Dragon Hermit

Chapter 226: Cloud Flower

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Chapter 226 Cloud Flower

"Xia Yan, I'm going to have a concert in Rongdu Sports Center next month. I'm going to invite all the classmates to watch it live!" The old professor on the podium is talking about world history. Qi Ziyu uses a voice that only Xia Yan can hear. Said.

"I thought you wouldn't have a concert during your studies, so that both sides would be affected?" Xia Yan said slightly surprised.

"In fact, it's not a big problem. I remember everything I should learn, but I have to ask for leave from the school when rehearsing." Qi Ziyu said.

"Oh, yes, textbooks are not difficult for you!" Xia Yan remembered her ** memory, Qi Ziyu should be similar, the minds of these people are incomparable to ordinary people.

"Must come by then!" Qi Ziyu smiled playfully.

"That is of course." Xia Yan took an emerald green jade ring with a diameter of about one centimeter from her pocket and put it on the notebook to Qi Ziyu's side, saying, "Send it to you."

"Send it to me?" Qi Ziyu's eyes lit up, her happy smile blooming undisguised, "I thought you forgot to send me something!"

"How come, this is not always thinking about what is best for you!" Xia Yan Khan gave a handful of things, he really forgot about it some time ago, and when he remembered it, he immediately asked his uncle to get a small piece of jade , Carved this thing.

"The texture of jade is not very good, don't dislike it!" Xia Yan said, he was not too embarrassed to send Qi Ziyu too expensive things. This small piece of jade is not like glass emperor green, it is only worth about 10,000 . This money is nothing to him now.

"What are you talking about?" Qi Ziyu gave him a scornful look. "As long as it's from you, I will like it!"

As long as it is from you, I will love it!

Even if Xia Yan was stupid, he could hear the meaning in his words. His head was suddenly struck by a sense of happiness, and he was dazed.

"What kind of flower is this?" The words just blurted out, making Qi Ziyu's pretty face blush. She didn't dare to wait for Xia Yan to respond. She hurriedly looked at the emerald ring seriously, and she was stunned. The same flower was engraved on both sides of the jade ring, but she did not recognize it.

The diameter of the jade ring is only one centimeter, but it is on such a small thing. Although the lines of those patterns are simple, they contain an unspeakable beauty.

"This is the flower of cloud and mist, this flower will spray mist every morning and evening, very beautiful!" Xia Yan explained.

"Flower of clouds and fog? Is there such a flower?" Qi Ziyu asked her question in a puzzled way.

"There is no such thing on the earth, uh ... this is a kind of flower in my mind!" Xia Yan said.

The flower of cloud and mist is a very famous plant in the apocalyptic continent. It is the best gift for the sweetheart. It is very rare, and every flower will cost a lot of money. There is no cloud flower on the earth, Xia Yan did not lie. This is indeed something in the lich's memory, that is, in his mind.

"Is it a flower you imagine?" Qi Ziyu's eyes sparkled, and his face was full of surprises.

"Yes!" Xia Yan said.

"Thank you, Xia Yan, I really like this gift!" Qi Ziyu's eyes and Xia Yan glanced at each other, and they quickly flicked away, his face slightly embarrassed.

"Just like it!" Xia Yan said, Qi Ziyu in this state is so beautiful that her fair skin is reflecting light, just like the legendary fairy.

"By the way, I have a red string here. I can help you wear it and use it as a pendant!" Xia Yan turned out a red string from her bag, put the emerald ring on it, knotted it very skillfully, and handed it to Qi Ziyu.

Qi Ziyu blushed the pendant around her neck and felt a chill in her chest.

"This pendant has the effect of calming God?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes, I used some tricks." Xia Yan said vaguely.

"If this jade pendant is brought to a magical instrument exchange meeting, it will be very sought-after. Our monk is most afraid of the demon. This pendant can help resist the invasion of the demon." Qi Ziyu stroked the pendant and said with joy.

The two whispered a whisper, which has long attracted the attention of many people, but they usually communicate in such a low voice in class, and the students in the history class have already become accustomed to it.

But today ’s class is a big one, and there are two other classes together. They are sitting in the middle of the ladder classroom. The people in the front are just fine. The students behind will care about Qi Ziyu regardless of men and women. Seeing the goddess and Xia Yan behave Intimate, do not know how many people are jealous, how many people are envious.

Qi Ziyu did not live in the dormitory during this time. She had to hold a concert. There were a lot of things to be busy. After the class, she was picked up by her agent, Jin, with her bodyguard.

Xia Yan walked alone on the campus. He did n’t think about the girls around him today, nor did he want to bring Qi Ziyu, who was touching when the jade pendant of clouds and mist. He was thinking about the 50 million reward for himself on the black hole platform. This is something he had to worry about.

"Xie Family ..." Xia Yan's eyes flashed with Li Mang, "Since Xie Family wants to play, I will play with you to the end!"

A reward of 50 million US dollars has been opened, and there is a black hole platform guarantee, as long as the task is completed, you can definitely get the money. At this point, it is impossible for Xie's family to withdraw the reward. This matter is impossible to stop, and it will only be pushed forward step by step.

The phone rang, it was Liu Xueer's phone, her tone was very anxious: "Xia Yan, I want to see you!"

"Is that the 50 million reward?" Xia Yan and Liu Xueer's mobile phones have been played with by Hou Xiaotian, and the security is extremely high. Don't worry about the phone being eavesdropped.

"You know?" Liu Xueer asked in surprise.

"Got it, Xiaotian told me." Xia Yan said with a smile, "Sister Xue'er, don't worry, you know my skills, this 50 million US dollar is not so easy to earn!"

"You must be careful, don't take things seriously, this is really serious!" Liu Xueer was still very anxious.

"Ah, Sister Xueer!" Xia Yan moved and comforted, "You can rest assured that I will be fine!"

"By the way, the basement has been built, and you can use it after transporting all kinds of equipment!" Liu Xueer worried for a while, and said

Chapter 226 Cloud Flower


"Sister Xue'er, don't worry too much, just take it slowly!" Xia Yan said.

"It used to not be anxious, but now you are all rewarded, no anxiety!" Liu Xueer said worriedly.

"Then ..." Xia Yan was about to comfort her, and Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of the three people coming, and from the walking posture they could see that they were not good.

"Sister Xue'er, the classmate called me, hang up first!" Xia Yan hung up the phone, and Liu Xueer on the other side heard a "doodle" sound and couldn't help laughing.

: i7h

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