Chapter 284 Crazy Swallowing, Crazy Evolution

The tribe that Mo Shi came to was called the Wagada tribe, which translated means “God Descendants” tribe.

People in the entire tribe feel that they are descendants of gods.

So when I saw Mo Shi, everyone was excited.

In their eyes, it was as if they had seen their ancestors.

Mo Shi opened his mouth for dinner, and stretched out his hand for clothes.

That night, Mo Shi was arranged on the highest mountain in the tribe, in the best stone house.

Mo Shi was lying on the stone bed in the stone house, while exploring the entire tribe with Long Nian, while observing the entire tribe with the Eye of the Blood Dragon.

In the entire tribe, in addition to the two Level 3 wilderness hunters I saw before, there are also a dozen Level 2 wilderness hunters and more than 100 first-level wilderness hunters.

The rest are basically waste hunters above level 8.

Even those teenagers are level 5 waste hunters.

If the strength of the entire tribe were placed in Yanshi Continent, it would definitely be the existence of the dominating side.

Everything is good in the whole tribe.

Staying here is safe and comfortable.

Mo Shixin had secretly decided that he would not leave before the Dragon Clone was promoted to Level 5 Upgraded Desolate Beast.

So in the next few days, Mo Shi walked around in the tribe, where to look.

As long as you find a valuable place, you will keep checking in.

Also got a lot of good things.

Except for the sign-in, most of the time, Mo Shi controlled the Dragon Clone and swallowed the upgraded wild beasts in the Death Forest.

He entered the depths of the Death Forest.

When Long Nian swept away, he found a clear area of ​​more than 100 kilometers.

Within this hundred kilometers, there are not a few powerful upgraded wild beasts.

Most of them are first-level or second-level upgraded wild beasts.

Occasionally there are third-level upgraded wild beasts.

These upgraded wild beasts have their own territory division.

The jungle where Mo Shi is currently located, within a five-kilometer radius, is the territory of a level 3 barren beast.

Mo Shi ignored these, controlled the Dragon Clone, and directly used thousands of tentacles, swallowing several nearby 1st-level wild beasts.

That level 3 barren beast, in its normal form, had a body length of only more than ten meters.

The whole looks like a giant elephant.

It’s just that there are dozens of spikes on its long nose.

The two “ivory” are also longer and thicker.

It noticed that in its own territory, there were even foreign intruders.

There was a “chuckle” roar in his throat.

You know, for an upgraded wild beast, territory is its dignity.

This outsider casually entered its territory and slaughtered the prey on its territory.

This is undoubtedly provoking its majesty.

It jumped out in one step, and it was more than fifty meters in an instant.

It did not lurch as quietly as usual hunting.

For foreign invaders, the most lethal blow should be given to them with lightning speed.

So it was almost rampant, and the trees and even the stones blocking the road in front of it were easily crushed by it.

The whole body, like a high-speed cannonball, slammed into the Canglong clone.

Mo Shi saw this, controlling the Canglong clone.

A 90-degree turn in an instant.

The body changed from being perpendicular to the upgraded barren beast to being parallel.

At the same time, with the help of this power, the dragon avatar’s seven-eight-meter-long tail, with sharp blades on three sides, slammed on the level 3 barren beast.



Accompanied by a heavy muffled noise.

The upgraded barren beast’s body suddenly flew far away.

Kaka smashed several giant trees.

The fragments of the snag kept flying away.

Several of its ribs have been broken.

On the side of the body, there was a bloodstain that was more than three meters long, cut out by a sharp blade.

Bone can be seen deep in bloodstains.

However, the Level 3 Upgraded Desolate Beast was not only fearless, but even more angry.


There was a strange growl in its throat.

The whole body began to grow rapidly.

However, at this moment, Mo Shi’s Canglong avatar leaped sharply and once again came to its side more than fifty meters long.

Then he jumped again.

Fifty meters in an instant.

Directly rushed to the side of this 3rd-level upgraded barren beast.

He opened his mouth and bit down fiercely.

You know, the mouth of Mosasaur clone evolved from the crocodile’s long palate.

The bite force is quite amazing.

Under this bite, he bit directly on the waist of the Level 3 Upgraded Desolate Beast.


The bones of the waist of the level 3 upgraded barren beast were directly bitten off by the waist.

The Level 3 Upgraded Desolate Beast, which was changing into a battle form, suddenly vented its entire aura.

The changing body quickly returned to its original form.

Desolate Beasts and Upgraded Desolated Beasts, although their strength can reach their peak after changing into a combat form, they are ten or even dozens of times stronger than normal.

But there is a weakness, that is, the process of change cannot be interrupted.

Of course, in the process of changing level 3 upgraded wild beasts, there is also a thin layer of energy protection on the body surface to ensure that they change smoothly.

Don’t underestimate this thin layer of energy shield, its defensive power and safety can withstand the energy attack of opponents of the same level.

However, this time, the energy defense of the Level 3 upgraded barren beast was easily crushed.

The general upgraded wild beasts hardly use energy when fighting.

After all, it is a beast with limited intelligence.

In their view, claws and teeth are their strongest weapons, and they are easy to use.

It’s much easier to use than energy.

As a human being, Mo Shi also used the human mind to fight when he controlled the dragon clone to fight.

In his opinion, with such a strong energy, if you don’t use it, wouldn’t it be a fool?

Therefore, every attack by Mo Shi is actually attached with energy.

The level 3 upgraded wild beast naturally couldn’t bear it.

Next, Mo Shi controlled the Canglong clone and opened his mouth and swallowed the level 3 upgraded wild beast bit by bit.

The level 3 upgraded barren beast looked at the back half of own, and was about to be eaten.

This made it feel a sense of powerlessness and fear in its heart.

In this extreme powerlessness and fear, it roared up to the sky.

“Oh-giggles-Lulu picture -”

Along with its roar, Mo Shi’s Long Nian detected that within a radius of 100 kilometers, all the level 2 and level 3 desolate beasts were taken aback.

After putting down the things at hand, he rushed towards this side at a very fast speed.

Mo Shi sneered when he saw this.

Shake people, right?

I’m not afraid that you won’t come, I’m afraid of your manpower!

Thinking of this, Mo Shi took a few big mouthfuls and quickly swallowed all this Level 3 upgraded wild beast.

I feel that the energy in the body is obviously enhanced a lot.

Long Nian probed the level 3 upgraded wild beasts that were constantly pouring over here.

The corner of Mo Shi’s mouth evoked a faint arc.

I’m not afraid of you coming, I’m afraid you won’t come, and even more afraid that you will come too little.

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