Dragon Hermit

Chapter 23: disturb

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Chapter Twenty-Three

After finishing the first day of military training, Xia Yan returned to the dormitory, took a shower first, just took out her mobile phone and turned it on, and the SMS prompt sounded. Click to open it and it was sent by Liu Xueer.

"Xia Yan, Wen Yipin is in the hospital, is it you?"

Xia Yan smiled and returned the message: "What's the matter, I don't know? But I am very happy that he entered the hospital."

On the other side, Liu Xueer received the text message and looked up: "It's really him!"

Liu Lao and Liu Shan looked at each other, and could not help but smile bitterly, Liu Shan shook his head and sighed: "Young and flamboyant!"

"You're frivolous, nothing bad!" Liu Lao disagreed with his assessment and said, "You young man, just be happy and enemies. If you look ahead and look back at everything, you will lose your vitality, then what's the point!"

"But that is Wen Yuanzheng's son, you know, Wen Yuanzheng's couple is very short-term, I am afraid Xia Yan will be in trouble!" Liu Shan said worriedly.

"Then it is necessary for Wen Yipin to restore his mind first. Xia Yan is not simple. Since he dares to do it, he must not be afraid of the few people saying it. Maybe Wen Yipin and those few gangsters have no chance to tell him." Liu Lao Now I change my attitude towards Xia Yan, and believe him almost blindly.

"Xia Yan is a man of ability. Although Wen Yuanzheng and Luo Qiufeng are powerful, they may not be able to deal with him. Xia Yan is prohibited by martial arts. Xia Yan is not only armed. His skills may just be able to restrain the power of the writers. Ha ha "Lao Liu laughed."

"That being said, Xia Yan is still too young. Although she has the ability, she lacks social experience. She is afraid that she will suffer a loss. Will we help him by then?" Liu Shan thought about it and said.

"Of course I want to help!" Liu Lao said without hesitation. "Although the literary family is powerful, my old man is still not dead! Someone has dealt with the Liu family with vicious means. We can't count on the literary family to help? It ’s time to get Xia Yan ’s head. It ’s not wrong to have a good relationship with him now! "

"Well, I know!" Liu Shan nodded, and then his face appeared worried again. "Who is going to deal with us? The person who sent you the ebony toad is also used by others. The cultural dealer who gave him something must be looking for it." Not coming ... "

"No matter who he is, he will definitely shoot again, we can only change with the same." Liu Lao said.

"I hope Xia Yan will really help us by then!" Liu Shan sighed.

"Young people are righteous, we help him now, he will always be embarrassed not to help us." Liu Lao said.

"Oh, how is Wen Yipin now?" Liu Shan turned and asked Liu Xueer.

"The literati invited Zhang Fakui of Fengshui Street. I heard that Master Zhang was going to use the instrument to exorcise Wen Yipin. I don't know what happened." Liu Xueer said, when her cell phone rang, she answered the phone. When he heard it, he laughed: "Zhang Fakui was beaten by Wen Yipin, and the magic weapon fell into a sparse state. Now Wen Yipin doesn't hit the wall anymore, but he has also become a madman.

"Xia Yan is really a man of skill. If Zhang Fakui can break his spells, he doesn't have to use the Fengshui Street magic weapon!" Both Liu Lao and Liu Shan laughed.

Xia Yan does not care about Wen Yipin's situation. Although Yin Yin Bu San is a primary undead magic, the effect is very good, especially for objects with low magic resistance, this magic is a big killer.

Of course, basically the magic resistance of ordinary people on earth is not too high.

However, Xia Yan had no plans to kill people. After all, he had not only never done such a thing, but even thought about it.

In addition, if the soul is not scattered, it can't kill people. The magical effect will gradually weaken, and it will disappear completely in up to ten days. At that time, Wen Yipin and the seven people will naturally return to normal. However, there are still sequelae. After all, this magic directly affects the brain, so they will lose their memory for a period of time, ranging from one year to one month.

Therefore, this is where Xia Yan is not afraid of the revenge of the literati. You do n’t remember who I am and how can I find me.

At the end of the first day of military training, Zhao Qiang and Qin Jian were tired like a dog, but they couldn't rest. The instructor came to the dormitory to teach the stack of tofu pieces. After a long day, the two men took a shower and ** went to sleep.

Hou Xiaotian applied not to participate in military training, accompanied his father in the hospital every day, and may not return to the dormitory at night. He did not return today.

After Zhao Qiang and Qin Jian fell asleep, Xia Yan sat up. Now is the time to break through. After all, the magic apprentice is still not a real magician. If it is placed in the apocalypse mainland, even the mage robe is not qualified to wear.

By the way, should I prepare a mage robe? Xia Yan moved his mind and took this idea to heart. When he thought of the mage robe, he remembered what happened yesterday. If he hadn't erased Wen Yipin's memory, he might be in serious trouble. Should he hide his identity when he uses magic in the future?

Get a disguise like a tights mask like a superhero? It seems feasible!

Hu Siran thought for a while, Xia Yan calmed down and entered a state of meditation. He would use the time tonight to completely build the second magic tower, and then he could store more mana and become a junior magician.

In the quiet meditation, the second layer of the magic tower in the brain gradually formed, the details were enriched, and finally, just when the first ray of light came up, Xia Yan succeeded!

The second level magic tower meditation is completed. Suddenly, a door seemed to open between the two floors of the magic tower, and the saturated blue mana of the first floor spewed up from the door, filling the space of the second floor of the magic tower.

At this moment, a large number of undead elements invisible to the naked eye gathered from various places in Sihe University, instilled from the top of Xia Yan's head, quickly transformed into mana, and stored in the magic tower!

"Why did I break the Internet?" In another dormitory on the same floor, a boy played games all night without falling asleep. Suddenly, the fighting character on the computer screen stopped moving, and a red line reminded him, Network interruption! He couldn't help bursting into a frustrating roar, and then he was slammed by the waking roommate.

"My dear, I want to die you. Tonight I will open the room and wait for you. Remember to put on ... Hey, hello, I lean, no signal?"


Xia Yan madly absorbs the elements of the undead, including the entire Sihe University, with him as the center, half

Chapter Twenty-Three

Within a thousand kilometers, all undead elements were attracted, poured into his head, and then converted into mana, stored in the magic tower.

This dramatic change in energy interferes with radio waves, wireless signals, network signals ... and even slightly changes the magnetic field-all compasses in this range are spinning in disorder and all mechanical watches are stopped. Fortunately, most people still In sleep, otherwise this event will definitely cause a sensation.

Now, only some night owls who play games all night are affected, they don't think too much.

In the girls' dormitory, long eyelashes tremble, and a pair of moving big eyes suddenly opens. She stood up **, stood on the balcony, looked up at the sky, a deep astonishment appeared on Qiao's face, and whispered to herself: "Someone has inspired the power of the world! This power of the world is so strange ... It seems to be an unknown force! Who is it? "

Qingyang Palace in the west of the city, an old man wearing tank tops and shorts and slipping on slippers filled his mouth with toothpaste foam, looking in the direction of Sihe University. He chanted words and seemed to be chanting any Taoist scriptures, but if he got closer, he could hear him scolding : "***, Rong has been out of such a person for a long time? It actually aroused the power of the world, and this power does not even know what Lao Tzu is. Could it be that a master was born in this era to create a new practice method?"

He touched the goatee again, and said to himself: "There is the direction of the Nine Eyes Bridge, next to Sihe University, which is not necessarily a student doll's noise? Or else is there a bar where a senior is born? No, I went to the bar tonight to explore. The hands of the sisters last time were very tender. This time I met them and fortune-telling them, opening the light ... "

The old eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and they are gradually crooked.

Outside Wenshufang, a small shop selling feng shui instruments, a 17-year-old boy fumbled for a wooden sign on his chest, looking at the direction of Sihe University thoughtfully.


At this moment, there are many eyes everywhere in Rongdu looking towards the direction of Sihe University. These people are hidden among ordinary people and are engaged in different industries. At this time, they are shocked by the power of the world.

Xia Yan knows nothing about this. Although there are many ghost stories in Sihe University, there are not many undead elements. In just two minutes, all the undead elements in this area were converted into mana by him, stored in magic Tari. At this point, the mana stored in the second magic tower has reached one-tenth.

One tenth of a time does not mean that ten times of meditation can fill the second layer of mana. First of all, this time it was because of the breakthrough, so the elements of the undead were absorbed a bit more. Second, Xia Yan ’s spiritual strength was not enough. The second layer of the magic tower was just built, and its bearing capacity was limited. The stronger it becomes, the more mana can be stored. This is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight.

So Xia Yan at this time, already tired like a dog, almost did not stick out his tongue.

"Nima, the realm in the Xiuxian novel is not stable, it really makes sense. Before strengthening the magic tower, I can't transform mana, otherwise the magic tower can't bear it, and it collapses. I must die. ! "

Xia Yan lay on top of her body, didn't want to move a finger, and soon fell asleep. If it weren't for military training today, he would only be able to sleep all day long.


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