Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 49 049 You are finally here

Chapter 49 049.You are finally here

At such a close distance, Lu Mingfei finally saw the true face of God. He was worthy of being a god, worthy of being Odin, so majestic and so terrifying.

It reminds people of the ancient songs, lonely and desolate, and when they face each other, they feel their hearts agitated.

The blue wind cloak was draped, and the iron surface was illuminated by the bright golden eyes. The Holy Spear of Destiny Kungunir was indeed similar to the legend, forged from the branches of some kind of tree.

The hot and blazing dragon's blood was pumped by Lu Mingfei's heart to his limbs and bones, and his golden pupils almost spewed out flames that turned into substance.

Something boiled in his veins.

That was the third violent bloodshed that only existed in theory. It was the edge of the cliff, and one step further was the abyss.

In the ancient Dragon Age, the Camarilla called violent blood technology the Road to Godhood, a long road full of thorns.

Lu Mingfei's heart was beating at an extremely fast speed, and the blood in his veins was like a rushing river, so majestic and powerful.

Some kind of logic far superior to human beings that was still dominated by his will was permeating his whole body along with the blood flowing along the blood vessels.

That should be the dragon's will.

The terrifying power filled Lu Mingfei's muscles again, and he slowly bent his back, like a bow stretched to its extreme.

In his mind, Lu Mingfei was standing in a very high lightning, with clouds like the sea rolling under his feet. When the wind picked up, the sea of ​​clouds began to rise, slowly submerging his consciousness.

These clouds are so soft.

Also very gentle.

It was like a mother's hand gently holding the young boy in her arms.

Chu Zihang once told Lu Mingfei that three blood explosions were the ultimate nightmare. Once he entered this dream, he would dance with the killing immersed in the dream.

That time in BJ Nibelungen, he thought he would never wake up from the black dream again. He will become Deadpool, and all his past friends will be proud to kill him. The remaining human will is only enough for the dragon-shaped body to fight until he kills the Dragon King, or is killed by the Dragon King.

The golden eyes bursting with light slowly closed, as if they were about to accept the fate of death.

Odin's left hand continued to exert force. Kungunir was really as heavy as a mountain at the moment, pressing hard on the intersection of lust and gluttony. Lu Mingfei's wrist bones were making an overwhelming crunching sound.

The sword in the god's left hand was about to fall on Lu Mingfei's head.

But in the next moment, even more magnificent golden eyes slowly opened in front of Odin.

He raised his head and stared at Odin's single eye, just like the ancestors stared at the dragon entrenched on the plateau. There was no respect in his eyes, only overflowing murderous intent.

Bloodshed three times.

Turn on.

After three violent outbursts, Lu Mingfei had the ability to directly fight the next generation species head-on. He let out a ferocious roar, and burst out with lust and gluttony supporting each other.

The Holy Spear of Destiny was knocked away from Odin's hand, but the god was not surprised. The exquisite and gorgeous sword in his other hand was still slowly but firmly slashing down in an unstoppable manner.

Roaring and neighing like an angry dragon, the remaining five of the seven deadly sins that followed Lu Mingfei reflected each other at this moment. They ferociously gathered together with lust and gluttony, creating a great alchemical field.

Arrogance [superbia], jealousy [invidia], rage [ira], laziness [acedia], greed [avaritia], gluttony [gula], lust [luxuria]

The initial letters of these swords combined are a medieval Latin word, [Scelus et poena], which means "crime and punishment"!

The alchemical field currently inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins is the field called Crime and Punishment.

That was the punishment sent down by the King of Bronze and Fire to all monarchs and gods.

On the sword case of the Seven Deadly Sins, the ancient Hebrew words [Deniqueubierit sanguisagladioregis] are seeping with glorious dragon blood. These words are translated into Chinese characters as "The blood of all kings will end with the sword", which means that judgment will surely come. .

The great mythical weapons are fully awakened. They feel that the fateful showdown is right in front of them, and the realm of crime and punishment suddenly opens.

The majesty of the Lord of Bronze and Fire still remains in the Seven Deadly Sins. Those great swords burst out with dazzling light, and in the brilliant firelight, the shadow of the god is looming.

It was really the shadow of God, the shadow of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire. He actually looked like a very young man, surprisingly handsome, wearing ancient Chinese clothes and a feather fan scarf, which reminded people of Zhou Yu of Jiangdong. Norton opened his arms to face the falling sword. He was so determined in the light, as if he wanted to embrace the sun that did not exist.

Odin's left hand could no longer move downward.

At this time, Lu Mingze's low laugh sounded in Lu Mingfei's ears, "You are so surprisingly persistent, Norton..." he said.

Suddenly, huge wings of light opened in front of Lu Mingfei, blocking him and Odin. Norton's shadow formed a glorious cross with its wings and body. This cross was sharp and huge, standing in the swaying rain curtain. middle.

There are ancient dragon texts being chanted.

Norton is saying, "On the day I return to the world, all the rebels shall die!"

The realm of crime and punishment fiercely collided with Odin's chest. It was a huge killing array condensed to the size of a sword. It should have been like a falling meteorite, containing the power to destroy everything.

"It's a pity that he is not the real king after all." Lu Mingze's voice sounded again. In Lu Mingfei's slightly stunned eyes, Odin's sword was also knocked away, but he clenched his right hand into a fist and showed an unstoppable attitude. Waving in the light, the breath of death is approaching infinitely.

The figure of the little devil really appeared between this fist and Lu Mingfei.

His body only blocked it for less than a second and was immediately shattered. He turned around and said, "Brother, run quickly."

But Odin's jagged fist, which was harder than steel, had already landed on Lu Mingfei's chest.

For a moment, Lu Mingfei felt that he had been hit head-on by a heavy truck. He was thrown out like a piece of rag, with splashes of ink-colored blood, and a scarlet color slowly covered his pupils. , everything in the field of vision is red.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

There was deathly silence on the messy deck of the Monyach. Lu Mingfei crashed into the outer wall of the bridge miserably, making a dull sound.

There was a sarcastic and magnificent laughter, and it was Odin laughing.

He was laughing at the actions of the humble human being in front of him. The road to becoming a god was just an audience with God, and he himself was God.

Suddenly a thunderous gunshot sounded behind Odin, and Thelma stood up straight. She had never been so brave as she was now.

Groups of deadpools were photographed kneeling on the ground in the majesty of God. Thelma actually got the pair of desert eagles from Professor Mance's hands, and the box of the seven deadly sins was on her back. Dragon's blood was coming out, and the hot blood was burning her skin, making her lips pale.

The girl ignited her golden eyes, and Thelma poked out the black muzzle of the gun from the broken porthole. The powerful dummy bullet hit Odin in the back of the heart, and was melted by the hot divine blood into splashing molten iron.

"Junior, you don't deserve to die here." Selma said, the muzzle of the gun in her hand spitting out flames continuously. Even though Mance had already tried to attack Odin with bullets and proved the meaninglessness of this action, Selma Still do it without hesitation.

Her eyes were determined and firm, and her whole body was trembling, except for the muzzle of the gun.

When she looked at Lu Mingfei, she actually showed a pale smile.

She said, "Junior, you are S-class, you are more important than us, so you have to die behind me. This is our fate."

The Monyach shook slightly, and Lu Mingfei's eyes widened. He swung his sword left and right, supporting his body against the metal wall.

His head hurt so much, and countless fragments of memories appeared in his mind, but those memories should not appear in his thoughts, because they were...

In Nuonuo's memory, among those fragments, Lu Mingfei saw the holy spear named Kungunil approaching, followed by inevitable death.

At this time, the gun returned to Odin's hand. He turned around and threw the branch that directly hit Destiny.

"Junior, I have lived up to our fate. You will be the last one to die, if you still have to die after all." Thelma said, her hand lowered, the muzzle of the gun also lowered, and the bullets of the Desert Eagle completely It was empty, and now she had nothing else to stop the god.

The magnificent music came out from the ancient gramophone that should have been completely destroyed. It was Maxim's Exodus.

Lu Mingfei was stunned.

Someone had said something similar to him before. That person's name was Chu Zihang, and he was his senior brother. They had a very good relationship and valued each other more than their own lives.

It was the summer when they first met Jörmungandr. They were struggling to survive in the "Snake of the Atrium" that was about to collapse. Chu Zihang said to Lu Mingfei, you are responsible for answering the phone and I am responsible for controlling the distance in front. Lu Mingfei said why should I answer the call? Brother Dian, Chu Zihang said that because of this, you will be the last one to die. What an idiot. Responsibility, fate, etc. are not as valuable as your own life.

The holy spear is fired very slowly, and the time from when it is thrown to when it hits the heart is conserved, so if the target is far away, it will be as fast as a flying feather, and if the target is very close, it will be as slow as a flying feather.

The porthole was broken through from the center, and the curved gun pierced Selma with a purple-black breath of death.

Lu Mingfei roared like a dragon. The broken ribs in his abdomen actually grew and merged into one place at this moment. White steam rose from his body surface.

He stretched out his hand, and immediately a sword buzzed and flew out happily from the seven deadly sins clustered together.

The most dangerous rage of all seven weapons!

That is the rage that represents the highest authority of the King of Bronze and Fire!

The independent realm was aroused without warning from the rage that flew into Lu Mingfei's hands.

It is a two-handed long-handled sword about 150 centimeters, with a curved edge and about one finger thick. It is a horse-cutting sword similar in shape to the Chinese Song Dynasty. Just looking at its current appearance, it is indeed a murder weapon that can break bones.

As the territory expands, Fury's appearance also changes. This knife can only take on its current form in the hands of the purest hybrids. Its blade lengthens like melting, extending from the original length of more than one meter. It reaches an astonishing length of nearly six or seven meters, and its surface is covered with a blazing light.

The originally smooth blade turned into a sharp toothed blade, as if there were countless dragon teeth protruding from the blade.

The rage awakened, and the ancient inscriptions on the blade also awakened, like golden pupils that suddenly opened, and lava flowed from each pupil.

Time seemed to have paused. Lu Mingfei dragged furious light and fire in his hands and leaped high behind Odin, but his target was not God, but the weapon named Kungunir.

Lu Mingfei suddenly understood. He finally knew that the one who truly understood destiny was never the so-called Odin or the so-called God, but the weapon in the hands of the God that should have no life and consciousness. Kungunir was the one who wanted to continue. Those tragic and fateful things.

This time he held nothing back, almost all of the dragon's blood burned.

"Brother, that's great!" Lu Mingze laughed wildly beside him, "That's it, cut it off! Cut off the sorrow in your destiny! Even if you will be alone in the end, even if your feet will be cut by the thorns on the long road open!"

Odin stood in silence in the distance. He raised his head and looked up at the leaping Lu Mingfei. His eyes were cold, as if he was looking at a dead man.


"Aki, Aki, follow me!" Nuonuo sneaked into the cabin from the other direction of the Monyach, and she took a trip to the torpedo room along the way.

What a pity. Professor Mance used his own life as a bet to delay the time for him. The third officer was torn to pieces. They were two deadpools who sneaked in and hid underneath at an unknown time. When Nono walked into the torpedo room, they There was a fight for the third mate's pelvis, and the Scotsman struggled before he died, one of the dead mate's thighs shattered by a shotgun.

Nuonuo knew this guy. He was a very good person and had a daughter. There was a photo of his daughter hidden under the hat.

But he died, and she found the photo in a pool of blood, wiped it clean and kept it on her body.

Shutoku Aki felt very uncomfortable before Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo dived. After they dived, they returned to the cabin. The lounge of the Monyach is completely enclosed and has no external observation windows. It is very safe. Even Deadpool will have a hard time breaking through it in a short time.

The two of them split into two groups. Lu Mingfei was responsible for landing directly on the Monyach to try to eliminate the threat. Nono looked for survivors and tried to avoid contact with Ye Sheng on the ship.

The real Ye Sheng has died outside the Bronze City. His body is hanging at the tail of the Monyach, with pale skin.

No one knows what is replacing Ye Sheng's identity now.

Maybe it's a ghost, seeking revenge on the human world.

In the narrow lounge, there was an undulating figure lying on the side on the single hard metal bed against the inner wall. Nono's expression suddenly changed and became ugly.

She strode to Shuudoku Aki's side, her crimson pupils contracting slightly.

It was a body, but not Aki's, but that of another crew member.

A male crew member, his body was covered with scars and was not discovered because he was covered by his clothes. Those scars met the criteria of being bitten by wild beasts, but there were no wild beasts on the Monyach.

At this time, the door closed behind Nono, and she pulled out the diving knife from her sleeve.

Standing there was actually Ye Sheng.

But there was a weird smile on his face. He had lowered his head, but now the face was rising from the shadows.

Golden pupils suddenly lit up in Ye Sheng's eyes, shrinking into slits like a cat's eyes when exposed to strong light, and the pupils that shot out from the slits were as sharp as knives.

"You're finally here," he whispered, but his voice was as majestic as thunder.

Please pursue reading, please pursue reading, you must pursue reading, readers, don’t support, don’t support, definitely don’t support, I am really panicking about the recommendation position. If I can advance smoothly, I will give out an extra 15,000 yuan next week. Really Please! PS: If you have a trumpet account, I hope you can use the trumpet account to follow up. Thank you, thank you very much!

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