Chapter 276: Youzhou Cheng Family? Ha ha

Cheng’s Young Master has coveted Emma for a long time.

He has played with many women.

For women such as innocent girls, Onee-san, Loli, etc., he has long been tired of playing.

In the past six months, he discovered the benefits of a mature woman.

So I have a soft spot for this type.

Don’t look at the birth of a child.

Those who have given birth are actually more attractive.

When he first came to Hunting Ground No. 2, he wanted to kill Mo Shi and snatch the woman next to him.

It’s just that the own bodyguards at the time did not recommend this.

What is the purpose of coming here is to experience, not to let oneself grow out of knots.

But now, this guy dared to snatch the spirit of own night ghost.

Just gave myself a reason.

Kill him, and then take this woman into his own.

Thinking of this, there was a look of expectation in his eyes.

However, at this time, the four powerhouses looked solemn.

Even the 4th-level great master said in a low voice:

“Young Master, it’s not suitable to do it at this time, let’s contact the family.”

As soon as Cheng San Young Master heard it, he immediately became angry.

“This kid is at best a second-level hunter, won’t you kill it? What family to contact!”

In his opinion, such a thing requires the use of family power.

Then own daddy doesn’t scold yourself to death?

The Level 4 Master shook his head and said:

“No, Three Young Master, listen to me. He just shot this night ghost with his bare hands and one punch, which is equivalent to the strength of a third-level wilderness hunter.”

The people of the other forces heard the words of this 4th-level master teacher.

Suddenly one by one.

Their attention just now was all on the spirit of the night ghost.

He didn’t care how the man in black killed the night ghost just now.

At this time, they heard the words of the 4th-level master teacher, and they only remembered it.

Just now, the man in black really blasted and killed the night ghost with his bare hands, which was equivalent to the strength of the third-level waste hunter.

Without any energy, just bare-handed, they killed the night ghost that they hadn’t killed for most of the night. This guy’s physical strength was really terrifying.

The Young Master Cheng San was slightly surprised when he heard the words.

But there are more complaints: “You can kill that night ghost with a single punch with physical strength. Then its true strength should be above the fifth-level waste hunter. For a waste hunter above level 5, run Come to this No. 2 hunting ground, is it painful to be idle?”

And the next words of the 4th-level Great Master Teacher made these people even more shocked.

“Moreover, the one who can kill this night ghost at the cellular level has absolutely very low level of thought power. In other words, behind him, there is a great teacher who is at least level 4 or higher.”

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were stunned.

They couldn’t help but turn their eyes to Emma, ​​who hadn’t paid much attention.

There is no doubt that the Great Teacher of Level 4 or above is this woman.

Cheng San Young Master also looked at Emma.

I really underestimated this woman.

However, sooner or later, there is a point, I have to let this woman surrender.

The fourth-level master then said to Cheng San Young Master:

“So, it is better for the three Young Masters to contact the family immediately, so that there is a greater chance of getting those two night ghost spirits.”

He said these two words almost in the ear of Cheng San Young Master.

Cheng San Young Master was taken aback and looked at the 4th-level master.

The 4th-level master said:

“When it put the night ghost spirit in his hand just now, I found out that there was a night ghost spirit in his body. The matter is very important. Please contact the family as soon as possible.”

Cheng San Young Master suddenly turned his head to look at Mo Shi.

The killing intent is clear in his eyes.

This kid had already gotten a night ghost spirit.

Now that he had already obtained a night ghost spirit, he still had to grab the Young Master’s night ghost spirit.

Simply outrageous!

Thinking of this, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring at inexplicably.

He opened his mouth and said: “Give me back the two night ghost spirits.”

Between words, the one that Mo Shi had obtained before was counted as belonging to their Cheng family.

Mo Shi glanced at the crowd, and finally fell on the three Young Masters:


Cheng San Young Master raised his chin and spoke boldly:

“Just rely on the four words’Youzhou Chengjia’.”

Mo Shi sneered:

“Youzhou Cheng’s family? What a shit!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the scene was taken aback.

Is this guy crazy?

Youzhou Cheng family, one of the hundred powerful forces in Youzhou.

He even said that Youzhou Cheng’s family is a fart.

This is the rhythm that I don’t want to live.

Cheng San Young Master frowned when he saw this.

“Boy, you have to think carefully, Youzhou Cheng Family…”


Before Cheng San Young Master finished speaking, he heard a muffled noise.

When he looked down, a claw had been pierced from his chest.

That claw resembled that of a night ghost, but it was completely red.

Among his paws, he was holding a beating heart.

The next moment, the paw hardened slightly.


The heart was suddenly burst.

The blood and fragments made Cheng San Young Master look ashamed.

Cheng San Young Master’s expression suddenly changed.

He quickly reached out and grabbed a bodyguard next to him, and shouted, “Help me…”

Before the words fell, his whole body had already fallen to the ground.

The bodyguard next to him also looked terrified at this time.

He did want to save the third Young Master just now.

Not only him, all the four bodyguards, with their strength, can save the third Young Master in time.

However, just when they were about to make a move, they found an invisible force that imprisoned the four of them.

Let alone the four of them, they couldn’t even blink their eyelids.

All four of them were terrified in their hearts.

Among them, the one who feels the most is the 4th-level master.

As a level 4 great teacher, his thought power is already very strong.

As a result, in front of the opponent’s Nian Lishi, there was not even a chance to resist.

The opponent’s thought power is definitely higher than a level 5 master.

Thinking of this, he scolded himself secretly in his heart:

Damn, why didn’t you notice this 5th-level master?

Knowing this long ago, even if they had given up this night ghost spirit, they would have to leave this place far away.

However, it was too late at this time.

When Cheng San Young Master fell, almost everyone was shocked.

Are these people crazy?

Do you dare to provoke the Cheng family in Youzhou?

But The next moment, the surprise in their hearts turned into panic.

This guy even dared to provoke the Cheng family, and even dared to kill Cheng San Young Master.

So what is there to dare not do?

Especially when Cheng San Young Master’s body slowly fell.

They saw the figure that appeared behind him.

It was a huge figure three meters high.

The head has double horns, and the body is covered with armor-like scales.

There are spikes on the shoulders.

The whole body is fiery red.

No one knows what kind of creature this is.

But this creature can kill Cheng San Young Master without being aware of it, and its strength is definitely not weak.

Thinking of this, these people no longer dare to stay for even one second.

They wanted to turn around and fled.

However, can they escape?

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