Chapter 299

The White Lotus Sect, the tenth-ranked Virgin of Youzhou forces, has a wide range of good relationships because of his benevolence and charity.

Nearly half of the forces in the entire Youzhou owe them favors.

The other half who do not owe them favors, are not willing to be enemies with them.

After all, everybody’s cultivation often suffers from various diseases in cultivation.

In case of an intractable disease, it is required to go to the White Lotus Church of Our Lady.

Therefore, even the top ten forces have a good relationship with the White Lotus.

It can be said that offending the White Lotus Church of Our Lady is equivalent to offending all the forces in Youzhou.

If there is nothing else, Mo Shi is naturally unwilling to offend them.

But now he was killing Cheng’s family, and these three mothers suddenly ran out to stop them, which was a bit annoying.

Thinking of this, he said in a cold voice:

“This is a matter between me and the Cheng family, and has nothing to do with other people.”

It means that it is best for you not to take mice.

A white-clothed man raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

“If you see an injustice, you have to take care of it. Otherwise, it’s not a disciple of the White Lotus Church.”


Mo Shi blasted the head of a Cheng family with another punch.

“How do you know that this is an injustice. Maybe it is the Cheng family who killed my wife and robbed my son, so I have an injustice against them?”

“The Cheng family does not have that strength right now. If they have the strength, they will definitely kill our family and destroy our nine races. Our family is not lucky enough for the Cheng family to meet you, then we deserve to be killed by them? ?”

“The Cheng family has always been domineering, and no one in the whole Youzhou will scold them behind their backs. You don’t care about them. Now I have destroyed the Cheng family and walked for the sky. You have come to stop it, are you going to violate heaven-defying? Do you mean it?”

Mo Shi rarely said a long paragraph.

And when he opened his mouth, he was chasing his soul and asking for three consecutive questions.

In the sky, the three people in white looked at each other.

Finally the woman spoke:

“Even if you are right, but you have killed so many people, you should be able to relieve your hatred. So…stop it.”

Mo Shi sneered:

“So now if I stop and wait for their Cheng family to grow up in the future, do you think they will kill our family and destroy our whole family? Will they stop in the middle? Then you Will it show up again to stop them?”

The woman pondered for a long while, shook her head and said:

“I can’t guarantee these. There are countless people in the world who suffer. All I can do is save the immediate suffering.”

Mo Shi heard this and couldn’t help laughing:

“That is to say, not seeing is pure. When I avenge to kill them, you saw it, so you want to save them. Then they will kill me in turn, you can’t see it, so I deserve to be killed?”

The woman pondered for a while, and finally spoke again:

“In short, you can’t kill anymore today.”

Mo Shi smiled again: “I heard that the White Lotus Church of Our Lady has always been kind to people, but I didn’t expect it to be so unreasonable.”

Then he ignored them and jumped out one step at a time.

One thousand meters in an instant.

Catch up with a fleeing Cheng family.


With a punch, the man was blasted into blood mist.

When the two men in white clothes saw each other, their sword eyebrows were inverted.

“Boy, don’t you understand human words?”

As he said, one of them jumped and attacked Mo Shi directly from the air.

Upon seeing this, Mo Shi played Long Shadow Step again.

Escaped the blow of the man in white.

At the same time, the figure had come to five kilometers away, and another punch, killing a Cheng family.

The man in white was taken aback: This kid, so fast Movement Technique!

He quickly used his own Movement Technique and instantly chased Mo Shi.

His Movement Technique is called the Wind Step.

If you use it to the extreme, you can reach ten kilometers in one step.

Soon, he chased behind Mo Shi.

Mo Shi saw that this guy was not slow.

He used the Dragon Shadow Step again, taking a step of 20 kilometers.

The man in white furrowed his brows.

This kid is walking so fast?

In the sky, another man in white saw this and said:

“The faster the Movement Technique, the greater the consumption of energy. When the energy is exhausted, he can’t escape anymore. We are surrounded by the two of us, and we will soon be able to catch up with him.”

As he said, he also displayed another kind of pace, coming towards Mo Shiwei.

However, he soon discovered that his ideas were grossly wrong.

Mo Shi’s pace was fast enough to make them both desperate.

At the fastest time, one step can reach fifty kilometers.

The pace of the two of them is far from catching up.

And the most weird thing is that such a fast Movement Technique must consume a lot of energy.

But this kid seemed to be relaxed and freehand, and he didn’t mean the slightest energy was going to be exhausted.

The holy Maiden candidate in the sky frowned.

“Two brothers, I will help you.”

With that, level 10 thought power spread out.

Soon, Mo Shi was enveloped.

Although Mo Shi’s dragon thought is strong, it is only level 4 after all, which is equivalent to the thought power of an 8th level master.

Under the cover of the woman’s thought power, her actions became a little stagnant.

Even if he used his energy, the speed was greatly reduced, only reaching 100 meters per second.

But at this time, the candidate Holy Maiden in the sky, there was a wave of waves in his heart.

If the power of her 10th-level master mindfulness is displayed, even the 10th-level waste hunter will be imprisoned and unable to move.

She could clearly feel that this kid was just a level 5 waste hunter.

Under the confinement of his own mind power, he could even reach a speed of 100 meters per second.

The power of this kid is too terrifying, right?

No, there can never be such a terrifying power.

Could it be that he has any Magic Treasures?

At this time, the two men in white also had the same thoughts in their hearts.

Thinking of this, the three of them all looked at each other.

There was a trace of greed in his eyes.

They have many Magic Treasures of the White Lotus Sect, so in general, in the eyes of outsiders, the disciples of the White Lotus Sect are not greedy at all.

But if they encounter some rare treasures, they will also be tempted.

It’s just that they hide well under normal circumstances, so outsiders don’t understand it at all.

But at this time, I saw a 5th-level waste hunter who was able to use his strength to carry the thought power of a 10th-level great teacher. How could such a treasure not let them be moved?

When the three of them looked at each other, they used the brainwave converter to communicate.

“There must be some powerful treasure on this kid.”

“I think so.”

“He is just a level 5 waste hunter, we can easily kill him.”

“What if someone else finds out?”

“It’s easy to handle. We can say that he didn’t listen to persuasion. After talking so many people, he still wanted to take action against us. We were helpless before we started to kill him. It can be considered a way for the sky.”

“Well, yes.”

“I think it’s OK.”

The three people had decided on their plan, and their gazes at Mo Shi changed.

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