Chapter 285-Promoted to Level 4 Upgraded Desolate Beast

Mo Shi found out that under the call of this level 3 upgraded barren beast before he died, there were as many as 30 level 3 upgraded barren beasts within a radius of 100 kilometers, all rushing towards this side.

He immediately became happy.

After swallowing this level 3 upgraded barren beast, he lay down comfortably on a cold boulder to rest.

In other words, the temperature in this Death forest is not low.

With such a cold boulder, it is really pleasant to be able to cool down on your stomach.

The speed of Level 3 Upgraded Desolate Beast is not very slow.

The slowest one can also jump thirty or forty meters per second.

It didn’t take long for those level 3 upgraded wild beasts to come close.

Around Mo Shi, an encirclement was formed.

These level 3 upgraded desolate beasts seem to be the same species as the previous level 3 upgraded desolate beast.

It looks similar to the previous level 3 upgraded barren beast.

It should be its seven aunts and eight aunts, brothers and sisters, cousins, and the like.

One by one they opened their huge mouths, revealing their sharp fangs.

At the same time, the two sharp claws at the forefront of them constantly scratched the ground.

It was angry and anxious again.

At a certain moment, they seemed to have received some order.

At the same time, he rushed towards Mo Shi’s Canglong clone.

Mo Shilong thought a move.

Today’s Canglong clone can withstand Level 4 Long Nian.

Level 4 dragon thought suddenly spread out and directly attacked the heads of these level 3 upgraded wild beasts.

However, these level 3 upgraded wild beasts are equivalent to the existence of level 3 wild hunters.

Mo Shi’s Level 4 Long Nian naturally couldn’t do anything to them.

At most, they just stunned for a moment.

But this is what I want.

Just in their stupefaction.

On the surface of the Canglong avatar, fifty tentacles spread out suddenly.

Toward the surface of these level 3 upgraded wild beasts.

When these upgraded wild beasts came back to their senses, their bodies had long been sucked up by a huge sucker.

The energy in the energy bubble in the body is involuntarily sucked into the sucker.

At the same time, what is inhaled is the blood in their bodies.


You can see that above the fifty-odd tentacles, it is obvious that something is constantly moving towards the body of the dragon.

These level 3 upgraded wild beasts felt the loss of energy and blood in their bodies.

Suddenly, he kept controlling the six claws in horror, shaking his head, trying to get off the sucker.

But it is clear that their efforts eventually ended in failure.

Only five minutes later, the bodies of these level 3 upgraded wild beasts turned into a skinny corpse.

Not even a drop of blood, not even a trace of energy.

At the same time, Mo Shi only felt that the energy in his body was increasing rapidly.

Obviously, I can feel that as long as there are five or six waves like this, he can be promoted to level 4.

After devouring these level 3 upgraded desolate beasts, he continued to search for level 3 upgraded desolate beasts within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Of course, in the process of searching, he would also swallow the second-level upgraded barren beast.

Although the effect of level 2 upgraded desolate beast is not as significant as level 3 upgraded desolate beast, he still understands the truth of accumulation.

Finally, at noon the next day, after swallowing another wave of more than thirty level 3 upgraded wild beasts, the body of Mossaurus clone felt a burst of muscle tearing pain.

Mo Shi quickly transferred his consciousness into the ontology.

You bear the pain and share the happiness together.

After half an hour, it is estimated that the Canglong clone has been promoted.

Mo Shi’s consciousness returned to Canglong’s body again.

Looking at the Canglong avatar at this time, it turned out to be smaller than the previous 20 meters.

Only 15 meters long.

Mo Shi couldn’t help being taken aback.

Quickly looked at the level of the dragon avatar:

【Species: Mosasaur】

[Level: Level 4 Upgraded Desolate Beast][Ability: Devouring Evolution,…]

Mo Shi frowned slightly when he saw this.

Shouldn’t promotion be bigger?

After this guy is promoted, why doesn’t his body increase but decrease?

It’s too late.

In fact, I don’t know that this is because a normal beast is indeed the stronger the strength, the larger the body.

Even under normal conditions, the body will become more and more.

But on this zombie planet, due to the living environment, these upgraded beasts have all learned to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

Often the stronger the strength, the smaller their size.

Because the size is small, the speed will increase a lot.

And it consumes less energy.

At this time, after the Dragon Clone had swallowed the upgraded wild beasts here, it also possessed the genes of those upgraded wild beasts in its body.

These genes have transformed the body of Mosakalong clone.

As a result, it also has this attribute: the stronger the strength, the smaller the size.

Fortunately, Mo Shi saw that the Ascension of the Mossaurus clone was level 1, making him sure that the Mossaurus clone was indeed getting stronger and stronger, and he was a little relieved.

In his estimation, in this Death Forest, as long as he stayed for another twenty-five or six days, he should be able to give the strength of the Dragon Clone to Ascension again.


In the Death forest, it was darker than the day.

He couldn’t see the five claws.

Mo Shi controlled the fifteen-meter long dragon clone, while jumping forward in the dark night.

While exploring the surroundings with Long Nian.

After several days of hunting, there are no level 3 upgraded wild beasts nearby.

For this, Mo Shi is not surprised.

Originally, the most peak combat power on this planet was the Level 4 Upgraded Desolate Beast.

Although the Level 3 Upgraded Wild Beast has not reached its peak, it is considered top combat power.

Naturally it can’t be too much.

After running for more than 20 minutes, Mo Shi finally detected that there were five Level 3 upgraded wild beasts more than 100 kilometers ahead.

Upgraded desolate beasts usually act alone.

But at this time these five upgraded wild beasts are acting in groups, which makes Mo Shi a little strange.

Of course, he doesn’t know much about the species on this planet.

Among so many animals, it is not surprising that there are social animals.

In short, there are five level 3 upgraded barren beasts for himself to devour, and he naturally can’t let it go.

After a few minutes, Mo Shi had already arrived not far from where the upgraded wild beasts were.

As usual, he first used Long Nian to carefully explore the surroundings three times.

When there was really no danger, he quietly touched the upgraded wild beasts.

After a while, he came behind the five level 3 upgraded barren beasts.

This is by a forested river.

The river is not in a hurry.

There are more than ten large and small trees growing in the river.

The five level 3 upgraded wild beasts are drinking water on the bank of this river.

Mo Shi quietly crawled behind one of the Level 3 upgraded barren beasts.

About to stretch out the tentacles.

But at this moment, one of the level 3 upgraded wild beasts seemed to have spotted him.

Hastily let out a roar: “Ka Ka Ka -”

Remind the other 3 level upgraded wild beasts.

Then with a plop, he jumped into the river and fled.

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