Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 84 083 Auction

Chapter 84 083. Auction

"The auction we are participating in right now is different from anything you have seen before. Every year, the items in this auction organized by Henkel will be the remains of the lost dragon civilization. Weapons of war, one year we even bought a super powerful alchemical bomb from the Victorian era called Longwei from here.”

Angers seems to have talked a lot today, which is a bit strange. The principal is usually not a person who likes to talk.

"Longwei was made two hundred years ago. Europeans were still widely using black powder, which was only slightly more powerful than fireworks and firecrackers. However, the bomb's killing radius had reached a terrifying 100 meters. All organic matter will be ignited and then explode violently from within. Only the best hybrids and pure-blood ancient dragons can resist this horrific change that occurs directly from the inside of the body. It may be unfair to say that it is a bomb. It’s so appropriate, a more suitable term for that thing should actually be curse,” Angers said.

The waiter wandered along the aisle with the tray, stopping for a few seconds every time he came in front of a customer. Immediately, ancient Greek numbers appeared from different sides of the gemstone.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were both marked as 4.

This means they qualify for the fourth round of the auction.

"Do you know what dragons like most?" Angers asked.

"Probably the princess." Lu Mingfei couldn't help but want to say bad things. He thought that in fairy tales all over the world, there would be some slutty dragon that stole the princess and was destroyed by a brave knight or something, so he immediately said "You killed a giant dragon, you get 7685XP, you get a huge You get Dragon Vastaya's spear, you get Dragon Vastaya's floral underwear, you get dragon scales x 10..." This kind of picture pops up.

"Actually, they not only like princesses, they also like all creatures of the opposite sex." Angers said, "But the urge to continue genes is not what dragons are most passionate about."

"I have studied dragon sociology, and I mentioned weapons and treasures in class." Chu Zihang said calmly. As a rigorous man majoring in science and engineering, Chu Zihang's answer was much more serious than Lu Mingfei's.

Some stories say that dragons like to sleep on gold. In John Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, it is said that the dragon Smaug buried himself in the gold coins of the dwarf kingdom and fell asleep. The gold coins piled up like a mountain, and when Smaug turned over The whole palace was making the sound of gold coins crashing.

This is adapted from real events. Tolkien was actually a member of an ancient dragon-slaying family, and he had witnessed the grand scene of the dragon lair with his own eyes.

"Chu Zihang is right. Looking back a long time, we can find that dragons like shining gems and gold very much. And what can rival these wealth is undoubtedly the ability to make any dragon A great war in which ancient dragons feel pleasure from the bottom of their hearts." Angers said, "As hybrids who have inherited dragon genes, we naturally also inherited the dragons' hobbies and bad habits. Of course, the Camarilla cannot be called terrorists, but they can Every hybrid is a true war maniac at heart."

"With the development of the industrial age, today's society no longer applies to the rules of ancient dragons. No mixed-race society can openly provoke a war anymore. The development of various dangerous weapons across the ages means that any out-of-control War may develop into a horrific accident that destroys the entire human society, so most people can only immerse themselves in the silhouette of history and indulge in the glory of the past." Chu Zihang said, it seemed that he was communicating with the principal, but the two I personally know all these things very well.

They were just spreading some knowledge to Lu Mingfei.

After all, Lu Mingfei is only a freshman and has never been exposed to relevant courses.

"...Under this circumstance, auctions have become the best social place between mixed-race and mixed-race societies. Most of the popular auction activities in mixed-race society are mainly about auctioning art and antiques. The mixed-race masters with huge wealth spend a lot of money on such meaningless things. It's like they have returned to the Middle Ages when mixed-races were the most glorious." Chu Zihang had no expression on his face, and he whispered to Lu Ming Not an explanation,

The principal quickly picked up the next sentence, "There are very few auctions like today's. All the items on display are precious weapons left over from the history of dragon wars or hybrid wars. Participating in this kind of auction The mixed-breeds at the auction are far more powerful and richer than the mixed-races participating in another kind of auction. As for any young man we see, the family behind them can be traced back to at least three hundred years ago. Some people’s The family has even existed on the European continent for thousands of years, and the combined wealth held by these people can subvert a country. In the hands of this type of people are buried the relics of most dragon civilizations in the world."

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were both listening silently.

As the principal's calm voice flowed into their ears, it seemed as if a huge world was unfolding before their eyes.

Everyone sitting here became as deep as a chasm, and a huge shadow stood behind them.

The shadow had a majestic head and horns, and the huge tentacles curled up with dangerous weapons. It seemed to devour the entire world with its fangs and claws.

"Then the bidding rules of this auction are different from any other auction." Angers said,

"If what we want to buy is art or antiques, then what we have to do is to proceed step by step, keep up with the bidding, and bite the price of others with a calm attitude until the price reaches At this time, if you are determined to win the current lot, you need to immediately jump to a higher bid to show that you value this thing. If not, stop immediately to avoid being commissioned by the lot. The seller raised the price.

"In this auction right now, you will only see the madness and violence of the bidders. Every bid made by everyone here will be much higher than the last bid, because what they are competing for is the foundation of war. Any item that appears here can influence the outcome of a local war, and no one will let it go easily, so there is no need to hide it."

"But principal, if nothing else goes wrong, our goal should be the second-generation embryo. Anyone who is qualified to compete will not let go of this kind of thing easily, right? With our current wealth, it may be difficult to get it. ." Chu Zihang's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he realized an important point, that is, they simply don't have the capital to compete with those ancient families. Even if they can participate in the last round of auctions, it will be of no avail.

A collection of this level of next-generation embryos is worthy of an ancient family spending all their money to fight for, not to mention that no one here except the three of them is fighting alone.

Lu Mingfei could tell who had been allies with whom for generations just by looking up.

These mixed-race families have existed for such a long time in history, and they are certainly not qualified to do it alone.

War has not happened again for a long time, and the covenants signed by the ancestors have probably been lost for a long time.

So no one took them seriously before.

But a true second-generation embryo is placed in front of them. It may be the highest-level living dragon that can be captured in human history. Almost everyone can imagine the power and power that thing can bring to them. How magnificent is the power.

The thought of a real, living, ancient young dragon made those who qualified to compete for this embryo tremble with excitement.

Their dragon blood that had cooled down boiled again, and the covenant that had long been lost in the depths of history came into effect again. In just a few minutes, the crowd in this hall was divided into several different groups, and each group had a number of people. Composed of one or even dozens of families.

Lu Mingfei really couldn't imagine how people like him could compete with those ancient families that had accumulated huge wealth.

Chu Zihang was as calm as ever, but looking at the solemn look on his face and Mu Ran's long sword Murasame slung across his back, Lu Mingfei thought to himself that this guy was probably ready if he couldn't win the auction. To gain an advantage, start grabbing directly after the auction ends.

This is definitely something that he, the embryonic killer, can do.

Thinking about it this way, the principal is also a similar murderer and violent person.

These two mindless guys might actually be able to do something like blatantly rob an auction.

The only difference is that Chu Zihang will probably block the winner after the auction, use a long knife to chop off the opponent's axle, then jump on the hood to smash the front windshield and put the knife across the person's neck to force the opponent to hand over embryo.

And the principal will probably laugh wildly and get a rocket launcher from nowhere, threatening everyone here to hand over the embryos to him immediately, otherwise don't blame him for not having eyesight on the individual rocket in his hand!

However, to Lu Mingfei’s surprise, Ange chuckled softly on the other end of the earphone, “What happened here has been passed to the school board through Norma, and at the same time, the elders of the secret party also knew that there was a next-generation The implanted embryos are being sold openly at auctions, which was something that was unimaginable in the past.”

"But so what, there are so many families here that they can overthrow the school board." Lu Mingfei muttered.

He thought that the seven families on the school board might have a strong influence in the whole world, but in Chicago, they probably couldn't defeat those North American mixed-races who worked together in a three-thirds of an acre.

"Mingfei, never forget what kind of organization we were originally. The Camarilla was once the richest and most violent dragon-slaying organization in the world. Behind every school director and every senator was a huge financial empire. Just five minutes ago, we were granted an unlimited auction quota, and the school board will support us unconditionally in this matter." The principal's voice became confident and high-pitched, and he said,

"Frost's original words were that if the price of that thing is pushed to a high price of 10 billion US dollars, then we will buy it for 10.1 billion US dollars. If the North American hybrid dares to play dirty tricks, then we will buy it. Put it into their mouths and fire. Although that guy is just a young man in his fifties and somewhat unflattering, I have to say that he has toughened up this time."

Lu Mingfei then remembered that Kassel College was still a secret party after all, and the group that could be called the word "party" was a group of real scheming elements.

While the secret party possesses the greatest wealth in the world, it also controls the most terrifying force in the world.

As long as the school board stands behind them, Lu Mingfei should have nothing to fear.

No matter how they each have their own evil intentions, no matter how they usurp huge wealth from all over the world, no matter the dirty and dirty things they have done for power and power, there is always only one real reason for the gathering of the secret party.

That is to push the dragon clan into the place where they should stay. That place is the tomb of civilization.

Some powerful next-generation species are already capable of causing natural disasters that destroy cities. Of course, the Camarilla will not allow such things to wander outside.

"There is no doubt that the living secondary species is far more valuable than the dead secondary species. We can study it or dissect it, or even try to tame it. Even if we kill that thing, we can get a complete secondary species. Dragon bone cross." Chu Zihang said.


"The next sixth collection is also the first collection at the beginning of the third phase. It is an alchemy repeating crossbow from the Song Dynasty in China. It was cast around the time of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. It is suspected to be a creation of the Dragon Clan. After it was lost, it was acquired by the imperial guards.

According to records, at least two third-generation species were shot and killed, and it was tested that there were at least three alchemical matrices inside it.

The first alchemical matrix increases the initial speed of weapons fired from this crossbow.

The second matrix is ​​what enables a specific crossbow bolt to hit the target aimed at by the wielder.

The effect of the third alchemical matrix is ​​suspected to be a variation of the blood-based Jieluo. When necessary, the holder can make this repeating crossbow fire arrows autonomously. The targets of these crossbow arrows will automatically be set to pure-blood dragons and deadpools and will definitely hit. In this case, it cannot cause harm to humans and hybrids. harm.

Unfortunately, to use this repeating crossbow, you must use specific crossbow arrows, and only six crossbow arrows were found with it. The maximum killing radius of these crossbow arrows can reach 1.5 kilometers. The arrows are some kind of weird amalgam alchemy product that can pierce the scales of the third generation species and also cause certain damage to the second generation species.

Then the starting price of this collection is US$15 million, and each increase in price must not be less than US$2 million. Please bid now. "

Today's auction is just a foil for the last item, so the price does not fluctuate much, and there are not too many bidders.

But the bidding price still increased from US$1 million for the first collection to US$10 million at this time.

Lu Mingfei turned his attention to the repeating crossbow.

He holds the Seven Deadly Sins in his hands, which are the most dangerous and greatest of all alchemical weapons. The alchemical products created by this next-generation species are nothing to him.

But for some reason, Lu Mingfei always felt like someone was looking at him.

The source of that feeling is...

That egg.

The egg sealed by liquid nitrogen.

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