Dragon Hermit

Chapter 363: Consanguine

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Chapter 363: The Blood Clan Sarina

Tiehu got the crystal skull, but did not take it away forcibly. Xia Yan understood his thoughts for a moment.

The crystal skull is a hot potato, and no one wants to give up. If the Iron Tiger brings it back to the sanitation group, it is equivalent to bringing a group of supernatural abilities back to their station. At that time, even if the sanitation group is leaning against the country, it will not scare the red-eyed supernatural abilities. Stimulated by the treasure, they absolutely dare to hit the sanitation group base that they usually can't avoid.

And if they can't rush into the base and **** the crystal skull, the situation may be even more out of control, and maybe there will be a heartbroken guy who uses civilians to threaten the sanitation team.

This is not an ordinary war. The sanitation team is faced with supernatural abilities. They are powerful individuals. If they are determined to destroy, they cannot stop them even if they dispatch the army.

So the Iron Tiger snatched the crystal skull just to give himself control over the development of the situation.

"So I don't want to be a cleaner!" Xia Yan sighed slightly. The cleaner was in control of Da Yi, but was also restricted by Da Yi, which was too inconvenient.

There was a faint voice everywhere in the darkness. The supernatural abilities lurking around followed the Iron Tiger. They kept a relatively safe distance from each other. Maybe some people knew each other, but at this time everyone was silent.

After leaving the Rongdu Garden, several armored vehicles painted in camouflage stopped on the road, except for the first time, no other vehicles were seen on the road. Obviously the sanitation team has mobilized a lot of resources and closed the road.

The headlights are bright, all five armored vehicles have their headlights turned on, and the bright light is oncoming, leaving many supernatural abilities in front of the white, unable to see things.

Was ambushed! ?

Many people were shocked and dodge quickly. Xia Yan had lenses on his mask and was not affected by the strong light, but the five people in Ais behind him all dazzled and panicked.

"Be careful!" Xia Yan turned around and said.

"Yes, master!" All five were terrified. Fortunately, there was no attack on the opposite side. The five armored vehicles were all equipped with machines. This large-caliber machine can tear the human body into pieces, and vampires are not immune.

Xia Yan is not worried about this. Tiehu will not open the killing mode indiscriminately, and this is a residential area. It is already exaggerated that the armored car is coming over. If this is used as a battlefield, things are too big for the sanitation team to carry.

Moreover, many of the supernatural abilities here are well-known internationally. For example, the blood race has many high-ranking individuals with huge wealth and extremely high status. If they are swept to death by the sanitation group, I do n’t know how much they will cause. International events.

Tiehu got on an armored vehicle. All the armored vehicles turned around and drove to the suburbs. The glare disappeared, and the supernatural abilities quickly restored their eyesight, following the armored vehicle.

The sanitation team will not lay traps, should we wipe out all these blood and supernatural abilities?

This idea was rejected by Xia Yan as soon as it appeared. If the sanitation team really dared to do so, I do n’t know how many supernatural ability organizations and families to form a deadly hatred. China is now in the stage of economic development and will never tolerate this kind of thing. occur.

After clarifying the situation, Xia Yan took a domineering large-displacement motorcycle from the space ring, stepped up and started the car, and in the booming voice, followed the sanitation team. The five members of Ace flew their wings at low altitude, following Xia Yan, and were also responsible for alerting the surroundings.

The two skeleton soldiers also put on black robes, covered themselves, and ran on foot behind the motorcycle. The ghost general and the ghost tiger flew beside Xia Yan.

Such a team appeared on the highway and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The big blood troops followed closely behind the Iron Tiger's armored convoy. They were determined to get the hidden bones and said that they must get the crystal skull.

At this time, they also noticed Xia Yan's squad, and Earl Alex, who flew in the air, looked back, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. He gave two words to a blood viscount behind him. The wing of the hot and beautiful beauty blood family fluttered, turned around and greeted Xia Yan's team.

"Stop!" She landed, blocking Xia Yan's motorcycle. Xia Yan stopped the car, and the front wheel was less than a foot away from the pair of body-building long legs.

"What's your job, beauty?" Xia Yan asked in a low voice.

The beautiful blood family did not answer, looked up, looked over him, and looked at the five people of Ace, and asked in a condescending tone: "Which family are you from? When I saw Lord Alex, I dare not come to see you. ? "

The five people of Aisi did not land, and they all looked to Xia Yan. They are now obedient to Xia Yan. If they listen to other people's orders in front of their masters, they will know that the consequences are serious and they will not make such a big mistake.

"Beauty, they are my men, maybe you should ask me the master first." Xia Yan slammed the throttle and attracted the eyes of this beautiful blood family, Shen Sheng said.

"What, Master?" The beautiful blood race was surprised, and then a anger appeared on his face, still arrogantly ignoring Xia Yan, and shouted to the five people of Ace, "What is he saying is true?"

"Yes, this is our master!" Said the five of Ace in unison.

"Damn fellow, you dare to recognize the alien as the master, you are the shame of the blood race!" This beautiful blood race was furious, with a right sword drawn from the waist with his right hand, and a handle raised with his left hand, both the mouth and the tip of the sword Point to Xia Yan.

"Stop it!" The five people of Ace were shocked and landed in front of Xia Yan, showing their fangs and claws, roaring and roaring at the beautiful blood race.

"Several low-level blood races, even to my viscount fangs for aliens?" The beauty blood race became more and more angry, and the face more beautiful than the movie star became brave because of anger. She pointed her mouth at Ace's head, the long sword pointed at Dolan's chest, and it was a shame to kill these blood races.

"We have a saying in Huaxia, telling the dog to look at the owner!" Xia Yan admired the hot body under the tight-fitting leather coat of the beautiful blood race, and said, "Beauty, you better put down the Hejian!"

Sha Ying ’s black hole pointed at the beautiful chest of the beautiful blood race: “I ’m very unhappy

Chapter 363: The Blood Clan Sarina

Hope such a beautiful body is opened a big hole by the broken magic! "

"Broken Devil !?" The face of the beautiful blood race changed. Brode Demon is not a rare thing. She did not doubt the words of the black robe and uniformed men in front of her. If she was really hit in the chest by the demon, even if she was a powerful blood viscount, she would have to dispel the jade on the spot.

"You are enemies against the whole blood race!" She put down her sword and stared at Xia Yan's face, but unfortunately Xia Yan's eyes were blocked behind the lens of the mask, she could not see.

"Isn't it right now, beauty, I think you should go grab the crystal skull first!" Xia Yan also lowered her mouth, Shen Sheng said.

"Huh, dare to let the blood race become a slave, you will regret it!" The beautiful blood race breathed a sigh of relief, fluttered its wings and flew back, and at the same time dropped a ruthless word.

"Beauty, it's fate to meet each other, how about leaving a name?" Xia Yan put away Sha Ying, and by the way, sneered at this beautiful blood.

"My name is Sarina, who are you?" The beautiful blood family looked down at Xia Yan.

"You can call me a lich." Xia Yan said.

"I'll kill you in a moment, and these five shames!" Sarina fluttered away, chasing Count Alex.

"Ace, Dolan, Vincent, Rice, Tal!"

"Yes, master!"

"Your performance is good!"


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