Dragon Hermit

Chapter 364: Home advantage

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Xia Yan's enemies combined, let the five people of Ace completely collapsed. Although it is always a threat to swear that Xue Jing is in Xia Yan ’s hands, after so long, they also have some understanding of Xia Yan ’s temper. Although Xia Yan ’s methods seem terrible, he is not an indiscriminate killer. As long as he betrays him, there is no need to worry about suffering.

And as long as they are loyal, the fire of the soul can bring them great benefits. Just after seeing the barons of the blood clan just now, they realized that although they are now the strength of the baron, they seem to be much stronger than their peers at the same level. This is naturally the role of soul fire calcination.

Therefore, the five members of Aisi immediately followed Xia Yan, and even if they were likely to fight their clan later, they did not hesitate.

Salina flew back to Count Alex and whispered a few words. Count Alex also had a look on his face: "If you have a chance later, kill the lich and the five blood races of the betrayal race!"

"Yes!" Sarina looked back. He had regarded Xia Yan and Ace as dead.

Several non-influential low-level blood tribes did not put her in her eyes at all, and the lich who had accepted them as slaves was lowered by her accordingly.

It's just a bunch of dross, if you fight later, you can clean them up easily.

The street lights along the way have been extinguished for a long time. The road from Rongdu Garden to the outside of the city was not the city center. Most people have fallen asleep long ago. Sometimes people who stay up late stay at the computer next to the Internet or hang out at the nightclub .

No vehicles and pedestrians were seen along the way, which is naturally also the sanitation team's handwriting. Although the temporary road closure is troublesome, it is not too difficult.

The lights of Rongdu gradually disappeared, and the team of Tiehu led a large group of supernatural abilities out of the urban area. After driving for a while, they took a rural road and came to a mountainous area shortly.

Daqing Mountain is a famous scenic spot around Rongdu, a five-level scenic spot in Qianshan, while the back mountain is not developed due to the steep mountain, and it still maintains the original ecological scenery. There are sporadic mountain people here. At this time, naturally, they have been evacuated by the sanitation group, leaving only empty rooms.

This is the battlefield pre-selected by the sanitation team for this war.

At the foot of the mountain there is a small reservoir of about 1,000 acres, and there are rolling hills.

The armored car stopped at the bottom of the mountain. The iron tiger stood at the front of the armored car, raised the crystal skull high, and all around was quiet for a while.

The supernatural abilities have fast and slow feet. The strong ones have been hidden behind the dark woods and rocks, and the weaker ones are still on the road. It's just a hurry, and the strengths and weaknesses have been preliminarily divided. Those who haven't arrived yet are unlikely to get a crystal skull.

"Tiehu, tell your statute, this kind of thing, our blood race must get it!" Count Alex did not hide, spread his wings in the air, shouted to the iron tiger.

"My charter is simple." Tiehu didn't take the megaphone, but his voice spread far away. "You should have heard of our contest in China."

"Do you want all of us to compete and the winner to win the crystal skull?" Count Alex, who is at least 500 years old and well-informed, said immediately.

"Exactly!" Said Tiehu.

"Captain Iron, are you kidding me?" Someone said in a strange tone in the dark: "There is no fairness in this matter. Even if the victorious contestant gets the crystal skull from you, he will face other people. It ’s better to chase people down than to do it now, but do you say it? "

"This little dog who didn't dare to show up was right. If I finally got the crystal skull and consumed too much power in the contest, wouldn't it be cheap to be picked up by those who didn't participate in the contest? This method is too stupid! "Count Alex glanced contemptuously at the place where he made his voice, and said.

"Alex, do you dare to abuse me?" The man in the darkness said angrily.

"Baias, since you werewolves have come, don't you dare to stand up? I said you are puppies, are you wrong?" Count Alex sneered.


Xia Yan was taken aback. Sure enough, how could there be a blood race without a werewolf? These two races are old friends.

"Roar!" The werewolf named Baias gave an angry roar.

"Roar!" There were dozens more beasts roaring in the direction of Byas, all full of anger.

"Mother, do you regard Rongdu as a restaurant, come here, these bastards!" Yuan Tianfeng stood beside the armored car, looked at the large group of blood races in the sky, and heard the roar of the werewolf in the woods.

More people in the dark clamored and were dissatisfied with Tiehu's regulations. Tiehu didn't speak, but sneered. The crystal skull hadn't been relaxed in his hand. No matter who dared to grab it, he could instantly turn this thing into a powder.

"Tiehu, do you have anything to say?" Count Alex asked loudly again.

"Of course." Tiehu nodded and said, after hearing this sentence, the surroundings gradually quieted down, and when no one was talking, Tiehu said loudly again: "Through the competition, the person who finally won the crystal skull, sanitation The team will protect him, and whoever dares to rob it is a provocation to the sanitation team and will be severely hit! "

"The sanitation team has the ability to protect? Are you kidding, Captain Iron Tiger?" Someone in the darkness spoke loudly, with a disdainful tone: "I admit that the sanitation group is very strong, but this time everyone wants to fight for the remains He Treasure, I ’m afraid your Rongdu Sanitation Team will not scare us! "

"Who said that only the Rongdu Sanitation Team?" A young woman wearing a black and gold tight uniform came out of the woods and responded to the man who spoke: "The nightmare knight Thomas, you entered from my place, do you think we are in Hangzhou Did the sanitation team really find you? "

"Undead Phoenix!" Thomas Nightmare Knight's voice changed, and he seemed to be very afraid of the lady cleaner.

"If you want to challenge our sanitation team, I don't mind playing another game with you. Last time I let you run, I have always been sorry!" Undead Phoenix said coldly.

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"Humph!" Thomas, the nightmare knight snorted coldly, and no longer said anything.

"Someone is here in the Shandong Province Sanitation Group!" A dark-haired old man wearing a robe and holding a whisk in his hand came to the side of the Iron Tiger's team.

"Haidong Sanitation Team Shi Kuan is here!" A muscular man over two meters tall came out of the darkness.

"Zhang Xiaofei of the Yunnan Provincial Sanitation Group is here!" A young spectacled came out.

"Beijing City Sanitation Team ..."

"Jiangxi Sanitation Team ..."

"Gang Province Sanitation Team ..."

More than two dozen people came out of the darkness and stood in the sanitation team.

In the dark, these birds are silent, and these are the powerhouses that have long been known as sanitation. Those who have dared to come to China have heard of their names.

These people finally realized that this time the Rongdu sanitation team was not fighting alone. When the sanitation teams of various provinces cooperated with each other, their strength was terrible. This is the advantage of home battle.


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