Chapter 287 Talent: Disguise and Conceal

Mo Shi controlled the body of the Canglong clone and quickly changed into a fighting form.

As a level 4 upgraded desolate beast, the body of the dragon clone has already reached a giant of 400 meters.

And under Mo Shi’s control, a layer of blood red energy was added to its four claws, sharp teeth and tail.

With energy blessing, the sharpness of these weapons will be greatly enhanced.

At this time, the true face of that ever-changing octopus has been revealed.

Its head emerged from the river.

Overall, the head looks similar to a normal octopus.

It’s just that the whole body is off-white.

Under the grayish-white epidermis, there are green blood vessels all over it.

It has more than fifty tentacles.

Each one is more than 400 meters long.

And if necessary, these tentacles can continue to stretch.

Don’t worry, secretly fear.

Fortunately, I reacted a bit faster just now.

If it is slower, surrounded by so many tentacles, it is not certain whether it can escape.

At this time, there were more than twenty huge tentacles, already surrounded by Mo Shi.

Mo Shi sneered.

Above the body, a flash of lightning instantly made up for the surface of the body.

A power grid was formed-as Mo Shi became more and more familiar with electric current, Mo Shi’s control over lightning became stronger and stronger.

It can already control the current, forming a grid on the surface of the body for defense.

The twenty-odd huge tentacles, too short of time, directly touched the power grid.


The tentacles immediately retracted.

Although it won’t be electrocuted in one blow, it didn’t take away from this electric shock, but the energy bonus was used.

The octopus was a little dazed by the electricity.

Mo Shi took the opportunity to jump sharply.

Pounced at the octopus’s head.

The sharp claws were attached with energy and drew towards the octopus’s head.

The octopus subconsciously raised two thick tentacles to resist.


With two soft sounds, the two thick claws were immediately cut off and fell to the ground.

Wanbu octopus suddenly roared in pain.


At the same time, its other tentacles also attacked towards the dragon clone.

However, the surface of the Canglong avatar was covered with a power grid.

As soon as the octopus’s tentacles touched the power grid, they were screaming again and again.

The octopus quickly wanted to shrink his head into the water.

Its power lies in its concealment.

Hide your figure, and then launch a surprise attack when the enemy is unexpected.

Killed with one blow.

This is its strength.

If it wants to fight the enemy face to face, it is not very good at it.

At this time, as long as it enters the water, it can hide again.

When the enemy wants to find it again, it will be difficult.

And Mo Shi at this time, of course, knew this deeply.

He snorted coldly: “Want to escape?”

He controlled the Canglong clone and jumped into the river.

The body current is constantly released.


As the dragon avatar, the energy in the body is huge.

The electric current released immediately spread over the entire river surface.



It can be seen by the naked eye, above the entire river, electric currents continue to jump like small snakes.

The octopus can no longer hide.

There is constant current flowing through the body.

Many of the tentacles have been energized to smoke.

At the same time, Mossaurus clone also protruded its tentacles.

Directly entwined the octopus’s tentacles.

The suction cup is directly attached to the other party’s suction cup.

In the sucker, a blood-red tentacled directly protruded.


Constantly absorbing the blood and energy in the octopus.

At this time, the octopus seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and opened his mouth.


A large energy beam with a diameter of about five meters spit out fiercely towards Mo Shi’s Canglong clone.

Canglong avatar can’t avoid it.

From the two hind legs, it was directly cut off by this energy beam.

The octopus opened its mouth again, and it was about to spit out a beam of energy again.

Mo Shi used Long Nian to rush towards the octopus’s brain.

This octopus is equivalent to a realm that is too high and close to a big realm.

Moshi’s Long Nian naturally cannot affect its body

But when Mo Shi concentrated all the dragon thoughts to impact its brain.

Its brain will also produce a sharp tingling sensation.


Under the violent sting, the guy let out a terrifying roar.

When it roared, Mo Shi controlled the Dragon Clone, and a beam of energy directly blasted towards its energy bubble.


Although this energy is not thick, it directly blasted away the energy shield on the surface of its body.

And burst the energy in its abdomen.

Suddenly, a lot of energy was pouring out continuously.

Losing the support of energy, the octopus suddenly screamed and fell into the water.

Mo Shi did not care about the pain of his body, and controlled the Canglong clone, using energy bombardment again.


Under the energy bombardment, the octopus’s head was directly penetrated.

Finally, the behemoth of more than 400 meters, the dozens of tentacles on its body were motionless after frantically tumbling and twisting.


Mo Shi let out a sigh of relief.

This guy is not very strong in combat, but it is difficult to deal with.

There are dozens of tentacles on the body, and if you don’t pay attention, you will be attacked by its tentacles.

Afterwards, Mo Shi gave the Canglong clone a dozen bottles of recovery medicine.

The mutilated part of the Dragon Clone’s body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the other side of the river, the five level 3 upgraded wild beasts saw that this strange wild beast was so powerful.

However, will Mo Shi let them go at this time?

The answer is obviously impossible.

After the two hind legs and tail grew again, he took control of the mosquito avatar and jumped into the water with a plop.

Swim across the river at a very fast speed.

Soon, he climbed to the opposite side.

Then he jumped quickly towards.

The speed of the five level 3 upgraded wild beasts is much worse than Mo Shi.

Within ten minutes, Mo Shi had solved all the five level 3 upgraded wild beasts.

After swallowing the corpses of these upgraded wild beasts, Mo Shi signed in in his mind:

“System, sign in for special events.”

The system is like a boy in love, it responds as soon as he sees his girlfriend’s message:

【Sign in successfully! 】

[Sign-in event: kill the upgraded wild beast octopus][Sign-in Reward: Hidden Disguise]

Mo Shi nodded.

It really is this skill.

I carefully checked the skill description in my mind.

[Hidden camouflage: Both the Canglong clone and the body can be used. When the skill is activated, the shape and shape of the body can be changed to simulate the color and shape of the surrounding environment. And when using the hidden camouflage skills, you can avoid any mental, thermal, infrared and other detections. 】


Mo Shi said with joy in his heart.

In the face of this skill, any scientific and spiritual exploration will completely fail.

With this skill, even his body can walk around on this dangerous planet at will.

Of course, with an inexplicable caution, you will not just do it casually.

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