Chapter 279 Giant Eagle Mecha

It has been a month since Mo Shi returned from the hunting ground No. 2.

Mo Shi still hasn’t been dispatched these days.

Just put the Canglong clone into the sea near Hunting Island No.1.

The dragon clone is now only a level 3 upgraded barren beast.

According to his current strength, its limit should be Level 5 Upgraded Desolate Beast.

The Canglong clone wandered in the nearby waters while devouring the desolate beasts here.

The levels of the beasts here are almost all from level 1 to level 5.

After the dragon clone swallowed, the gains were very small.

If you want to get promoted quickly, you still have to go to deeper waters.

However, Mo Shi knew from the emails and messages of the Youzhou Cheng family intercepted by little monk that the Cheng family had already determined the list of thirty suspects.

It seems that the Cheng family will find it soon.

So he put off his plan to let the Dragon Clone go to the deep sea.

Finally, another three days passed.

Outsiders appeared again on Hunting Island One.

There were ten people in total.

And with a flying fighter.

This fighter is not in cheetah form.

It is the form of a giant eagle.

Its main function is air reconnaissance and air strike.

These ten people came to the sky over Hunting Island No. 1 with the giant eagle mecha.

Seeing that the entire Hunting Island No. 1 is almost blood-red.

They are not surprised.

A few months ago, someone said that Hunting Island One was infected with some kind of virus.

What surprised them was that there was no trace of blood red around the factory in the most central area on Hunting Island, which was already surrounded by blood red.

But most of them are green.

Growing green vegetables, wheat, corn and other crops.

Between the fields, there are still a small number of humans and many robots working.

The person headed is Cheng Peng’s Second Young Master.

He glanced at the green area below, then shouted loudly:

“Mo Shi, Emma, ​​and his stupid son, get out of here!”

In the fields below, the few working people looked up at the ten people in the sky and a giant eagle mecha.

Then he bowed his head and continued to work silently in the field.

Outsiders invaded the base, not once or twice.

How can you go back alive once?

There is Mr. Mo in the base, and there are two wild hunters who have just grown up.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Mr. Mo and the two wild hunters are not there, aren’t they still happy?

The strength of being happy is not inferior to the waste hunter at all.

They have been here for a while.

Made some understanding of Tianyan.

Know the horror of Heavenly Talker.

Absolute defense, regardless of the opponent’s level;

Absolute destruction, regardless of the opponent’s level.

It can be said that happiness is the biggest killer in the entire base!

With these few guarantees, do they still have to worry?

In the sky, all the ten people were taken aback.

They are so aggressively screaming, even if the opponent is very strong, at least they have to pay attention to them, right?

The result is now simply ignored.

Cheng Peng frowned and snorted coldly.

They have not never seen someone like this pretending to be forceful.

But even if you pretend to be forced, you only need to report the name of “Youzhou Chengjia”.

These people will immediately become like grandsons, waiting to lick their own heels.

Thinking of this, he cleared his throat and shouted loudly:

“Listen to the people below, I am the Second Young Master of the Cheng Family in Youzhou, Cheng Peng! Tell Mo Shi, Emma, ​​and their stupid sons on your island to get out of me immediately!”

The people below listened and finally reacted.

However, their reaction gave Cheng Peng a look, and there was an urge to beat others.

They looked at each other, and the fire of Eight Trigrams was burning in their eyes.

Sure enough, Emma is really Mr. Mo’s woman.

And that child is really their son.

It’s just why their son is like that.

Mr. Mo is a smart person, and Emma doesn’t look stupid, not like heredity.

When Cheng Peng saw the appearance of these people, he was really going to run away.

Several 7th-level waste hunters and a 6th-level great teacher next to him said one after another:

“Second Young Master, these people don’t understand the rules, so I have to give them a taste.”

Cheng Peng looked at the image of the woman named Emma on the virtual screen of his watch.


Originally because of this woman, he didn’t want to be rough.

But since these people are so ignorant of admiration, they have to make a rough and simple one.

Thinking of this, he nodded slightly to the keyboard player next to him.

The keyboardist immediately operated on the belt keyboard around his waist for a while.

Soon, the wings of the giant eagle mecha trembled.

The bomb is about to be dropped.

This is the way their Cheng family fights.

Regardless of the three or seven twenty-one, the giant eagle mecha first throws a round of bombs to deter.

However, at the moment the giant eagle mech was activated, the red light in his eyes suddenly went out.

Then fell from a high altitude to the ground.

Everyone was taken aback.

“Keyboarder, what’s the matter?”

The keyboard player was also dumbfounded.

He didn’t know what was going on either.

Suddenly it failed.

He quickly moved his hands on the keyboard.

Seeing that the giant eagle mecha was about to fall to the ground, it finally sprayed out a stream of particles again.

Stabilized his figure, and then slowly flew upwards.

Everyone’s complexion has also improved a lot.

However, the face of the keyboard player is even more ugly.

Others cannot understand the meaning of the series of symbols on the screen.

He… Of course he couldn’t understand.

Because this is completely garbled!

His computer was hacked.

And even he, a computer expert, was helpless.

In horror, his hands and ten fingers continued to dance quickly.

In just half a minute, he tried at least ten ways to save himself after being hacked.

However, every time he tried one, he seemed to be stuck in a deeper quagmire.

In his feelings, it was as if every step he had to do was expected by the other party.

The other party seemed to have set up a series of traps long ago, waiting for him to get in step by step, and the deeper he drilled.

In the end, there was no possibility of even a trace of escape.

Finally, after a moment, he turned his head to look at Cheng Peng.

With trembling lips, he said a fact that horrified everyone:

“Second Young Master… our mech… was hacked.”

When the people next to him heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

“Protect Young Master, run away!”

A 7th-level waste hunter called out quickly.

However, his voice just fell off.

At the two wings of the Falcon mecha, two energy rays were shot out instantly.


The talking 7th-level waste hunter was directly pierced by the two energy rays.

And even the head of the 6th-level master teacher behind him was directly penetrated.

When the rest of the people met, their expressions suddenly changed.

It was originally their Falcon mecha, but suddenly turned to attack them.

How can this make them not panic?

“Run away!”


“Keyboarder, start the self-destruct program!”

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