Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 92 091 Snow Road

Chapter 92 091. Snow Road

"Would you like me to give you a ride? I happen to have to go to the ice cellar for something." Angers sat in the driver's seat of his modified Maserati, rolled down the window and looked at Lu Ming, who was standing in the wind and snow. Fei and Chu Zihang.

There was a gentle smile in the principal's eyes, and a red rose that was still in full bloom even in such a cold climate was pinned to the chest of the handmade suit under the black velvet windbreaker. He didn't look like he was going to inspect the work of the ice cellar, but rather like he was going to visit a noble lady who had been living in boudoir for a long time.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang looked at each other, and both shook their heads at the same time.

They stood side by side in the snowy sky. Lu Mingfei had already put on his thick black and white down jacket and wrapped himself in the scarf knitted by Xia Mi.

Chu Zihang also put on a black velvet woolen coat, and around his neck was a scarf of the same color as Lu Mingfei, also given by Xia Mi.

In this way, they looked like a fat male penguin and a black bear that had eaten too much and gained weight.

Seeing that Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang rejected his invitation, Ange smiled and said, "It seems that young people have a lot of things to talk about, so an old guy like me won't force you."

After saying that, he rolled up the window, and the Maserati rode on the road all the way up, leaving only a faint black exhaust and layers of rolled up snowflakes.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang both stared at the back of the luxury car until it completely disappeared from sight.

"It's really cold this winter." Lu Mingfei said leisurely.

He and Chu Zihang stood side by side in the wind and snow. They didn't feel desolate and desolate, but their hair styles were a bit messy and their eyelashes were covered with small ice crystals.

One of these two is an A+-level hybrid, and the other is a unique S-level hybrid. If they could be frostbitten by this low temperature, they would really become the laughing stock of the academy.

"Winter in Illinois usually lasts four months. The lowest temperature can even reach minus 11 degrees." Chu Zihang responded to Lu Mingfei's challenge in a formal manner.

The two of them were walking in the snow, one foot deep and the other foot shallow. Lu Mingfei breathed in his hands, and Chu Zihang expressionlessly put his hands in his pockets.

The train stops near Valley College of Cassel College. It takes at least half an hour to walk to Hilltop College from here.

Of course, they refused Angers' invitation not because they liked trekking in the snow in such weather. They were not ascetics from India. They had gone through hard training earlier and thought that they could hone the soul of a warrior or the heart of a hero. Middle school age.

There is only one reason for them to do this.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang had some topics of their own to talk about.

The content of this conversation cannot be heard by Angers, or even the intelligent secretary of the academy.

"Lu Mingfei, what do you want to tell me?" Chu Zihang suddenly spoke.

He has never been a person who is good at finding topics, and his speech is completely different from ordinary Chinese people. He doesn't know how to beat around the bush and likes to go straight to the point. His favorite thing is to get straight to the point. The so-called political intrigues are incompatible with him.

Lu Mingfei still breathed heat into his palms. He handed the water heater that had been refilled with hot water to Chu Zihang. Chu Zihang silently took it and held it with both hands.

"That embryo, that unborn god, I have seen her." Lu Mingfei said lightly.

Chu Zihang's pupils, which were covered by contact lenses, shrank slightly. The lava-like light in the golden pupils suddenly exploded, and then suddenly converged.

"Is it in that spiritual world?" he asked.

"Although she pulled me into that realm, she had no intention of hurting me or controlling me. There she was a soft and cold and arrogant girl. There were black tattoos on her arms that spread upward like vines, but she was slender, soft, and tall. Beauty reminds people of all the good things." Lu Mingfei said.

"I have reason to suspect that you have been bewitched by a pure-blooded second-generation species. Such examples are not uncommon in the world. Most of the records of hallucinations in human history will depict a woman as beautiful as a fairy appearing in front of a man who is out. , whether it’s China’s Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Denmark’s Grimm’s Fairy Tales, this is true, but there are often bloody and cruel truths hidden behind these beautiful women.” Chu Zihang frowned and said,

"Have you ever seen painted skin?"

"I've seen it. So-and-so plays So-and-so and So-and-so. It's quite interesting, but not very scary." Lu Mingfei shrugged.

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment, "Although I don't know who the so-and-so and the so-and-so you are talking about are, but I am talking about the story in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio."

Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows.

He had actually read the vernacular version, which was about a scholar who met a beautiful woman of unknown origin. For various reasons, of course, Lu Mingfei still felt in his heart that this guy just took her home because of sex. One day, a Taoist priest with sly eyebrows told him that this woman is not a good person. She is a ghost. Brother, you have to be careful. The scholar said that you are a ghost, but he still felt a little embarrassed. So he went back and peeped outside the beautiful woman's window at night. .

This was incredible. There was actually an ugly and ferocious ghost in the room who was drawing a piece of human skin, and the portrait on the human skin was that beautiful girl. When Lu Mingfei saw this, he thought to himself: Only a talented person can suffer a cerebral hemorrhage from fear.

Anyway, the final outcome was that the scholar was saved by his wife, and the female ghost died.

Everyone is happy, the whole family is happy, except for the cannibalistic female ghost, everyone is living happily together.

"Senior brother, do you want to say that the Brothers Grimm and the author of Liao Zhai are actually dragon slayers." Lu Mingfei interrupted Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment, "It's actually not unreasonable to say that. There have been academic discussions about Grimm's Fairy Tales and Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. Some professors believe that they are not simply the products of human fantasy, but the ancient sword-slaying people. What a dragon hybrid sees and hears.”

Lu Mingfei waved his hand.

He knew that he had no way to discuss this kind of issue with the two brothers who killed the embryo, otherwise this topic would continue forever. I am afraid that they would not be able to get to the point until they reached the door of Nono's dormitory.

"I not only saw her in the spiritual world of that next-generation species, but also glimpsed the existence of a suspected king." Lu Mingfei said quietly.

Chu Zihang's steps paused, and his expression suddenly became terrifying and ferocious.

He knew very well what this meant. Dragon embryos must be absolutely pure, and they would not allow foreign spirits to invade them.

There is only one exception.

In that case, there are multiple souls existing simultaneously in one embryo.

Lu Mingfei said that he might have seen the existence of a suspected king in the spiritual world of the next generation. Does this mean that there are two lives sleeping in the cocoon?

A monarch and a god respectively.

Chu Zihang forced himself to calm down and said, "You should tell the principal about this."

"The situation is somewhat special," Lu Mingfei said. "I suspect that the next-generation species deliberately handed himself into our hands. This is not a transaction or a conspiracy, but more like a gamble."

"What do you mean?" Chu Zihang was a little confused.

"She said something to me. The general meaning of those words is that humans and dragons are the same abandoned tribe. There was a covenant between the abandoned tribe and the abandoned tribe, but we betrayed that covenant. Later, it appeared in the spiritual world The first king also confirmed this sentence. And when she handed her embryo into our hands, she seemed to be betting. She was betting on whether we would re-recognize the ancient covenant, or whether we would kill her and usurp her body. The golden holy liquid."

"No, this is impossible. Humans and dragons are two races that are incompatible with each other. The war between us is not for profit or honor. It is just a pure battle for survival. Only the surviving races are qualified to stand in this world. Under the blue sky. In the known history, there has been almost no alliance between humans and dragons. We have always been hostile because there is no third race in the world that can make us reach a consensus and stand on the same front." Chu Zihang denied what Lu Mingfei said.

"But what if our common enemy is not a certain race, but an individual?" Lu Mingfei stood slightly in front of Chu Zihang. He did not look back, but the cold air coming from these words was straight away. After looking through Chu Zihang's Tianling Gai, he realized that if there really was such an individual, then that thing would definitely be able to subvert the entire world.

Since the birth of the earth, only one life has been able to do this. He is Nidhogg, the Black Emperor and Black King.

"But this cannot explain why she did not use other methods to re-sign the ancient covenant, but chose such a risky method to present her embryos in front of us determined dragon slayers." Chu Zihang found Lu Ming Not a blind spot in the painting.

Lu Mingfei finally turned around, his eyelids were no longer drooping, his brows were no longer droopy, his eyes as dark as the abyss reflected the wind and snow in the sky, "Do you know her name, senior brother, the one from the next generation?" Name, the name of that god.”

Chu Zihang slowly shook his head,

But Lu Mingfei did not directly say that great name. The names of every first-generation and subsequent-generation species were great. In an era when kings ruled together, these names shone brightly on monuments, shining brightly on every inch of land. They all belong to the kings of these dragon clans.

"It is not that human history has never concluded an alliance with the Dragon Clan. That was about 2,200 years ago. As the principal said, Xiang Yu, one of the twins of the King of Sky and Wind, joined forces with Liu Bang, the most powerful hybrid leader at the time, to overthrow The rule of the Qin Dynasty." Lu Mingfei said softly.

Chu Zihang shuddered as hard as Lu Mingfei did on the train.

This may indeed be a piece of history that actually existed.

But neither the secret party nor China's native mixed-race families kept it secret.

Everyone's records of this event are only a few words, and it can even be said to be a passing incident.

Most researchers believe that this is actually a legendary story fabricated by Chinese hybrids. Although Xiang Yu is powerful, he will never be a real king.

There are many secrets hidden in the shadow of history, and it is difficult for us to seek the truth of these secrets. But assuming that Xiang Yu is really the King of Sky and Wind, then a being like him has to choose to join forces with the strongest hybrid at that time to overthrow the Qin Dynasty. What is the glorious empire that was established after the destruction of the six kingdoms? ?

"There is no record in history, but this kind of thing should have been written down in a special book or even compiled into a mythical story to extol. Do you think it is possible because this victory was not glorious? What exactly happened in the Battle of Gaixia, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu What was the reason for the rebellion? Why did so many kings choose to come to that land in the past?" Lu Mingfei's voice was mixed in the wind and snow, drifting farther and farther away, and soon became silent. , the biting air current seemed to have laid a dragnet on this winding upward road.

It's January, and there are only a few days until winter vacation.

However, Lu Mingfei is not planning to return to China. He wants to stay in the college and do something while there are fewest people here.

Chu Zihang's hands holding the hand warmer slowly exerted force, the metal brackets creaked, and veins popped out on the back of his hands. He obviously realized that what Lu Mingfei said was not impossible.

There are indeed many dark cliffs hidden in history, and there is so much evil in human nature hidden in the abyss below those cliffs.

"We made some possible guesses and admitted that humans had an alliance with a certain branch of the dragon clan and broke this alliance." Chu Zihang said, he and Lu Mingfei walked side by side towards the Peak Academy again, step by step.

"But why did that next-generation species give itself into our hands? This is still a mystery that cannot be solved. If she wants to re-establish an alliance with humans, she should show strength and sincerity, not like now , put an embryo with no resistance into our hands."

"Her name, senior brother." Lu Mingfei said softly.

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment, "What?"

"Remember, I asked you just now, do you know her name?" Lu Mingfei did not look at Chu Zihang's expression, but raised his eyes to look at the winding mountain road. He said slowly, "She said before Someone called her...

Yu Ji. "

It was as if a bolt from the blue fell on Chu Zihang's mind, crushing his brain. Countless thoughts pierced his soul and thinking at once, until they finally converged into a heavy river.

"Yes, is it that Yu Ji?" He lowered his voice because his voice was trembling slightly.

The strength can lift the mountains and the world is overwhelming, but the times are unfavorable and the virtues will not fade away.

There is nothing you can do if your glory is not gone, but there is nothing you can do if you are worried.

Yu Ji was the most cherished woman of the king who ruled the east and west with the great ancestral state with the river as the boundary many years ago.

Lu Mingfei nodded slowly.

"I think she may not be the only one behind her. This is a compromise made by the dragons. They may have had an argument about the covenant with humans, and finally several voices made a compromise. In short, among them We don't know exactly what happened, but I think if Yu really came with good intentions, we can't kill her, we have to let her hatch and hear what she wants to tell us from her mouth." He explain.

Lu Mingfei actually didn't say anything.

He thought this because Xia Mi once said that Yu was a "stealer of divine power", which probably meant that she was not originally a next-generation species or even a dragon.

She might have been one.

If this is the case, she will be the first person in history to complete the road to becoming a god.

In this case, Yu Ji may still have a certain sense of belonging to human beings. She also said that this is "the last time he trusts human beings." It may also mean that the overlord in history has not died or is about to return.

There are many mysteries in this matter. Last time, Lu Mingfei was sure that nothing like this happened around him, but this time, many things were happening quietly.

At this time, the bells of Valley College rang. Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang looked around. In the heavy snow, they could vaguely see the tall and sharp church with a silvery cold light. That was because its surface was paved with marble tiles.

The building completed nearly a hundred years ago points to the sky like a sword.

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