Chapter 269 Do you think I need to form a team?

The headed youth put forward this idea, and the others immediately agreed.

So the leader of the young man shouted at Mo Shi who was fighting:

“Brother, do you want to help? Should we form a team?”

Although Mo Shi had been fighting, through Long Nian’s investigation, he had long heard the conversation between these people clearly.

Isn’t there such a not wanting face?

You have been attacked, and my battle here has attracted a lot of night ghosts before you have to escape.

Seeing that I was surrounded by night ghosts, you didn’t mean to save me at all, but wanted to escape as soon as possible.

Seeing that I kill these night ghosts effortlessly now, you want to come over and follow along to take advantage.

The three words “not wanting face” are simply interpreted to the extreme.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi simply ignored them.

Those people did not give up.

Someone spoke:

“Brother, if we have multiple friends and multiple paths, we shall be friends.”

“Yeah, everyone is young. Wouldn’t it be nice to team up to fight monsters?”

The beautiful girl saw that Mo Shi killed the monster so easily, her eyes were bright.

Although she was jealous of Emma’s beauty in her heart, she was able to subconsciously ignore Emma.

Said to Mo Shi: “Little Big Brother, can you form a team together?”

Mo Shi still didn’t bother to pay attention to them.

Continue to kill these night ghosts.

One punch, each one is two drops of Titan Dragon blood.

When those people saw that they ignored them, all of them looked ugly.

Someone said: “Leave him alone, let’s go out first.”

“Such a narrow-minded person will die sooner or later.”

Of course, they all just whispered.

But the beautiful girl pouted her mouth, did not lower her voice, and said:

“Isn’t it possible to kill a few night ghosts? What’s so great, cut!”

Having said that, these people flew towards the direction of Heishankou.

However, after they flew over a kilometer, they suddenly crashed into a larger invisible barrier.

Unprepared, the seven people were all knocked to the ground.

Some of them had flying skateboard shoes, all of which were knocked out into sparks.

Can’t fly anymore.

Everyone was surprised and angry.

The great teacher among them turned his head abruptly and looked at Emma not far away.

Shouted to everyone: “It’s her, that great teacher!”

At this time, Emma, ​​who had not moved, flapped her wings and slowly lifted into the air.

Staring at these people with cold eyes: “Did the master say to let you go?”

She naturally heard what these people said just now.

She can tolerate these people slandering herself, but she will never tolerate the slightest disrespect of these people to their masters.

That’s why a mind barrier was condensed just now, blocking the path of these people.

Mo Shi glanced at Emma, ​​and his heart became more and more satisfied with Emma.

Emma is simply the roundworm in his stomach now.

What he thought of, Emma already knew what he was going to do as soon as he thought of it.

In fact, if Emma didn’t make a move just now, he would make a move.

For these shameless guys, how could he let them go?

Now that Emma had done it, he stopped paying attention and continued to kill those night ghosts.

Just now his Long Nian probe discovered that these people have basically used energy martial arts, and there is almost no energy in their bodies now.

The only two threats, one is the headed young man.

He didn’t use energy ray for another time.

The other is a second-level master.

Emma is a 1st-level master teacher, it is very difficult to deal with.

But don’t forget, Emma is still a level 1 evolution blood clan.

And after so many days of constant fighting, her strength Ascension quickly.

Has reached the pinnacle of level 1 evolution.

Seeing that it is about to evolve into a level 2 evolution blood clan.

At this moment, Emma turned her head and looked at Mo Shi.

Mo Shi also knew what he meant, and only said three words: “Don’t worry.”

Emma nodded, stroked her son’s head lightly, and said softly:

“Mom goes to beat the bad guys and will be back soon.”

Then, with a flap of his wings, he flew out of the inexplicable Long Nian barrier.

The night ghosts around, seeing this woman come out, suddenly rushed towards her.

But under Emma’s thought power, these night ghosts were pushed around one after another.

Emma was extremely fast, flying towards the seven.

Behind her, the night ghosts chased Emma like crazy.

From a distance, she looked like a comet with a long white tail.

When the seven saw them, their expressions suddenly changed.

“This woman is crazy!”

“Damn, stinky watch! Run away!”

“This woman is a blood clan, and a great teacher, be careful!”

The 2nd-level great teacher said, hurriedly trying to stop Emma with his thoughts.

However, his thought power had just come out of his body, but he felt a huge and unmatched thought power, pressing it against him fiercely.

There was no room for resistance at all in his mind power, and he was directly pressed back into his body.

“How can it be!?”

His face was pale, and a feeling of extreme horror rose in his heart.

He could clearly feel that this woman was a level 1 teacher.

That’s why he dared to face this woman confidently.

But now this immense power of thought is not the power of a first-level great teacher at all.

Of course he didn’t know, but Emma was helpless just now.

Suppress his thought power with Long Nian.

Emma naturally knew this too.

At an extremely fast speed, he flew out of this Level 2 Great Teacher.

Seeing that Emma could not be stopped, this level 2 master hurriedly stepped on the flying skateboard, trying to escape.

However, he couldn’t fly at all when Emma’s thought power prevented him.

The next moment, Emma has already flown in front of him.

Then he turned abruptly and attacked the others.

There is no need for Emma to do it again.

The night ghosts behind Emma suddenly swarmed up.

Almost instantly tore the 2nd-level great master to pieces.

Seeing that Emma was so violent, the young man quickly condensed energy and martial arts.

A red and white energy ray cut straight towards Emma’s body.

Emma flashed.


Although she had escaped the deadly point, one of her arms was also directly cut off.

However, Emma seemed to be all right at all.

Continue to rush towards the leader.

At this time, the head of the man had no energy in his body, and the flying skateboard shoes were restricted by Emma’s thought power, and he couldn’t escape even if he wanted to.

Finally Emma flew over her head.

The wings pierced out sharply.

A pair of pointed hooks on both wings directly penetrated the young man’s eyes.

And it penetrated directly through his eyes and out through the back of his head.

Since following Mo Shi, the way of fighting with scolding has gradually changed.

How cruel and cruel it must be to deal with the enemy.

Just let them know the fate of being an enemy.

The rest of the people, seeing this woman so cruel, all looked indifferent.

Who could have imagined that such a woman who exudes femininity all over her body would be so sturdy in battle.

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