Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 48 048 Spear of Destiny

Chapter 48 048. Spear of Destiny

The Seven Deadly Sins buzzed in the air, and they knew it was time to unsheath them.

At this time, there was no thunder anymore, only the endless sound of rain remained.

It was so quiet that it was scary. Suddenly, a long and majestic horse neighing came from the dead silence.

There was a terrifying enemy in front of him. Lu Mingfei's bones cracked and crackled, torn apart and reorganized along the almost non-existent cracks. He became harder than steel. His hands could tear open the bronze door. The keel was in a state of He's physically turned on.

This is a not too complicated technology, but it has high requirements on the user. Only those with truly excellent bloodlines can activate the keel state.

In the last period of time, the Japanese branch packaged Yuan Zhisheng's notes on the state of the dragon bone and sent them to Lu Mingfei via email. But at that time, Lu Mingfei temporarily possessed a Class A hybrid species through the Nibelung Plan. Ability, but still unable to stimulate the dense and hard keels in his body without relying on Lu Mingze.

After returning to this period of time and space, his bloodline unexpectedly reached a level that may even be better than that of the principal. It is effortless for Lu Mingfei to activate the dragon bone state.

Under this attitude, he was confident to fight against the real third generation species.

Lu Mingfei was even able to defeat the combined forces of Caesar and Chu Zihang on the frontal battlefield with one against two.

At this time, he was not inferior to Minamoto Chisheng who was far away in Japan.

Lust and Gluttony, originally held in Thelma's hands, flew into the rainstorm and got into Lu Mingfei's palms. The two swords, the blades and tips began to extend, turning into giant blades used to slay dragons in ancient times.

Ancient and mysterious patterns are emerging on their surfaces, and blazing light bursts out from the depths of these patterns.

Five other dragon-slaying swords were suspended behind Lu Mingfei. Deadpool screamed in horror. They desperately wanted to raise their heads and stare at Lu Mingfei with those violent and ferocious eyes, but they came from the depths of his blood. The fear crushed their spines.

They fell to their knees and shivered.

That fear did not come from the boy who had activated the dragon bone state, but from the swords that were emitting high dragon roars.

At this moment, there seemed to be another dragon king standing behind Lu Mingfei. His name was the great Norton, and his title was the King of Bronze and Fire. He hugged Lu Mingfei from behind, his ferocious face buried in Lu Mingfei's hair, and his hard palms and wrist bones completely fused with Lu Mingfei's. Holding Lust and Gluttony was like holding the entire world.

Kingly authority is revived in his hands.

God watched all this happen silently.

But the changes in Lu Mingfei were far from over.

Fine scales slowly grew all over his body, like blue-black armor. These scales pierced the skin, carrying a bloody smell. They snapped together one by one in the heavy rain. At the same time, the joints reversed and the nails protruded into sharp claws.

This was the second violent bloodshed in the dragon bone state, and forbidden techniques were used one after another. At this moment, Lu Mingfei was like a girl on the altar, and the next step was the abyss.

Someone once told Lu Mingfei that once violent bloodshed is to release the lion's heart, and second violent bloodshed is to release your dragon heart. Very few people can advance this technique to the second level, which is the road to becoming a god. In the second half, people's will is gradually weakened.

But Lu Mingfei was able to do it without any pressure. He could only do it three times, but he was unwilling to do it. Every attempt to do three times was a nightmare of losing himself. Lu Mingfei He could still feel that he was himself, but he felt that he was not like himself at that time. Some kind of higher human logic was replacing his original logic.

Unparalleled power was being pumped by the heart along the blood vessels to every inch of Lu Mingfei's flesh and blood. In his eyes, the color of the golden pupils was no less than the single eye of God. After activating the dragon bone state and the second violent blood attack, Lu Mingfei still retained his human characteristics, but his whole body was hard and violent, just like a real dragon.

Lu Mingfei squinted as his bright and fiery golden pupils illuminated the nearby water.

He saw what he looked like at this time. The blue-gray scales protruded from the surface of the skin. The bones grew and deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The black bone spurs broke through the surface of the body. The muscles bulged violently. Every muscle fiber was so clear, like Tightened steel cable.

So powerful.

If only I had this kind of power.

It would have been nice to have been back here a few minutes earlier.

The angry young man slowly raised his head, and the cold rain fell on his skin and his exposed body with long scales. The blue-gray scales opened and closed, and each time they opened, a large amount of heat was released from the bottom of the scales. .

Lu Mingfei looked up at the sky and breathed out such a long breath.

He lowered his head again and looked at the god riding the eight-legged Pegasus from a distance, with lava flowing in his pupils.

The next second, a human-shaped hole was left in the raging rain curtain.

Lu Mingfei has disappeared where he was!

He used his dragon-like feet to step on the metal deck of the Monyach, and actually made a huge hole in the deck. The reverse-bent knee joints that only belong to dragons exploded with unusually huge force. His figure was in the air. Disappeared while moving at high speed.

Lu Mingfei hid the two swords at his waist and held their handles with his hands crossed. This posture could help him better grasp the strength of holding the sword.

The rain curtain all over the sky was shattered, and the swords named Seven Deadly Sins roared and charged with Lu Mingfei. They woke up at this moment and realized that the thing whose head they were destined to chop off was standing in that direction.

The Pegasus horse named Sleipnir raised its hooves, and the thunder and lightning spewed out from its mouth by this mythical beast spread around like a towering tree.

But even though Lu Mingfei showed such amazing speed, he still didn't notice how Odin disappeared.

At this moment, he had unimaginable dynamic vision and reaction speed, but it was still difficult to capture the figure of the god.

Relying on his years of combat experience, he fiercely drew out his sword while sprinting, swinging the roaring sword.

The rain curtain was cut, and the part of the alchemy sword extending from the spirit seemed to be danced by flames. Those brilliant lights dispersed the darkness on the entire Monyach. Only then did I see that countless twisted and narrow black shadows had climbed up. Filled every corner of the hull.

Lust and gluttony collided with Kungunir in the rainstorm, and the sound of gold and iron clashing was deafening.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei was in close combat with the god named Odin. Only then did Lu Mingfei realize how majestic he was. Odin's body was nearly two meters tall, and in his hand was the weapon named Kungunir predicted by Lu Mingze. With a force capable of tearing apart mountains, it smashed down ferociously.

Lust and Gluttony roared with difficulty. At this moment, these two proud weapons were overwhelmed and torn apart by Okungunir, making a piercing scream.

"The word spirit you used is Time Zero! Who are you?" Lu Mingfei was suppressed by Odin's huge power, and his knees couldn't help but bend.

At this time, his whole body was like a steel nail being driven into the hull of the Monyach.

The power in Odin's hand continued unabated, and the golden single eye burst out with a wave of mental power. This mental power was extremely aggressive, as if it was going to destroy Lu Mingfei's will in an instant.

But Lu Mingfei remained unmoved and stared back with his unrivaled golden eyes.

In the dark rain, gold versus gold.

This is a great scene. If there are painters or troubadours here, they will definitely be able to create a mythical chapter. Unfortunately, their witnesses are only a group of screaming dead men. These dry and despicable things are far away. The place is wandering, they are God's slaves, how dare they participate in God's war.

Of course, Odin would not respond to Lu Mingfei's question. He just held the end of Kungunir with his left hand and pressed it down hard. With his right hand, he pulled out the magnificent sword from his waist.

Even in the keel state with the second violent bloodshed, Lu Mingfei was still far from Odin's opponent.

His strength and speed were suppressed in all directions. This feeling was so powerless, just like BJ's Nibelungen many years ago. He could only helplessly watch the two figures moving and colliding in the air at high speed. Fight and shed blood.

"Brother, I can't beat him." The whole world trembled slightly, the suspended raindrops were crumbling, and sparks were still bursting out from where the swords intersected and the spears met, but everything was still. This is not time zero. If This really has an impact on the real world. It must be a spiritual spirit that is greater than Zhulong, Rhine, and Shiva.

Time stopped.

Lu Mingze seemed to be playing cosplay. The little devil was wearing the skin that had been peeled off and dried from some kind of cat. He was holding a horn kettle in his left hand and a crooked ax in his right hand. He looked like a little Germanic man.

"Get out of here, how do I know I can't beat him without taking action?" Lu Mingfei cursed. He had met Odin once and killed him once, so he thought it would be so easy this time.

"It's different this time. There's someone else." Lu Mingze had a mean smile on his face. He really couldn't understand why a cute kid could laugh so badly that he deserved a beating. Lu Mingfei took back his lust and gluttony, "What do you mean?"

"Literally, Odin, the vest player, has been replaced." Lu Mingze shrugged, "Brother, you are the No. 1 among interstellar players. You can imagine that the current Odin is the Zerg mother controlled by you. The nest is versatile in all aspects of tactical micro-control and speed, and can use red dot operation to destroy a novice like Old Tang."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment when he heard the words "Old Tang".

To be honest, Lu Mingfei and Old Tang didn't know each other this time. He rarely played games anymore because he had very important things to do and his time was very rare and precious.

"I understand, what about that Odin from last time? Is he Old Tang?" Lu Mingfei seemed to understand.

Lu Mingze spread his hands, "Probably Chen Wenwen."

Lu Mingfei stared at Lu Mingze blankly, thinking it was too absurd, too absurd to be believed.

"Chen Wenwen doesn't know how to play games." Lu Mingfei said.

"I know." Lu Mingze said.

Lu Mingfei had a dark look on his face, "What about me, what's my level?" "Brother, you are better. If there is really a player controlling you, that guy's level is at least as good as that of someone who hangs around in an Internet cafe all day long, eating and waiting to die. The kind of people who watch from behind people’s screens.”

"It doesn't sound like a good thing to say." Lu Mingfei complained.

"Brother, you are so smart. This is really not a good thing." Lu Mingze said, "In short, you are no match for Odin in your current state, so do you want to exchange? Customer feedback, as long as I take a quarter of your life, Help me, brother, to kill that guy. Then you can steam, fry, or fry whatever you want. You can also package Odin's body and sell it to the secret party. I believe the big fools of the Gattuso family will spend a lot of money. Buy this thing.”

"Forget it next time, I still have some skills that I haven't used yet." Lu Mingfei waved his hand, about to wave Lu Mingze away.

He does have some tricks up his sleeve.

After turning on the third degree of violent blood, Lu Mingfei felt that he was already close to Jörmungandr in human form. Although the younger junior sister was a bit weaker, no matter how weak the dragon king was, he was still a dragon king. Don't use bean bags as dry food.

"Brother, have you asked Chen Motong how she came back?" Lu Mingze said quietly.

Lu Mingfei suddenly shuddered violently. He realized that he was about to hear the truth that he didn't want to hear. That truth would make him extremely sad and want to tear the whole world apart.

"Odin threw a weapon called Kungunir in the Nibelungs. It is a weapon of fate. As long as it is aimed at, it will definitely hit. If it hits, you will die." Lu Mingze said, "You use your body as a weapon. The last barrier, Kungunir penetrated your heart and then penetrated hers, so that’s why she likes you.”

Lu Mingfei's heart suddenly cramped.

It was the feeling of being pierced by a sharp knife.

"That is an ancient weapon. It was born before the Seven Deadly Sins. The dragon-slaying sword forged by Norton cannot compete with it. If you want to rely on them, you are destined to fail." Lu Mingze stood still in front of the eight-legged Pegasus. He looked up at the majestic beast and waved the ax in his hand fiercely, but the ax was just an inflatable toy and could not cause any harm to the horse.

Lu Mingze turned around and smiled jokingly, "As long as Kungunir targets a person, he can take that person's life. Even in the future that has not happened, that is an unchangeable fate, so it came here, To rewrite that long poem of destiny.”

"Look, the predetermined fate is still the same. So what if you are S-class? So what if you have a mountain on your back? So what if there is a dragon hidden in your eyes?" Lu Mingze opened his arms and threw away the inflatable Ax, with stern eyes and a sharp tone, "Brother, you still have to watch your senior sister die in front of you. Why do you think Odin appears this time? What is he trying to kill those despicable humans? Is he trying to seize the throne?" Do you want to commit your seven deadly sins?"

"No, brother, no!"

"Go, go back, brother, use your full strength to wield the Seven Deadly Sins after three violent attacks. That way you can also have some power and power. Although you are still weak, you will still inevitably trade with me in the end, but at least we all know What have you done!"

Lu Mingze pushed Lu Mingfei's chest hard, and his time flowed again. Odin's left hand had already raised the sword.

The sword is about to fall and chop off Lu Mingfei's head!

I'm having a heat stroke. I'm not thinking well today, so I can't write in an incomprehensible way. I'll go back and revise it again tomorrow or later if I have time.

Still begging for reading and recommendations, thank you readers.

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