Chapter 288: The Best Way to Assassinate Me

After acquiring the camouflage and concealment skills, Mo Shi continued to devour more than fifty level 3 upgraded wild beasts.

However, for the mosasaur clone that has been promoted to level 4 upgraded desolate beast at this time, the effect of swallowing these level 3 upgraded desolate beasts is not as obvious as before.

If he wants to quickly devour the evolution now, he has to devour the level 4 upgraded barren beast.

It’s just a level 4 upgraded wild beast, which belongs to the most powerful existence on this planet.

Naturally, the number is not so high.

After devouring it for more than two hours, he finally detected that at a distance of more than 200 kilometers, there was a spider-like upgraded barren beast with double horns and a long tail.

【Species: Double Horned Startail Spider】

[Level: Level 4 Upgraded Desolate Beast]

【Talent: Ultrasonic Attack】

Mo Shi immediately took a step forward and ran towards the double-horned snaketail spider.

It was five kilometers away from this pair of horned snaketail spiders.

Mo Shi activated the camouflage hiding skill.

The entire body of Mosasaron clone began to change color.

From black all over, it turned to the same green as the surrounding environment.

At the same time, its limbs gradually became the same shape as the surrounding dry branches.

From the outside, this is exactly the four branches.

The tail has also become a long branch.

The torso has become a form similar to a decayed tree trunk.

On the whole, the Mosasaurus clone at this time looked like a decaying tree that had fallen for many years.

If you look at it with the naked eye, you can’t tell the truth from the fake even if it’s close at hand.

Mo Shi moved forward quietly.

After a short while, he approached the double-horned brittle star.

The double-horned snaketail spider originally has spider induction.

Once it gets close in danger, the fluff on the surface of its body will suddenly stand up.

The double-horned snaketail spider can predict the danger and leave quickly.

But disguising and concealing this skill, the metamorphosis is here-it will not be detected by any induction.

Even if it is just a sixth sense like spider induction, it will be completely hidden by disguise.

Therefore, when Mo Shi approached the double-horned snake spider only about five meters, it did not feel any danger.

Still weaving the net happily, trying to catch some prey.

This distance is enough to start an attack.

Mo Shi did not launch an attack hastily.

But sneaking slowly in the shadows.

Came on the route that the double-horned snaketail spider must pass.

When the double-horned snaketail spider had a long slender silk on its tail, it crawled over here.

Mo Shicai suddenly violent.

With huge energy between the teeth, it bit on the head of the double horned snaketail spider.

The double-horned brittle star was too confident about its spider sensations, and didn’t even think that the danger was in sight.

So there is no time to react.

It’s like green grass.

On the whole, the Canglong clone at this time was like an inconspicuous raised ground in the grass.

He was covered with weeds just like everywhere else.

With this disguise, Mo Shi was lying on the side of the road outside the city gate.

Humans pass by this road from time to time.

They were talking, laughing, and joking.

I didn’t notice a monster beside them, a few meters away on the road.

It’s just that when the sun was about to set in the afternoon, Mo Shi experienced a crisis.

When a group of aborigines passed by Mo Shi when they returned to the city.

An aborigine left the group and came to Mo Shi.

Pulling open his pants directly, Xiao Ding Ding was exposed, and he peeed.

Hearing the sigh that was close at hand, Mo Shi felt a little lingering.

Damn, it’s less than a meter away.

It seems that when choosing a place to hide in the future, you still have to be cautious.

Otherwise, you will be peeed accidentally.

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