Dragon Hermit

Chapter 22: Qi Ziyu

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Chapter 22 Goddess Qi Ziyu

Just as Xia Yan chatted with his roommate and farted, seven strange patients were admitted to the provincial hospital. The three patients always thought of walking around, but they always hit the wall again and again, and finally the medical staff had to use a rubber band to tie them around.

Of the other four people, three have been struggling desperately, wanting to hit another person, but that person has been beaten unconscious by them, with a swollen head like a pig's head, and many broken bones in the body.

So the doctors tied these three patients with severe violence to the disease.

After some examinations, the doctors were all confused. Except for the bald head, the injuries were not too heavy. The three people who walked and hit the wall looked like they were not adult, but they were mostly bruised Of course, concussion is inevitable.

The three who hit people looked more like lunatics and martial lunatics.

The probability that the three martial lunatics can get together is low enough. How bad is the bald luck to encounter such a bad luck?

Bald Brother Leopard is also a popular figure anyway, and was soon recognized by the police. His several younger brothers were all registered at the police station, and their identities were also identified one after another. So the police are also confused. Is this the Rongdu underworld fighting for power and profit?

No, it ’s not better to use a knife to kill Leopard, why use fists? And the doctor said that these people are unclear, but they have ruled out the suspicion of drug abuse. What is going on?

The policeman who led the team was very puzzled. At this time, the men ran over to report: "Captain, a person who hit the wall has been identified ..."

His face was very weird, and the captain shouted, "Long talk, let go of farts!"

"He called Wen Yipin ..."

"Which Wen Yipin? You can recognize it after hitting a pig's head?" The captain asked in a hurry.

"He has an ID card ... that is Wen Yipin!" The men said with certainty.

"Wen Yipin of the Wen Family?" The captain already had a fear on his face.

"That's the literati!" The voice of his men also shuddered.

"I'm relying on something serious!" The captain punched in the palm of his hand and lowered his voice: "Quickly inform the writers ... No, I will report to the director first!"

The director received a call from the captain and froze for a few seconds. Then he snarled at the call: "Follow up the case and make sure to find out what is going on? Also, is Wen Yipin seriously injured?

"There was a slight concussion, the other was a skin trauma, but he seemed to ..."

"What does it look like?"

"He and the other two people seem to be in the middle of evil, and they don't walk the right path, they hit the wall specifically!"


"The three people are unlikely to be crazy ..."

"This Nima ... no matter, I noticed Wen Jia and let Wen Jia take care of it!" The director hung up the phone.

In a mansion in the west of the city, a big man stomping his feet in Shihe province hung up and hung up the phone, his face gloomy and dripping with water, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"Expedition, what happened?" A rich woman with a facial mask came down from the upper floor and asked him in surprise when she saw him like this.

"Not yet your baby son ..."

"Ipin is causing trouble again?" The rich woman frowned slightly, and immediately remembered that she was applying a facial mask. She quickly recovered her expressionless face and said, "Yipin is a bit ridiculous, but he is still young. When he grows up, he will naturally Be sensible, don't be too strict with him ... "

"Twenty-three years old is still young?" Wen Yuanzheng roared at her, "If Lao Tzu still has some ability, this little **** is already squatting in prison!"

"Wow, shout, talk, what's wrong with Yipin?" The rich woman said dissatisfiedly.

"Injured into the hospital." Wen Yuanzheng arranged his clothes and walked out. "I still have a meeting. Go to the hospital yourself."

"Wen Yuanzheng, you ruthless and unscrupulous king bastard, don't look at your son's injury!" The rich woman ripped off the mask and went upstairs angrily to wash her face and change her clothes.

Wen Yuanzheng will naturally not go. First, his son was not seriously injured. Secondly, this kid had a relationship with the famous **** leopard. How could he, the deputy governor of Sihe Province, go to visit, anyway, he will report to him It ’s the same whether you go or not.

But what did the police say on the phone? The son walked against the wall, like Zhong Xie?

Sitting in the car, thinking for a while, Wen Yuanzheng dialed the phone: "Secretary Zhang, go to Fengshui Street, ask Master Li to go to the Provincial Hospital, you personally follow ..."

The next day, military training began. When the military training started, the freshmen of the second class of Xia Yan ’s history department were pleasantly surprised to find that Qi Ziyu was wearing a camouflage uniform and stood with them.

Everyone has seen Qi Ziyu on TV before, and is no stranger to this super popular singer star, but everyone is seeing Qi Ziyu for the first time.

"Sure enough, it's a natural beauty, and it's also very good without makeup!" Zhao Qiang's pimples are all red with excitement.

"I didn't expect Qi Ziyu to also participate in military training. Isn't she afraid of getting tanned?" Qin Jian stared at Qi Ziyu surrounded by girls, not turning her eyes.

"Tanning her is also my goddess!" Zhao Qiang said, "How could my goddess be as superficial as other stars!"

Xia Yan, like everyone else, pays attention to Qi Ziyu. This girl is indeed different from the others. She looks as delicate as a painting. Although she is a big star, she has nothing to do with others. Silver bell laughter. In less than five minutes, she was accepted by everyone.

It seems to be an illusion. Xia Yan felt Qi Ziyu glanced in his own direction. I didn't know what he was looking at, did he look at me? He laughed self-deprecatingly, which is obviously impossible!

Even the instructor asked Qi Ziyu for an autograph, and the group was still organized. When he got the autograph, it was not much different from the fans seeing idols one by one. But when the military training officially started, the young instructor, who was just twenty years old, became a devil, stood in a military posture, kicked the pace, turned left and turned right ... and the whole group of freshmen didn't want it.

Xia Yan is very relaxed. He has to work hard every year to collect rice and pick manure. This is really hard.

Chapter 22 Goddess Qi Ziyu

A piece of cake.

The most surprising thing is Qi Ziyu, this charming Didi star has completed all the movements very well, even when standing in a military posture.

Naturally, Xia Yan and Qi Ziyu were selected by the instructors as the model soldiers. When the two stood side by side in front of the team, Xia Yan saw Qi Ziyu smiling at him.

Hey, was she really looking at me just now?

When it was time to rest again, Xia Yan was about to go back to the boy's pile, but saw Qi Ziyu coming to him: "Xia Yan, hello!"

"Do you know me?" Xia Yan asked in surprise.

"Don't the instructor just call your name, hee hee!" Qi Ziyu walked to him and said with a smile.

"Oh, I forgot!" Xia Yan blushed and touched her head.

The two stood together face-to-face, and Xia Yan discovered that Qi Ziyu was very tall, and his eyes could look straight at the tip of his nose, at least 1.75 meters, which was definitely a model figure.

Qi Ziyu has some baby fat. It looks completely different from the awl face of those cosmetic stars. It is very natural and very cute. No wonder she will become an idol for young people and definitely a young boy killer.

"I'm Qi Ziyu, I'm glad to meet you!" Qi Ziyu reached out and said with a smile.

"Me too." Xia Yan shook hands with her, only to feel that the little hand was slender and smooth, and she was almost reluctant to let go.

"Oh, look!" Qin Jian shook Zhao Qiang desperately.

Zhao Qiang was drinking water. When he was so shaken, he almost poured it into his nostrils and said angrily: "Call Mao ... I plug in. When did Xia Yan hook up with Qi Ziyu?"

"Why, don't blaspheme my goddess!" Qin Jian glared at him. "You didn't see it. Qi Ziyu took the initiative to talk to Xia Yan and shook hands with him!"

"Xia Yan, this guy ... is hiding too deep!" Zhao Qiang thumped his chest, "What happened to me that I don't know, how could Qi Ziyu take the initiative to find him?"

At this time, other students also saw this scene. The boys were envious and jealous. The girls could not help but give Xia Yan a few more glances: What is so special about this boy, that Qi Ziyu took the initiative to speak to him?

A nearby class was standing in a military posture. Several boys Yu Guang happened to see Qi Ziyu and Xia Yan shaking hands. They suddenly glared out their eyes, turned their heads involuntarily, and then they were called out by the instructor to do push-ups.

Xia Yan can naturally see that she has become the focus of everyone's attention, and she can't help but feel a little floating, and indeed, brother is attractive!

"Xia Yan, don't you seem to be sweating?" Qi Ziyu looked up slightly at Xia Yan's face and said softly.

"Oh, physique reasons, physique reasons!" Xia Yan said, the undead element is negative, and now his mana can break through to the junior magician, which is equivalent to bringing his own air conditioning, and the high temperature has little effect on him.

"I'm very happy to be with your classmates!" Qi Ziyu didn't say much. She glanced at Xia Yan again, and turned back to the girl crowd. Suddenly a group of girls surrounded her again. Then he smiled and looked down.

Xia Yan guessed that they must be talking about themselves, touched the tip of their nose embarrassingly, and walked over to the boy. After sitting down, Zhao Qiang and Qin Jian put their arms around their necks.

"To be honest, when did you know my goddess?" Qin Jian stretched his fist in front of Xia Yan's nose and pressed fiercely.

"Big star, who doesn't know!" Xia Yan said.

"Less nonsense, I asked Qi Ziyu how to know you?" Qin Jian said.

"Just now, the instructor didn't let me be her model, she certainly knew me." Xia Yan said honestly.

"Really?" Zhao Qiang and Qin Jian expressed disbelief.

"What else can it be like?" Xia Yan asked with his hands spread out.

"If you dare to conceal the military, you know ..." Both goods shook their fists in front of Xia Yan's nose, threatening him.

In the following military training today, Qi Ziyu never spoke to Xia Yan again, but as long as her eyes met, she would always nod and smile generously. It is worthy of being a public figure who has seen the world. If you change other girls, you will definitely avoid the eyes of the boys.

Xia Yan has a feeling that Qi Ziyu must know herself, but how did she know herself?

Liu family?

Or Fangjia?

In Rongdu, Xia Yan has only dealt with these two, and if not unexpected, it must be one of them.


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