Chapter 252 Virus Zero: I can even carry a nuclear bomb

Mo Shi probed the situation in Da Ri County through a trace of long thoughts left on Ulu, and he felt relieved for the time being.

The next short-term goal is to collect evolution points as soon as possible and upgrade the system.

Only when the system breaks through can it be possible to quickly Ascension own strength.

So as to reach the hunter and go to the ancient battlefield of the dragon as soon as possible.

So in the next few days, Mo Shi slayed wild beasts frantically on the entire hunting island No. 1.

With his strength, he can kill hundreds of wild beasts every hour.

That is tens of millions of evolution points.

At the end of a day, there are almost 300 to 500 million evolution points in the account.

In addition, those clones on the earth, 10th-level thought force masters, and the dragon clones.

It can also get 300 to 500 million evolution points every day.

The evolution point of Mo Shi’s daily income is seven to one billion.

But even so, he felt a little slow.

Fortunately, after so many days, his thought power has slowly recovered to a radius of 100 kilometers.

The speed of killing infected creatures is greatly accelerated.

More than two billion evolution points are credited to the account every day.

At the same time, in Dari County in Youzhou.

Sheriff’s Mansion.

The princess looked at the message on the screen, and only felt that it was big for a while.

[It is estimated that the number of deaths is more than 2 million. 】

[With Wutuo Gang as the center, within a radius of 130 kilometers, all were infected and turned blood red. 】

[The range of infection is still expanding. According to experts’ estimates, if it is not controlled, the range of infection will reach a radius of 300 kilometers within a month. 】

In fact, this is not the first time that the virus has leaked in the Yanshi Continent.

In the entire Yanshi Continent, there are more than 20 hunting islands and more than 20 hunting grounds.

These hunting ground owners are responsible for injecting various viruses into the hunting grounds, thereby spawning powerful infectious organisms.

Wild hunters can go to these hunting grounds to experience.

So sometimes if you are not careful, the virus will leak.

It’s just that since they can release these viruses, they naturally have a lot of research on these viruses.

They know all the ways of transmission of these viruses, their weaknesses, and the like.

So even if there is a virus leak, they can control it in a very short time.

But the virus leaked this time is a new type of virus.

The county owner sent several groups of experts to conduct research on this new virus.

It turned out that with their current methods, it was impossible to kill the virus.

Even the disinfectant known as “Wan Du Mie” is of no avail.

This is the main reason why the princess has a big head.

Behind the princess, two counsellors stood.

“The county lord, for the sake of this plan, we should report it to the governor as soon as possible. Otherwise, we can’t afford to blame if the matter becomes serious.”

A long-bearded counselor said.

The princess was silent.

Another white-skinned counselor shook his head:

“The subordinates think it’s wrong. If the governor knows that our princess is unable to resolve this matter, doesn’t he want to doubt the princess’s ability? And if we can’t solve it, we report to the governor, which is equivalent to throwing a big trouble to the governor. Are you happy?”

“The governor is not happy, all of us have no good fruit.”

The long-bearded strategist stared at the Baijing strategist, and said angrily:

“Human life is at stake, how can we abandon the lives of the people for the black yarn on our heads?”

Bai Jing counselor sneered:

“Huh, even if life is dead, we can’t throw the trouble to the leader. Our task is to help the leader solve the problem.”

The Longbearded Tactician was also angry, and his voice increased by an octave:

“Then what do you say!”

The white strategist looked at the long-bearded strategist coldly:

“Simple, as long as two words.”

The county lord’s eyes flickered slightly, looking at the Baijing adviser.

The Baijing strategist slowly said: “Heping.”

The long-bearded strategist shook his head repeatedly: “I know you can’t spit out any good things. What the mainland nuclear weapons convention says, have you forgotten? If someone knows that we use nuclear weapons without approval, I’m afraid…”

What Baijing Counselor interrupted Longbeard:

“How big is the entire continent? Our Da Ri County is a land of bullets. We first clear out the people around us, and then detonate the nuclear bomb, who will know?”

“Furthermore, how many nuclear bombs are detonated privately each year on the mainland? Have you ever made a count of them? 300!”

“Do you think that more than 300 nuclear bombs have been detonated, but no one really knows?”

“They are all grown-ups. Many things will be done by everyone with one eye closed. Don’t be too serious.”

The long-bearded strategist shook his head:

“If everyone is like your thoughts, as soon as something happens, it will be settled, then within five hundred years, our Yanshi Continent will be over.”

The Baijing Counselor was amused, haha ​​laughed and said:

“We hunters will live to be two hundred years old at most. How can we manage things after five hundred years.”

“Maybe five hundred years later, another habitable planet will be found, and all of them will emigrate.”

What else did the long-bearded adviser say, but the princess spoke first:

“Then… Nuclear Ping.”

The long-bearded strategist was taken aback, then shook his head and sighed: “Hey…”

This is the current status of Yanshi Continent, and he can’t do much alone.

Therefore, it took them three days to settle the people around the infected area away from the infected area.

The drone was used to probe again to make sure that there was no human around the infected area.

Then, a nuclear bomb was dropped into the infected area.

The flames skyrocketed, and a huge mushroom cloud rose.

The shock wave destroyed all buildings within a radius of more than 100 kilometers in a very short period of time.

There is almost no grass on the ground.

However, three hours after the explosion, when they again allowed the drone to explore.

However, he was horrified to find that the infected creatures that had been destroyed by the nuclear explosion were recovering quickly.

This new virus has powerful self-healing ability.

Not only can nuclear bombs not kill them.

Even cells killed by nuclear explosion radiation can be repaired quickly by them.

This discovery caused a panic in the princess’ heart.

The white face of the white strategist was already pale at this time.

In Yanshi Continent, there is almost nothing that can’t be killed by a nuclear bomb.

Now, this virus is not afraid of nuclear bombs at all.

Not afraid of nuclear bombs means not afraid of anything.

Doesn’t that mean that if you don’t take protective measures as soon as possible and allow this virus to spread completely, then the entire Yanshi Continent will be over?

Finally, the white strategist said to the princess:

“President, the virus this time is probably…not easy. We, we have to report to the governor.”

The princess looked extremely solemn and nodded.

Only one word was said: “Yeah.”

Soon, the governor learned of what happened in Dahi County.

His first reaction was also nuclear peace.

But when he learned that the virus was not even afraid of nuclear bombs, he was also panicked.

Hastily organized manpower and material resources to establish isolation belts around the entire infected area.

At the very least, this virus cannot continue to spread.

The incident in the infected area of ​​Da Ri County has attracted the attention of almost the entire Youzhou people.

The few who knew that Hunting Island No. 1 had the power of the crystal source mineral vein, at this time they all temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​going to Hunting Island No. 1.

They feel that it will take a while.

It will be safer when this new virus is eliminated before going out.

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