Chapter 277

They want to escape, but can they escape?

Before, they helped Cheng San Young Master to speak, and asked Mo to release the abandoned night ghost spirit.

Now that Cheng San Young Master died, they wanted to leave like this?

It is conceivable that if they return to Youzhou, the first time they must go to the Cheng family.

Tell the Cheng family how they saw their own kill Cheng San Young Master.

Use this to gain benefits.

Mo Shi naturally couldn’t let them go.

But for these people, Mo Shi didn’t bother to do it himself.

He just used Long Nian to bombard and kill the three bodyguards of Cheng San Young Master.

Next, everything is left to the Night King.

Mo Shi wanted to see how strong he was.

The Night King possesses the power of a 4th-level master of thought, which can restrict the actions of these people.

It also has a surprisingly fast speed.

And you can get in and out of the ground at will, and you can see it.

In just over 40 seconds, more than 70 people were completely bombarded and killed.

Mo Shi nodded slightly.

The strength of this night king can be regarded as a handy at present.

The Level 4 Great Teacher, combined with the strength of the Level 4 Evolution Night Ghost, is enough to crush the Level 5 Wilderness Hunter.

After killing all these people, Mo Shi used Long Nian to probe it carefully.

Make sure that there is no trace of his identity, and then he quickly left Heishankou with Emma, ​​Yegui and others.

Of course, he knew that the Youzhou Cheng family would find out sooner or later with the technological means of Yanshi Continent.

But if it can be delayed for a while, it will be delayed for a while.

And don’t forget, Mo Shi now has two night ghost spirits.

After returning, two hunters can be brought up.

Are you still afraid of the Cheng Family in Youzhou?


Next, Mo Shi stayed in Hunting Ground No. 2 for a few more days.

He also harvested tens of thousands of drops of dragon blood.

After taking it, I feel that the energy in the body is already stronger than that of a level 10 waste hunter.

At this time, even if he didn’t use Long Nian, he could kill level 10 waste hunters in seconds with energy alone.

In other words, below the hunters, invincible!

The harvest from Hunting Island No. 2 this time is not trivial.

Finally, one month expired.

Mo Shi put the Night King into his personal reservoir, took Emma mother and son, and returned to Hunting Island No. 2.

Later, after several hours of flying, he returned to Base One.

Happy to hear the news of Mo Shi’s return, I couldn’t help rushing over with joy.

The so-called little love wins newlyweds.

After not seeing each other for a month, the two are naturally very affectionate.

Emma took the child and retired to Mo Shi.

As for the night king, Mo Shi also released him.

The people in the base saw that Mr. Mo brought back the monster.

All are a little scared.

They have seen upgraded creatures on earth, wild beasts, blood, zombies, and zombies.

Have never seen such a monster.

But afterwards, seeing this monster treat Mr. Mo as if it were a servant treating his master, all of them were relieved.

Mo Shi released the ten night ghosts from the personal reservoir.

He had planted the spirit seeds of the night ghosts in these ten night ghosts before.

Mo Shi took out the volcanic crystal again and gave it to the Night King.

Said: “Be optimistic about the volcano crystal and them. After half a year, the night ghost spirit in their body will mature.”

The Night King replied respectfully:

“Yes, master.”

Mo Shi asked the Night King and the ten night ghosts to be placed in the basement.

Tell Guo Jutao what the Night King needs.

The Night King took the order and left quickly.

Later, Mo Shi found Guo Jutao again and said to him:

“Pick two people out. I have something here. After taking it, Ascension can reach the Wild Hunter Realm in a short time.”

Hearing this, Guo Jutao’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Wild hunter!

He estimated that this Realm could only be reached in a few decades.

“That Mr. Mo, look at me…”

Guo Jutao couldn’t help licking his lips, and said embarrassingly.

He was originally a bit of a mother, so embarrassed, and even more like a little girl.

Mo Shi couldn’t help but feel a chill.

Quickly waved his hand: “Stop. After taking that kind of thing, although you can be promoted to a waste hunter in a short time, but since then, the strength can no longer Ascension even first-level. So it is only suitable for those who have no talent.”

Guo Jutao thought for a while and said:

“Mr. Mo, I think…I’m just right. Although my talents are also good, I may be able to Ascension to second-level or even third-level waste hunter in the future, but now I manage the affairs of the entire base and I don’t have time to go. cultivation.”

Mo Shi heard this, thought about it, and said:

“The people in the entire base are working hard on the strength of Ascension, only you are negligent in cultivation because you have to manage a lot of affairs.”

“Your sacrifice for the base is seen by the people of the base.”

“In that case, I will give you a night ghost spirit.”

Having said that, Mo Shi’s right fingernail flicked in the palm of his left hand.

Two crystals with faint white light appeared in the palm of his hand.

He took out one of them and said to Guo Jutao:

“This is the spirit of the night ghost, after absorbing it, you can be promoted to a waste hunter.”

Guo Juhu nodded repeatedly: “Thank you Mr. Mo.”

Mo Shi said: “Go back and absorb it.”

“Okay Mr. Mo.”

Guo Jutao held this night ghost away, and after repeatedly thanking him, he left quickly.

Three days later, Guo Jutao came to Mo Shi again.

At this time, Guo Jutao’s temperament had obviously changed.

Become…more motherly.

Between every gesture, there is a feminine temperament.

He actually did a woman’s courtesy to Mo Shi.

I can’t help but be stunned.

Could it be said that the night ghost spirit has the effect of changing gender?

Mo Shixuelong’s eyes looked towards Guo Jutao.

【Species: Human】

[Level: Level 1 Wilderness Hunter]

【Talent: Unawakened】

Mo Shi was overjoyed.

In the base, a real waste hunter finally appeared!

He knew that after being promoted to a waste hunter, his talent would be awakened.

Some people can awaken the talent by being a 1st-level waste hunter.

Some people have to reach level 5 or even later before they can awaken their talents.

And the earlier the talent awakens, the higher the talent.

The future achievements will naturally be higher.

Although Guo Jutao hadn’t awakened his talent at this time, Mo Shi knew that with the bonus of the virtual dragon palace, he would be able to awaken his talent soon.

With a faint smile on his face, Mo Shi asked:

“how are you feeling?”

Guo Jutao lowered his head slightly shyly.

As a daughter, said:

“It feels… I finally have the feeling of being a real woman.”


Mo Shi almost didn’t spray it out.

“You fellow, wouldn’t you be swinging a knife from the palace before absorbing the night ghost spirit?”

Guo Jutao gave a blank look and said:

“Mr. Mo hates, how can people do such a thing. Just after absorbing the spirit of the night ghost, it seems…to completely release the nature of a woman. I feel that my mind and body are finally completely free.”

“At this moment, I just want to say, it’s great to be a woman.”

Mo Shi: “Puff…”

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