Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 36 036 Take the Sword

Chapter 36 036. Draw the sword

Professor Mance, who rushed onto the deck with a gun, bit the cut cigar between his teeth. The end of the cigar flowed out light smoke that snaked backwards due to running. The entire Monyach was wailing, and the engine was roaring. The roar was accompanied by the sound of the storm raging against the hull, which was as loud as ancient war drums.

At this time, he met Nuonuo, who was quite lost.

"Chen Motong, your provocative behavior towards dragons will be written into my mission report. If any accident happens this time, you will have to bear at least half of the responsibility!" Mance said coldly, without looking. Nono, the heavy rain curtain formed a waterfall downwards along the steel gate. Lu Mingfei's figure was almost drowned by the heavy rain.

Professor Mance's eyes were fixed on the young man standing in the violent storm with a knife in hand. There was no expression on his face, as if the excitement and anger just now were all fake.

Nono left.

But Mance didn't step forward.

Even with his back turned to him, the majesty that Lu Mingfei exuded still made Lundstedt's hair stand on end. Those eyes with flowing lava seemed to be directly lighting up the stars in the heavy rain. They were so dazzling and brilliant.

It doesn't look like a real human being!

What kind of bloodline would allow Lu Mingfei to even suppress the opponent in a confrontation with a pure-blooded dragon?

Can Hilbert Jean Angers, the most powerful dragon slayer so far, be able to do this?

Professor Mance gritted his teeth and rushed into the heavy rain. The Monyach was still escaping at full speed. The majesty of the dragon drove the first mate and second mate to almost use the best driving skills in their lives.

Mance leaned tightly against the bulkhead and put his feet on the railing on the side of the ship. His whole body was like a triangle held between the bulkhead and the railing, which allowed him to maintain balance in the storm.

"Lu Mingfei! Don't be impulsive. Make your own safety your top priority at all times!" Mance's voice penetrated the heavy rain and fell into Lu Mingfei's ears. His voice was low, "You are destined to embark on this journey." You are different from us on this battlefield. The lives of everyone here are not as good as yours. To be honest, I don’t even know what Principal Angers is thinking. Why did he send you here? Is it just that? Is it just for some qualifications? This makes no sense at all. Your destiny is destined to be extraordinary. One day in the future, everyone will gather around you. You may hold high another flag to slay the dragon after us. This flag will fly for a long time. .”

The gold in Lu Mingfei's eyes seemed to be extinguished.

He looked in surprise at the man holding a sniper rifle that could not harm the second-generation species. He was holding himself in place in the storm, and those deep eyes were looking at him through the rain.

Jun Yan's domain was close at hand, and Lu Mingfei had already heard Long's ridicule.

It was an extremely high temperature that could destroy the entire system of the Monyach in an instant. Such an iron shell could not protect its passengers. The dragon's claws and teeth would tear the can into pieces, and everyone would die.

But Lu Mingfei was a little confused. He always felt that this matter was a bit weird, even a little too weird.

Only one day after he arrived here, Samson and another dragon attendant launched an attack, and the attack was clearly aimed at him.

just like……

It was as if they knew he was coming.

At this time, Professor Mance raised his sniper rifle and saw the two hot dragons underwater in the infrared scope. As the noble next generation of the bronze and fire lineage, the purest fire element flows in the bodies of the two dragon attendants.

Not to mention that one of them was brazenly opening up Junyan's domain at the moment. To Mance, this was as dazzling and eye-catching as the sudden appearance of the sun at night.

"That's good. I'm the professor of the shooting class at the academy. If my shooting record can participate in the Olympics, that record will be hung at the top for a hundred years and will not be taken down." Mance said to himself, he was concentrating on it. The brightest shadow in the thermal imager is the real dragon. The huge amount of heat emitted makes people feel incredible.

Lu Mingfei knew what Professor Mance was going to do. When Long was chanting Gu'ao's word spirit, the silent realm spread around. Most of the realms caused by the word spirit represented absolute destruction. At this time, only Long could Blocking the place where the text is sent can play an interrupting role.

Professor Manns pulled the trigger, and straight cold blue light shot straight into the water. It was the result of the fluorescent material on the tracer warhead rubbing and heating up in the air. The sound of the gun was like thunder, and the huge recoil could lift a strong man. turn.

The advancement of the water line was suddenly blocked, and a whirlpool formed on the surface of the water.

Professor Mance didn't hesitate at all, and fired continuously. Ten large-caliber bullets were fired into the water. The first one of the cold blue lights was not extinguished, and the second one was already pulled out. At the same time, several cold lights lingered in the dark air. At that time, it was so beautiful that it was astonishing.

These bullets were fired into Jun Yan's domain without any delay. This domain was not only erected in the air, but water was also a good heat conductor.

The brass bullets are constantly approaching the dragon attendant who chants the spirit of words. They form cold blue intermittent straight lines in the air and water, like some kind of high-tech weapon fired directly from the aurora launcher, but When the forward bullet touched the core of Jun Yan, which was a few meters outside the body surface of the Dragon Warrior, blazing sparks burst out. The terrifying high temperature melted the brass in an instant, and the water was boiling. The copper water is also boiling.

The thermal weapon that mankind is proud of, the most dangerous weapon on the individual battlefield, completely lost its dignity when faced with the ancient and majestic next-generation species.

A sniper rifle bullet powerful enough to instantly kill an African elephant cannot even get close to the body of the Dragon Warrior.

"I need more bullets!" Professor Mance shouted.

Selma is like a hard-working bee, busy preparing weapons for her mentor. She was really a qualified book girl. She would hold the book while her master was reading and she would grind the ink while he was writing. The master said he would take up his sword and go into battle to kill the enemy, so Thelma sharpened his sword.

But human swords pose no threat to dragons, and the technology called alchemy makes them confident.

Professor Mance continued to fire. Although he could not hurt the Dragon Warrior, he did suppress the continued expansion of Junyan's domain.

Brass with an initial speed of several times the speed of sound, even if it has not been killed, can pierce into the dragon scales without any precautions. Even the Dragon Attendant has to spend some effort to stop these dangerous little things. Get close to your body.

"We also have small torpedoes and depth charges!" The first mate roared in the cabin at this time. It was clear that each of them was wearing a Bluetooth headset, but at this time they were all shouting at the top of their lungs to communicate.

There were layers of hot sweat on the first mate's forehead. Originally, all his energy was focused on those complicated dashboards, but the new red-haired girl helped him with this task, which freed up more time for him. Use your head to think of countermeasures.

The Monyach was disguised as a tugboat when it entered the Three Gorges. In order to avoid trouble during the inspection by the waterway agency, many weapons and equipment were removed, but some small fish and depth charges that were easy to hide were still retained. They were in the gun cabinet. There are also a lot of weapons that have been banned by the International Military Tribunal, but considering that those things can cause irreversible harm to humans but cannot harm dragons, it is better not to show them out.

"Release all our underwater bombs!" Professor Mance shouted.

He did not stop shooting and continued to shoot the bullets trailing cold blue light into the water. These warheads made of alchemical materials were exactly the opposite of the "Frigga bullets". When they came into contact with the blood in the living body, they exploded immediately and were fatal. Toxins travel through the bloodstream and attack the heart. But these bullets, which were originally invincible on the dragon-slaying battlefield, could not even penetrate the scales of the Dragon Warrior.

This made Mance a little frustrated.

The thing in front of him was probably not the great Lord Norton, but at most a second-generation species.

Over the past hundred years, the Camarilla has achieved many glorious victories on the dragon-slaying battlefield, but never once has it directly killed a noble, pure-blooded second-generation species with the title of prince in a frontal battle.

The engine of the Monyach made an overwhelmed creaking sound, which meant that it was overheating. When the engine stopped working, this tugboat, which had been modified by the equipment department to withstand continuous strikes from a 30MM single-barreled naval gun, would become a self-service Canned food, I think when the Dragon Warrior eats these mixed-race elites, he probably prefers sashimi, and he probably won't have wasabi soy sauce or anything like that.

The steering wheel turned rapidly in the hands of the first mate. Nono could not do anything about the operation in such an emergency. She had only taken a general ship driving course and was not really good at it.

The Monyach splashed with waves nearly ten meters high, drawing a "Z" shape on the water with a large angle of fold line.

At the same time, the second officer opened the underwater hatch at the stern, and ten underwater bombs were released continuously. Because of the "Z" shaped route, they formed three rows, three in the front row, four in the middle, and three in the back row. pieces, about ten meters apart from each other.

The underwater bombs' tiny engines started up, and these engines kept them at a depth of five to ten meters underwater while slowly closing in on the extremely approaching thing.

From the second officer's sonar monitor, the underwater bombs formed an arc about 30 meters wide, waiting for the thing like an animal trap.

"Good brother, it has to be you! So beautiful!" the second mate shouted to the first mate.

This is a conspiracy. If the people chasing behind are humans, then as long as the other party has some brains, they will choose to go around or stop, but what is chasing them are two brainless beasts!

Those big guys will just run into them and be blown to pieces by depth charges!

The explosive power of these bombs is quite astonishing. The scientists in the execution department are all madmen, and they are no better than the bomb maniacs in the equipment department. When designing these underwater bombs, the ultimate goal was once set to destroy one The armor of the Los Angeles-class aircraft carrier was blown through.

Thinking about it, as long as they were still carbon-based creatures, the two dragon attendants had no chance of surviving.

At this time, Professor Mance dropped his sniper rifle and ran back to the cabin, pushed the second officer away, and lay on the sonar monitor, staring at the shining photoelectrics and the giant fish-like creature getting closer and closer.

"Extremely close, only 50 meters left!" the second officer shouted, "This thing really has no IQ. It rushed straight over without slowing down!"

The speed of that thing is close to the speed of the Monyach, which is also about 50 knots. Those underwater bombs are suspended in the water, like fireflies floating in the air. In this case, the distance of 50 meters only takes two or three seconds to disappear. , just a sudden braking distance. Just imagine, is it possible for a speeding car to stop on an icy road late at night? Obviously not, and the friction of water is not much higher than that of ice. Mance was ecstatic, clenching his fists hard, with the joy of revenge.

"We're about to get into contact!" The second officer's face turned red. The passengers on this ship were all mixed races, but they all had average blood and were not exposed to many high-end battlefields.

If we can really kill two sub-species today, we will have a monument that can be engraved on our epitaph.

"It's overlapping! The dragon and the bomb are overlapping!" Professor Mance was also a little excited. The speed of the Dragon Warrior's pursuit was amazing. They couldn't stop. This was a good opportunity.

"Damn it..." said the second mate.

Mance's eyes were a little confused, "What?"

"Oh my God..." Thelma looked at the screen as if she were meeting a monarch.

Mance looked up suddenly and saw that the original ten light spots on the screen had completely disappeared.


Lu Mingfei saw with his own eyes that the Dragon Warrior on the other side, who had been cruising around Jun Yan's domain without reciting the dragon inscriptions as if he was a guard, suddenly accelerated his speed.

He was like a sharp sword being stabbed out in the water, opening huge wounds. The huge waves were swept up, hitting the heavy rain falling from the sky, and then he swallowed the bombs in one gulp.

It was a mind-numbing scene, but Lu Mingfei tightened his grip on lust.

He knew that dragons were cunning hunters.

At this time, the dragon attendant who had swallowed the bomb suddenly accelerated, and he opened his mouth toward the Monyach underwater.

A deafening explosion came from that direction, and the sound shock made the entire Monyach tremble. Lu Mingfei was the only person who had the opportunity to witness this great scene.

The moment ten underwater bombs exploded at the same time, a terrifying pillar of fire inserted diagonally into the water grew freely like a sword made of flames!

An instant later, the flaming sword exploded, fire fragments were projected in all directions, and sharp metal pieces mixed in the explosives spattered in all directions, some of which directly hit the stern of the Monyach, making a harsh sound.

The flaming giant sword was pointed straight at the Monyach, and the dragon attendant was using human weapons to attack humans!

The oncoming river of fire reflected Lu Mingfei's face!

He knew that this moment had finally arrived!

The lust held in the hand seemed to be awakened, and it was making a dragon's roar.

Lu Mingfei held the handle of the knife with a tiger's mouth, holding the knife across his chest. The dragon's blood boiled, and the blazing golden color in his eyes exploded, turning the surrounding rain curtain into gold!

He swung the knife fiercely, Lust was swung into the air, all the power was poured out, and the knife came to life!

Its blade has been extended to seven or eight meters. Now it doesn't look like a Kodachi at all, but instead looks like an angry dragon!

This mad dragon was held in Lu Mingfei's hand, and it curved like a crescent moon from bottom to top.

When the raging flames were about to completely submerge the Monyach, the sharp crescent moon, accompanied by the high-pitched roar of the dragon, met the river of fire from the front!

The violent explosion set off huge waves tens of meters high on the water.

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