Chapter 286 Desolate Beasts Will Set Traps? Long able

The Level 3 Upgraded Desolate Beast seemed to have found it unexplainable.

After sending out a reminding roar to several other companions, he threw himself into the river with a plop.

Shaking his limbs, he swam quickly across the river.

Seeing this, several other Level 3 upgraded wild beasts also screamed and jumped into the river.

Mo Shi’s tentacles can only protrude fifty meters.

It’s still a bit short at this time.

He shook his head helplessly: “Since I can’t resist, it’s better to lie down and enjoy it. Why struggle?”

Having said that, when he came to the shore, he also plopped and jumped into the river.

Pursue the five grade 3 upgraded barren beasts.

The river is very wide, about two hundred meters wide.

The topography of the river is complex, with various trees, large and small, and many aquatic plants.

However, the Canglong clone was originally born in the water, so it is no stranger to fighting in the water.

Quickly bypass those branches, water plants, and rocks.

Pursue the five grade 3 upgraded barren beasts.

After just over ten seconds, he chased it within reach.

As soon as his mind moved, more than fifty tentacles came out on his body.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something under him.

The next moment, that thing quickly entangled Mo Shi’s body.

Mo Shi suddenly felt bad.

“Damn, it’s been calculated!”

In an instant, Mo Shi realized that the five level 3 upgraded wild beasts were actually seduce himself on the shore.

After you lead yourself into the water, the hidden creatures under the water can sneak on yourself.

At the same time, he is very strange that the water here is not deep, only about five meters.

It stands to reason that his Long Nian can easily detect the creatures inside.

He also probed three times just now, and he found out clearly the creatures in the water.

I know that even if there are some upgraded wild beasts, they are only level 1.

Will not pose any threat to him.

But at this time, this creature was not detected at all when he probed it just now.

This was the first time in his life that something could escape his Long Nian detection.

And the most weird thing is that that thing has obviously begun to entangle his body.

His Long Nian could not be detected at all.

“F*ck, what the hell!”

Mo Shi cursed inwardly.

Then the long tail jerked up, supporting the bottom of the river.

At the same time, his long mouth curled up and began to hold the bottom of the river.

Then he flipped his body quickly.




It flipped three times in an instant.

Obviously, that thing hadn’t expected that this strange little thing would be so flexible when turned over, and that it would still be so powerful.

Mo Shi broke free of the entanglement directly.

It naturally doesn’t know, this is Death roll.

On the earth, the most terrifying trick of a crocodile is Death roll.

As long as the arm is bitten by it and a Death rolls, it can remove an adult’s arm.

The strength of its rolling is evident.

It’s just that the unexplainable Death roll at this time is not used to attack, but to escape.

After breaking free of the entanglement, he quickly swam towards the shore.

But at this moment, the thing entangled Mo Shi’s body again.

Mo Shi quickly used Death Roll again.

Thump thump ——

Rolled five times in a row.

Incomplete broke free of the thing and rolled directly ashore.

After reaching the shore, Mo Shi suddenly jumped.

He jumped up to a giant tree with a diameter of more than five meters not far away.

At this time, the thing also climbed onto the shore.

It wasn’t until this time that Mo Shi could see clearly.

This thing should be a giant python.

It’s just that the giant pythons in this world seem to be different from the giant pythons on earth.

There are no scales on its body surface.

It looks meaty.

And through the grayish-white skin, you can also see the dark green blood vessels under its epidermis.

This thing is about half a meter in diameter.

The exposed body looks about thirty meters long.

And this giant python has no head.

No eyes, no mouth, no nostrils, etc.

Mo Shi was secretly puzzled.

Use Long Nian to probe the past again.

But found that Long Nian still could not detect the existence of this thing.

And strangely, after its body appeared, it began to change rapidly.

The color of the body became the same green as the surrounding environment.

The strangest thing is that not only the color has changed.

Even the form has changed.

Its skin began to change constantly, and some wrinkles appeared.

And it also became blue-black.

From time to time there are green fluffy things appearing on it.

After a while, the whole thing looked like a tree that had just fallen down!

And the shaggy green things on its body are obviously imitating the moss on the trunk.

f*ck, this guy not only blends the color into the surrounding environment.

Even the shape is simulating the surrounding environment.

And the simulation is very vivid.

If Mo Shi hadn’t seen this guy’s changes with his own eyes, he would definitely treat it as a real tree that had just fallen.

At this time he understood that this guy definitely possesses top-notch camouflage skills.

He looked through the eyes of the blood dragon.

【Species: Varying Octopus】

[Level: Level 4 Upgraded Desolate Beast]

【Talent: Disguise and hide】

Seeing this, Mo Shi could understand it.

This is an upgraded wild beast that has awakened its talent.

Disguised as a hidden talent, he can evade any spiritual exploration.

And if it is disguised, it is difficult to observe with the naked eye even if it is close at hand.

This made Mo Shi very greedy.

If you kill this thing, can you sign in to get such a talent?

Thinking of this, he long thought, tearing away towards this thing.

Of course, the body strength of this thing is extremely strong, and Long Nian can’t tear it apart at all.

But Mo Shi did this only to attract its attention with Long Nian.

And it jumped down from the tree by itself.

With the momentum of falling, the tail was like a sharp long knife, slashing at the thing fiercely.


With this cut of the tail, a blood port about a foot deep was cut out from the surface of the thing’s body.


A roar suddenly came from the middle of the river.

Then, from the river next to it, more than a dozen of the same big snakes quickly climbed up.

Surrounded by the Canglong clone.

Of course, Mo Shi at this time already knew that this was not a big snake, nor was it a giant python.

It’s the tentacles of the ever-changing octopus.

These tentacles, like giant pythons half a meter in diameter, fan-shaped towards Mo Shi.

Seeing this, Mo Shi immediately opened the combat form.

Kaka Kaka kept making noises in the body.

Accompanied by the sound of this click, the body of the Dragon Clone was rapidly getting bigger.

After just over twenty seconds, the body of the Canglong avatar directly reached more than 400 meters in length.

At the same time, its sharp claws and teeth, including the tail behind it, are covered with a blood-red energy layer.

When fighting, add energy to the weapon. This is the strongest fighting form a wild beast should have!

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