Dragon Hermit

Chapter 150: Use scales for cooking

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"You are fishing slowly, I'm going to swim!" Yao Min stood up and walked to the other side of the yacht.

"Be careful of shark, Min!" Xia Yan shouted with a smile.

"Go, crow mouth!" Yao Min scolded.

"Relax, there are no sharks in this water!" Dong Feng shouted on the other side.

"Sister Min has a skull pendant on her neck, was it the one you used last time?" Qi Ziyu asked as she stood up, casually.

"Uh ... yes." Xia Yan shivered and nodded.

"You have to engrave something for me too." Qi Ziyu smiled slightly and turned away. After a while, the sound of the two beautiful women playing on the water came from the other side.

Xia Yan froze for a moment, what does Qi Ziyu mean? But soon, he left the question behind because the fish was hooked.

"This is the fish you caught?" Two minutes later, Yao Min questioned the three small fish in the bucket.

"Uh ... there is no fish here!" The three men were embarrassed, and their skills were too poor to do anything.

Fortunately, there are plenty of high-quality ingredients on the yacht. All kinds of seafood, meat and vegetables are available. The seafood is delicious when cooked. Vegetables and meat are more troublesome. Qi Ziyu asked embarrassedly: "Who will cook?" "

"I can only eat vegetables." Dong Feng shook his head.

"E, too." Ace also said.

"Blood life is so long, you have never learned to cook?" Dong Feng asked suspiciously, "Don't you want to be lazy?"

"I'm only one hundred and forty years old, and many things haven't had time to learn ..." Ace said.

"I'll come." Xia Yan said, "I have been cooking by myself since childhood, and sometimes I have to cook it for my master. Ordinary home cooking is no problem, but I'm making Sichuan food, which may be a bit spicy."

"When you were young, did you cook? How old were you?" Qi Ziyu asked in surprise.

"Eight years old, the family is relatively busy, only I am cooking." Xia Yan said.

"Great!" Qi Ziyu praised.

"I'm here to help," Yao Min said. "When I was a kid, I also cooked for Grandpa and Xiaoting."

"Then I will come too." Qi Ziyu said immediately.

"You will too?" Xia Yan asked.

"I will choose the dishes." Qi Ziyu said embarrassedly. Although she is a single-parent family, her mother has money, and the family has hired a nanny since she was a child. Naturally, she did n’t need her to cook. Originally, she did n’t think it was anything, but now that Xia Yan and Yao Min both cook, she suddenly has Learn to cook.

Sister Zhen opened her mouth and did not persuade Qi Ziyu. She rarely saw Qi Ziyu so happy.

"Let's wait and eat," Dong Feng said. Today's kitchen obviously belongs to Xia Yan and two beauties. He will be silly to go in and help.

"Let's cook seafood, you make other dishes." Yao Min said that she knew Xia Yan's family was not good since she was a child, and she certainly could not have the experience of cooking seafood, so she took the initiative to take the task to avoid embarrassment.

"I'll just fry two dishes, soon!" Xia Yan said.

"What dish do you want, I'll wash it?" Qi Ziyu asked enthusiastically.

"Steam some rice first, I'm really not used to just eating vegetables." Xia Yan said.

"Steamed rice? How much rice and how much water?" Qi Ziyu asked again.

"Ah?" Xia Yan froze for a moment, and said, "Six of us, a lot of food, a pound of rice, just cover the palm with water so much."

"Yes, leave it to me." Qi Ziyu went with confidence, and soon she heard her voice: "Sister Zhen, do you have a scale?"

"Will we not be able to eat rice today?" Yao Min asked worriedly.

"Shouldn't it be?" Xia Yan was not sure about the style of the steamed rice to use a scale.

During the meal, the steaming rice was finally served safely, but there was credit for Jane, because Xia Yan saw her quietly turning on the rice cooker switch that Qi Ziyu forgot to press.

Everyone ate the meal deliciously, and even Ace, who was used to eating Western food, ate two bowls of rice. Qi Ziyu disregarded his figure and ate half of Xia Yan's fried beef.

"Zi Yu, eat less, eat less, you have to keep in shape!" Sister Zhen reminded her from time to time.

"Occasionally, it doesn't matter, Sister Zhen, I haven't had such a full meal in a long time, and this is my own cooking!" Qi Ziyu said with a mischief.

"Then ... not an example!" Sister Zhen is also very sad for her.

"I was suddenly interested in cooking. Go back and remember to buy me recipes. I want to practice!" Qi Ziyu was enthusiastic.

"Just be happy." Sister Zhen was helpless.

"I have been really happy playing these two days, but unfortunately I will go back tomorrow!" Qi Ziyu said again.

"It's also very interesting to go back to school." Xia Yan said.

"The class is about to start soon, and it must be less interesting, alas!" Qi Ziyu leaned her chin on her face and looked stern.

"Are you still students?" Ace, who had been eating in silence, asked in surprise.

"Don't it look like?" Xia Yan smiled.

"You are the strongest student I have ever seen!" Ace said.

After eating a meal, even the soup was clean and the rice was clean. After the meal, Xia Yan lay on the deck to bask in the sun. Qi Ziyu and Yao Min also lay on both sides. There was an excuse to pull Sister Jin away.

Their deliberate actions made Xia Yan and Qi Ziyu a little embarrassed, but after quietly enjoying the sea breeze and the sun for a while, this awkwardness disappeared.

On the left is Xiao Tianhou from the music scene, and on the right is Doctor Yu, Xia Yan suddenly feels like Chu Liuxiang.

"Look, what is it at sea?" Yao Min suddenly sat up, pointed to the distance, and exclaimed in silence.

"Is that ... Hailong Juan?" Xia Yan stood up and said in surprise.

"Zi Yu, there is danger. Let's go back to the boat!" Sister Zhen rushed out of the cabin, and Ace and Dong Feng followed behind her.

"What the **** is that?" Dong Feng looked at the horizon in shock.

I saw a long, thin to thick black funnel connecting the heavens and the earth on the distant sea level, which is indeed very similar to the sea tornado.

"Xia Yan, I will sail back immediately!" Dong Feng turned and ran towards the cabin.

"Wait!" Xia Yan and Qi Ziyu stopped him in unison.

"What's wrong, Ziyu, why don't you go back immediately?" Sister Zhen asked in surprise.

"Yeah, Xia Yan, what did you find?" Dong Feng asked.

"It seems weird there, not like a sea tornado." Xia Yan stared at the thing and said.

"No matter what, there must be danger, we should go back immediately!" Sister Zhen was still very panic, holding Qi Ziyu's hand, said: "Zi Yu, if something happened to you, how can I explain to President Qi!"

"Sister Zhen, we are on a boat. If I have an accident, you have no chance to explain to my mother!" Qi Ziyu couldn't help crying.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Sister Zhen messed her hands.

"Sister Zhen, calm down, things are not so bad, that thing is not a sea tornado." Qi Ziyu comforted her.

"So what shall we do now?" Dong Feng asked.

"Go sail and look closer." Xia Yan said.

"What?" Dong Feng, Sister Zhen and Yao Min spoke in unison, except that Dong Feng and Sister Zhen were surprised, but Yao Min was excited. She waved her hand: "Open the boat and move towards the end of the world!"

"Women pirates!" Xia Yan suddenly burst into tears.

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