Chapter 273 Volcano Crystal Obtained

After more than ten minutes, that half of the volcano completely collapsed.

Looking at the volcano at this time, it has been cut off in half by an inexplicable claw.

The remaining half of the volcano has lost its previous momentum.

It looks a bit funny.

In the belly of the volcano, a pair of giant wings up to eight meters wide emerged from the queen’s back that night.

The wings flapped and slowly lifted off.

Its blood-red eyes showed extreme indignation.

This human, ruined the volcano and ruined its home.

Destroyed the support that can make its strength Ascension reach the 10th level.

How can this not make it angry.

Its eyes almost burst into flames.

Because of being too angry, his wings kept trembling.

At the same time, his lips turned up and down, revealing the sharp teeth inside.

Two rows of sharp teeth collided with extremely fast frequency, making a weird roar:

“Quack crunch—”

The next moment, it moved!

He turned around abruptly and flew back instantly.

Its speed is extremely fast, 500 meters per second.

In just ten seconds, he flew five kilometers.


Mo Shi was stunned.

Emma next to her was also a little confused.


With such great momentum, he turned his head and ran away.

Do you want to force your face?

Actually, it’s no wonder that the night king didn’t press his face.

Mo Shi’s strength is too strong.

Although the IQ of the Night King is not as high as that of humans, it is not much worse.

This human being can destroy the entire volcano with a single claw. If it goes to fight this human again, isn’t it a ghost?

And the two humans who entered the volcano before are obviously clones of this human being condensed in some way.

With the two clones alone, the power of thought can compete with the power of his 4th-level master.

It can be seen how strong is this guy’s mind power?

In this case, what are you waiting for if you don’t escape?

Upon seeing this, Mo Shi smiled and shook his head.

Level 4 Long Nian directly spread out.


Directly tore the night king to pieces.

And suppressed its cells with Long Nian, making it unable to heal itself at all.

At this point, the Night King, who had lived on Ye Guixing for tens of thousands of years, was finally killed.

Mo Shi had originally expected that this night king would explode something like the spirit of the night ghost.

Unexpectedly, this dignified night king was empty in his body, and none of his farts exploded.

“System, sign in for special events.”

Mo Shi didn’t hesitate anymore, and said directly.

Killing the Night King is definitely a special event.

【Sign in successfully! 】

[Sign-in Event: Killing the Night King][Sign-in reward: 1 servant of the Night King]

The next moment, I saw a small character model appearing in the system backpack.

Take out this character model.

Above this character model, a burst of flame burned past.

As the flame burned, its entire body quickly turned into the body of the Night King.

After a while, a Night King who looked exactly like the Night King appeared in front of Mo Shi.

The night king bowed his head to Mo Shi, speaking human language, respectfully and authentically:

“Master, the Night King is happy to help you.”

Mo Shi looked at the night king with the eyes of the blood dragon.

【Species: Night Ghost】

[Level: Level 4 Great Teacher, Level 4 Evolution Night Ghost]

A smile of relief appeared on Mo Shi’s face.

Currently, there is a lack of hunters in the base.

This night ghost 4th-level master teacher, plus 4th-level evolution night ghost, the strength can definitely crush 5th-level waste hunters.

Except for himself, Emma and the Night King are both above the wilderness hunter in strength.

At last it was barely able to pass the eye.

Emma next to her was naturally surprised.

The master conjured other things out of thin air, which is barely justified.

But this turned into a subordinate out of thin air, which is too much.

Mo Shi said to the night king:

“The things in the volcanic magma pool should be quite helpful to you. Go get it out.”

With inexplicable strength, although it is possible to enter the magma pool, it is quite troublesome.

And this night king is very familiar with the various attributes of magma, so it is most suitable for him to go.

That night king quickly flew into the volcanic ruins.

After a short while, he flew back again.

He was already holding a fist-sized spar.

The spar is fiery red, and there seems to be fiery red light circulating inside.

This is the volcanic crystal.

Mo Shi learned from the memory of the night king that this volcanic crystal had two major functions.

One is that it can generate a 50% increase in power and speed for the night ghost within a radius of ten kilometers.

The second function is to accelerate the growth of the night ghost spirit seeds within a radius of ten kilometers.

Originally, the spirit seed of the night ghost, it takes a year to grow into the spirit of the night ghost.

But now with the seeds of the night ghost spirit, it will be as fast as three months or half a year later, and it will inevitably grow into the night ghost spirit.

In addition to its effect on other night ghosts, it also has an effect on the night king.

That is the strength of the Ascension Night King within a radius of ten kilometers.

Make it reach level 10 wilderness hunter and level 10 master teacher!

Mo Shi originally thought that the biggest gain from coming to Hunting Ground this time was his own level of Ascension.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the level, also obtained a lot of benefits.

It really didn’t come here in vain.

Imagining that after at most half a year, the strength in the base will get a huge Ascension, Mo Shi was delighted.

At this time, in the ruins of the volcano, those night ghosts saw that the night king was dead and the volcanic crystal was taken away.

One by one, they were desperate and frightened.

Quickly fled and fled in all directions.

Mo Shi didn’t give them any chance to escape at all.

Long Nian directly circled these guys, punched them one by one, and killed these night ghosts one after another.

When the sun came out the next day, he killed more than three thousand night ghosts.

Finally, the night ghosts in the entire Death swamp were also frightened by Mo Shi.

By this evening, no night ghost appeared again.

Mo Shi was a little speechless, and asked the night king next to him:

“Can you get them all out?”

The night king nodded: “Yes, master.”

With that, the Night King plunged into the swamp.

About half an hour later, the Night King emerged from under the ground.

At the same time, thousands of night ghosts also emerged from around Mo Shi.

Mo Shi was overjoyed when he saw this.

To the King of Night: “Let them attack me.”

The Night King is Mo Shi’s slave who signed in from the system. Naturally, he has no objection to Mo Shi’s words.

There was an imposing but very strange sound in the throat:

“Quack crunch—”

Those night ghosts, although very scared of Mo Shi.

But their innate fear of the Night King was a hundred times more fearful than the fear of Moshi.

Therefore, the Night King gave an order, and they could only bite the bullet and attack Mo Shi.

Mo Shi once again slaughtered.

In one night, more than fifteen thousand night ghosts were killed again.

For the next half month, he killed the night ghost in the Death swamp every night.

More than 30,000 drops of dragon blood can be obtained every night.

Finally, that night, after taking the dragon’s blood, his body began to heat up again.

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