Chapter 298 Death!

Mo Shi’s left fist blasted out and killed a 3rd-level waste hunter.

The right fist blasted out and killed a 7th-level waste hunter.

As long as he is a waste hunter below level 9, he is a kid with a punch.

Of course, there are also older ones.

That’s a punch of an old friend.

Some of the Cheng family, hundreds of kilometers away, heard of the tragedy of the Cheng family.

One by one, they packed their things quickly, and they were about to escape.

Before today, they lamented because they could not get close to the Cheng family compound.

After all, the closer they are to the Cheng family compound, the higher their status in the Cheng family.

But now, they are secretly grateful in their hearts.

Fortunately, they are still a hundred kilometers away from the Cheng family compound.

Only then will they have time to escape.

However, when they stepped on flying skate shoes, they just flew into the air.


It was like hitting an invisible wall.

The whole person suddenly fell down.

With their strong strength, they stabilized their figure.

But everyone was slightly surprised.

“No, there is an invisible barrier!”

The people behind stopped quickly.

Then one by one tried to use gene martial arts, stab towards the front.

Sure enough, their genetic weapons have encountered an invisible barrier.

Then, they tried to beat the invisible barrier with genetic weapons.

But neither their genetic weapons nor energy weapons can kill this invisible barrier.

A great teacher tried to probe, and his complexion suddenly became solemn.

When the others saw this, they asked: “What?”

The teacher replied:

“It’s a mind barrier.”

Someone said: “Then you quickly break this mind power barrier, aren’t you a level 7 mind power master?”

The Great Teacher had a more solemn expression.

“I… my mind can’t break this barrier.”

When the rest of the people heard the words, a trace of despair appeared in their hearts.

According to the news they had just received, a strong man had already killed the Cheng family compound.

Cheng Chengcheng, the head of the Cheng family, and Cheng Fan, the ancestor of the Cheng family, were both killed by that strong man.

You know, Patriarch and Patriarch, they are both strong in the Wild Hunter Realm.

That strong man could kill the Patriarch and Patriarch, he must have the strength above the Wild Hunter.

These wild hunters and great masters, in front of the wild hunters, are completely ants.

At the same time, in the Cheng Family Courtyard.

Without those two wild hunters, Realm’s strong man is sitting in town, and Mo Shi is really a kid or old friend with a punch.

At the same time, with every punch, you will get as little as one drop and as many as seven drops of dragon’s blood.

Those hunters, if they had attacked Mo Shi together, Mo Shi would not be able to rely on their fists.

But those wild hunters had just seen the powerful upgraded wild beast that Mo Shi had just seen.

At this time, there is no thought to fight.

One by one, only escaped.

But their speed is far inferior to inexplicable, and their strength is far inferior to inexplicable.

The final result is to be defeated by Mo Shi.

At this time, there were five great masters, seeing that Mo Shi’s strength was so terrifying.

They glanced at each other and tried to use their thoughts to stop the inexplicable.

But when their thoughts spread out, they suddenly encountered a terrifying pressure.

If they continue to spread the power of thought, each of them will explode and hang up.

So they had to withdraw their mind power quickly and protect their whole body.

So Mo Shi continued to punch a child or old friend.

Cut the grass to get rid of the roots.

He naturally can’t leave any future troubles.

He came today to destroy all Cheng’s family.

Some people may find it too cruel.

But think about it conversely, if the Cheng family’s strength is far beyond the inexplicable, would they let anyone on Hunting Island One?

The Cheng Family in Youzhou is well-known.

It’s not just because their strength ranks 84th in Youzhou.

Also because they acted fiercely and decisively.

If you have a hatred with which force, you basically won’t leave anything.

Therefore, even those forces that are ahead of the Cheng family dare not rashly offend them.

Therefore, now that Mo Shi has the opportunity, he naturally wants to wipe them out.




The massacre of Moshi continued.

Still a kid or old friend with a punch.

Although such a visual impact, no one move is as strong as a spike.

But for these Cheng family members, the psychological pressure is much greater.

After all, watching the Own people die tragically in front of them one by one, he couldn’t even escape.

Extreme fear naturally arises in their hearts.

More than half an hour later, Mo Shi had already beheaded the more than 3,000 people of the Cheng family, leaving only more than 1,000 people.

The remaining people couldn’t escape even if they wanted to escape, one by one fell into deep despair.

Just when Mo Shi was struggling to kill, three figures were flying quickly in the sky.

The three figures are all in white.

On both sides are two young men, white clothes Shengxue, personable.

In the middle is a woman, fluttering in white, looking like Celestial Immortals.

They accidentally glanced down below and saw that the blood flowed down.

There were blood stains everywhere on the walls, the ground, trees, and grass.

The corpse fell to the ground crookedly.

Some had their heads burst open, and some had a big hole in their chests.

More often, the body is torn in half or broken in two.

The woman who looked like Celestial Immortals shook her head: “Who is so vicious?”

A white-clothed man next to him pointed to the distant mountain, and just caught up with a Cheng family, Mo Shi, who blasted his head with a punch, said, “Holy Maiden, it’s him.”

The woman frowned slightly.

Take the two of them and fly over Mo Shi’s head.

He opened his mouth and said: “You have done enough to kill you, so stop.”

The sound is clear and far away, as if the music from Nine Heavens.

In fact, when the three of them entered Mo Shi’s Long Nian barrier, Mo Shi had already detected them.

Long Nian barrier, you can enter, but can’t get out.

Mo Shi punched again at this time, exploding a Cheng family’s head.

Then he raised his head and looked at the three people in the air.

The eye of the blood dragon swept across.

The two men on the left and right were both level 1 waste hunters.

The woman in the middle is a level 10 teacher.

This is the strongest great teacher that Mo Shi has ever seen in his life.

Mo Shi said: “The three are…”

The man on the left said:

“We are disciples of the White Lotus Church. This is our candidate Holy Maiden.”

Mo Shi frowned slightly.

The White Lotus Sect of Our Lady should be the tenth superpower in Youzhou.

It is said that there are fifteen waste hunters on their face.

As for how many hidden waste hunters there are, it is unknown.

Their virgin white Lotus flower has even reached the level 5 wilderness hunter Realm.

But this is not the main reason why they rank third.

The main reason is that the white lotus religion of the Virgin is known for its medical skills.

They can treat many intractable diseases of cultivators.

And the whole Virgin White Lotus teaches kindness and goodness, and is anxious.

They often help other forces. Nearly half of all the forces in Youzhou have accepted their help and owe them favors.

If they encounter any difficulties, half of the forces in Youzhou will come to help them.

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