Dragon Hermit

Chapter 227: Is it too little?

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Chapter 227

At first glance, the three people who walked by came from a rich family and were famous. That's okay, but their dress made Xia Yan frown.

The dress of these three people is similar to that of Nanyu ’s male star Xiaoxianrou. They wear tight-fitting shirts or t-shirts, tight-fitting cropped trousers, and tie their legs like compasses. Their hair also imitates Nanyu ’s hairstyle. What makes Xia Yan look uncomfortable is that they all have their makeup on, their lips are red and white, and they have thick eyeshadows.

Simply put, they can be summarized in two words, that is, "niang gun"

The three men walked to Xia Yan and stood in stark contrast. Xia Yan's t-shirt jeans, dark skin, tall and well-proportioned muscles, although the beard on his lips was still sparse, it showed Manly. All three boys looked up at him slightly and suddenly felt pressure.

"Are you Xia Yan?" The middle boy asked. His facial features are very beautiful, and his face is awl. If it is not a flat chest, Xia Yan will almost treat him as a woman.

"I am, is there something?" Xia Yan frowned as she smelled the perfume on them.

"How much can you avoid chasing Qi Ziyu?" The boy didn't make any preparations, and asked simply and rudely.

"What?" Xia Yan was stunned. He was mentally prepared, but he still didn't expect this boy to use money to smash himself. He felt funny.

"How much can you give?" Xia Yan asked with a smile, "Can't you do without it!"

The boy glanced down and saw the fruit phone in Xia Yan's hands, with a sneering expression on his face: "Is the phone bought with my parents' money or kidney?"

"I bought it with blood, wouldn't it?" Xia Yan admired him very much. Every sentence was beyond his expectation, and it was jumpy enough.

"Is blood still available? Don't all donate blood for free?" Said another boy in surprise.

"You two, can't hear the truth or falsehood?" The awl-faced boy scolded him with hatred for iron, and then looked at Xia Yan, saying: "So, as long as you promise not to chase Qi Ziyu, then promise me one Conditions, I will give you 5000. Whatever, the money is enough for you to buy a fruit phone! "

"So much as 5000?" Xia Yan's expression on his face seemed to be really moving, "What are your conditions?"

"It's very simple, introduce me to Qi Ziyu as a friend, then you will no longer be close to Qi Ziyu, as long as Qi Ziyu is willing to know me in depth, she will be mesmerized!" , Unspeakable confidence.

Xia Yan looked at him rather dumbly. How did such an IQ get into Sihe University? This is totally unscientific. Is it because of the relationship?

"Look, can't you give a sentence, 5,000 yuan, don't you want it?" Awl face boy said impatiently.

"Well, people need to have self-knowledge. Qi Ziyu, others are goddesses. Will the goddess care about you? It's obviously impossible. Others are talking about the right people, understand, only a male **** like Tao Ge is worthy Let's fall in love with Qi Ziyu! "The boy with a yellow hair gang.

"5000 yuan is enough for your semester tuition, and there are still some left. Don't you want to reduce the burden on your home?" Said another little fat man wearing a tight shirt into a ball.

Xia Yan didn't feel angry at all. These three are obviously amused, and they can't be compared with amused: "Oh, this ... Tao Ge can really be the same as Qi Ziyumen? Other people have at least billions of assets Oh!"

"Do you know what Tao Ge's family is doing? When you start a game company, as long as the game is listed, it will be billions of minutes, or US dollars. Do you understand?" Huang Mao shouted.

"It's not listed yet!" Xia Yan shook her head and turned to go. "5000 is too little, I won't do it!"

"Still too little?" The little fat man cried in surprise.

"I said, are you stupid or am I stupid?" Xia Yan stopped and said to them with a smile, "As long as I catch Qi Ziyu, don't the billions have my share, then I can burn 5000 yuan and play, do you say that right? "

"This ..." The trio were speechless, but the awl face was not reconciled. After thinking about it, "Xia Yan, you have to understand the reality. It is impossible for you and Qi Ziyu. How good! "

"Sorry, I still have something to do. Let's go first!" Xia Yan smiled and waved at them.

"Eh, don't go, the money can be added, how much do you want ... I'm relying, really gone?" Ai Zi looked at Xia Yan with a depressed face.

"Brother Tao, I want to say that you don't have to care about this poor kid. You just have to chase Qi Ziyu. I can't do it. She can resist your charm!"

"It's right to say that, but if the kid introduced it, it wouldn't be much more convenient!" Atsuko said hesitantly.

"Tao brother, chasing the goddess is actually not as difficult as imagined. The key depends on who is chasing it. Song Sicheng's confession failed last time. That's because he and Qi Ziyu didn't have the right to deal with each other. Of course, others would not care about him. But Tao brother You are different. As long as you start chasing, you will definitely be in a raging situation. By then, you will have a share of the Qi family ’s property, and you will be able to hold a beautiful woman. How good! "

"That's right ... I'm relying on it, the raptor f550, it's so handsome!" Awl's face was intoxicated in the fart, only to hear the engine roar, and a domineering blue pickup came over.

"Unfortunately, my old subsidiary started, and I haven't made any money yet. After his company goes public, I must buy this fierce car too!" He looked at the car enviously, his eyes were red with envy. Too.

"Hi, three classmates!" Raptor stopped in front of three people, Xia Yan waved at them in the car window, "Tao brother, 5000 is really too little, or if you give more, how about ten thousand ? "

"I ..." The three people on the awl face opened their mouths. He really did play games, but he was one hundred and eighty miles away from the market, and the price of his car was less than 500,000. It was not at the same level as the raptor in front of him. .

Now the three of them know silly that Xia Yan is teasing himself. He looked at Xia Yan lying on the window and smiled. The three only felt that their chests were stuffy and their blood seemed to be all over their bodies.

Chapter 227

It flooded his face.

"No ... no need!" The three of them fled.

Xia Yan smiled a lot, and felt a lot more comfortable. Slaps were really pleasant.

Preparing to start the car, two beautiful women who stepped and twisted three times saw the car and ran on their heels "Dada Da", so there was no danger of getting a foot.

"Hello, handsome guy, can you take a picture with your car? Xia ... Xia Yan, it's you!" When a girl was holding a mobile phone and hadn't finished speaking, she saw Xia Yan's face and whispered. With a cry.

: i7h

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