Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 83 082 The Feast of Dragons

Chapter 83 082. The feast of dragons

"My friends, we haven't seen each other again for a long time. When we meet again, some familiar faces have left us, but similarly, we have also welcomed more new partners."

The rickety old man appeared on the stage and bowed to everyone in front of the huge curtain.

The light of the crystal chandelier focused on him and his side, like a dragon hunter who was guiding a group of dragons, leading those brutal creatures to a bloody slaughterhouse.

Someone was chanting Henkel's name softly. That name contained such a long history, and a chilling smell of blood permeated from that long history.

The old man was smiling, holding a metal crutch in his hand. The metal end was as sharp as a blade, carved into a dragon head pierced by a cross.

For a hundred years, Henkel was the leader of the North American hybrids. He was about the same age as Angers and had killed many dangerous things.

He is also a true iron-blooded man. Anyone who is confused by his current appearance and thinks that he is just a smiling old man will definitely regret it at some point.

Genes from God allow any hybrid with excellent bloodline to have a long life. Many people participating in this night event have been active in the business or political circles of the United States as early as the middle of the last century. Their aesthetics seem to be similar to theirs. Their lives were frozen together, so the manor can often see a strange mixture of glitzy Chicago Golden Age style and elegant Victorian style.

Henkel, like everyone else, can live for many years, but not everyone is Hilbert Jean Angers. A certain force called revenge is still supporting the principal to act like a young man.

The common disease calcium loss still troubles Henkel. He is getting shorter and shorter, becoming more and more rickety, and heading towards the grave step by step.

It may not be a disease, but simply the countdown to death.

"I don't like this old friend of mine. He shot me in the back with that Texas Dawn in 1900. That shot almost killed me." Angers' voice was still joking, a bit Without any tune, it rang directly in the ears of Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang.

Henkel's word spirit is the Holy Judgment, a great holy word that can even ignore time zero.

At this time, Henkel on the stage bowed in all directions, and he said slowly, "Next, financial consultants from Zurich Bank, Citibank and UBS will ensure the safety of your funds and provide assistance to you when necessary. The account is undergoing fund verification. Please forgive me if there is any offense. This is for the fairness of the auction."

A middle-aged man wearing round glasses and a mustache, a tall woman wearing an office skirt, and a fat little fat man with a big belly and a kind face stood in the shadow behind Henkel. They walked into the light at this moment and bowed to the audience. , seems to be a very professional banker.

"So, everyone should have known through our internal channels that just an hour ago, this auction added a huge finale, right?" Henkel clapped his hands.

Four waitresses walked into the venue.

Each one is as beautiful as a spring flower. Together, they push the cart carrying the heavy black box. The handcuffs tightly lock the box and their slender white wrists, like some ancient evil sacrifice.

Until the thing stopped in front of Henkel, no one took off the girls' handcuffs.

They are all excellent hybrids, they have seen blood on their hands, and they have even set foot on a real battlefield. They are both transporters and guardians of the box. If anyone wants to take it away by force, they must be killed.

"It's a pity that this thing is unique. Even if we look at all the history we know, it has never appeared." Henkel looked around at the crowd and said,

"That means a lot of people are not going to be able to do that."

It suddenly became quiet here.

Only the sound of waiters walking around the gaps in the seats was left. The tall men and the charming women were like chess pieces pushed forward by some kind of force. They placed vodka, cocktails, water, and just words in front of the guests. small sign with numbers.

Lu Mingfei's small sign said 61.

Chu Zihang held the long knife without taking his identity tag, and stared at the black box on the stage with a cold face. The pretty girl in charge of this line of guests gingerly put the water in front of the killer and ran away.

"We will ensure that this auction is fair and impartial. No one can make any small moves on such a precious lot." Henkel said this very slowly and majestically.

Of course no one would care what he said at this time.

From the moment those girls stepped onto the stage, all eyes were focused on the black box.

Inside the box is a glass bottle filled with liquid nitrogen. The embryos of the next generation are sealed in the liquid nitrogen and their activity is suppressed to a minimum. Even something as unconventional as a dragon will go dormant due to the ultra-low temperature.

The looks in people's eyes were terrifying.

How greedy and thirsty they were, the flames called desire almost burst out from their eyes, as if they were going to set the box on fire.

"Then first of all, the most important thing is that we must prove that our bloodline is qualified for us to stand here and compete with the best mixed breeds in the world." Henkel lowered his eyelids, his voice was low and hoarse, "The easiest way..."

Henkel raised his head. At this moment, all the lights were extinguished, and two golden vertical pupils like red flames were lit on the stage with some strange rhythmic music.

Henkel, he took the initiative to light up his golden eyes.

It was quite an oppressive scene, and everyone seemed to be solemn in these dazzling eyes.

"...There is nothing better than lighting up our golden pupils. This is a symbol of dragon blood, irreplaceable and unique." Henkel's voice continued to sound.

So the guests all closed their eyes and bowed their heads slightly.

"It's still the same old thing. Dragons are such a stinky race. Even hybrids with dragon blood like to play this trick of closing your eyes at night and golden eyes at dawn." Lu Mingfei sneered softly.

"You don't know how many people are envious of Zihang's pair of never-extinguishing golden eyes." Ange laughed in the earphones.

At this time, everyone opened their eyes, and the ancient and heavy light illuminated the space again. The light was an ancient golden color, lighting up from all directions. Each light source was a cold, golden vertical pupil like flowing lava. .

"Are we going to do the same?" Chu Zihang suddenly asked.

"Of course, this is one of the reasons why I brought you here." Angers said.

"I understand." Chu Zihang nodded, but he did not take off his sunglasses. Instead, he looked at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei scratched his hair, "Senior brother, don't you light a cannon?"

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Lu Mingfei meant for him to set an example, so he shook his head, "In a sense, you need to bring absolute surprise and surprise to the people present. If If you have me as a foreshadowing first, then the awe of those snoopers may be compromised."

"Okay." Lu Mingfei nodded, and he also realized this.

"Senior brother, you said before that I was the only one of your age who dared to look at you, but you haven't seen my golden eyes yet. I mean, face it head on." In the darkness, Lu Mingfei sat upright silently.

His eyes slowly closed, and then it seemed as if a strong wind was blowing throughout the hall, and something terrible and great was awakening here.

As he slowly opened his eyes again, the darkness around him was illuminated by Lu Mingfei's pupils.

The bottom of those eyes seemed to be flowing with lava.

There seems to be an enchanting and beautiful mandala flower, slowly rotating in the golden color.

Everyone was silent, and the space was so quiet that only the heavy breathing of the hybrids was left, which reminded people of the eternal silence of death.

Lu Mingfei's gaze swept from left to right, with a level of brilliance comparable to that of a god. People first silently stared at the pair of bright pupils, and then all the places scanned by the pair of golden pupils that were almost burning, those that could shine throughout the whole world. The fiery dragon blood that originally flowed in the bodies of North America's powerful VIPs cooled down.

Their golden eyes were extinguished one by one, and their heads were lowered again, like dragons in ancient times meeting their king.

A roar that tore through the dead silence sounded from behind the curtain.

It was a bronze bell that was ringing. Lu Mingfei slowly withdrew his gaze, extinguished his golden eyes, and then drooped his eyebrows.

Like an ordinary handsome boy, he sat back in his seat.

It seemed that no one would believe that the majestic thing like a king just now was the boy in front of him. Chu Zihang smiled silently. He reached out and patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder.

"Awesome, this is our S-class!" The principal's voice was solemn and cold. It was obvious that even though he was in the VIP room, he was just as impressed by Lu Mingfei's majestic golden eyes as the VIP in the hall. Shocked.

The golden light emanating from those pupils was simply sharper than a sword. Even the golden pupils of Norton, the true King of Bronze and Fire they had faced at Six Flags Amusement Park, were no more than that.

Everyone was silent, and every pair of eyes turned their gaze to the boy sitting at the top.

Lu Mingfei raised his eyes, and everyone involuntarily avoided those eyes that could be called a little timid at this time.

A lone round of applause sounded in the center of the stage.

The rickety old man threw away his metal crutch. He stared at Lu Mingfei with burning eyes, clapped his hands so hard, and then everyone applauded.

They were applauding the youngest and greatest dragon-slaying warrior of our generation, and only then did they finally realize that the gentle and inconspicuous boy had personally killed Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, not long ago.

He has the ability to end the ultimate violence in the world, which just shows that he himself represents the ultimate violence, so people's eyes began to turn to awe.

It's like looking in awe of the monarchs who once stood on the throne at the top of the world.

Lu Mingfei stood still amidst the waves of applause, shaped like a heavy mountain.

"Obviously, Mingfei, your bloodline makes them respect and fear you. The mixed-race society is the epitome of the dragon society. We believe in absolute strength. Bloodlines like yours and mine mean absolute strength. After today, there will be no more There will be people who question your strength, Odin's mask has been shattered, but you are already a powerful dragon slayer yourself." Angers said.

The applause lasted for two minutes before it quieted down, and everyone realized that a new era was coming.

In the old days, Avengers like Angers stood at the top of all hybrid species, leading the entire secret party to fight against the dragons.

He is a complete madman, with the flame of revenge burning in his soul.

The new era means that a hybrid species that is not weaker than Angers or even stronger than Angers will rise like a new star.

Even though the honor of killing Norton was shared by Caesar Gattuso, everyone could see how much potential this boy with droopy eyebrows had.

The noble and powerful Gattuso family can certainly suppress a leader when he is still weak, just like powerful prime ministers and generals can easily play with the young emperor.

But once this emperor grows up, when he one day becomes a real leader like Angers, the Gattuso family will be nothing more than common people to him.

"Probably all the distinguished guests who have attended this banquet know the rules of the evening auction, but in order to take care of new friends who come here for the first time, we still have to elaborate on these rules again." Henkel said in the center of the stage , a curtain as huge as night slowly opened behind him, and fifteen lots were placed in a row behind him.

The liquid nitrogen tank that seals the next-generation embryos is placed at the end of the fifteen lots. The girls who are firmly locked on the black metal boxes are bright and beautiful. They hide themselves in the darkness that cannot be illuminated by light. , there are narrow sharp blades tied around the outside of the tight thighs.

The girls' eyes are alert, always looking in different directions.

The embryos of the next generation are so precious that when necessary, they can even sacrifice their own lives to protect that precious thing.

"This auction will be divided into four stages. In each of the first three stages, five lots will be auctioned. Only in the last stage will the embryo be allowed to start bidding. We will use special To accurately test the ancestry of everyone present, only 70% of people will be able to participate in the second stage of the auction, and 40% of the people will be able to participate in the third stage of the auction, and those who really have a chance to win the second-generation embryo People, there will only be 10%.”

Henkel said this, and a young man came to the old man holding a tray in his hand, and there was a huge gem placed in the tray.

There were hundreds of attendees present, which meant that only a dozen or so people had the real chance to compete for the most important next-generation embryos.

"Don't worry, that gem is a very ancient alchemical product. It can rank it for you without even having to come into contact with you." Angers said.

Obviously he is familiar with the road.

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