Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 35 035 Confrontation

Chapter 35 035. Confrontation

"Lu Mingfei!" Nuonuo's voice was anxious and frightened. In her hand, she was holding the Desert Eagle assigned to Lu Mingfei by the equipment department.

He was used to using this large-caliber pistol, and even if it overlapped with Caesar's, he had no intention of changing it.

Nono's grades in physical fitness class and shooting class were very good, so he simply applied for the same hand-held weapons.

This dangerous weapon, which uses a gas-operated automatic principle similar to a rifle and free fire, can blow off the head of an African elephant with one shot. It can also be used against pure-blood dragons with scales as hard as the outer armor of medium tanks at close range. to the limiting effect.

But Lu Mingfei stood in the sudden rainstorm, his golden eyes so bright, far more than the pair of eyes belonging to Chu Zihang in the academy that even Caesar envied.

"Get off the deck, senior sister, stay away from here." Lu Mingfei said softly. He and the monster buried deep under the water looked at each other, both on guard.

The aura on Lu Mingfei's body was so familiar. He had taken away something that the dragons were guarding. It was the monarch who abandoned his clan and returned to the world to carry the banner. The emperor named Constantine was raped by a thief who descended from the world. Pick.

Last time, the Supreme was with me.

But this time, he was alone!

At this time, a pitch-black back surfaced, as rugged as a reef, with sharp and majestic bone spurs sticking straight into the sky.

It looked like a dragon's head emerging from the water, and its two huge, gas-lamp-like eyes emitted a terrifying golden color.

There was a crazy smile on that rugged and ferocious face.

"Detach immediately! Detach immediately! We have no value to these things, go to the dam!" Professor Manns issued an order in the cockpit, and his instructions radiated to the entire Monyach in a short time.

Everyone is moving, they are like mediocre worker bees, operating under the stimulation of the queen bee's pheromones.

At this time, the rain was pouring down, and the water was rushing. It was really a noisy and silent world.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand to block Nono's body. His golden eyes were so hot and bright that they seemed to never go out.

Hot dragon blood was boiling in his veins, and the ancient technology called the Road to Gods was almost always about to be activated.

As an S-class, Lu Mingfei has never tried to use the violent blood technique used by his senior brother to slay dragons in this period of time. He is very worried about his bloodline. Although it has been quite stable so far, how dangerous it will be once it gets out of control. thing.

Not far behind the Monyach is a small island hidden in the middle of the water. Many years ago, this small island was a mountain. Standing here and looking out, it looks like the Kuimen gate split by a divine ax. Spring is coming. They are all green, and the wind blows mightily, blowing the robes and armor of those who rebel against fate, and blowing the hair of the brothers who have the authority of bronze and fire.

There was once a magnificent era that unfolded here like an ancient and long picture scroll, but certain disasters destroyed this era.

The time of abandonment has passed.

Norton and Constantine left their own cocoons. They embraced each other and slept in the bronze city that they were proud of, and vowed never to abandon each other.

It was truly a magnificent promise. Brothers who would never betray each other embraced each other and died on the throne of the monarch. One was pierced by the core of authority representing the Philosopher's Stone, and the other was beheaded by the bronze purgatory called the Seven Deadly Sins that he had cast. They Even though he died, he never betrayed him, but the dragon bone cross was divided, his power was stolen by the humble tribe, and his soul could not rest in peace.

"Samson, I don't know who you are." Lu Mingfei's lips moved up and down without making any sound, but there was an ancient language that the dragons interpreted.


The lowly human beings who stole the King and the King's Noble Phantasm actually know the language of God!

The pure-blooded Long Yao twisted and touched each other underwater, and huge amounts of pheromones were secreted. If there were more sophisticated instruments for detection, Professor Mans would have discovered that with the entire Monyach as the core, there were a kilometer around it. Almost no aquatic animals can be seen within the range.

Those irrational beasts were expelled by the great creatures and all left here.

"Constantine is in my hands, and the Seven Deadly Sins are also in my hands. You...don't want to devour the Lord, right?" Lu Mingfei's vocal cords still didn't vibrate at all, but he relied on the slight touch of his upper and lower lips to produce the sound. The information is so transgressive!

How dare he! How dare he? !

The dragon and the dragon roared, showing ferocious faces, transmitting angry emotions to each other. Their eyes were so hot and bright, almost like bright lights shooting out from the bottom of the water.

At this moment, violent bloodshed was about to appear on Lu Mingfei's body, which was a road with no return.

But the two ancient dragons in front of me are both second-generation species with mythical names. They can even burst out with power close to the first-generation species if they try their best, which is far beyond what the so-called hybrid leader S-class can compete with. Even Lu Mingfei today can't compete with it. Those forbidden powers need to be used.

Where Lu Mingfei didn't notice, Nono's pupils hidden in the shadows shrank slightly and trembled.

After many years, she once again saw the nightmare that almost killed her. It was at the bottom of the deep water, and the huge vertical pupils were lit up in front of her.

The Desert Eagle held in his hand slowly lifted up. The sound of the bullet sliding into the chamber and the firing pin hitting the tail of the bullet was so clear in Lu Mingfei's ears. The sound of explosions like thunder tore through the dead silence in the noisy rain.

The bullet fired by this weapon, which is astonishingly powerful in the eyes of humans, landed on the water in the distance, causing a huge splash. The traces left by it as it passed through the rain curtain had not disappeared, and the bullet had already hit one of the dragons. scales, and the harsh sound of metal cracking was transmitted along the water to the Monyach.

The sudden sound of gunshots even in the heavy rain and the sound of metal cracking that almost echoed throughout the entire world clearly reached everyone's ears.

For a moment, the ship cruising on the water suddenly became silent.

The huge dragon head poked out of the water at this moment, his upper and lower jaws collided, and the tongue like a giant python intertwined in the rain in a terrifying and dizzying dance, and the ancient spells traveled on the water like bells.

That is this next-generation species using some kind of speech spirit!

The fact that words and spirits are chanted from the mouths of humans and chanted from the mouths of dragons are completely controlled by the rules of two concepts.

It has another name -


At this time, huge waves appeared on the water surface, like an amazing earthquake occurred in the underwater mud. The shaking waves were transmitted upward and all the way to the water surface. Countless bubbles rose, curls of white smoke rose from the water, and light like molten steel flowed under the water, as if a volcano was about to erupt underwater.

The two next-generation species undoubtedly belong to the lineage of the Bronze and Fire Kings, and the speech spirits they use are naturally related to these two items.

Lu Mingfei recognized this Yanling, Jun Yan!

Chu Zihang also has the same word spirit. Its position in the periodic table of word spirits is as high as 89. It is a real high-risk word spirit, a king of bronze and fire kings, and can summon and control the fire element in the domain. It can generate high heat in the field, and can briefly compress the generated heat in the field and then suddenly release it, producing an explosive effect.

Jun Yan is by no means the limit of the next generation. He is a cunning hunter who starts to test when he is not sure whether he can defeat his prey.

As Junyan's domain was expanded, the river water boiled under the heavy rain, and hot white gas rose into the sky, making a thunderous noise.

The surface of the river cracked, and hundreds of tons of scalding seawater surged toward the sky, then turned into water droplets and sprinkled down.

The water was sprinkled on the dark scales of the giant dragon protruding from the water, and was immediately evaporated into hot white mist, which made this thing look even more majestic.

"Senior sister!" Lu Mingfei grabbed Nuonuo's wrist suddenly, and he slashed out a knife in the air. The angle of the knife was from downwards to upwards. The blade hit the air and made a piercing scream, but at the last angle it seemed like When it hits something, it emits a blazing and dazzling light.

Jun Yan's domain has been extended here by the dragon that launched the attack, but the mythical weapon called lust ruthlessly tore apart the majesty of the courtier.

The dragon's first reaction was to kill the female human who dared to provoke, but Lu Mingfei's knife-wielding gesture made him let out a suppressed roar. ,

At this time, a black shadow jumped high in everyone's eyes, and a huge amount of rain fell on the shadow, splashing hot white mist.

It was truly a beautiful and ferocious creature.

He broke out of the water, looked up to the sky and let out a sound that sounded like laughter or a baby crying, and then fell heavily into the water. The dragon also stuck out his head and looked at Lu Mingfei who was holding a knife.

His body above the water was almost four stories high. His slender neck was covered with black scales. Along his spine, there were jagged black bone spurs that pierced through the scales. An ancient iron mask covered his face. Only the magical golden eyes were revealed.

The mountaineering bag was opened at Lu Mingfei's feet, and the Seven Deadly Sins were spread out like folding fans. Each weapon trembled slightly in the knife case. They eagerly and passionately longed for Lu Mingfei's waving, as if they could hold them tightly. It is not the honor of that humble human being, but the fate of these mythical weapons.

"Your condition is very wrong. Go down and rest first." Lu Mingfei's tone left no room for doubt. Nono staying by his side at this time was just adding to the burden.

Kenonuo's eyes were blurred when she looked up at him. She didn't know if it was rain or something, but the boy's face overlapped again and again with the devil who yelled at her not to die in her dream, and sour things flowed from her eyes and from her eyes. It flows out of the nose.

"Junior brother..."

Nuonuo's voice was soft and hard, with an inexplicable cry. Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. During the confrontation with Long, he used his peripheral vision to look at Nono who was next to him and was soaked all over.

"Don't die." Nuonuo said softly.

She reached out her hand and ruffled the boy's hair.

Lu Mingfei felt like he was struck by lightning.

He suddenly realized some possibilities that he had never imagined...

But Nuonuo turned around and left without hesitation. She was just a miserable cannon fodder on the battlefield between humans and dragons. Lu Mingfei was the hero who could finally stand on the battlefield.

"Abandon the anchor! Start the engine! Turn on the afterburner!" The third officer yelled at this time, and rushed towards the console while yelling.

This fifty-year-old man's hometown is the rough south coast of Scotland, where men like to wear red plaid skirts and gather together to dance. But decades ago or more than a hundred years ago, he also raised his hand. Shotguns set off one war after another trying to break away from the ancient House of Windsor. The blood of this kind of man flows in his bones. He is brave and resolute. Fighting the dangers in the sea is his favorite sport. As the oldest crew member here, the third officer has been floating on the ocean for more than ten years.

Most of the time, he knows better what he should do and what he must do.

While most people were still immersed in the shock of the beautiful and ferocious creature jumping out of the water, the old man had already rolled up his sleeves to reveal the anchor tattoo, and his muscles were twisted in an emergency response.

The two anchor chains connecting the Monyach to the bottom of the water were cut off at the same time. The powerful engine started instantly without preheating. The huge acceleration made Serge, who was unprepared, like a little hamster, facing no threat to things like dragons. Ma was rolling around in the bridge.

This inertia did not make Lu Mingfei waver in the slightest.

His whole body was tense, and he was always on the verge of bursting into blood. As long as the two giant dragons made an attack gesture, he would immediately release the lion's heart. He has used this secret technique to kill one high-risk hybrid species out of control, many of which have completely degenerated into Deadpool.

"We must seek support from the academy. This situation is beyond our capabilities. The weapons on this ship are far from enough to kill those dragons. What we need is an entire Stannis carrier formation!" Selma looked disgraced. She got up from the ground, yelled and ran around, eagerly looking for something to fix herself.

"Damn it! Do you want to start a world war?" Professor Mance scolded his student.

The ship beneath them was racing through the heavy rain.

The Monyach is equipped with engines purchased heavily by the college. These engines were originally used in German-made submarines. When accelerating, the speed can be as high as 50 knots, which is similar to that of a speedboat.

But this big guy can't keep running away at this speed. If the two dragons stop chasing, they will most likely be caught up and killed.

"Lu Mingfei is relying on one person's strength to confront two pure-blooded dragons, but this balance will not last long!" Mance cut a new cigar, put it in his mouth and lit it, the strong man fiercely He moved his facial muscles vigorously and said, "Give me the sniper rifle and I'll cover him!"

Selma opened the weapons cabinet hidden in the bulkhead and said, "Professor, you are our leader, you can't put yourself at risk! Let me go!"

"Okay!" Professor Mance slapped Thelma on the shoulder vigorously, as if to make her shorter, "Then you go! I will give you extra credits when you come back!"

Thelma staggered and couldn't stand still. The little girl scratched her head in embarrassment, "Well, Professor, actually I still have an old mother at home who is waiting for food..."

At this time, the weapons cabinet was opened, and an L115A3 sniper rifle stood in the center.

This British-made long-range sniper rifle can be called the emperor of sniper rifles, but the executive department is still not satisfied with its performance and has optimized the ammunition.

Mance filled the magazine with bullets glowing cold blue one by one, with ancient patterns engraved on the warheads. The primer of each bullet was painted red, which was a sign of possessing high-risk weapons.

"Of course I won't let you take risks, I'm just kidding." Professor Mance put the magazine into the gun. He looked at Thelma and stared into her eyes. "You are my student. Before I die, , it’s not your turn to go to the battlefield yet!”

I have been traveling for the past two days, and the travel and transportation are tiring, and the update time is unstable. However, I still shamelessly pursue the pursuit of reading. The pursuit of reading data is really important to the author.

Then, as I write at the end, I have actually seen the discussion about the heroine, but I don’t want everyone to reach the ending until the last moment.

It’s not going to be a tragedy, but it’s certainly not going to be a family-friendly comedy, and I’ve never been good at writing purely extreme literature.

Again, please read, recommend, and vote monthly!

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