Dragon Hermit

Chapter 151: I will go find you

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The yacht was heading towards the sea level, but the speed was slower. After driving for a while, Ace's face was shocked. He finally knew why Xia Yan and Qi Ziyu were so sure that this thing was not a sea tornado. In the black funnel, he felt a very strange power, with a dark breath.

"It's very similar to your breath of power." Qi Ziyu and Xia Yan stood at the bow of the boat and said to him.

"Huh." Xia Yan nodded. This peculiar "sea tornado" contains extremely large elements of undead. Even just a few dozen nautical miles ago, he could clearly feel it. And the closer he was, the more endless elements of the undead were more like waves, wave after wave, coming continuously, making him almost breathless.

What exactly exists in order to release such a strong element of undead? Even if the earth is a necromancer's paradise, this level of undead elements is still incredible. Even in the memory of the lich, this level of undead elemental eruption is almost equivalent to the prelude of the undead natural disaster. Even in the apocalyptic continent, this is a rare event for a hundred years.

Of course, it is only the prelude. If you want to launch the Scourge of the Undead, you need more than a hundred times the elements of the Undead, and you still need the help of the Undead Sacrifice.

But this is already amazing. This level of undead elements is enough to wake up the tide of undead that destroys a city.

As a necromancer, I will never let go of this amazing element of undead, at least I have to figure out what is going on.

At this time, even the three ordinary people on board noticed the anomaly. Yao Min exclaimed: "How do I feel cold? Is it cooling?"

"But the wind is not strong, this is really not a sea tornado!" Dong Feng also exclaimed.

"How do I feel terrified, what is this?" Sister Zhen held her arm and looked shocked.

"Everyone be careful, go into the cabin and don't stay outside." Xia Yan said to them.

"No, I'm going to be with Zi Yu!" Sister Zhen said stubbornly.

"Sister Zhen, you go in, otherwise it may be uncomfortable later." Qi Ziyu persuaded.

"But Ziyu, aren't you outside? Sister Zhen said.

"I'm different from you." Qi Ziyu said.

"Not the same?" Sister Zhen wondered.

"Listen to them, let's go in!" Dong Feng could not help but draw her closer to the cabin, leaving only Xia Yan, Qi Ziyu and Ace on the deck.

"This power makes me a little uncomfortable too!" Qi Ziyu shook his head slightly.

Aisi was a face of joy, he enjoyed the fire of the soul, and was very close to the undead elements of the same source.

As the yacht continued to drive forward, the closer to the "sea tornado", the smaller the wind, and finally there was no wind at all. Even the waves passing from a distance were completely smoothed by an invisible force. Surrounded by terrible silence, the "sea tornado" stood quietly between heaven and earth, very strange.

The three people in the cabin were already terrified. Dong Feng covered his chest: "I ... how it seems that something grabbed my heart, so uncomfortable! Will it die?"

"I am also very uncomfortable, but they will not let us die, rest assured!" In addition to being frightened, Yao Min is still excited, looking out the porthole intently.

"Is Ziyu okay?" Sister Zhen was first worried about Qi Ziyu.

The yacht stopped when it was one nautical mile from the sea tornado. At this distance, the air seems to be solidified, and a huge black smoke cloud with a diameter of 100 meters at the thinnest part of the bottom stands in front of you. The thicker the cloud is, the more the part that does not enter the cloud may reach two or three kilometers in diameter, which is breathtaking.

"What the **** is that?" Xia Yan looked up at the sky and was shocked.

Ace was already kneeling to the ground at this time. Before such a huge coercion, even if he felt close again, his level was too low to bear at all.

Qi Ziyu also had a pale complexion. She was much stronger than Ace, but her own power and undead elements loomed restraint, making her have to resist this pressure every minute and every second.

The three ordinary people in the cabin are all comatose at this time, but there is no life threatening. This is a self-protection reaction of the body and brain.

Only Xia Yan had no discomfort, but felt like a fish. The undead elements here are more concentrated than those gathered in the provincial hospital, and have not been purified by the Red Cross. They are more suitable for the undead mage. He now has an impulsive urge to go to this "sea dragon" to see what is happening.

"If you move forward, I'm afraid they will not stand it." Qi Ziyu said.

"I want to swim and see." Xia Yan said intently.

"It's dangerous!" Qi Ziyu didn't persuade, only said one fact, and then added, "I saw it yesterday. Although you can swim, it's very general. Can you do it at such a long distance?"

"I used to swim in a ditch before, and I went to the sea for the first time yesterday!" Xia Yan touched her head and said embarrassedly.

"Are you really going?" Qi Ziyu asked again.

"There are no waves now, it should be no problem." Xia Yan nodded and said, "It's nothing far away, my physical strength is pretty good."

"Give me time, if you don't come back, I will sail back, otherwise others will be in danger." Qi Ziyu said lightly.

"I thought you would say come to save me!" Xia Yan smiled bitterly.

"I can't save you, and I can't go there," Qi Ziyu said. "So you have to be careful. If you find something wrong, come back immediately!"

"Relax, I'm afraid of death, waiting for my good news!" Xia Yan found a pair of flippers from the cabin and put on a tight one-piece swimsuit, standing in front of Qi Ziyu a little embarrassedly: "That ... Ziyu, can you ... give me a little encouragement? "

"Pomp!" Qi Ziyu couldn't help but walked forward and gave him a hug. Xia Yan gave her a hug, then let go, chanted the bloodthirsty curse, blessed herself, and jumped into the sea.

"I haven't come back in two hours, so you will sail back!" Xia Yan's voice came with the wind.

"Master, be careful!" Ace shouted while kneeling on the deck. He was really afraid of Xia Yan's accident and vowed that Xuejing was still on Xia Yan.

With the bloodthirsty curse blessing, Xia Yan chopped through the waves and swam forward quickly, only to see a waterline extending forward at an alarming speed. If this is the Olympic venue, he can easily break the world record. In the face of super physical fitness that is far more than the number of ordinary people, skills are no longer important.

"Quick!" Qi Ziyu shook his head with emotion, and whispered to himself: "Xia Yan, you must be careful, if you do not come back in time, I will definitely go to you!"

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