Chapter 278

After another three days, the second waste hunter who had absorbed the night ghost spirit also appeared.

Now, in the base, the dragon clone has reached the level of 3rd level evolution barren beast’s strength, equivalent to a level 3 barren hunter.

Plus these two wild hunters who have taken the night ghost spirit.

There are also nearly 20 Cheetah Mechas.

This high-end combat power is much stronger than the high-end combat power of some other forces.

Make an analogy.

The Youzhou Cheng family ranked 84th in Youzhou. Among their family, there was only one wilderness hunter, and it was only level 1.

There are only ten fighters.

What is most lacking in the base now is the low- and middle-end combat power like the hunter.

However, with the bonus of the virtual dragon palace, it is believed that in the near future, there will be a large number of first-level waste hunters.

Mo Shi is now a level 5 waste hunter.

Next, he should consider looking for some level 5 barren beasts to come to Ascension’s strength.

Hunting Island No. 5 has many infected creatures equivalent to level 5 barren beasts.

But Mo Shi didn’t plan to go there for the time being.

After fighting for a month, I have to rest and adjust.

Otherwise, kill endlessly, how is that different from a killing machine?

So he checked in at the base every day.

Go to the beach and have fun blowing.

It’s okay to plant and farm happily with Happy Farm.

The days are also comfortable.

On the mainland, Youzhou is not at all comfortable.

Because of Youzhou on the mainland, it is the closest to Hunting Island No. 2.

Therefore, most of the people who go to Hunting Island No. 2 are from Youzhou.

But this time, among the more than twenty forces in Youzhou, none of those who went to Hunting Island No. 2 returned.

Go to these hunting grounds to experience, it is acceptable to have casualties.

But with so many forces at once, everyone is gone forever, and this problem is very serious.

And the most uncomfortable among them is the Youzhou Cheng family, ranked 84th.

Among the Cheng family in Youzhou.

Patriarch Cheng Chengcheng was wringing his brows tightly at this time, looking at the five tickets that his subordinates had just brought back from Hunting Island No. 2.

Next to a subordinate report:

“Patriarch, we have sent drones to conduct five carpet searches across the entire hunting ground No. 2 and we have not found Young Master and his four entourages.”

Having said that, the subordinate’s voice was slightly low.

Said carefully:

“According to our speculation, Young Master may… have an accident.”

Upon hearing the words, the Patriarch of the Cheng family’s tone was full of self-depressing anger:

“It’s not an accident, it’s just murder!”

“The four people who protected him, three level 6 hunters, and a level 4 great master. Such strength is already invincible in the entire No. 2 hunting ground. Who else can be stronger than them? ”

The subordinate trembled slightly and replied:

“This…maybe only the mysterious powerhouse.”

“Mysterious strong?”

Cheng Chengcheng condensed his eyes, looked at the subordinate, and said, “Say!”

The subordinate quickly replied:

“Under the exploration of our drone, we found that there are many corpses of night ghosts in The Underworld wasteland and Death swamp.”

“Almost all these corpses were headshot with a punch.”

“And it seems that these night ghosts should be killed in seconds only by physical strength.”

“We inquired again and heard that these were all made by a mysterious strong man.”

“As for the true face of this mysterious strong man, no one has ever seen it.”

When Cheng Chengcheng heard this, his eyes flickered.

After a while, his eyes were suddenly fixed.

“When did the mysterious strong appear?”

The subordinate replied:

“March 31st.”

In Cheng Chengcheng’s eyes, a fierce look flashed:

“Check me all the people who entered the hunting ground on the 2nd from March 1st to the 31st!”

The subordinate’s heart shuddered.

The traffic of No. 2 hunting ground is already large, and at least tens of thousands of people enter the hunting ground every day.

Within a month, there were more than 300,000 people.

To find it, it is quite difficult.

However, with the influence of the Cheng family, although it is difficult to find out, it is not impossible.

He responded quickly: “Yes!”

Cheng Chengcheng said again: “Get all the private detectives in Youzhou!”

The man responded again: “Yes, Patriarch.”

So in the next few days, all the private detectives from the entire Youzhou flooded into the hunting ground number two.

It took them more than 20 days to finally find some Cheng San Young Master’s DNA in the Death swamp.

According to speculation, Cheng San Young Master is dead.

And they narrowed the scope of the murderers from 300,000 to 30.

These thirty people included Mo Shi and Emma.

Cheng Chengcheng looked at the information of these people from the projection screen.

After a brief glance, he asked, “Are there anyone in the top 100?”

The subordinate replied: “No.”

Cheng Chengcheng’s eyes were cold, and he waved his hand:

“Catch them all! I want to torture myself!”

According to the laws of Yanshi mainland, lynching is not allowed.

And at present, they are only suspected of these people, and there is no evidence at all.

Cheng Chengcheng had to directly use lynching for interrogation.

It can be seen how overbearing the Cheng family has reached.

Of course, it’s not just the Cheng family.

Almost all the top 100 forces have violated the laws of the mainland more or less.

It’s just that those law enforcement officers also closed one eye.

There is a saying that the rules are for the weak, and the strong do not need rules at all.

After hearing the words of the Patriarch, the subordinate quickly responded:

“Yes, Patriarch.”

Then walked away quickly.

Cheng Chengcheng looked at the distant mountains outside the window, his eyes sharp and fierce:

“Dare to move my son of Cheng Chengcheng, I want your family to be buried with you!”

At the same time, Cheng Chengcheng’s eldest son Cheng Kun and his second son Cheng Peng were also discussing in secret.

The eldest son, Cheng Kun, whispered: “Second brother, that unsatisfactory third brother, died in the hunting ground No. 2. It is really pleasant!”

The second son, Cheng Peng, said: “Dage, this can be regarded as God’s help. Don’t worry, I will never fight with you for the position of Patriarch. As long as you help me marry me the two little Big sis from Su family, in the future I’m going to enjoy the family happiness. Once our old man passes away, the Cheng family will belong to you.”

The eldest son Cheng Kun: “Hahahaha, second brother, you really love beauty and don’t love Jiangshan.”

The second son, Cheng Peng, smiled: “Dage, a hundred people have different characteristics, each has their own love. You love the country, I prefer beautiful people. I don’t know how good you are, how can you understand the beauty of beautiful people.”

The eldest son Cheng Kun nodded and said, “That’s right. Then we will get what we need. But we still have to help our father deal with the trouble of the third brother. Find the murderer and avenge him, so that we can win the father. Joy.”

Cheng Peng, the second son, agreed:

“Dage is absolutely right. When we go to catch the murderer tomorrow, we will go together.”

“Go together.”

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