Chapter 283 Zombie Planet

The two actually regarded themselves as gods.

Mo Shi slowly shook his head.

The Eye of the Blood Dragon appeared, observing the strength of these two people.

The man on the left:

【Species: Human】

[Level: Level 3 Wilderness Hunter]

The man on the right:

【Species: Human】

[Level: Level 3 Wilderness Hunter]


Mo Shi felt like he almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood.

Is anyone on this planet a waste hunter?

Since there are very few people coming to this hunting ground on the 13th, there are almost no strategies to share on the Internet.

Mo Shi only knew that among the hunting grounds on the 13th, the strongest was the creature equivalent to Level 4 Wilderness Hunter Realm.

But I didn’t expect to see two 3rd-level waste hunters as soon as they arrived.

This f*ck is outrageous.

He used Long Nian to plunder and plundered the memories of these two people.

From the memories of these two people, he found some information he wanted to know, and he was relieved.

It turned out that among the thirteenth hunting grounds, the strongest was the 4th-level waste hunter.

It’s just that there are very few level 4 waste hunters, and it is even a question of whether there is a level 4 waste hunter.

And the third-level wilderness hunter is basically the strongest existence in a tribe.

In the entire hunting ground on the 13th, the existence of hunters and above, in fact, totaled less than a thousand people.

It’s just that, in addition to less than a thousand three hunters, there are countless virus-infected zombies on this planet.

These zombies are not as weak as the zombies on earth.

The strength of each of their zombies is equivalent to a barren beast, so they are called barren.

As for the animals on this planet, they are not infected with the virus. The strongest is the 4th-level wild beast.

The number of wild beasts is extremely large.

As for how much it is, there is no concept in the memory of these two people anyway.

Since it is so dangerous outside, Mo Shi naturally finds a safe place to stay first.

Mo Shi stepped from the top of the pyramid to the two men.

Look carefully.

Apart from being a bit darker, the two men looked no different from the Easterners on Earth.

When the two saw Mo Shi approaching them, they quickly crawled to worship.

Mo Shi opened the mouth and said:

“Get up, take me to your tribe.”

Of course, his words were also translated into aboriginal language by the multi-function watch.

When the two heard this, they were immediately overjoyed.

Repeatedly bowed.

Then he took Mo Shi cautiously and left the pyramid.

Follow the path between the woods, towards the direction of the tribe.

On the small road between the woods, occasionally a few corpses appeared, all of which were not high in level.

It only looks like level 7 to 8.

Mo Shi knew that the corpse could also be active during the day.

But their favorite is the evening.

Therefore, there are few corpses that come out during the day, and they are all corpses that can’t find any food at night and can only come out during the day.

Mo Shi’s mind moved, and the Canglong clone appeared.

It looks like a crocodile more than twenty meters long.

But the scales on the body are harder than those of a crocodile.

The claws are also sharper than those of the crocodile.

The tail has a sharp blade, and the back has a triangular dorsal fin that is as sharp as a blade.

The two had never seen such a creature.

I saw it appeared out of thin air with a wave of the right hand of the god.

I think this is the beast of the gods.

The two of them squatted down again and worshipped the Canglong clone.

Through the memories of these two people, Mo Shi already knew that there was only one place on this planet with the most wild beasts.

That is the Starsbar Forest.

Translated, it is Death Forest.

In that forest, there are a lot of wild beasts.

Among them, the upgraded wild beasts are not a few.

And the Death Forest is not too far from here.

Only more than 300 kilometers.

Mo Shi used the bodies of the zombies to condense a virus clone.

Let the virus clone take the personal reservoir and head to the Death Forest.

Mo Shi’s virus clone can now reach ten kilometers per second using Long Yingbu.

In just over thirty seconds, he came to the Death Forest.

On the edge of the Death Forest, there are some desolate beasts below the upgraded desolate beast.

There is little benefit to the Canglong clone.

So Mo Shi let the Canglong clone continue to crawl inside.

As for why not let the virus clone carry the personal reservoir to continue inside.

That’s because when the virus clone arrived here, it was already dead.

Was easily killed by a 9th-level beast.

The 9th-level desolate beast was swallowed by the Dragon Clone.

Afterwards, the Canglong Clone used thousands of tentacles to swallow more than 500 nearby barren beasts, and continued to quickly crawl towards the deeper part of the forest.

These wild beasts on the periphery did not benefit it much.

So it crawled towards the depths of the forest at the fastest speed.

When it is crawling, its posture is very strange.

The upper body is 30 degrees from the ground, and the two front legs are not on the ground.

The two hind legs are like the pedals of a bicycle, which continuously and rapidly rotates to support the ground.

This speed is much faster than crawling on four legs.

The two front legs can also separate obstacles such as trees in front.

If you encounter obstacles such as boulders, you can jump up at the fastest speed.

In this posture, its speed can reach more than fifty meters per second.

This is much faster than normal reptiles.

Of course, this is just a posture for long-distance running.

If it is a short sprint, it will use jump forward.

Just like a cheetah.

It’s just that it jumps a long distance.

Each step is seventy or eighty meters.

Shuttle in this dark and gloomy forest.

At the same time, Mo Shi has been taken to the tribe of the aborigines.

This aboriginal tribe is in a forest.

In the center of this forest, there is a large mountain peak.

Every mountain rises from the ground, straight into the sky.

Between these peaks are connected by a suspension bridge.

This aboriginal tribe is just above these peaks.

This is also to avoid the attacks of those wild beasts, as a last resort.

When they came to the bottom of the mountain, there was a watchman on it, and they put down a rope.

The people in the tribe are basically the strength of hunters.

So as long as you give them a rope, they can quickly climb along the rope.

Of course, with inexplicable strength, these are not needed at all.

After the two aborigines climbed up.

With a dragon shadow step, he has already arrived in front of the two.

The other aborigines around, seeing this scene, one by one was shocked to Deva.

The two aborigines with Mo Shilai whispered to the others, and those people suddenly turned their heads and bowed their heads.

Saying in his mouth while worshiping:

“I have seen a god!”

“I have seen a god!”

“Master God, I want to have a son!”

“Master God, I want to ask a wife.”

“Master God, I want to cut off the foreskin.”

Mo Shi: “…”

f*ck, circumcision is also looking for me, too much!

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