Chapter 272

In fact, Mo Shi guessed it really well.

Although the No. 2 hunting ground has restrictions, the strength of any creature will not exceed the level 2 Wilderness Hunter Realm.

But tens of thousands of years have passed, and there will always be accidents of this kind.

This is like on the earth, the original limitation is that the strength of all creatures cannot exceed the level 10 hunter Realm.

But as soon as Mo Shi’s Canglong clone appeared, it directly reached level 10 desolate beast.

Far beyond the 10th level hunter.

Of course, Mo Shi is a pegged B. Naturally, the Night King cannot be compared with Mo Shi.

After tens of thousands of years, the strength of this night king has reached the level 3 evolution of Realm.

But because of the restrictions of the world’s rules, it also paid the price of freedom.

It was cursed by some wizard in this world.

Therefore, he can no longer leave the volcano.

Of course, according to this world’s statement, it is cursed. In fact, judging from the knowledge of Yanshi Continent, there is still a scientific explanation.

In this world, it is immortal, but it can’t leave a single step.

So this volcano is equivalent to a permanent cage for it.

This is why the practitioners of Yanshi Continent have never seen the overnight king.

Having been imprisoned here for tens of thousands of years, the night king’s grievance has reached its peak.

At this moment, seeing Mo Shi’s two avatars appear, his eyes almost breathed fire.

Why can’t I leave? Any cat or dog can enter and exit the volcano at will?

In the extreme anger, it concentrated all the anger on the two clones of Mo Shi.

Because of its extreme anger, its body couldn’t help but tremble.

Its upper and lower lips turned up, revealing the sharp teeth inside.

The upper and lower rows of teeth are constantly colliding with each other at a very fast frequency.

Screaming strangely but full of anger:

“Quack crunch—”

The voice was harsh but hoarse.

It sounds extremely uncomfortable.

The next moment, it waved its right hand.

In the magma pool in front of him, the thick chains formed by the condensing of two magmas flew straight towards the two avatars of Mo Shi.

Of Mo Shi’s two clones, one of them turned around and fled.

The other avatar avoided the magma chain sideways.

At the same time, Long Nian launched and directly attacked the night king.

That night the king screamed strangely, and a huge thought power on his body also attacked.

Directly with that clone’s 2nd level Long Nian hard.


A shock wave suddenly spread to the surroundings.

The night ghosts around, under these two shock waves, were suddenly swept upside down and flew out.

Hit hard against the stone wall behind.

Most of the night ghosts were hit and fractured.

Even some night ghosts shed blood directly, as if they were going to die just now.

But in this volcano, they seem to have a bonus somewhere.

And it is a bonus to all aspects.

Their self-healing speed is also terrifyingly fast.

A night ghost whose skull was crushed completely recovered within half a minute.

Mo Shi outside the volcano, seeing all this, was secretly surprised.

This night king’s thought power can actually compete with the second-level dragon thought of his clone.

In other words, its thought power has at least reached the level of a level 4 great master.

He wanted to wait a while to enter the volcano, and take away all the night ghosts, including the night king, with one punch.

But now it seems, just to be on the safe side, I still didn’t go in.

At this time, the night king saw his thought power under a single strike, and he failed to bombard this human being.

Can’t help getting angry.

In his eyes, anger almost burst out.

The originally calm magma pool in the center of the volcano was constantly churning like boiling water.

There was even a magma column more than one meter high.

The next moment, his thought power suddenly spread out.

In Mo Shi’s perception, his thought power unexpectedly soared by another level.

Reached the level 5 master teacher.

At the same time, its power and speed have soared again in a short period of time.

Despite its level, it is still Level 3 Evolution Night Ghost.

But the speed and strength displayed have already reached level 4!

Mo Shi frowned slightly.

Is there no upper limit for this guy’s Realm?

This time, his Level 4 Long Nian directly spread out.

He robbed the night king’s memory in an instant.

Soon, he checked the night king’s memory.

“I see.”

From the memory of the Night King, Mo Shi saw that as long as it was within the volcano, it could directly increase its strength to the equivalent of Level 10 Wilderness Hunter Realm.

Mind power can also be promoted to the equivalent of a level 10 Great Mind Master Realm.

It can be said that in the volcano, it is the god of this world.

Knowing this, Mo Shi’s mouth curled up.

In that case, then I will ruin your volcano.

Thinking of this, the aura of his whole person, in a very short period of time, directly Ascension reached its peak.

At the same time, on his right arm, the Titan Dragon Claw condensed.

Due to the level of Ascension, his Titan Dragon Claw has also changed.

On the claw hook of the Titan Dragon Claw, there was a faint fiery red light flowing.

Then he jumped up suddenly.

A violent shout.

A kilometer away from the crater, the Titan Dragon Claw directly slashed down towards the volcano.


The intangible Qi Jin was released in an instant, and it slashed straight towards the three-hundred-meter-high volcano.

Submerge into the volcano in an instant.

It seemed to be still for a few seconds.

At the next moment, I saw the 300-meter-high volcano. The left half of the volcano actually slid down diagonally to the left.

After sliding out more than ten meters, it finally began to collapse.


Earth movement.


Mountain shake!

Emma’s son was so frightened that he hugged her waist tightly.

Emma covered her ears for her son.

In her beautiful eyes, it was hard to hide the shock.

Although the master’s strength has long been known.

But under this claw, the entire volcano was split apart.

This is beyond her cognition.



The huge rocks rolled down towards the surroundings.

Smashing that huge tree, smashed into a continuous crackle.

The volcano on the left side, like a sand sculpture, kept sliding down.

In the belly of the mountain, those night ghosts were constantly being smashed into flesh by the falling rocks.

The night king’s expression also changed.

He immediately used his mind to prop up the big stone.

It looked up at the constantly falling rocks in the air, feeling a little complicated.

It has been imprisoned here for tens of thousands of years, always looking forward to the collapse of the volcano.

But now it finally collapsed, but it couldn’t be happy.

Because obviously, there is a powerful enemy coming from outside.

Once the volcano collapses, its strength cannot be Ascension again.

It has topped the strength of the 4th-level Great Teacher and the 4th-level Evolution Night Ghost.

At the same time, it must protect the magma pool from being destroyed.

In the magma pool, there are volcanic crystals that are extremely important to it.

It is precisely because of the volcanic crystal that its strength can continue to rise.

Although the volcano was destroyed, the volcanic crystal was able to retain its current strength.

If all the volcanic crystals are destroyed, its strength will fall below the limit of the night ghost star.

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