force. The more reason was that he knew them too well and understood their emotions. Strengths, but also understand their weaknesses.

Once upon a time, when the Nibelung Plan was applied to Lu Mingfei, both Chu Zihang and Caesar were his sparring partners. This process lasted for more than six months. During these six months, the three of them got to know each other day and night. Mingfei almost figured out all the sword skills of the two of them.

But this kind of counterattack targeting weaknesses is only useful the first time. Chu Zihang and Caesar are both geniuses in fighting, and they will briefly change their styles in the next confrontation.

Although Lu Mingfei was an S-class and was confident that he could face the joint attack of two A-class or even super-A-class hybrids, it was difficult to achieve further results. They would be at a stalemate here.

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