Chapter 251 The System Is Still Upgrading

Hunting Island No. 1, on the edge of the scarlet forest.

Six Cheetah mechas were massacring more than a thousand people.

The blood flowed into a canal, and the limbs flew horizontally.

Mo Shi looked at the six Cheetah mechas, with no sadness or joy on his face.

There is nothing to be happy about getting these six Cheetah mechas.

You know, his goal is an army of fighters.

What are the six Cheetah mechas?

On the contrary, getting these six Cheetah mechas today made him think.

These six mechas were originally from the Wutuo Gang.

After being cracked by the monk now, they in turn slaughtered their Wutuo gang.

So if one day in the future, he owns a mecha army.

If someone else breaks the firewall, this mecha army will deal with itself, and even massacre the entire base.

Doesn’t he have no power to fight back at all?

Gradually, the screams became less and less.

There are fewer and fewer people still standing on the ground.

When the last person was slaughtered, Mo Shi said to the monk in his mind:

“If you have the opportunity, develop an anti-cracking program.”

The voice of little monk came: “Good boss, I thought about it just now. With the anti-hacking program, they want to get our mecha over again, it’s impossible.”

Mo Shi shook his head and said:

“I mean, let them get the mecha over.”

Little monk reacted quickly:

“Boss meant to make them think they had cracked our firewall and got the mecha over. In fact, they didn’t crack it at all. After they got it through, I can re-control the mecha and the mecha can kill them on their side. Special kill?”

Mo Shi nodded: “Yeah.”

little monk smiled: “Hey, okay boss, it’s still your yin. Admire it.”

Mo Shi added another sentence:

“Also, add a self-destruction program, if we really can no longer control, these mechas will self-destruct.”

Little monk said: “The boss is still thoughtful. Don’t worry, I will make it for you within a month.”

After talking about business, little monk sighed again:

“Boss, it was really cool just now. Next time you have such an opportunity, you must take me with you.”

Mo Shi smiled and said, “You really don’t look like a monk.”

Little monk chuckled twice: “I’m just saving them, doing good and accumulating virtue, Amitābha.”

Next, Mo Shi continued to look at the memory of the Wutuo gang leader who had just been looted.

From his memory, he learned a lot of useful information.

At the same time, Mo Shi once again checked the information about the ancient battlefield of the dragon.

Moreover, what Ulu knew about the ancient battlefield of the dragon, obviously knew a lot more than his son.

He even knew which state of the Yanshi Continent the Great Dragon Ancient Battlefield was located.

This can’t help but make Mo Shi’s heart hot again.

At the same time, in Dari County, Youzhou.

This is a relatively remote county on the Yanshi Continent.

In the entire county, the biggest force is the Wutuo Gang.

In the yard of the Wutuo Gang base camp, a light group suddenly appeared without warning.

Then, this bluish-white light group condensed into a humanoid silhouette.

It is the leader of the Wutuo Gang, Ulu.

After Ulu appeared, he was in shock.

Stride into the lobby.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, his wife hurriedly greeted her.

“Helper, where’s my son? Did you find it?”

But after saying this, she found something was wrong.

I saw that the bloodshot eyes in the main gang’s eyes had not completely faded away.

His hair was messy, and there was even a hint of surprise on his face.

She quickly asked with concern: “Helper, what happened?”

Ulu looked ugly.

But he couldn’t tell this woman the news of his son Death directly.

Just said: “I was in trouble. The 1,000 people I took with me died, and all six mechas were taken away.”


The woman was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: “How could this be?”

The leader Ulu punched on the stone table.


The stone table suddenly shattered.

He gritted his teeth and said:

“Where there is life, there is hope.”

“Daddy will kill Hunting Island One someday. Kill that kid!”

The woman also knows that she can’t say anything else at this time.

Echoing and said: “As long as you help the lord, you are fine. We have a big deal to regroup and buy more mechas.

“Or… we can also unite with the forces in other counties and kill Hunting Island One. Raze it to the ground! Take revenge for our 1,000 brothers!”

This can be said to be in the heart of Ulu.

He immediately ordered: “Come here, prepare a gift! I will look for other forces now!”

However, the voice just fell.

He suddenly felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, his complexion changed drastically, and the whole person stayed in place.

When the woman saw this, Huarong was also pale.

Surprised and asked: “Fang lord, what?”

How can the helper take care of her at this time.

He only felt that something in his body was rapidly expanding.

He has no time to say anything, let alone what to do.

The next moment.


Within his body, a blood-red shock wave spread quickly.

Instantly rushed out of his body, spread to the entire lobby, and then spread to the entire Wutuo Gang.

This shock wave does not seem to have any impact.

Rushing to people, or even to flowers and plants, the flowers and plants did not even shake it.

However, whether it is people or flowers, plants and trees, after being affected by the shock wave, they all change quickly.

The woman, and the Wutuo gang, quickly climbed into the black texture of her skin.

The eyes also turned off-white.

The only difference from the zombies on earth is that there are more bloodshot eyes in the gray white of their eyes.

It looks more terrifying and terrifying than the zombies on earth.

Each of them has become an evolutionary zombie.

The flowers and plants in the courtyard quickly became taller.

At the same time it became scarlet.

On the trees outside the yard, thick blood vines began to hang down.

These blood vines seemed to be alive, like blood snakes, constantly twisting.

It looks even more horrible.

At the same time, the blood red shock wave continued to spread outward.

Five kilometers, ten kilometers, and fifty kilometers.

After spreading out of a radius of 100 kilometers, it stopped.

Within this hundred kilometers, all creatures have become infectious creatures.

And all the infected organisms have a hint of wonder.

Mo Shi can easily know all the conditions within the scope of the zero virus infection.

After detecting these, a smile appeared on Mo Shi’s face.

He knew that in the next period of time, with the infected animals within the infected range, they would continue to move around.

The entire scope of infection will be further expanded.

The infection here will soon spread throughout Youzhou.

At that time, the infection incident in Da Ri County will attract a lot of attention.

And own No. 1 Hunting Island, it can grow muffled.

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