Chapter 270 Promotion to Level 4 Waste Hunter

After Emma killed the 2nd-level master teacher, the rest was much easier.

These people have used energy rays just now, and the energy in their bodies has been exhausted.

Even if they go together, they are not Emma’s opponents.

In addition, Emma restrained them with her mind, so that they could not use the flying skateboard to escape.

Therefore, at this time, they were completely lambs to be slaughtered in front of Emma.

Emma easily killed six of them.

Only the last one is left, the most beautiful girl.

She looked at Emma in horror at this time.

She could never imagine that this sexy and beautiful woman could be so powerful.

Stronger than oneself, more beautiful than oneself.

Is God blind? How can such a woman exist in the world?

But before she died, her eyes fell on Mo Shi.

She suddenly realized something.

mysterious strong!

A few days ago, when she hadn’t teamed up with these six people, she had teamed up with three other people.

From those three people, she heard that a mysterious strong man appeared in the hunting ground No. 2.

That mysterious strong man killed more than ten thousand night ghosts with just his fist.

She didn’t believe it at the time, thinking it was pure nonsense.

How could someone kill so many night ghosts overnight with just their fists?

And now, this black-clothed youth, wouldn’t he just kill these night ghosts with one punch?

At this rate, it is not difficult to kill more than 10,000 Ye Ghosts in one night.

Knowing this, she felt regret in her heart, as if the river was endless.

My own pig’s brain.

It should have occurred to him that he is a mysterious strong man.

In that case, it wouldn’t be a mockery of him.

It will not eventually die.

However, at this time, she regretted that it was too late.

Emma’s claws have already pierced her chest.

Emma glanced at the bright red blood pouring from her chest.

Licking his lips.

Pulling out his claws, he flew back into the barrier of Moshi’s Long Nian.

Although the temptation of human blood to her is great.

But not sucking human blood, this is her bottom line.

Even if this person is the enemy.

Next, Mo Shi continued to kill these night ghosts.

In one night, no 10,000 were killed, only more than 3,000 were killed.

But despite this, it is amazing enough.

You know, these are not Level 1 Evolution Night Ghosts on The Underworld Wasteland.

It is level 2.

The strength is at least ten times stronger than those Level 1 Evolution Night Ghosts.

In one night, kill more than 3,000 Level 2 Evolution Night Ghosts.

And it’s all based on physical strength.

Let others know that every eyeball might fall out in shock.

More than 3,000 Level 2 Evolution Night Ghosts are equivalent to more than 6,000 drops of dragon blood.

On the second and third nights, Mo Shi also received more than 6000 drops of dragon blood.

When Mo Shitun swallowed the 5703 drop of dragon’s blood, the familiar scorching sensation in his body came again.

Body temperature rose rapidly.

Even Emma next to him could clearly feel the soaring of Mo Shi’s body temperature.

Emma looked at Mo Shi, surprised.

Is the master going to be promoted again?

Surprised, she hurriedly explored the surroundings with her thoughts, and gave Mo’s warning.

After five minutes, Mo Shi’s body temperature finally returned to normal.

Now look at the own attribute interface:

【Name: Mo Shi】

[Level: Level 4 Wilderness Hunter, Level 4 Long Nian Master][Evolution direction: Titan dragon]

Mo Shi was overjoyed and was finally promoted.

It has only been three months since he came to Yanshi Continent, and his level is ascension level 3.

An average of one month first-level.

Just ask who else?

And just keep hunting in this Death swamp.

It is estimated that in about half a month, at most 20 days, will be promoted again.

The speed of this level of Ascension is almost like riding a rocket.

The night after promotion.

Mo Shi took Emma and her mother into the swamp.

At this time, he killed these night ghosts more easily than last night.

There is no need to run up at all, and there is no need to jump too high.

Casually, easily, punch a kid.

So this night, Mo Shi killed more than fifteen thousand night ghosts.

Each night ghost had two drops of dragon blood, and in one night, he obtained more than 30,000 drops of Titan dragon blood.

This speed is quite terrifying.

After a fight this night, Emma finally broke through.

And it is a double upgrade.

Level 2 great teacher, level 2 evolution blood clan.

Mo Shi felt that at this rate, Emma should be able to be promoted to Level 3 Evolution Blood Clan before leaving the No. 2 Hunting Ground in 20 days.

It’s just that the sky doesn’t follow people’s wishes.

That night, Mo Shi found that the number of night ghosts crawling out of the swamp was not so many.

The next night, the number of night ghosts decreased again.

Third, at night, after searching for half of the night, I found more than 3,000 night ghosts.

Mo Shi shook his head helplessly.

Only to blame for being too strong, these night ghosts were so scared that they didn’t dare to come out.

Mo Shi could only continue deep into the swamp.

Just before dawn, he noticed that the night ghosts in front of him had increased again.

This made his heart move slightly.

According to his observations these days, although these night ghosts have low IQs, they still communicate with each other.

When he showed his tyrannical strength, could it be that the night ghosts in these swamps should be passed on from ten to ten, knowing that a tyrannical human appeared, and they would never reappear at night.

There must be something strange now that a large crowd of night ghosts suddenly appeared in front of him.

However, in order to explain the current strength, even if there is something strange, he doesn’t have to worry at all.

Anyway, with this large number of night ghosts gathering, there will be a large amount of dragon blood.

Gradually, I was able to get in.

He found the place where the night ghosts gathered, which was a volcanic crater.

In the Death swamp, a volcano suddenly appeared, which looked very abrupt.

But Mo Shi had read the strategy about Ye Guixing in detail before.

This situation has long been known.

Those people who came before have almost figured out the situation of Ye Guixing.

This volcano is the center of Death Marsh.

However, the strategy does not say that there are a large number of night ghosts gathering here.

Mo Shi didn’t care about that much anymore, while shaking the wings of the blood dragon flying at low altitude, while blasting these night ghosts with his fists.

Anyway, he has a lot of hole cards, as well as the biggest hole card Mossang Dragon clone, afraid of a wool.

The dragon avatar swallowed too many barren beasts before, and it should have broken through long ago.

Only limited to Mo Shi’s level, it has never been promoted.

Now that Mo Shi has become a Level 4 Wilderness Hunter, the Canglong clone has also been promoted to a Level 4 Wilderness Hunter.

You know, in the entire Youzhou territory, there are only a handful of wilderness hunters who can reach level 4.

So in this respect, Mo Shi is already a top master in Youzhou.

Wouldn’t it be a ridicule for such a top-notch master to come to a mere No. 2 hunting ground and still be timid?

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