Chapter 289 The Assassination King

Gradually, the sky was getting darker.

The corpses around also slowly increased.

Mo Shi even saw that some corpses had come directly out of that city.

Could it be said that in this city, these corpses have already begun to coexist with humans?

This is the same as the coexistence of zombies and humans on Earth in the same city, which makes people feel incredible.

When the last afterglow to the west disappeared completely, Mo Shi began to act.

He controlled the mosasaron clone, his body was almost against the turf, and he quickly swept forward.

Soon he came to the gate of the city.

The gate was not closed at this time.

Due to the in and out of corpses, this city gate is basically open all day long.

Of course, Mo Shi did not walk through the gate.

But on the side of the city gate, climbed up along the wall.

In order to resist the desolate beasts, the walls here were built very high.

It is more than fifty meters long.

But for Mo Shi who has four claws, this is nothing at all.

Climbed up the city wall and quickly passed between the two soldiers.

Jumped into the city wall.

At this time, use Long Nian to explore around.

He discovered that it was not that the corpses and human beings lived in this city.

Inside the city gate, a tunnel will appear.

Humans enter and exit from the tunnel during the day.

At night, the corpses went directly in and out of the tunnel.

Through the memory of plundering, Mo Shi knew that these corpses were actually in the ground by Life.

Go in from this tunnel, go down more than fifty meters, and you will enter the corpse’s lair.

And the old nest below extends in all directions.

Leading to many places outside the city.

Mo Shi did not enter here hastily.

But while sneaking in the city, while plundering the memories of those people, to find the news that they need.

After more than half an hour, he made an amazing discovery when he was searching the memory of the leader of this tribe.

From the memory of this tribe leader, Mo Shi knew that they had caught a few outsiders more than twenty days ago.

They will dedicate these outsiders to the corpse.

Among these outsiders, there was a woman who was exactly the same as the photo of the girl Mo Shi met in the Teleportation Hall on Hunting Island on the 13th and passed to him by the strong man.

Mo Shi couldn’t help but move in his heart.

Isn’t this the daughter of the strong man?

Should I contact the strong one?

After a while, Mo Shi had made up his mind.

The strong man seemed to have no malice.

And that person’s strength is so strong, it shouldn’t hurt to make friends with him.

Of course, for such a strong man, the information provided must be accurate.

Otherwise, if that guy annihilated himself in anger, wouldn’t it be wronged?

So he went on to explore the memories of the people in this tribe.

With his current strength of thought, plundering the memories of these people will not have any negative effects on him.

After more than an hour, I checked the memories of some senior cadres in this tribe.

After comparing with each other, the real information was confirmed.

The girl was indeed caught, and she had been dedicated to the corpses.

Mo Xixin was slightly surprised.

If that girl dies, will the strong man directly destroy the entire hunting ground on the 13th?

So next, he plundered the memories of some corpses.

From their memory, Mo Shi once again got information about the girl.

It turned out that the girl was not eaten directly after being taken into the corpse lair.

It was locked up.

Because even according to the aesthetics of these zombies, I think this girl is very beautiful.

These zombies feel that the more beautiful humans are, the more delicious they are.

In a while, the boss of the corpse will come to inspect.

They naturally leave this delicacy to the boss to enjoy.

Mo Shi plundered the memories of more than a dozen corpses again, and finally confirmed that the news was true.

He pondered for a moment, and then he had an idea.

When the mind moved, it returned to the body.

I looked at the time, and it was 9:15 at night.

He immediately turned on the multi-function watch and dialed the phone of the strong man.

Only one word came over there: “Say.”

Mo Shi replied:

“I found your daughter.”

The unchanging voice over there was finally a little hastily:


Mo Shi recalled the name of the city and replied:

“Bombardier, in the underground corpse lair. The humans of that city dedicated your daughter to the corpse.”

“The zombies kept her, and plan to wait a few days. When the zombies come to inspect, you will dedicate your daughter to the zombies.”

Hearing this over there, there was a moment of silence.

Did not say a word.

Hang up the phone directly.

Mo Shi shook his head slightly.

I helped you so much that I didn’t even have a thank you.


Next, Mo Shi did not act any more.

Instead, he waited for the strong man to rescue his daughter.

There should be a mess by then.

There must be level 4 corpses escaped.

Wait like this, it’s all night.

It wasn’t until nine o’clock in the morning the next morning that Mo Shi saw through the perspective of the Canglong clone and saw the horizon in the distance, and a figure was coming quickly.

This figure is stepping on a long sword with a sense of science and technology that is about five meters long and two feet wide.

Behind the long sword, two streams of particles were ejected.

He almost came here at a speed of ten kilometers per second.

Fly with the sword!

I don’t even envy it when I see it.

Although compared with his Dragon Shadow Step, the flying speed of the sword is still too slow.

But I have to admit that flying with the sword does seem to be a high-end atmosphere.

This is much more handsome than flying on a flying skateboard.

Soon, the strong man came to the empty space of the city.

People in the tribe changed their complexions slightly when they saw this strong man standing in the air.

Especially the leader of the tribe, when he saw this outsider standing in the air, he felt a little panicked.

But he was in a panic.

Because he knew that there were almost countless corpses in the corpse lair below the city.

Although this outsider is strong, can it be compared with a large number of zombies?

Thinking of this, the tribal leader raised his head boldly and looked at the outsider in the sky.

Shouted coldly:

“Within the tribe, flying is forbidden. Especially for outsiders to fly. Land me immediately and hand over your aircraft.”

In the sky, the strong man ignored the tribal leader at all.

Instead, he fell directly to the ground and came to the tunnel entrance in the city.

The tribe leader was a little annoyed when he saw that own words were ignored.

As the leader of the tribe, don’t he want to face it?

Thinking of this, he waved his hand:

“Catch him for me!”

“Yes, boss!”

The men in the tribe hurriedly responded one by one when they heard the leader’s order.

After that, holding a spear and other weapons, he quickly walked towards the tunnel at the entrance of the city gate.

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