Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 91 090 Sky and Wind

Chapter 91 090. Sky and Wind

What a wonderful experience. When entering the dream created by the next generation, Lu Mingfei was clearly still at the Chicago Municipal Opera House. His clear eyes reflected the girl curled up in the blue egg.

But when they opened their eyes again, they had already boarded the CC1000 train returning to the college. The environment in the first-class carriage was quiet and elegant. The redwood forest called the Vida Sea of ​​Trees outside the window was left behind by the express train like the mountains passing by. In the back, next to the seat is a magnificent oil painting with a corner of the curtain lifted. Just looking at that corner makes people feel excited, because what is painted on that painting is the death of the Black King!

"You're awake." Chu Zihang said expressionlessly. He was holding a paper file in his hand. On the expensive oak table in front of him was a bronze brazier and a bronze brazier originally placed on the Frost Gar. The silver suitcase on the coffee table in front of Tusuo, with jumping flames burning brightly in the basin, added a lot of warm colors to the place.

Although the car is already very warm.

"This is an incineration basin used to burn paper documents. The train has slowed down deliberately. If you wake up at the expected time, you still have about fifteen minutes left to read this document." Chu Zihang said this It was fitting that I happened to turn to the last page of the folder, which was a blank page, leaving space for possible future expansion files.

"What's going on?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"It is now 1:51 pm Chicago time, and you have been asleep for more than three hours. You were affected by the spiritual realm of that embryo and fell into some kind of hallucination created by dragons. Usually, this kind of hallucination can simultaneously It affects many people, but I think that god is really weak and can only pull one person in, and unfortunately, she chose you." Chu Zihang pushed the file along the table in front of Lu Mingfei, "Remember to burn it after reading it. This is a top-secret file. Only holders of the academy's black card are eligible to view it. We do not have this qualification."

Lu Mingfei silently placed his student ID card on the table.

It was something completely different from other people's student ID cards. It was more refined and sharper, with a background as dark as the abyss. On the front was Lu Mingfei's information, such as his name, student number, department, and on the back was a plant. A half-dead world tree that is lifelike and luxuriantly growing and dying at the same time. It is made of titanium alloy material used in the aerospace industry, and can be used as an excellent weapon when necessary.

That is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the student ID card of Cassel College is also called the authority card. Another name for the black student ID card is the black card.

The authority of black card holders is equivalent to that of the principal and vice president, the school board of directors and the dean of the department.

Oh, the names of those department heads are Doug Jones, Blair Bienert and Jean Grus. They are all great men who single-handedly pushed the entire human race closer to the truth in modern history. Some kind of In a sense they are living gods.

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, and finally uttered one word, "Awesome."

Lu Mingfei shrugged, and then the carriage became quiet, except for the sound of pages being turned.

"Speaking of which, senior brother, why do you say it's unfortunate that she chose me?" Lu Mingfei frowned while flipping through the documents. He had rarely encountered such a difficult matter. It was not the kind of trouble that the first-generation species could not defeat by chance, but It's the thorny problem that the wolf has no way of telling the hedgehog.

"You will know when you are a sophomore. Pure-blood dragons have the ability to exert mental influence on other species. However, this influence cannot be applied to similar people of the same class, and the effect will not be effective on those mixed-blood species with high blood concentration. It would be a big discount. Norma judged that you would wake up within three hours based on previous experience, and you did wake up within three hours." Chu Zihang replied.

Lu Mingfei was thoughtful. He originally thought that the next-generation species named Yu might have similar abilities to the little devil, and could actually suspend time and pull him into a dream. But now it seems that the nature is completely different.

Every time Lu Mingze comes, the whole world comes to a standstill, and he has to give in to all the big things, which reminds people horrifyingly of the legendary return of Satan to the world.

But Lu Mingfei is no longer the stupid, stupid kid he was before. Of course there will be no devils in the world, only dragons.

I guess Lu Mingze must have something to do with dragons.

Ten minutes later, Lu Mingfei had finished reading the paper documents. He let out a long breath, then put them into the document bag, folded the bag together and threw it into the incinerator. The firelight turned into a slightly dull orange after touching the pile of unremarkable papers. The four corners and edges of the file bag were burned and curled, and then it burned completely, revealing the documents inside that were also burning. wreckage.

He and Chu Zihang looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

That thing came from Frost Gattuso, and it was an investigation report on this second-generation embryo.

Those who sell gods as goods and dare to blaspheme the majesty of ancient dragons are not some ancient hidden hybrid organization, nor are they an evil church that conspires to subvert human society, nor are they a group that robs tombs or other means. A lone hunter who obtained this embryo hoping to make a fortune.

It...no, she, she comes from the Cassel family.

Yes, it is the Cassel family that broke away from the Camarilla many years ago and gave birth to the great dragon-slaying hero Meineke Cassel, and who still firmly holds the highest power in the entire German mixed-race society to this day.

Charlotte Cassel, who once pushed the bidding price of embryos to a higher peak in the auction, is from this powerful mixed-race family that has continued from before the Middle Ages to today.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself that this girl was indeed a shill.

Chu Zihang said, "Are you thinking that Charlotte is the promoter arranged by the Cassel family to drive up the price?"

"Senior brother, you are really a roundworm in my stomach." Lu Mingfei gave a thumbs up in praise.

Chu Zihang hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not refute Lu Mingfei's words. He said, "Charlotte Cassel is the most determined dragon slayer in Germany. She has an unusual understanding of pure-blood dragons and fallen ones. Paranoid, this is contrary to the Cassel family, which is more secular, so the two are not closely related. In fact, the girl now works for a branch of a certain college, and the name of that institution is Shenggong Jishi meeting."

"That is to say, she bought that thing to kill the dragon inside." Lu Mingfei said that he understood.

Chu Zihang said, "Maybe she has other purposes, but her organization is monitored by Norma, and Norma also provides computer services, so she shouldn't be able to hide it from the college."

The documents Frost provided were comprehensive, ranging from the origin of the embryos to the power of the seller, and even the secret contacts between the Cassel family and the Henkel family were discovered by Norma from clues.

"But what is their motive? This is the embryo of the second generation. The living second generation is worth as much as an entire city!" Lu Mingfei raised his voice.

The Cassel family presumably had a great business and was probably the leader of mixed races in Germany today.

It's impossible for them not to know about such things as golden holy liquid.

In the document, Frost did not hide the reason why the school board wanted to take a picture of the embryo. She was a Holy Grail, carrying the golden holy fluid that could help humans ascend to the level of becoming a god.

In the ancient history books, every next generation is powerful enough to destroy a city, and such a god will be kept in their hands.

But something was wrong.

Lu Mingfei didn't know what was wrong. Everything in that mental space just now was incredible. Yu seemed to be trying to convey some kind of message to him.

There seems to be some great being left in her spirit who can call Jormungandr her sister.

Is it Fenrir?

No, Fenrir was either in some kind of half-hatched state, or in some state between life and death.

In contrast, Lu Mingfei was more inclined to the former. He believed that Fenrir, who had integrated himself with the Nibelungs, was not yet fully hatched.

He emerged from the decaying embryo, a pyrotechnic life burst out from the ancient withered soul, and then flourished in the Nibelung roots.

And more than that, Fenrir's inability to leave Nibelungen was only the first reason. The real reason why Lu Mingfei thought it couldn't be him was that multiple evidences showed that this great king of earth and mountains had some disturbing flaws.

His IQ and will show that of a human child, and he is not as cruel, bloodthirsty, aloof, and arrogant as other dragon kings.

In fact, Fenrir can be called approachable. How bad can a bad kid who loves eating French fries and watching Stephen Chow comedy movies be?

How could he descend into the spiritual world of that next generation in such a majestic manner?

But if it hadn't been Fenrir, who else would have made that majestic voice.

Is there anything in history that could call Jormungandr his sister?

Lu Mingfei's pupils shrank slightly.

He realized the fact that each of the four monarchs seemed to hold a throne and stand at the top of the world. They fought against each other and wanted to devour each other's bones and blood in the darkness of history.

But essentially, every king actually comes from the same source, and the name of that source is Nidhogg, the Black King Nidhogg.

The pinnacle of power and power of the entire dragon clan.

The greatest and most powerful things actually come from the same family.

The family of the Dragon King.

Then the kings sitting on the other thrones should also be brothers whose blood is thicker than water with Jormungandr. In other words, there may be far more than a weak god sleeping in the embryo of the second generation.

There may be an ancient bronze throne floating deep in the spirit of that god, and sitting on the throne is a king who has been sleeping for thousands of years.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside, and the tall and tall old man stepped in.

Angers' eyes were as sharp as a knife most of the time, and the mixed-blood or pure-blood dragons who looked at him would be suppressed by this knife-like eyes.

When Ange ignites his golden eyes, people will see the wildfire of hatred growing wantonly in his eyes, like an endless vine, almost engulfing the entire world.

When facing his students, the old guy's eyes were as gentle as water. He really looked like an old man waiting for his descendants to come back to visit him in the countryside.

At this moment, heavy snow fell outside the window. Those regular crystals shaped by the mighty power of nature were violently lifted away by the snake-like CC1000 train in the atrium. The strong air pressure suppressed the snow falling from the sky like arrogance. Follow it as it rumbles through the sea of ​​trees and onto the lake.

"I brought you hot chocolate." Ange raised the cup in his hand. He placed two ceramic cups in front of Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, then sat down opposite the two boys, half Under the rimmed gold-rimmed glasses, the iron-gray eyes sparkled with a deep light.

"The embryo will be hatched under the supervision of the academy. We filled the cold storage of the ice cellar with ten tons of mercury, and carved an alchemical matrix around it that could destroy a fortress. There is no doubt that we will welcome the birth of God in such an environment. is the best choice.

As Frost said, the golden holy liquid in the next generation's body is the most perfect evolutionary medicine ever discovered in human history.

Its success rate is very high. The better the hybrid, the higher the success rate. For you, this success rate is almost 100%.

Using this golden holy liquid, we can create a hybrid that crosses the critical blood limit, which is a bloodline level that can reach or even exceed S level. And Ming Fei, you might actually be able to evolve into a creature that is infinitely close to a pure blood dragon.

Coupled with the Nibelungen plan we are trying to implement, I can't imagine how glorious your future will be after I die. "Ange said these things without hesitation. His voice was light and deep, and no one wanted to interrupt.

"Many people have been ranked as candidates for the Golden Holy Serum and the Nibelung Plan, and you, Mingfei, you and Caesar are the established implementers.

Even if you have not yet come into contact with these transformations that can strengthen your bloodline, you will be able to push yourself through four levels of violent blood to a state where you can fight the Dragon King head-on, even the weakest humanoid larval Dragon King. It was also a great event that was unique in human history.

In the past, the recorded feat of killing the Dragon King by humans only occurred three times in human history. Two of these occurred in China. And these three feats all relied on huge manpower, a powerful alchemical matrix, and a powerful hybrid leader who was not afraid of death.

For example, in the last incident at Six Flags in Chicago, the two of us teamed up to suppress Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire. This has never happened before. "Ange said.

But Lu Mingfei frowned, staring at the thick smoke from the cup of hot chocolate.

Lu Mingfei suddenly shuddered slowly.

"Principal, you said that three dragon kings have been defeated in human history. I know that two of them are Attila, the king of earth and mountains, and Li Xiong, the king of bronze and fire. What about the third one?" Lu Mingfei realized Why does the mixed-race society engrave the deeds of these two dragon kings in the epic but conceal the deeds of the last dragon king?

Because the victory they won that time may not be glorious.

The principal slowly raised his head, stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes, and then smiled softly, "The dragon-slaying battle took place in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty. The war between Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, and Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was a war between man and dragon. The Xiang Yu who was killed is suspected to be one of the kings of sky and wind."

In 202 BC, Xiang Yu, the King of Sky and Wind, was defeated in the Battle of Gaixia, and no body was found.

Subsequently, the Han Empire rose.

In fact, I think this paragraph is not without basis.

The King of Bronze and Fire came to China at the end of the Western Han Dynasty. They were definitely looking for something, which could be identified as the dragon bone cross of a certain dragon king.

It is recorded in history books that Xiang Yu's body was divided among five people. These five people established a huge family and can be regarded as sharing the remains of the Dragon King.

However, there are always accidents in history. After all, this paragraph is original, so just make do with it.

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