Chapter 271 Night King

The volcano in the center of Death Marsh is an extinct volcano.

I don’t know how many years of cooling have passed.

There is no heat here now.

The volcano has long been covered with various plants.

The volcano is more than three hundred meters high and stands like a circular pyramid in the desolate Death swamp under the green moonlight.

At the foot of this volcano, night ghosts are crowded.

These night ghosts are guarding this volcano as if it were a treasure.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi couldn’t help but feel moved.

Could there be any treasure in the volcano this night?

After carefully exploring the volcano with Long Nian again, nothing useful was found.

Mo Shi shook his head.

No matter what, let’s deal with these night ghosts first.

Soon, Mo Shi fell to the ground.

The ground that is more than 50 kilometers around the volcano is no longer a swamp.

It’s solid land.

When Mo Shi landed, the night ghosts suddenly roared strangely:

“Quack crunch—”

“Quack crunch—”

They flung their teeth and claws toward Mo Shi.

Mo Shi once again propped up the Long Nian barrier and let in twenty night ghosts.

Then there was a round of punches and kicks.

In a moment, seventeen night ghosts have been resolved.

Emma is now promoted to Level 2 Evolution Blood Clan and Level 2 Great Teacher.

The speed of the blood race and the sharpness of the claws are combined with the mind power of the 2nd level master.

She can also be one against three.

And when Mo Shi had solved the other seventeen night ghosts, she had already killed these three night ghosts.

Continue to kill, Mo Shi killed more than 10,000 night ghosts in the middle of the night.

On the second night, the night ghosts here not only did not decrease, but rather increased.

There are more night ghosts here than when he first came to Death Swamp.

In one night, Mo Shi killed more than 20,000 night ghosts.

Obtained more than 40,000 drops of Titan Dragon blood.

The harvest is more than 10,000 drops more than before.

Next, Mo Shi stayed here for six consecutive nights.

Since this is the hinterland of the swamp, no one will bother at all.

And there are more night ghosts here than in other places.

So Mo Shi was greatly satisfied with the harvest of these six nights.

If everything is like here, then it won’t take him half a month at all. I’m afraid I can be promoted to level 5 in ten days.

It’s a pity that the sky doesn’t follow people’s wishes.

On the seventh day, the night ghosts here also began to run away.

But the direction they fled was not underground.

It’s on the crater.

Hundreds of night ghosts flocked to the crater.

Finally disappeared in Mo Shi’s sight.

Mo Shi flapped his wings and stared at the crater from the air.

The sky is getting brighter.

From the sky, this crater looks like a huge crater of a huge monster, which must be eaten by people.

It also seemed to be a huge eye, staring straight at the sky.

At first glance, it feels creepy.

But Mo Shi nowadays Long Nian is already extremely powerful, and he doesn’t feel any horror about this kind of thing.

He was just pure curiosity.

Those night ghosts gathered here, as if protecting something in the volcano.

Now that they were afraid of being killed, the first reaction was to flee directly into the crater.

It seems that there must be something extraordinary in the crater.

He immediately thought.

I saw that the bodies of the night ghosts killed last night turned into flesh and blood quickly.

Then under the control of Mo Shi Longnian, he was squirming quickly.

After a while, five virus clones emerged.

Each of these virus clones possesses the strength of Level 2 Wild Hunter and Level 2 Long Nian Master.

Then he ordered these clones to go to the crater to find out.

These clones entered the crater, and Mo Shi carefully observed the surroundings through their perspective.

At first, it looked like any extinct volcano.

After an unknown number of years, the crater here has long been blocked by rocks, mud and volcanic ash.

A thick layer of vegetation and towering giant trees grow on it.

The thickest giant tree has reached a diameter of about seven meters.

Gradually, as these virus clones deepened, Mo Shi’s investigation became more detailed.

Around the bottom of the crater, there are thousands of caves, large and small.

These caves are about five meters in diameter.

The small one can only allow one person to pass.

Mo Shi knew that those night ghosts just got in through these holes.

He immediately controlled the virus clone and followed into these holes.

The road inside the hole became more and more slanted as it went forward.

Has been leaning towards the belly of the volcano.

Along these roads, he walked more than three hundred meters round and round.

Hundreds of night ghosts appeared along the way.

At this time, Mo Shi used Long Nian to directly kill these night ghosts.

Even though he killed a night ghost, he would take two drops of dragon blood.

But at this time, Mo Shi’s main task was to find out what was inside before these clones were killed, which was worthy of so many night ghosts’ protection at all costs.

Finally, after killing hundreds of night ghosts, Mo Shi’s two clones successfully arrived in the volcano’s hinterland.

There is a huge cave here.

The stone walls around the cave are all flaming red.

In the center of the cave, there is a magma pool with a diameter of only more than 20 meters.

I want to come here because after countless years, after the magma has gradually cooled down, there is only such a small pool of magma left.

Around this magma pool, there are tens of thousands of night ghosts.

Strange to say that night ghosts are afraid of everything except moonlight.

But at this time, they were not afraid of being reflected by the fire in this magma pool.

At the same time, in the center of these night ghosts, there is an irregular stone platform.

On the stone platform, there was a special night ghost staring at the two avatars of Mo Shi angrily.

This night ghost is bigger than other night ghosts.

It is more than three meters high.

On the forehead, there are also two slightly curved angles about one foot long.

Its eyes are different from the grayish white of other night ghosts, but a strange red.

It’s like the red light of the robot’s electronic eye.

Its skinny body seems to give people a strange sense of power.

Mo Shi glanced at the night ghost, and his heart moved slightly.

Is this the king of night ghosts?

In the Yanshi Continent, many scholars’ papers mentioned the King of Night Ghosts.

In their opinion, among the billions of night ghosts in Yanshi Continent, one or more kings will surely emerge.

It is called the King of Night Ghosts, or Night King for short.

It’s just a guess.

Until now, no one has seen the overnight king.

Many people even think that there is no night king on the night ghost star.

Today, Mo Shi is the first human to see the Night King.

He opened the eyes of the blood dragon and looked towards the night king.

【Species: Night Ghost】

[Level: Level 3 Evolution]

When Mo Shi saw this, he understood why no one saw the overnight king.

The restriction of Hunting Ground No. 2 is equivalent to Realm, a level 2 hunter.

No creature can surpass the Level 2 Wilderness Hunter Realm.

And this night king has reached level 3 evolution, which is equivalent to a level 3 waste hunter.

I think I must be restricted by the rules of this world, and maybe I can’t leave this volcano at all.

Or even if he left, he couldn’t show his level 3 strength.

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